oe — PO insulated vey, Nes dk ie PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1916. ew — Spee i A ncn nan mn PRICE FIVE ( APSE LO sath etl CANAAN HEROISM ON WESTERN FRONT —_— = CARNIVAL OF THE ALLIES OPENS S AT EXHIBITION BUILDING TONIGHT AT SIX SHELL COMMITTEE PROVIDED FEAST FOR YANKEE GRAFTERS INDUSTRIAL CANADA SHOWS HOW A CANADIAN FIRM WAS TREATED BY SHELL COMMITTEE—REFERRED TO COL. ALLISON AFTER CONTRACT WAS PROMISED ——$ |put in many days of arduous work | rhe following is an extractjning the war, there is no getting from an editorial in Industrialjaway from the fact that the situ- Canada reproduced by The Globe: The Fuse Scandal. The political explosion in the House of Commons caused by the made in ation was intolerable, and thot the license to loot had to be ter- | | ninated, The Prime Minister’s own rec. | connection/ord precludes the thought that with the fuse contracts was the/his refusal to intervene was due inevitable result of the “hands |} to any desire to shield’ corrup- off” policy which the Prime Min-]| tion, The only ister, from the beginning of the|ean offer is that, war, has insisted on applying to denco disclosures explanation we despite the evi- supplied him, he accepted all matters affecting the Ministry the denials and the indignant re- of Militia and Defence, No decent man pudiations of his colleague as a takes pleasure | sy Meient answer to the charges in deliberately embarrassing the] o¢ pig friends. Under these cir- government of his country when cumstances there was only one his country is engaged in a life/thing to do, and that was to struggle for liberty}.mash down the barriers of re- In such a crisis ther and death and justice, serve and uncover the rottenness is a well recognized and a wellltnhat lay beyond, regardless of obeyed call for unity of effort, for feelings that unity of action, which being might be hurt, of leads tOlpeputations that might be dam- shortcomings overlooked that aged and of heads might and honest mistakes forgiven. No have to be sacrificed. What Constitutes Guilt? While it must be borne in mind that so far one side of the story, thinkable that an of Allison's the splendid charactep given him Unless the one expects that those in posi- lions of responsibility shall prove themselves infallible, one has a right to expect when le approaches the government in 4 spirit of but every- : we have heard only it is hardly investigation helpfulness to point record will justify whose existence he can prove, that he be received as a friend, and that his advice out weaknesses by Sir Sam Hughes. original documents quoted by Mr. Kyte man’s ve acted upon, or at least that die exist only in that Allison, far from serving his country without tbe not rejected without proper ; ; Imagination, Consideration, In such a spirit the Canadian \ DaETe mad a cent of compensation, bled _ it fanufacturers’ Association ap- : : out of all proportion to the ser- proached the government eighteen Months ago. The reception given ! There is, of course, ls suggestions was not of a char- Phere ees: acter calculated to invite further *0-0peration. In Alli- son is alleged to have put through. : {mission for a deal sueh as such a spirit political supporters and political opp ; |Its action would be reprehensible | ¢ Ponents of the government, pri- sin} lyvat f ; ; ; ‘ofited unduly, or Vately at first and latterly in pub-|!! be Profites OW lie, Warned the Prime Minister not merely of possible, but of Certain trouble, greed forced , the larger Their Were likewise allowed to pass un- heeded. him. warnings Neither There are importance to the claim limits to the pa- lience of loyal citizens, War time, deplore t) contracts were negotiated with even in and much as we may le disgrace that the fuse Scandal has brought home to ( anada, “mushroom” companies, for if a commission had to be paid any little it showed in the records |¢ way, it made difference publicly and warmly as we m; “ may resent the effort to make whether Politica) capital out of it at a to a holding company. ford and ’ cs time When OUr National energies| 9 Our opinion, if — all to be centred on win. |be reached in the way Mr. SPER would reached, it will only be by estab-|Mr. fact that he was act- Shell Committee, reecccccesenpeeniiie tiie tite WESTHOLMRE lishing the Hou ERA HOUSE Ouse of Classical Productions. SPECIAL 7-REEL PROGRAM TOPICAL BUDGET tah Latest _War news, “DOG oF FLANDE “atun RS” : ‘ADA y , sovner Featuring Marguerite Snow—2acts, in an, exceedingly tight corner, ° ibility. maTan McCALLISTER’S HEIR” Fixing the Response y fh — _Prama—Two Acts, In this connection Messrs. T, Lloyd Harris of ing for the The for the Minister of Militia, in a fiduciary be proven, and if the charges ad- vanced by Mr. stantiated, then Allison will be “IMITATION” A, Russell and somedy, G ued on Page Two) “SERVANT oUPeRenpan™ (Continuec nen ee “ma Comedy, 7 : LLING THe MILITANT” 25 cents pays for a dandy sup- ATES Come i ____ Comedy, per at the Russian Booth tonight, Don't forget the Seria) “QRART! Ke Ist Episode of the Starts next Wed- Nesday ang Thursday, Hotel. 97, the building ltransformed, the ladies having | | French, | booths, while a sulfliciently strong incentive { all to be present. ito ENGAGEMENT OF THEO. vice he rendered, and will shortly . take nothing |tween J.J criminal jn the taking of a com- Rupert, B. C.,, Belgian if his|}Gardner, only payment of} Robert prices than the business|london, and granddaughter of ni jnish any of the money for con. | the warranted, but even for that it is}jate Walter Gardner, | going doubtful if our laws could touch|B,, do we attach much | brooke s-road, St. Leonards-on-sea. they that the]- . as a commission or as a profit}/two of their number, f Allison is to}to a farewell supper. Kyte|about twenty-five present and a | evidently like to see him]|most enjoyable evening was spent.) building purposes, but have not | join the 68th orjand Mr. Juneau, capacity. If that can]month, Kyte can be sub-|ALICE ARM SEES played at Alice Arm was broughtlat the general hospital yesterday off yesterday between a team rep-|lat 4 a.m, and Anyox, Bock Beer on tap at the Savoy a GRAND CARNIVAL E. J. CHAMBERLIN'S REPLY OPENS THIS EVENING) REGARDING THE DRYDOCK| Tonight at six o’clock the Car-| The fal corks letter has been jreceived by the mayor from the presidnt of the G. T. P, interior of jto ‘his letter nival of the Allies opens at the Mxhibition Building, in aid of Red Cross fund. The has been completely dook: | P.. McCaffery, : Prince Rupert, B, G., in preparing and putting in pldce = | Dear Sir:—tI yours of suitable There are} : : i/March 31st, respecting drydock cor aats jaf Prince Rupert. This company has tried to in- jLerest not only the Russian gov-| jernment, but the British govern- various | ment, in using the Prince Rupert { plant for the manufacture of mu-| nitions of war, but all reports jhas kindly lent the hie been unfavorable. Two of} old Egeria for purposes of deco- tthe principal objections are, that ration. One of the most striking lit is claimed Prince Rur pert is too exhibits will be that of the In- far from the centres which Ke the collection bei : have decorations, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Indian, Scandinavian, | Mnglish, Scotch, Irish, and Welsb | all arranged to represent | | distinctive features of the y | countries, | Captain Musgrave of the Lilloet, | flags of the ‘ aut | dian curios, Ing | nis sh material; and, secondly, that | one of the finest ever got together ithe cost of labor. is more than| In this Indian| double that in the eastern cities, ceremonial robe of great historic | collection is an jmaking it impossible to manu- value, which of course is not for| e acture shells, especially in com- sale. ‘petition with There are not so many side|turers. | Cireus, The but there is enough that is novél, eastern manufac- | shows as in the Society company has also ap-| ;proached every known vessel in- entertaining to/terest which trades between the} keep a large crowd fully occupied] Pacific coast and the Orient, in | At six)an endeavor to get them to make interesting and right up till closing time, o'clock supper will be provided at} prince Rupert a port of call, offer-| reasonable prices and dainty re-jing them a very large amount of serve | freight in return if they No one!so arrange; but the vessel ton- carnival | nage freshments will be would throughout the evening. on the coast is so limited | filled | either at Portland, Seattle or Van- | |couver, and it seems impossible | get them to eall at Prince Ru- 1 am afraid this will con- until | can afford to miss this from an entertainment standpoint | that the boats are quickly should be the cause alone —-- | pert. tinue to be the condition COLLART IS ANNOUNCED j};),,. |build and operate its own boats. | company is in a position to| A marriage has been arranged | I note what you say about the Rupert drydock . Theo. Celiart, of Prince |heavily subsidized by the govern- | . j Neutenant in the/ment. It is true that the govern- | | place be-| being | Prince {st Regiment of Chasseurs a pied, ment have agreed to give a sub- Knight of the | siay of three per cent. on a cer- C., and Clementine /tain child of the Gardner, army, srown and M, proportion of its cost for} late jtwenty years after the comple tion | Alexander oflor the dock, but they do not fur of Kelso, Gardner, 40 N./ struetion purposes, and so far | Caris- and Mrs, have declined to pay their subsidy, claim the dock is not English Exchange. completed in accordance with the contract, FAREWELL SUPPER f I hardly think it would be wise fora railway company to enter The guests at the Bayview Hotel upon a program of shipbuilding, yn Saturday evening entertained but with a view to meeting the Henry Wel- | wishes of the people on the coast Carpenter, | | we have been negotiating with There were | .ojiable parties with the object dock for George W, of leasing the ship- Welford is going south t Artillery Battalion is leaving for so far been able to make very much headway. Yours very truly, Alaska, at the end of this E. J. CHAMBERLIN. New York, April 8, 1916, OBITUARY Mrs, John Philipson, of Smith Island, Skeena river, passed away Garpentep FIRST BALL GAME The first baseball game ever Deceased was 39 years leaves a family of Death was due resenting the new mining camp,/of age and Alice Arm were win-|small children. 13 to 9, to tubercular : Philipson,* with her Booth for]formed part of the Teelander set- tonight./tlement at ,the mouth of the Skeena, meningitis, Mis. husband, ners by Be at the Russian home-cooked supper in reply | regarding the dry- Esq., Mayor of! | Vancouver, B, C., | lumber }time is transportation,” said Mr. | Bloe del, iships, as large,as are considered GENERAL PIERRE ROQUES Hitherto little known French general who was recently made War Minister, In 1906 he sue- ceeded Joffre as director of the lengineering division of the War Ministry. ‘MORE SHIPBUILDING BUSINESS IN THE SOUTH been taken Initial steps have in the organization of the Trans- Pacific Marine Company, with a capital stock of $250,000, for the purpose of entering the ship- |building business in-Puget Sound. Seattle, Bellingham, Spokane and sapitalists are behind the movement. Three ves- CANADIAN HEROISM ON WESTERN FRONT (Gourtesy Hotel Rupert. London, April 24.—The Ger- I nan reply to Presidént Wilson's note is ready and will be in Wash- ington by the end of this week. Germany suggests that President, Wilson's note is not backed by Congress. French Gains. The French have made further the Verdun front, gains at Caurette progress on making more wood, The Canadians are holding po- sitions on wet ground on the western front and also a portion of an enemy trench. Many in- stances of individual heroism are recorded, German Methods. Germany. has offered to supply Holland with troops, stating that Great Britain intends to attack her, : Canadian Casualties The total Canadian casualties at St. Eloi amount to 1869. In the Easter fighting at Verdun, regiment aftep regiment of Ger- man infantry were wiped out by a withering French artillery fire and Deadman’s Hill is heaped with There is no hope of the Germans capturing the fort, corpses. P. J, LUMSDEN REPORTED sels, each to cost from $150,000 jto $175,000, are to be built at once, the contracts to .be awarded to existing plants. Other craft |will be built at yards to be built on the Sound, the location for which has not been selected. This announcement was made iby J. Bloedel, of Seattle, ident of the Bloedel-Donovan lum- ber mills, who is one of the trus- tees of the corporation. pre Sl- “The problem confronting the manufacturers at this “It is easy to sell the lumber, but there is great difli- culty in delivering it because. of the scarcity of vessels. We are into the shipbuilding busi- ness to relieve this scarcity and to make it possible to deliver the We will probably build two of the vessels in Seattle and one at Bellingham. plans products of our mills. Tentatively the company on building at least three motor safe for the service they will through-the-canal trade to the Atlantic coast. The vessels will be wooden, of three to five masts, with auxiliary motor power, con- sisting of 600-horse power Diesel or semi-Diesel motors. The lum- ber capacity of each ship will be from 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 feet. They are to be cargo ships only.” Victoria “Times. ——— = -- The Canadian boys are display- ing great heroism on the western front and have taken German positions. Such heroism means an increased number of wounded and an increased demand for Red You can help by being at the carnival ténight. Cross supplies, Bock Beer just arrived this morning,’ Savoy Hotel. perform, activity in coastwise and SERIOUSLY WOUNDED In the latest casualty. list ap- pears the name of Lance Corporal! P, J. Lumsden, of the Pioneers. Mr. Lumsden left here in Major MeMordie’s company. He was an active of the Baptist chureh, and was one of the’most popular members of its Young People’s Society. He is reported as “seriously wounded.” member SUN AND TIDE SUN NSes.; . beeen 5:26 a. m. Sun 0ts.', wa eae 7:54 p. m. High water..7:10 a. m. Ht. 17.2 Low water....41:55 p. m. Ht. 5.5 High water..8:34 p, m. Ht. 47.0 Low water.....: 1:2 a. m. Ht.-9.5 Captain McGee, M. M, §..A. MAJESTIC :; THEATRE HOUSE OF QUALITY PICTURES . Tonight end Tomorrow j ae GREAT HOLIE DAY PROGRAM ANITA STEWART EARLE WILLIAMS SYDNEY DREW HELEN HOLMES ALL HERE TONIGHT “THE GODDESS” 7th Episode. “THE HUMAN CHAIN” . “THE HAZARDS OF HELEN” “BEAUTIFUL THOUGHTS” Comedy. “AND BY THESE DEEDS” Two-reel Drama, A Magnificent Seven-reel Program Usual Prices. Go TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik, Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES 25 cents, : PS RR en