fu@ DAILY NRW! Thursday, April 20, 1919, — _—_— —— m3 <== — yaa . are used to produce the famous THROUGH. J SS. % : SIR SAM says | 3 FOR fuses, | a4 ape \\ : And oe A " cereies Fue IF ALLISON received OR ANY other. ANY y are proud 7 bee . , : to tell your TEN per cent. WAR supply, i ‘a friends about. * * * * * * q ; Notice the numbe: Yay ICT TO ,0ople 5 ‘of Traction “ Fah ard es HE was gk ask DIRECT 'T ) people ofa 4 ar in envelopes on the car, but out QUITE entitled WHO really, make | - ‘ * * * * [ PRINTERS’ “PI.” _| Only Fine, Flavoury Teas in the open wearing the “V” smile that won't come off. Pride in possession . Sr reeeeinereetpeehneneniettaneeeneceenensti sialon nenslnnststiowennenmnnmmiianenen-soomechone _ eens SS eee ae we TO THE commission. SUCH things fe blends. Every leaf is fresh, fragrant Faff | Pealop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., | THERE were | fS EVIDENTLY, considered full of its natural deliciousness. Sold tae Sone een LS 6.7.9 CONTRACTS: placed AGAINST the rules. ity sealed packets only. B 107 = — BY THE shell committee IT IS a game, AMOUNTING to $300,000,000. OF BLIND Jan's pull o Pe rerereresesoccreesens : ; | TEN per cent. | IN which cee Don’t merely smother your cough | ox ris amount’ YOU SEARGH for. Launch Alice. ROE Soe WOULD be A MAN * * * ; Approved hb Minis WHO WILL be DI y Mini * * Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil not oaly CURE | j promptly arrests coughing, but thanks to its tonic an strengthening properties it helps the system to throw off $30,000,000. oe a? Mari; the cold and thus effects a permanentcure. It is this quality which has won for aE Tce my ee arine as a it the largest sale of any cough and cold remedy in Canada, SINCE it was ‘ PATRIOTIC enough Passenger Boat 35¢. large bottles, everywhere. ONLY British money TO search For terms and particulars J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop.. SHERBROOKE, P.Q. , . * = - ™ Call © your ode trrertsh Mathtow's Wervine Rewer, the wenterfel bentadhe cum, wal IT was eis FOR. AN( TH ER man -W. J. THOMAS, Phone re Gon : : , Green 391, . QUITE all right WHO WILL search . —_—_—_—_—_—_—_— - ——— ee eo Ree ow ae Merrerorroorooees x pete |. TO GIVE a tenth FOR SOMEONE else “The Daily News ” 4 DENTISTRY OF IT away.) Oe ee rr —— ‘TO KIND-HEARTED gentlemen GO ON searching CLASSIFIED ADS. i re A OPmDAALTY. or LIKE the colonel. 7 UNTIL HE finds rove COR: | DR. J. F. BROWN THE ESSENCE .of A MAN who will | . a * * * * } OENTIST THE COLONEL’S contract MAKE the fuses. FOR RENT—A cozy cottage, furnished, OMce: Smith Block, Third Avenue ee were ce bath, hot and cold water, $10.00. 114 catia SEEMS to have been EACH searcher 8th Avé., cor. McBride. 96 * * * * * ore ee a ae oa | THE commission. IS rewarded WANTED. * * * * * * «. : CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOSKS THE PRODUCTION of fuses ACCORDING to his ability WANTED—Capable general servant. Apply * * * * * * __925 Borden St. evenings. (86. Ra Ree oe se ent ee a gers WAS A mere detail TO ABSORB rewards * * s * . * FOR RENT—Well furnished house. Apply | 80 Cents per ft. F. 0. B. WHICH could AND WHAT is left 4 A. E. Oakley, 336 6th Ave., East, phone Prince Rupert : 7 + Sas ae a Red 271. 90. repre: i i nes ait Fe ih — repentant Vg epctlaerciee'« aoremsens Concrete Works, McBride St. TAKE CARE of, itself. GOES to pay 4 WANTED—Three Loggers. Apply Williams Me -f i ea & Manson. OF) csi TO LET contracts FOR the fuses, 7 ps si Ket oud PankiaP ene RN ena et eee a oe me WANTED—Kitchen Range. Must be cheap. | 4 a re Deca | MINERAL ACT \ rine fod tr, “| AKERBERG, THOMSON | WANTED——General servant, apply Mrs. A. ’ L l N S N S eae Wy Gutstels, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue COMPANY ocal {Vews /Vote: Certificate of Improvements ¥ Phone 492. tf. , o 6 NOTICE FOR SALE Sole Agents for the “Albion” and “Sunbeam’’ Mineral Claims, : f Jage av s Ss if isis ate » Skeena } (isto : ; PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY Page Bayles, of Spokane, i pa Ries Keena Mining Division of FOR SALE—Eges from pure bred Ancona PHONE 525 visiting in the city. Where located:-—About flve miles from hens. Excellent all winter layers. Very eae pee » * * the head of Alice Arm on “Middle Creek.” large white eggs. $1.00 per setting.’ _ TAKE NOTICE that I, Wm. T. Kergin aa Apply box 103, Daily News. AAO ees eg George B, Hull returned from |or prince Rupert, B. C., Free Miner's Cer- . ad Sutin ” Ri as sheet oN ta itll ies PP PL LP SPSL OL PPD LODDD OD OGLE 6 a ‘ e 2 : > V: ‘ ‘er thi . : tiNeate No. 94035B, intend sixty days from FOR SALE—Cecillan Buttercup eges for SPECIAL EVERY DAY ancouver 1s morning. the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Setting, $1.50 per setting, guarauteed. TOMATO SAUSAGE Pt Puy Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, _ Messrs. Leys, Porcher Island. iat ee 90 Mrs Griffiths “atur : thie for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant se wists HARRY ATKINS fj Mts: “rittte returned tis} ie tore iin. | SALE D-HARTER CHEAP, p : ce ‘ ‘ther take 6 ac on: ‘ ! : "a aah acer e ; me oo morning from a visit south. And further take notice that action, un sh ] { ae er fe oan a i: 8 Dp. FAMILY BUTCHER * ; der section 37, must be commenced before Jnion gas engine, Fish tank. pply to ao : eee the issue of such Certificate of Improve- } Adams’ Grocery Store, Seal Cove, Prince |% UALITY IN ALL MEATS TI ; S ments. After the 4 Rupert a7 \|eoe o 3est quality of household lump feng ef bee ae ee ; , | Dated this 16th day of March, A. D. skin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales the ’ ss : and nut coal. Prince Rupert Coa! | 4916, je7 F Pi tae ee eae aero MINERAL ACT Os, howe 46 t! WM. T. KERGIN. aroma of freshly cut flowers. , . - , 4 ”? ° “4 ° a ° He News. tr. Certificate of Improvements et a = = | Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some measure . Tate ae ae Pe NOTICE ; & Salvation Army. the refreshing sleep which “Baby’s Own Soap” babies FOR SALE—Launch Impala, 48ft. x 11 1-2 siiver Bow Mineral Claim, situate in the Charles Clayton, who has been neers enjoy. Especially for nursery use insist on “Baby’s Own” F a us oe Pola Me Be ein skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. away from his ranch on the is- Public meetings, Tuesday, met taed y | s ull is a ‘and en ke | Where located:—At the head of a branch r Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m Pully equipped and in number one order (or Lime Creek about four miles from the|lands for some months, will golg.4 0. ay 7. Fs: Apply Wm. Sutherland, Bella Coola, B. C. lpeach on the south side of Alice Arm. Sundays at 7:30 p.m TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden,| Over there today. SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso wR g . line engine, new, 8165 freight paid Free Miner's Certificate No, 94096B, acting s s s j , Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor |#5 ®8ent for Thos. McRostie, Free Miner’s / if ; ee a agian le te : . a Certificate No. 69991B, and James L. Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Larkworthy, io -~- —_—_—_—__——_ ——————|Free Miner’s Certificate No, 87966B, in-| qf Hazelton, returned from the se DORR e DOP PR REORDER IRD SPOOL OIL LS OOF tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to f i Hh : : > . apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certin-|SOuth this morning and left for , P ese avi 4 ad ( cate of Improvements, for the purpose Of | home ,¢ : at @ e } id { Thc? mUpert ree P be obtaining a Crown Grant of the above h : m the PON: & agit) P. ©. Box 333. 908 Third Ave. claim. mee And further take notice that action . : RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS : under section 85, must be commenced be- : : H. Maynard, who ha ; been aQiv WE HANDLE fore the issue of such Certificate of Im-|discharged from active service on : provements. ce , : oF ale a) Cxcmmemnrsrmeen 2297 saint Neted this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916,|2°COUNt of wounds, arrived from Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele’s, GEORGE R. NADEN. , Victoria today. He looks re- , and Brigg’s. markably fit and well, “s ; ; 3 Garden and Field Seeds. MINERAL ACT a ee O win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire ; will require to put forth its full collective power in men and in money. From Also Fertilizers. Certificate of Improvements The oil-tanker Azoi came in this viewpointit is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our We Take Orders for Nursery NOTICE this morning with a cargo for productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy, which reduces to the minimum Stock. Busin Mineral Claim, situate in the : rs : all expenditures upon luxuries and non-essentials. Only in this way shall we be able H Gral win es Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District.|the Imperial Oil Company. She to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from indus- ay, rain and ee ‘ Where located:—About four miles from a tee i cas Nini y trial activities, repair the wastage of the war, and find the funds forits continuance. It ie) Vancouver Prices. the beach on the south side of Alice Arm|*“4ed up the harbor in com- cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest is , Varies at the head of a branch of Lime Creek. pany with the Prince Rupert. burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that industry and thrift are, for those Chicken Feed A Specialty. TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, + p + who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment i Free Miner’s Certificate No. 94096B, in- our success, and consequently our national safety, may ultimately depend.” H Mall Orders Promptly Attended To tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to]. The Callies football team will SIR THOMAS WHITE, Minister of Finance, Ve owe P apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certif- 6 tt ball’ rolli bein seat Aael { cate of Improvements, for the purpose of S¢ 1e ba rolling or ue rs ai} ie obtaining a Crown Grant of the above/time this season when they mee : { claim, : th by BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC And further take notice that action, a eam representing the resh PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. a : * under section 85, must be commenced be-| Prince Rupert on Recreation. Park R j ‘ LUMP fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- ne | o on Friday at 3 p.m MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT provements, ? Cea, : C O A J Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916. — e9 C ' GEORGE R. NADEN, Alderman Casey returned yos- SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE f a ig | $9.50 per Ton — Cash on NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE /terday from the Alice Arm dis- : Delivery IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN : k A CU Money Back. if Mot Gatie- §| NOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT, p, c, ‘/'"Io% Where ‘he has some mining SPEND MONEY WISELY. f 1% Between; Irving N. Linnell, judgment|property, George has contract« Li factory Crediton, and Nick Zielo, Judgment} , very severe cold, and his friends (im WAmLCn Asih eae \ a ‘ i 4 UNION TRANSFER CO Pursuant to an order of His Honor Judge|are Offering him the usual num- The war is ”" tiening® Sat At allt Aer. US AT. Legs a MATER! f | : a . . 4 , . Tae . ar is 4 ning Ona contest of a orces egin at home. ‘The larger portion of salarics / F. MeB, Young, judge of the County Court i ’ SSE gts nee ie FC gin a ger | ee id 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 of Atlin, dated the 7th day of March, ber of free prescriptions. and resources—men, munitions, food, money. The | and wages is spent on the home—food, fuel ity i . 1916, 1 will offer for sale by public auc- ea 6 call to all is to produce more and more. It may be | clothing. Are any of these things being wasted HH >. A eelnengeeneeetereese ——.} tion at my office in the Courthouse, Prince : 4 necessary to work harder. The place of those who | $20.00 a year saved from waste in every home Rupert, B. C., on Wednesday the 96th Major Huntington, who spent oniiae Shee pe then OY aepone at home, men and | Canada will more than pay the interest on a war ccbl oe eecsoee 1 Be My 5 ' . ate, 1en, old and young. : : we e , r $5 sae ‘ day of April, 1916, at the hour of 11]some time here recruiting for the TiOee We Con Gave PON iGe ei e Pee S08 | OF GRUO,CUR ina ‘ HANDY WORK OF -ALL DEScRIP- aie aa" tha’ teeinana aka aeneine pees Wi at A duce more on the farms and f Val ps a ain ld ls pepe ere Sah , 402nd, came north on the Prince in the gardens, Save more and help to win the war, LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY tii Lot twenty-four (24), Block twenty-|Rupert this morning. He is now LET US NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR— Aro you spending your money to the best tage? What do you think of extravagance la 9 VACUUM CLEANING CO. peven (97), Section seven (7), in the) ooeniting for the American Le. 4 city of Prince Rupert, Province of British In this war-time all labour should be directly pro- | time? Tens of thousands of Canadians ar We Clean Homes, Offices, Churches -$\ Columbia, Map 923, subject to a judg-| gion. ductive or should be assisting in production, Make it | risking their lives for us at home. Is it not our duty ‘ Lodge and School. rooms at low ment against Nick Zielo in favor of Irving Bs as efficient as possible. If your labour is on something | to be careful and economical? Canadian dollars ar i aor Br incl thee eas ae” Secchi cee ag eres be postponed, put Bon til after the war and | an important part of the war equipment. a, on m i Mec ak mas taka, cnteaas tedh ak iad mcd Ka wes Plymouth arse your labour tell now. Making war is the first | tell. Have a War Savings Account. uy a Wi j GOOD WORK GUARANTEED Su eee oat oe ee ts , § ] y ull pusinsas of all Canadians. _ Efficiency in labour is as | Bond. Hy % ith day of Jaunary, 1916, and the costs tock setting eges, from first prize SARIAAEE 96 SeeCHORCY be fighting. i All Orders Attended to immediately. nnee a the sale, winning stock, Prince Rupert and 3 Said judgment was registered in the|,, 5 ‘ Te OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. cag gg wer Prats erry p.| Vancouver winter shows. $1.50 HE GOVERNMENT OF GANADA E a . 1 day of January, 1916. ay «setting y We 5 1e ‘ f PHONE GREEN 268. JOHN SHIRLEY, per setting. W. Grant, 5th Ave, THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANC . A Sheriff of the County of Atlin,}@Nd Green st, 98, | ‘