aera i ' ’ er ert. en@ waiLY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation The Bread Problem is where Shredded Wheat is known. The whole wheat grain is the real staff of life, HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. and you have it in Shredded Wheat Biscuit prepared in a digestible form. It con- not a problem in the home /‘!!!se": referred to Gol. have claim they were who was said to ithe matter in hand with pros- | pective contractors in the U nited The fact that momentarily expected from IStates. ienders J were ithose contractors was alleged as le further reason why Russell and | | TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Gontract| tains more real body-build- [ could mot be given a rates on application, ing material than meat or |a)ance to make the fuses in eggs, is more easily digested, |... aca DAILY EDITION agian Monday, April 24, 1916. and costs much less. The rnske gentlemen persisted, — ——— TE food = ph Sra ae ower: and in the end they BANK OF B. N. A. its staff to the war, while four ad Ge bai fan. Shak ‘id. were given a promise that 1,000,- We publish jin this issue the of these have gone from the dies that need a_ well-bal- jo00 of the 5,000,000 fuses re- 80th annual statement of the Prince Rupert branch, one es anced food for study or play jaw ed would be held pending the Bank of British North America, whom, Frank Holland, has forthe housewife who must | pt of a tender from them, which was presented at the ane] given the last sacrifice for his save herself from kitchen I viding that tenders were sub- nual meeting on March 7th! country. | drudgery. Delicious for |mitted within a reasonable time. last. The outstanding feature | The following remarks of | breakfast or any meal, with |i is perhaps significant that a in the balance sheet is the | the general manager are in| milk or cream. reasonable time in their case was bank's strength in liquid as-| teresting: “Present Solaatena| 4 defined as two weeks, notwith- | sets, the amount of bullion and| offer mo basis for predictions | Made in Canada. j sta ding the fact that Allison had legal tender notes, $10,576, -| regarding the future as they SMM Re eee he ete ae ' ne Ipresumably been busy on_ the 299.00, being only $545 ,066.00 | are in Canada, as everywhere, ‘SHELL COMMITTEE PROVIDED 9 proposition for five months with. | less than that shown a year| abnormal, and will give way to} FEAST FOR YANKEE GRAFTERs | Continued on Pcge Three other conditions when the war ends. We fortunately have in Ganada the means of giving employment to all will adapt themselves to it, viz. the cultivation of the soil, and’ the ago when we were undergoing ! the strain and uncertainty. of} the early months of the war. | Themaintenance of this condi- | tion naturally affected the/ profits of the bank during the | who past vear, but the directors, in} greater the number of people their cautious and _ prudent} so employed the quicker will policy, felt that the sharehold-| be our return to normal con- ers would be equally anxious ditions of business and living.’ that “the credit and standing of the bank—built up through NOTES AND COMMENTS the eighty years of its history | —should be put in fhe fore- front and subordinate profits and distributions to that.” The general manager, Mr. H. B. Mackenzie, in addressing the | shareholders, said, in dealing with the present financial con- dition, that the outbreak of hostilities found Canada set- ting its house in order after | the collapse of the real estate | boom. He said that the pro-| cess was far from complete |COUVEr Grits and that under present condi- |*!ection methods. tions the country was natural- |Teally doing is to ly not improving financially, the sort of election methods they on the contrary it was getting) not tolerate. into debt at a rate which, in tn. *eahiog: der ordinary conditions, be alarming, but which pres- slated for the portfolice of agri- . oval William will get a very ent circumstances rendered unh-| avoidable if they were to do different kind of a slating when , he faces T. D. Pattullo in July. their duty to the Empire, for that. object Canada and e. @. 6 prepared to go to the limit of, be It is certain that a big Russian force has been landed in | France and things are going t: ibe distinctly interesting for the this summer. now Germans Allison than man, him. Colonel John Wesley says that he |when the war" began. * ‘feel extremely sorry for * . . is poorer now Poor ;we The Journal says that the Van- are exposing their What they are} demonstrate will i nr Manson is w ould | was | The general opinion seems to that President Wilson has written his last note to Germany ;and is now satisfied that in th case the pen is not mightier than the its resources. In cannection with the war, it is interesting to note that the Bank of B. N. A. has sword. given 225 members of " es 710 SECOND AVE Suilders’' Hardware Stee! Blocks Pipe Fittings Ship Chandlery Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Ammunition Carpenters’ Too!s Wire Cable fron Pipe Rope Valves Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron | “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FRED STORK’S HARDWARE fn ng —— SEE oe Get“More Money” for your Foxes Muskrat; White Weasel, Beaver, Lynx, Wolves, Marten and other Fur bearers collect SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to “SHU BERT™ the house in the Werld dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW a reliable—responsible—safe Fur House with an unblemished rep- Btation existing for “more than a third of a century.” a long su Cessful record of sending Pur Shi pare vromue.8 SATISPACTC RY AND PROFITABLE returns. rite for “te the only reliable. accurate market report and price list pubhshed. Write for it—-NOW —it’s FREE A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. 2527 YESRAUSTN AYE ® Dept.c 71 CHICAGO, U.S.A. ial ed im yoursection - i (Continued from Page One.) the Russell Motor Car Co., ing evidence to offer when proper time comes. Shell 1944, to these business hands of the from November, 1945, heard April, gentlemen that before of the going begging, They first information York from Sir Sam Hughes, Who by personal in- troduction referred them to Alli- the Manhattan Hotel for Preferring to do busi- the Shell Com- Russell and Harris apparently received their about it in New son in details. ness direct with mittee, Messrs. went to Montreal and made over- jtures to the |General Bertram and Cofdnel Car- jnegie. At first officials itried to put them off by express- jing the opinion that the problem iwas too big and too intricate for committee through these men of their limited experience. :On pressing for an opportunity to submit a. proposition, they LAND REGISTRY ACT. Notice Under Section 36- TAKE NOTICE that an application bas been made to register Olaf Hanson, of Prince Rupert, B. C., as the owner in Fee-simple, under a Tax Sale Deed from the Cellector of the City of Prince Rupert to Olaf Hanson, bearing date the 10th day of September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance of a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on or about the 9th day of September, 1914, of all and singular certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rupert in the Province of British Columbia, more pra- ticularly known and described as:—Lot ten (10), Block eighteen (18), Section six (6), Map 923. You and those claiming through or under you, and all persons claiming any {nteres\ in the said land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of the “Land Registry Act” are required ic contest the claim of the tax purchaser within forty-fve days of the service of this notice upon you. Otherwise you and each of you will be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the said land, and I shal! register the said Olaf Hanson as owner in fee. Your attention is called to section 34 of the “Land Registry Act” and amend ments, and especially to the following ex tract therefrom which relates to the above notice. “and in default of a caveat or certificate of Ms pendens being fled before the registration as owner of the persons en titled under such tax sale, all perséns s served with notice, or served with notice under subsection (6) of section 155 of the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec- tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section 139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903," or section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases in which notice under this Act is dispensed with as hereinafter provided, and those claiming through or under them and a persons claiming any interest in the land by virtue of any unMregistered instrument and all persons claiming any interest the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act shall be for ever estopped and debarre from setting up any cisim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes.” Dated at the Land Registry Office, a: the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, this 19th day of January A. D. 1916. 7 H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. To Paul M. Schubert, Lily Schubert. Ltd., | _ Emergencies will probably have some interest- | the} | tack, or when | coming on—promptly move the The fuse orders had lain in the} j Committee | was) For When you have a bilious at- you feel illness bowels, start the liver working and put your entire digestive system in good shape with a dose or two of the time-tested BEL You will welcome the quick relief and often ward off a severe illness. Beecham’s Pills are carefully compounded from vegetable products —mild, harmless, and not habit-form- ing. Buy a box now. You don’t know when you may need Beecham’s Pills. A reliable family remedy that always Should Be at Hand Congas Sele ot Dy Se boxes, 25 cents. LAND REGISTRY ACT- Notice Under Section 36- TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made to register Sven Holmquist, of Prince Rupert, as the owner in Fee-simple, under two Tax Sale Deeds from the col- lector of the City of Prince Sven Holmquist, bearing date me 17th day of September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance of a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on r about the ¥th day of September, of all and singular certain parcel of land and premises situate, lying, being in the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, more par ticularly known and described as:-—Lot three (3), Block forty-fve (45), $ i eight (8), and Lot four (4), Bloc five (35), Section eight (8), Map 923. you, and all persons claiming any interest in the said land by descent whx is not registered under the provisions of the “Land Registry Act} are contest the claim of the tax within forty-five days of the this notice upon you. Otherwise purchaser service of debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the said land, and I shall register the said Sven Holmquist as owner in fee. Your attention is called to of the “Land Registry Act” ments, and especially to the following ex- tract therefrom which relates to the above notice. section 36 being Miled before the owner of the persons en- all persons so of lis pendens registration as titled under such tax sale, served with notice, or served with notice under subsection (6) of section 155 of the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section 139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903," or section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases in which notice under this Act is dispensed with as hereinafter provided, and those claiming through or under them and al! persons Claiming any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes Dated at the Land Registry OMce, at the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, inis 10th day of January, A. D. 1916. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. To Grand Trunk Pacific Development Co., Lid., J. P. Conrad, Jack Jenkins, Mrs Cc. R. McDonald. Rupert, to} 1944, | or tract/ and |! You apd those claiming through or under | i se title | } 1945. required to} iz * B C UNDERTAKERS |= FIRE ALARM SYSTEM + ° ° | e ’ + FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EmM- > CIRCUIT WO. 1 t SALWERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- * » * Gox 12-5tb St. and fro Are » — Pare. eer: ear $ Sox 136th St. and 3rd Ave ® 197 38RD STRERT PHONE 41 | Box 14—8th St. and tra Ave ; |X Sox 18—Junction of ist, tod and § ore 1F 3rd Aves i | Gox 1@—1st Ave, between Sth and y Alea M. Manson, B.A. Seek eke (tens Hotel * W. E. Williams, B.A., L.L.B Box 17—1St Ave. and 7th St. (Ceo { WILLIAMS & MANSON iz tral Howl : Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. i ~~ a t MONEY TO LOAN |*® gor 22—8rd Ave. and sro si # Box 1585 = (vost Omce.) i Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C | *® Box 28—ird Ave. and McBride st # z Bos 26—ist Ave. and McBride St y MINERAL ACT ; Box 26—2nd Ave. and #nd st x Rivermouth Fractional mineral om, 1 a i ~~ > — & t situated in the Skeena Mining Division of | ¥ a 27— . + -assiar District. x cmeurr nO. 3 t Where located:—At the head of Alice st : jArm, adjoining the Rivermouth and Cart- Sex 31— Sth Ave. sad Pultoe ¢ + boo mineral claims. % Sox 32—Borcen and Taylor Sts * TAKE NOTICE that I, G. R. Naden, Free| ¥ Sox 8¢—7tb Ave. and Fulwon StF Miners’ Certificate No. 94,096B, acting as * Bor 36-——vib Ave. and mor ave agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners’ Cer- Sox $7—Sth Ave. snd Dodge | : feate No. 93,917B. intend, sixty days Bor 388 —4th Ave. apd Thomptcs > + m the date hereof, to apply to the! > Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im- | # qunourr pe “ uo ie z provements, for the purpose of obtaining P- Box 41—4tb Ave. and Emmerse | s Crown Grant of the above claim. ig Pb ae And further take motice that action,| ¥ Sex 42--sth Ave. and & a nder section 85, must be commenced be-| | Box 48—5tD Ave. and Green “* > fore the issue of such Certificate of Im-| % Box @4—6th Ave and Basi! °* 7 provements. Boa 45—7th Ave. and Eberts » Dated this 23rd day of December, A. D Ges 148—-8@ Ave. end Yams 67 rr you and} each of you will be forever estopped and/| and amend- | “and in default of a caveat or certificate Monday, April 24, 1945 ——$—___. 8. S. PRINCE RUPERT For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle every Sati; day:at 9 a.m. For Anyox (Granby B ‘) every Thursday at 12 Midnight. ‘ie S. 8. PRINCE JOHN For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagy every Thursday at 12 Re” 8S, S. FRINCE ALBERT For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Kincolith, Anyox, Alice Arm anq Stewar April 1, 15, 20—-May 13, 27, at 12 Midnight For Masset, Port Clements, and Naden Harbor, Aprjl 3, 17- May 1, 15, 99 At 12 Midnight. 3 For Queen Charlotte City, Skidegate, Lockeport and Jedway, Apri; 5, 19, May 38, 17, 31, at 8 p. m. For Surf Inlet, Bella Bella, Namu, Alert Bay and Vancouver, Aprij 7, 24 May 5, 19—June 2, at 12 Midnight. G. T. P. TRAIN SERVICE Prince Rupert on Mondays and Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, All Eastern Points, “THE ROAD OF MARVELLOUS SCENERY” carrying passenger Thursday Montreal, New Passenger Trains leave a. m. for Edmoton, On Saturdays also mixed train, coach, leave monton at 6 a. m., Making close connections there with regular passe tralin for Winnipeg. For Steamship and Sleeping Car Reservations, and { information regarding travel to any part of the world app); G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AVENUE. PHONE 2¢0. ALBERT DAVIDSON, General Agent. G. F. JOHNSON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Agency all Atlantic and Trans-Pacific Steamship Lines, GO, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ee Le La LE as Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Meals and Berth included on Steamer PRINCESS MAQUINNA SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY 6 P. M. PRINCESS SOPHIA wa yi REASEAS PORTS THURS., 27TH. J. 1. PETERS, General Agent Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C, eee eee eee eeeesereely Apr. 2. | 7 cuts Monday’s labor clean in half. The Sunlight way is so eas) --just note. First you soap the garment; then roll tosoak. After a while | rinse it thoroughly and dirt drops out like magic. oO Why scrub, and rub, wear and tear the clothes when the gentle st rength : Sunlight Soap will do work with never a hurt fabric or hands. Try it once— this Sunlight way. At all grocers ee SST ie a —— — EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR ——__—__—_— F. G. DAWSON at pe PRINCE RUPERT, © ©