VOL. VII. NO, 98. SS PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1916. a PRICE FIVE CENTS S UNDER MART L LAW TODAY CLEVER GERMAN SCHEME MISCARRIES -- FRENCH SUCCESSFUL IN AIR DUELS HUN AVIATORS ARE WORSTED « IN AIR DUELS Four Planes Brought down—Duel Over Zeebrugge this Morn- ing—Conscription is Postponed. (special to The Dally News.) paris, April 26.—A German in- ry attack in Lorraine has , repulsed, There is artillery vhting on Lhe Verdun front. viators have destroyed eneu rrenet German aeroplanes in duels \ French aeroplane and a Zep- pelin fought a duel miles hove Zeebrugge at two o'clock this morning, The aeroplane ii two incendiary shells into the Zeppelun Zeppelin Visits England. \ Zeppelin the gland last night. When Visited east ist of Et t rose to a great height and was foreed to flee. Cabinet Decision. fired on ured ’ London, April 26.——Following a secret Session of the House of Commons, Premier Asquith has} issued a statement that the vol] untary system of recruiting will 27th. If additional ‘ be followed { until May ft | thousand men have not enlisted by that time, the government will introduce conscription, Americans Leave Germany. The Rupert Hotel bulletin says that Americans are leaving Ger- iny, as they believe that a rup- s inevitable. rhe Russian troops in France ire camped between Paris and Verdun, There will soon be 3090, Jof them on the western front. ITALIAN ARRESTED ON ROBBERY CHARGE (Special to The Dally Newer) Vancouver, April 26.—Julo Gio- Yanni, an Italian, has been ar- rested a charge of obtaining ge sums of money from mails ‘ent to local Italians by imper- Nation methods, o WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE The House of Classical Preductions. brand Special 9 Reel Show Wed, & Thurs. Universal presents Hobart Henley ind Jeane Novak in the greatest of all serial photoplaye GRAFT Sixtoon Episodes, each a Complete Story in two Actes. HOBART BOSWORTH IN-— “COLORADO” ‘ve great acts, VNIVERGAL ANIMATED WEEKLY ‘ News of the Globe, Show Starte at 6:45 GO TO LONDONCAFE Fb THE BEST MEALS sTROTLY UNION HOUSE * Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES biof willing SOLDIER. invalided home, who took a These pictures, fighting. billet. The long row shows a six-inch converted cruiser. CARNIVAL REALISES OVER THREE THOUSAND The Carnival of the Allies, this morning, far exceeded the expectations of the most san- guine, the sum of $3,055 being The result reflects the greatest credit realised during the two days. arrangements, while it also speaks volumes for the spirit of the people of Prince Rupert. Too much praise cannot be be- stowed upon .the committee of the and three ladies who carried out preliminary ' arrangements also upon those who managed the various booths along with a host assistants, and able We do not mention names, as those ladies are thoroughly satis- fled simply to know that by their efforts the Red Cross fund of Prince Rupert’is the richer by over three thousand dollars. a crowd present as on the open- ing night and an even larger sum this of course being due to the fact that the of the raffles were included in the draw- of money was realized, largely earnings ings, About ing mayor eleven o'clock the act- mounted the platform and announced the names of the winners-of the These we will publish tomorrow various” raffles, is not quite complete, speech, Ald. ladies who had the Rupert as a as the list In’ a short Nelson complimented the the carnival and charge of Prince great success of citizens of whole upon the a ’ He als the huge undertaking. t also warmly complimented the Indians PICTURES OF CANADIAN FEONT taken by a gxives a good idea of the conditions The picture with the and a half behind the trenches and is shelled every .day, Germans only a few yards away. | upon the ladies who have worked tirelessly fop weeks in making the} Last night fhere was just as big} TAKEN Canadian soldier small camera to the front trenches under which Canadians stately the tree in foregrouns port is halted, The dark streak is the Gana- dian trench with the Germans 80 vards beyond. The gun picture gun mounted as a stern chaser on a Canadian The soldiep beside it created a stir by smug- gling a cat in his sling across the ocean on returning to Canada | TOM SILVERSIDES IN Harry Silversides has received i a letter from his brother Tom, the Tom was in the recent corporal since entering ltrenches, jheavy fighting and saw many men fe ° | killed around him and wounded j}but none of those were boys from | ; McKay, McGuire, Miller, Brewster | Prince Rupert. | He has had experience on list- fening post duty, which entails | jing out all night in the ‘“‘no man’s jland” between the trenches with- lin a Very short distance of the jenemy, He says there is no night lthere as the Germans are con- |tinually using flashlights to | leate the British while the ithe time, positions, sharpshooters are busy all They are supplied with braziers hot tea on which they prepare | lit, HALIBUT FARES Yesterday afternoon the follow- ing halibut catches were brought jin: The Hy Gill, 15,000 pounds; the 15,000; the Dolphin, 20,000, the Nellie, 5,000, steady demand the price is certain to Fram, and There is a halibut the around its present high level for throughout east and remain some time yet, on the loyalty and generosity they had displayed. Dancing was kept up until about 1:30 a.m., when the Nation al Anthem brought the proceed ings to a close, Messrs. Charles Balagno, H, A. Harvey and J, Ls kindly the Metlakatlah Band in providing music for the dancers, assisted The boys get plenty of| good food and are all fit and well. | and coffee whenever they require | BY A RETURNEC how are 1 is a suburb of Ploegstreet, the white building was used for a of trees defines a main road at DickieDush on which the Canadian trans The road is a mile The Hottom picture shows the battle line in broad daylight with the E RECENT BIG FIGHTING (Special to The Dally News.) ELECTIONS ENQUIRY | FISHERMEN WILL | COMMITTEE SELECTED PRESS THEIR DEMANDS In considering the report from | which closed last night, or rather); who has been promoted, to lerise,t Victoria, April 26—The pre-| Mr. Cunnjngham of the findings mier has announced the appoint-|of the Fisheries Advisory Board ment of the following select mittee to investigate the alleged/tions submitted by attempt at plugging in the Van-|men, couver by-election: and Parker Williams. The Liberals demand the Messrs, that committee be com-} Neil the exX- tended to take in the alleged she- been run by Frank Slavin in Vic- toria ~on election day and also to enquire into the reason for the ‘withdrawal of the charges and to linvestigate | j | | | alleged irregularities in the Rossland election. The committee meets on Fri- day and Monday, and will an- nounce itS decision regarding a }police court trial on Monday. | | | | MEXICAN FIGHTING (Special to The Daily News.) Kl Paso, April 26. Col, Dodds have Both and his advanced cavalry been in an engagement. sides suffered losses. It is not known whether they encountered for lbandits or Carranzistas. DRYDOCK SUGGESTION There is a suggestion afoot that fifty ¢itizens, in order to get the contribute work started at should each the shipbuilding wards founding of a company local with the idea of building a wooden lumbe: carrier along the tines laid by Mr, Donnelly recently. down Here is an opportunity to do some real solid boosting for the town. don't all speak at once, Now the resolu- local council last detailed prepared by the combined fisher- in connection with fisher- the brought night down a report lies committees of the city coun- cil,Board of Trade the and. citizens, in which various | matters which the board had refused to have altered were gone into in j}detail, with a view to submitting itiem to J. D. of marine and fisheries, the pre- Hazen, minister miep and the leader of the oppo- sition. Ald. Montgomery explained that the report was in the form of an explanation of their demands, going more fully into detail than the first instance. He explained the advantages of was done in the abolishing of the boat-rating, the permitting of the use of gaso- line boats in salmon fishing, ete. On the motion of Ald. Dybhavn, seconded by Ald. MeClymont, the report adopted and will be immediatély prepared for sub- mission to Ottawa and Victoria. was SIDEWALK ENQUIRY At) the council letter from F. W, last night a Chandler was drydock,/read in which he pointed out that $500 to- he had been charged with local jimprovement taxes covering a four-foot side-walk on Claude St. and Seventh had never been laid down. Personally, Avenue, which he would prefer that a plank road- way be laid at this point. The matter was referred to the board of works, REVOLUTION ON SMALL SCALE IN CITY OF DUBLIN Rebels Seize buildings—Acting in Conjunction with the German Raiders—Casement is in Tower of London. (Special to The Dally News.) Lonuon, April 26—Dublin is under martial law today. The greater part of southern Ireland lis undep” military control, follow- jing an attempt by the members jof the Sinn Fein society to start la revolution. Revolutionists captured Dublin post office and adjacent houses and buildings in four other parts of the city. In the fighting which followed the occupation of these buildings, three officers, five sol- diers and two of the police force killed, The rebels unknown. casualties of anise the are Troops Arriving. Troops and machine guns are The eut- planned in conjjunc- the ning exploit which was frustrated atreee on the scene. | bre ak was | with German tion gun-run- yesterday. Sir Roger Casement is confined in the of London and it is expected that he wiil charged Tower with high treason. The Naval Raid. The attack on Lowestoft by German cruisers is believed to have been intended to distract at- tention from affairsin Ireland and to assist the conspirators to carry out their schemes. j All the British ships have re- The extent of the injury to the German vessels is The British casualties tunned safely, unknown, were twenty wounded and none killed. PORT ESSINGTON RED CROSS DANCE The ladies of Port Essington, who are ever to the front in Red Cross and other patriotic work, held a most enjoyable dance on Monday evening to raise funds for the purchase of wool ete., with which to make supplies for the soldiers. Everybody along the river was present and a thorough- ly good time was had by all. The sum of 843 was realised. ’ Mitchell Albert wants men for Alice Arm, This is the last op- portunity. Boat leaves Friday. MAJESTIC :; THEATRE HOUSE OF QUALITY PICTURES Tonight and Tomorrow SSS eS One of the Brightest shows ever offered. BLANCHE RING TR “THE YANKEE GIRL” 5-act Paramount produetion. ECLAIR WAR GAZETTE Come and Enjoy a Bright ¢ Evening. Friday and Saturday, Marie oro in “The White Pearl,’ . ¥