Monday, April 24, 1916. THR DAILY NEWS. SS —Stop it Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- i mucnous membranes an moreover apt to carry disease to others. " Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly stops coughing, and soon, thanks to its tonic properties, effects a Sees ; e won u arity of Mathieu's Spay of Tar and od Liver Oil is specially due to rn t ag asa permanent lung and bron- ehial healer. r Sold everywhere, 35c large bottles. & L. MATHIEU CO. Prop. Sherdrooke, P.Q. HR DREAMS. | mehr ster germ CAME TRUE bearable from Indigestion Life ih Restored by “Feuit-a-tives” = ee £ ———s “MELLE. C. GAUDREAU Rochon P.Q., Jan. 14th, 1915. terrible 1m pecame thin and miserable. I had frequent dizzy spells and became so run down that I never thought I would get wi \| again, A neighbor advised me to try ‘Fruit- stives’. I did so and to the surprise of ny doctor, I began to improve and peodvised metogoon with ‘Fruit-a-tives’, I continued this medicine and all my Indigestion and Constipation was snarar relieved. I consider that I owe my life ak oe to ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and I want to say to soot me find them» th “{ suffered for many years with OLD WA ligestion and Constipation. 1 yn ee ee A Real Lever Simulation firm. We ars giv Watches to thous: world s adve.tisement. ms and show nm the las Don't think thie offer those who suffer from Indigestion, i Gants toder od ors Constipation or Headaches, try ‘Fruit- atives’. Give this lovely fruit medicine TGH FREE. A_ straightforward generous offer trom on establi«hec pewle all over the Un } be on the way, and regardless of f | the promise given to hold at nt fF least a portion of the business ’ ur whol is a fair chance and you will get well the I did’. ane ne CORINE GAUDREAU. f0c, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit--tives Limited, Ottawz. MINERAL ACT Notice to Delinquent Partners. To G@. W. Maxwell and Charlies Nicholson. TAKE NOTICE that whereas I have done and caused to be done assessment work on the Wolf Mineral claim, situated at the head of Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, in the Skeena mining division of Skeena dis- trict, assessment work for the years 1913, 114, and 1015, and have paid for said work and recording same, the sum of $907.50. Unless you pay me the sum of $231.50, for your share of the said as- sessment work, together with the cost of this advertisement, I shall, at the expira- tion of ninety (90) days from the date hereof apply to the mining recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C., to have your ipter- ests In the Wolf mineral claim vested in ee of the provisions of the SUBSCRIBE FOR Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C,, this 19th tp STANK, THE DAILY NEWS, . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Largest Circula- $ THERE tion means the } {§ Best Advertising A : Medium :: } REASON Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern : British Columbia :: Three quarters ot the local Ad- vertising is done in the DailyNews ee Prince : Rupert’s Leading Paper! . Read . ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ |\SHELL COMMITTEE PROVIDED FEAST FOR YANKEE GRAFTERS (Continued from Page two.) lout being able to offer anything | definite. | It was no small job to learn | pomiethtan of the process of fuse- making, to secure options on re- |quisite machinery and material, jto line up the necessary technical lhelp, and to arrange for a eredit |from the bank, all in a period of ltwo weeks. But these gentlemen jdid it, and what is more, they | notified the committee when their time was only half up that their proposition would be ready on the |date specified. And now fop the fact that re- lquires explanation. On May 25, 1915, the Russell tender was turned in, offering to make 1,000,- 1000 fuses at $4.20, On May 19, | iwithout waiting for this competi- | tive tender, which was known to open, the committee awarded contracts for the whole of the 5,000,000 fuses to the companies promoted by Allison and his as- sociates, a small fraction of them at $4.00, but the majority of them at £4.50. The loss in money is a matter of easy calculation from the records of the committee. The loss in time of delivery is also determinable, because where- as the United States contractors have fallen far behind with their obligations, the Russell Motor Car Company are now delivering ahead of time under a contract they subsequently secured at $3.70, The indirect loss to Can- ada and to the Empire through the sacrifice of domestic to for- eign enterprise is beyond compu- tation. General Bertram we firmly be- lieve is a man of honor, and so is Colonel Carnegie. They gave ja promise in the full expectation ‘that they could and would keep it. But they did not keep it, and moreover, they gave no satisfac- tory explanation of their failure to keep it. Why? Did they find themselves under orders they had not anticipated, orders that forced them to break theip word? If so, from whom did those orders ema- nate? CENSORED Red Cross Carnival. Monday and Tuesday of next week will be the event of the year, all ladies donating fancy work and sewing wil! kindly send in same before Monday noon to Mrs. Frizzell’s store, 3rd Ave., or the Prince Rupert Grocery, cor. Fulton St., and 6th Ave. Home cooking for the Welsh Booth in abundance is wanted Monday and Tuesday. Ladies, this is the supreme ef- fort to raise money for Red Cross work. Our boys are fighting to- day at St, Eloi and other battle- fields in France. The wounded must have every comfort we can give them, now is the opportunity to do our bit and assist the noble nurses who night and day nurse and eare for the wounded men who have been fighting for us. Everybody invited to help. See The Bank of British North America ESTABLISHED IN 1836 Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1840. PAID-UP CAPITAL, $4,866,666.67 RESERVE FUND, $3,017,333.34 Eightieth Annual Report and Balance Sheet Report of the Directors of The Bank of British North America, Presented to the Proprietors at Their Eightieth Yearly General Meeting, on Tuesday, March 7th, 1916. The Court of Directors submit the accompanying Balance Sheet to 30th November last. It will be seen that the profits for the Year, including $167,081.66 brought forward from 30th November, 1914, amount to $495,677.00 of which $194,666.66 was appropriated to a dividend paid last October, leaving a balance of $301,010.34 out of which the Directors propose to declare a Dividend of 380s. per Share, payable, less Income Tax, on 7th April next,deaving, after the special appropriations mentioned in the Balance Sheet, an amount of $52,175.71 to be carried forward. The above Divniend will make a distribution of 7 per cent. for the Year. The Dividend Warrants will be re:nitted to the Proprietors on the 6th April next. During the year ended 30th November last, the following six Branches and Sub-Branches have been closed: Fort George, B.C. (transferred to Prince George, B.C.); Lytton, B.C.; James Bay, Victoria, B.C.; Bella Coola, B.C.; Mount Dennis, Ont.; and Burdett, Alta. The following appropriations from the Profit and Loss Account have been made for the benefit of the Staff, viz:— To the Officers’ Widows and Orphans Fund..........+.. §$ 8,727.63 ~ eS Pension: Pund., v5:0bis 0208s sess ote dexees 47,628.62 =o " Life Insurance Fund.......... esos e ¥ 7,786.66 London, 24th February, 1916. The Bank of British North America BALANCE SHEET, 30th NOVEMBER, 1915. LIABILITIES Capital—20,000 Shares of £50 each fully paid ..........+-s00 $4,866,666.67 RRESELVU TU oe t5 5 USE be cdc cddods bocce cceteites Ceveccede oe 8,017 ,333.34 Dividends Declared and Unpaid.............00- esac vdalls eee 5,219.46 Profit and Loss Account.........ceseeeeeeees tis Vases sesuee Balance brought forward from 380th November, 1914...... 361,748.32 Dividend paid April, 1915...... ecgcedeces oPbcccdocccsees 194,666.66 ~~ 167,081.66 Net Profit for the year énding this date after deducting all’ | current charges and providing for bad and doubtful debts partly from undivided profit............ wees 328,595.34 495,877.00 Dividend paid October, 1915.......s.cceececeecees secses 194,666.66 Deduct : 301,010.34 Transferred to Bank Premises Account..... $ 973.34 Transferred to Officers’ Widows and Orphans VN nS aces eae ve eee tsb accuses 8,727.63 Transferred to Officers’ Life Insurance Fund 7,786.66 Transferred to Officers’ Pension Fund...... 47,628.62 Sante ee RUNG. 55 4) stat sesedeus 666.66 ian War Tax on Circulation ,051. ‘ Can Circ ($37,051.71) $7,051.71 102,834.62 Balance available for April Dividend............. bb. 198,175.72 Notes of the Bank in Circulation ............... eekeosWeees 43 4,733,253.91 Deposits not Bearing Interest... .......ccccccccsccsscccccees 18,150,685.36 Deposits Bearing Interest, including Interest accrued to date. . 26,077,647.03 Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents in the United Kingdom and Foreign Conntries..... esccese cess ° $97,606.31 Bilis PaYADIS . 44 '.5 wesw 6s 0 awrichibak SASEAS Se Gs Caw dade sbeaes 1,556,798.60 Acceptances under Letters of Credit...........esceesceseeeee 1,197,794.95 Liabilities and Accounts not included in the Foregoing...... 1.312,514.98 Liability on Endorsements. ......0.-..cseeseeseeed WR Poins oa dhs 806,675.41 s Liability under Guarantee in respect of the Sovereign Bank OC MUEOR. oo cc cdaceks cab cc senssevedes® Dee oe eda ck be ths « $300,000.00 CufrentiOein and Bullion: 6. 0iy 6g ses a 8S s cook eh cc cek ceeds $2,036,138.67 Dominion: Notes. os .ccsccdeccccevcescccccsveccscoesecccees 8,540,160.82 5 $10.576,299.49 Notes of other Banks.............¢ CP ah sec cs cbossayads ous 460,411.08 Chequesion Other Banks ooo. oo... 1100's sadeesn tes oes consess 2,169,209.29 Balances due by other Banks in Canada. ..........0000+++005 7,760.49 Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere STIRS TEM COMTIMTAM 4 co's 9 sip. d-e'cin's 0-4 poaRRU Ra demeasea caine teeta 1,652, 789.82 Dominion and Provincial Government Securities not exceeding DE REMOG VY MUTIE, , sso so cacasleus ee dbees