eet ee ee eee Pere Pi ’ SE ate aE, ane ii FRED ea@ watLY NEWS Thursday, Apr —————————EEeeeeeeeeeeeeee THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on application. asiasare Thursday, April 27, 1916. DAILY EDITION MUNITIONS CONTRACTS We publish elsewhere a statement that the Board placed orders to the extent of $80,000,000. This exactly bears out the forecast made by T. D. Pattullo in the sion on the drydock situation | further that | the Borden government repre-| the Imperial Munitions has recent discus-| and is evidence sentatives Board placing a on intention of single for! munitions in Prince Rupert. We have the of | Mr. Donnelly, the designer of | the drydock, that the plant is) ready to start making muni- tions at time. We the statement of FE. J, Chamber- | lin, president of the Grand Trunk Pacific, to the effect that the board refuses to grant a munitions contract to the dry- dock plant, and now we have the fact that $80,000,000 worth of contracts have been placed recently. We have the state- ment of the Minister of Militia that it cost ten per cent. com-} mission simply to place con-| tracts in the United States. Surely. it would not have cost the than this ten per cent. had the have no contract assurance any have | British government more Munitions Board placed part of these contracts here. The government may have nothing whatever to do with the drydock, but it most de- something to do with the placing of munitions and the cidedly has contracts, interest of the government in the future of Prince Rupert is clearly evi- denced by the fact that no effort has been made to place any of} ~ the work at this point. One hates to contrast the! two political-parties in regard | to what might have been done: but wondering here, one cannot refrain from whether, had a Laurier government been in just! power, Prince Rupert would! have had to go on its knees! pleading for work at the dry- dock, We venture to think that the drydock, with Laurier in power, would have been so busy with its shipping work} that it would not have been interested in munitions con- tracts. Munitions | CROOKED METHODS Premier Bowser has prompt- ly acceded to the request of the Liberals of Vancouver for a searching investigation into the alleged “plugging” at the Vancouver by-election and it is to be hoped that the committee does its work thoroughly and speedily, It is refreshing, in these days of revelations, to find a party anxious to lay bare illegal methods which were as- for the benefit The parties re- for dastardly should be the penitentiary for the limit which If this is done, a warning to tensibly used of that party. such sent to sponsible work the law allows. it will all help to make elections cleaner. serve as manipulators and shoul It is not impossible that the game was played by an enemy but, was done by friend or whether it foe, the culprit should be subjected to of the party, instant exposure and the ex- treme penalty of the law for such an offence. The Tories, notoriously hard-up for politi- cal capital and ever anxious to make their opponents appear black, are doing their utmost to make it appear that the alleged corruption had its reot heart of the Liberal party. All know M. A. Macdonald know that he would not for a moment tolerate such in the who methods and no one will be more anxious for a searching enquiry than the member for Vancouver, —= ooo PSS See STORK’S HARDWARE ——— 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Too!s Suilders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cabie Stee! Blocks : Fishing Tackle iron Pipe Pipe Flitings | Rifles and Shotguns Rope Vaives sy Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges ~ Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” gg FRED i STORK’S _———— os = HARDWARE “es Get More Money” for your Foxes Muskrat, White Weasel, Beaver, Lynx, Wolves, Marten and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to “SHUBERT™ the bree house in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS a reliable—responsible—safe Fur House with an unblemished rep- utation existing for ‘more than a third of a century,’’ a long suc- cessful record of sending Fur Shippers prompt, SATISFACTORY AND PROFITABLE returns. the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. rite for it—NOW —it’s FREE - w WU] A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. p2r7cTrenicaco, USA: /rite for “Che @Sbubert MSbipper,” aw Telephone 98. Contract a. — WHEN BUY!ING YEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE * wer 7 T Sew ONTO ‘DECLINE SUBSTITUTES | |PRIZE WINNERS IN CARNIVAL RAFFLES Continued from Page One. donor, Mrs, Car- Moore, No. donor, Mrs. At- No. 50. donor, Boudoir cap, penter) to R. E. Baby's dress, kins) to Mrs. Rood, Live chicken, to Mrs. J. Mrs. Cawley H. Thompson, No. 44. ger & Denike 3. Watch bracelet, bert) to Wm. Allen, No. 337. Cutlery, donor, Mrs. Geo, Mc- Coll) to S. W. Paine, No. Thermos pot, (donor, “Canadi First’) to A. Smith, No. 814, Bear, (donor, R. E. Mrs. Smith, No. 44. Cushion, (donor, Mrs, J. CG. to Mrs. B. Self, No. 44. collar, Mrs. De- to Miss Maude Eason, No. 69. Moore to Halsey Lace donor, mers 22. Tartan bag, donor, Mrs, to Miss L. Jenns, No. 20. Mrs. Ohman, Car- michael Nugget pin, Miss Bes- No. donor, ner) to Minnie 34. Half ton coal, (donor, Lindsay Bros.) to Miss Astori, No. 54. Nugget bracelet, Miss Marguerite Young) to Miss Simp- No. 89. donor, son, Coffee percolator, donor, Kaien Weston, No. Hardware) to Sam 25. LAND REGISTRY ACT: Notice Under Section 36- TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made to register Olaf Hanson, of Prince Rupert, B. C., as the owner in Fee-simple, under a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the City of Prince Rupert to Olaf Hanson, bearing date the 10th day of September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance of a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on or about the 9th day of September, 1914 of all and singular certain parcel or tract of iand and premises situate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rupert in the Province of British Columbia, more pra- ticularly known and described as;:—Lot ten (10), Block eighteen (18), Section six (6), Map 923. You and those claiming through or under you, and all persons claiming any interes\ in the said land by descent whose titl ip not registered under the provisions of the “Land Registry Act’ are required t& contest the claim of the tax purchaser within forty-five days of the service of this notice upon you. Otherwise you and each of you will be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the said land, and I shal! register the said Olaf Hanson as owner in fee, Your attention is called to section 3¢ of the “Land Registry Act” and amend ments, and especially to the following ex tract therefrom which relates to the abov« notice. “And in default of a caveat or certificate of lis pendens being filed before tx registration as owner of the persons en titled under such tax sale, all persons served with notice, or served with notice under subsection (6) of section 155 of the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section 139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ or section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases in which notice under this Act is dispensed with as hereinafter provided, and thos« claiming through or under them and a! persons claiming any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is noi registered under the provisions of this Act shall be for ever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respeci of the land 80 sold for taxes.” Dated at the Land Registry Office, at the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, this 19th day of January, A. D, 1916. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. To Paul M. Schubert, Lily Schubert. Cream and sugar, (donor, Bul- to B. Grimble, No. donor, M. Al-| | } i} Case of cream, (donor, Canada iFirst) to Mr. Sharp, No. 9, i} Roval Doulton Vase, doncr, Mrs. Geo. Sweet) to W alter Me- | Leod, No, 108. i ise of cream, (donor, Kelly, | Douglas Co.) to Helen Wallace, || INo. 39 Dol donor, Mrs, Harris) to] | Kittic Noelte, No, 40. | Fea cloth donor, Mrs. R. I | Metnt sh { Mrs. Perkins, No. l4s | Te pounds of tea, (donor, Ful-]| lier & MeMeekin) to Lily Shrub i No. 20 y....m i suga wwnch Bros to KE. Davidson, No. go Nugget pin donor, Mrs. Bes Ito Flora Hardy, No. 41. Sack flour. (donor, G. W. Nick aie ( to Miss Garton, No, 92. Cushion cover, (donor, McRae | ' Bros te Bed. McLeod, No. 57. | Continued on Pc¢e A Real Lever Simulation Three For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle , at 9 a, m. For Anyox (G every Thursday at 12 M S. S. PRIKCE JOHN For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Jijy). every Thursday at 12 N, S, S. FRINCE ALBERT day for Port Simpson, Arrandale, Kincolith, Anyox, Alice 4 April 1, 15, 29 May 13, 27, at 12 M For Masset, Port Clements, and Naden Harbor, Aprjl 3, 17 At 12 Midnight. For Queen Charlotte City, Skidegate, Lockeport and Jedwa May 3, 17, 31, at 8 p. m For Surf Inlet, Bella Bella, Namu, Alert Pay and Van May 5, 19-——June 2, at 12 Midnight G. T. P. TRAIN SERVICE senger Trains leave Prince Rupert on Mondays and Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, All Eastern “THE ROAD OF MARVELLOUS SCENERY” carrying passerger i 1. m. for Edmoton, Montrea Points in Saturdays also mixed train making close connections there wit traiin for Winnipeg. monton at 6 a. m., For Steamship and Sleeping Car Reservat information regarding travel to any part of t 8. 8. PRINCE RUPERT G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AVENUE. PHONE 260. straightforward generous GOLD WATGH FREE. fer from «en established firm We aro civing away AS Watehea to thousands of ~ copie a ver the & hoe adve tisement. Now r echanee t Goarie. Alberts, carriage paid to wear r the watch @#hich ren Free lous offer. We expect you to . s t aw and show ther the - ~ bh I tt zw Ger too & t e . 25 censs today smi resin @ F il? be ame _% AMM f I . ¢ vs tinept. 1), - . “ a Bee a ee. oT ' — ea a, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ALBERT DAVIDSON, General Agent. G. F. JOHNGON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent Agency all Atlantic and Trans-Pacific Steamship Lines. | CANADIAN ra Raiuway Lowest Rates to all Eastern CANADIAN PACIFIC RAI PRINCESS MAQUINNA SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUTHBOU!D MONDAY, Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, via Steamer to Vancouver and the Meals and Berth included on Steamer J. I. PETERS, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. Points LWAY 6 P. M. MAY 1ST. Help Digestion To keep your digestive organs in good working or- der—tostimulate your liver, tone your stomach and regulate your bowels, take— FEC Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere. in bexes, 25 cents. LAND REGISTRY ACT- Notice Under Section 36- TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made to register Sven Holmquist, of Prince Rupert, as the owner in Fee-simple, under two Tax Sale Deeds from the col- lector of the City of Frince Rupert, & Sven Hoimquist, bearing date Mme 17th day if September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance of a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on 9 about the 9th day of September, 1914, of all and singular certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rupert, In the Province of British Columbia, more par ticularly known and described as:-—Lot three (3), Block forty-five 45), Sectior eight (8), and Lot four (4), Block thirty- five (35), Section eight (8), Map 923. You and those claiming through or under you, and all persons claiming any interest in the said land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of the “Land Registry Act” are required t& contest the claim of the tax purchaser within forty-five days of the service of Otherwise you and forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the said land, and I shall register the said Sven Holmquist as owner in fee. Your attention is called to section 3¢ of the “Land Registry Act’ and amend- ments, and especially to the following ex tract therefrom which relates to the above notice. “And in default of a caveat or certificate of lis pendens being filed before the registration as owner of the persons oh | | | this notice upon you. each of you will be titled under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, or served with notice under subsection (6) of section 155 of} the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec- | tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section 139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ or} section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases | in which notice under this Act is dispensed | with as hereinafter provided, and those claiming through or under them and all} persons claiming any interest in the land | by virtue of any unregistered iustrument, | and all persons claiming any interest in|} the land by descent whose title is not} registered under the provisions of this Act, | shall be for ever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes.” Dated at the Land Registry OMece, at the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, this 19th day of January, A. D, 1916. H. F, MACLEOD, District Registrar To Grand Trunk Pacific Development Co., Ltd., J. P. Conrad, Jack Jenkins, Mrs Cc. R. MeDonald, ‘ Alex M. Manson, B.A W. E. Williams, B.A B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- | ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT i » LLB WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. MONEY TO LOAN Box 158: 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 Helgerson Block pert, B. C. allt idingee st 4@ MINERAL ACT | ter itt pl THE ENGINE REFINEMEN . Fir the fivermouth Fractional mineral claim ° ‘ ’ Gnest ts hat LG situated In the Skeena Mining Division of , fi boats vet Casater:-Distes 6s, i$ FISHERMAN'’S ENGINE Where located At the head of Alice Arm, adjoining the Rivermouth and Cari-|3 2 Cy!—® 1-2 In. by 7 In, 12-18 boo mineral claims. i Horse Power TAKE NOTICE that I, G. R. Naden, Free | 4 Cyl.—3 3-4 In. by 5 1-2 In, B Miners’ CertiNceate No. 94,096B, acting as Horse Power agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners’ Cer , } — 5 1- : 8 In. 25-35 titcate No. 93,917B, intend, sixty days|% * °¥! Cyl from the date hereof, to apply to the; : Mining Recorder for a CertiNcate of Im- - provements, for the purpose of obtaining | j nen , 1 purty e ¢ a staining For Further Information a Crown Grant of the above claim. Apply to ‘ And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- | W. E. WILLISCROFT provements. . § rt, B. C, § Dated this 23rd day of December, A. D . Prince Rupert 4 PEOPOPEIOIN 1915. Apr. @ PROP SPLP OPPO PPL PLATT LTT Here's where we test the choicest samples of Canada’s six million acre wheat crop. We grind them into flour in the little mill you see on the left of the picture. Then comes the supreme test--bread-baking. If the bread is perfect in every way we pronounce the wheat Al and the flour--ROYAL STANDARD. AT YOUR GROCER'S Vancouver Milling 8 Grain CoLt The Royal Standard Test I 5| Vancouver. New Westminster, Nanaimo, Victoria : eS SS ee WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. G. DAWSON PRESS COFFE PRINCE RUPERT ; B. C.