Pee ane oven and bake. A Supper Treat—Baked Custard Beat two eggs until light, add 5 cup “Canade First” (Evaporated) Mi Mix well. Pour into buttered dish, grate nutmeg over top, set this in pan of hot water, plate in moderate hot Say “‘Canada First.”” AYLMER CONDENSED MiiK CO., Lrp. AYLMER, lespoons sugar, 1 one cup water, Your Grocer Knows. ONTARIO Don’t Suffer Longer and allow yourself to become grouchy, upset, nervous orde: and depressed. These conditions usually indicate a dis- rea diges your digestive organs in ve_system, which, if neglected, oy hard toremedy. Remove the disturbing element an good working order by taking d be put BEECHAMS They gent! stimulate the liver, act on the bowels, tone the stomach—purify the blood benefits are particularly marked by women at and regulate the system. such times when nature makes special demands upon their vitality. They act promptly and The next safely, time you feel low-spirited and out of sorts, take ham’s Pills, Their sure, mild, thorough action will Give Ouick Relief Worth a Guinea a Box / Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. LOST LOST—Ladies gold watch, between Orme’s Drug store and 6th Ave., E., along 3rd Ave. and McBride St. Finder please re- turn to the Daily News office. u WANTED. * JAPANESE WANTS ‘WORK by the day. Phone Blue 505. x 104. - WANTED—General servant, apply Mrs. A. Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue. Phone 492, tf. WANTED—Cook for logging camp, also signal man and experienced loggers. Apply Williams & Manso. 103. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Eggs from pure bred Ancona hens. Excellent all winter layers. Very large White eggs. $1.00 per setting. Apply box 103, Daily News. 112. for FOR SALE—Good cash, cheap. Apply Box 202, News. team of horses, tf. FOR SALE——Launch Impala, 48ft. x 11 1-2 x5 1-2. Built in 1912, Djinn engine, 35 h. p. Burns coal oil or distillate Fully equipped and in number one order. Apply Wm. Sutherland, Bella Coola, B. C. SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- line engine, new, 8165 freight paid. Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Canads. tf. AKERBERG, THOMSON COMPANY Sole Agents for the PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY PHONE 525 | Prince Rupert Feed Co. P. 0. Box 333. 908 Third Ave. RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS WE HANDLE Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele’s, and Brigg’s. Garden and Field Seeds. Also Fertilizers. We Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Grain and Feed at Vancouver Prices. Hay, Chicken Feed A Specialty. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE Basin Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—-About four miles from the beach on the south side of Alice Arm at the head of a branch of Lime Creek. TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, Free Miner’s Certificate No, 94096B, in- tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certifi- cate of Improvements, for the purpose of above obtaining a Crown Grant of the claim. And further take under section 85, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- provements, MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE “Albion” and “Sunbeam’’ Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Massiar District. Where located:-—About five miles from the head of Alice Arm on “Middle Creek.” TAKE NOTICE that I, Wm. T. Kergin of Prince Rupert, B. C., Free Miner’s Cer- lifcate No. 94035B, intend sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. Daily | Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. i notice that action, And further take notice that action, un- der section 37, must be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Improve- ments, Dated this 16th day of March, A. D. 1916. je7 WM. T. KERGIN. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—At the head of a branch of Lime Creek about four miles from the beach on the south side of Alice Arm. TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, Free Miner’s Certificate No. 94096B, acting a8 agent for Thos. McRostie, Free Miner’s Certificate No. 69991B, and James L. Hatch, Free Miner’s Certificate No. 87966B, in- tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certifi- cate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim, And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- provements. Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916. GEORGE R, NADEN. GQNGRETE CHINE BLOCKS 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. Prince Rupert Concrete Works, McBride St. 3 DENTISTRY | CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY DR. J. F. BROWN DENTIST Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HENRY ©, HENDRICKSEN, trading under the firm name of HENDRICKSEN’S FURNITURE STORE, of the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, has made an assignment to me of his estate and effects for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting of creditors will be held at the Law Offices of Messrs« Patmore and Fulton, Scott Block, 8rd Avenue, Prince Ktupert, British Columbia, on Monday the Sth day of May, A. D. 1916, at the hour of 3 ofclock in the afternoon, and you are hereby notifed to attend, either in person or by representative. ALL CLAIMS must be filed, accompanied by statutory declaration, within thirty days of the date of this notice, and to entifie any creditor to vote, his ciaim must be fled on or before the day of the meeting. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date, the assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the insolvent among parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he has then had notice, and that the said assignee will not be liable for the said ‘aissels, nor any part thereof, to any per- son or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. DATED at Prince Rupert, 26th day of April, 1916. 0, J, SMITH, Address of Assignee, B. C,, this fHe DAILY BREW! Saturday, April 29, 1946 » 1946, THE TORIES * . 7 ARE flooding . * * THE Province . WITH GARBLED accounts OF THE proceedings IN THE “plugging” enquiry. LONG PREPAID telegrams ARE BEING sent | TO THE subsidised press AND THE PUBLIC, will TAKE them " AT THEIR true value, STANDING convicted OF CORRUPTION < IN THE handling “ OF PUBLIC affairs, BOWSER’S only defence Is TO try aoe TO MAKE the Liberals Local News Notes | Mrs. J. H. Pillsbury was among the passengers going south this morning. * . * Roy Moseley, of Hazelton, is suffering from a rather severe at- tack of pneumonia. * * . Best quality of household lump and nut coal. Prince Rupert Coai Co., phone 15. U s s s Capt. Babington returned from Vancouver on the Princess Ma- quinna last evening. * = s Mrs, Tyre arrived from the east last evening on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. L. M. de Gex. . * ® There are seven ‘old boys” of the Ridley Home in Metlakatlah who are serving with the colors. rie A. H. MePherson left for the south this morning where he will enter the ranks of the 4ith C. M. R. e682 Mrs. George B. Hull was one of the passengers from the south on the Princess Maquinna last night. s * . Major Huntington left for the south this morning. here recruiting for the American Legion, He has been E. McDonald, general baggage agent for the G. T. P., left for Vancouver on an inspection trip this morning. oes Mrs. C, 8. Patterson and baby left for Seattle this where they will spend the greater part of the summer. morning, There were four halibut boats in yesterday. The Jupiter had 20,000; the Viking, 10,000; the Sadie, 5,000, and the Hecate 7,00: pounds. ete Mitchell Albert left last, night forAlice Arm and took twenty-five men with him, There are now a hundred and seventy-five men on the road work. * * * The crew of the Seattle schoon- er Republic received $640 eacu the other day as their share of twenty-two days fishing on the halibut banks, * . . William G, Connolly, vity pas. senger and ticket agent for the G, T. P. at Vancouver, arrived from Ottawa last evening and left for the south on the Prince Ru- pert this morning. s s s Five troopers of the 11th C. M, t., who have been here recruiting left for Vancouver this morning, taking five recruits with them. They have picked up sixteen while PRINTERS’ “PI.” LOOK like Tories. * * * the Journal * * MEANTIME, SVOTES ro mns DEVOTES four colu TO A report * * OF THE evidence * * * OF A man from Seattle * * . WHO REFUSES ‘ TO GIVE his real name. GARBLED stories | ALWAYS act AS A boomerang * * * AND THIS will be * * * NO EXCEPTION, ‘ WHEN the real story . . * OF THIS affair | ‘ COMES out | . * * A FITTING title . BE * * * | WILL BOWSER’S REVENGE, A. H. McPherson, one of Prince Rupert’s old timers, has joined the 11th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Mr, McPherson has been in busi- contractor since Mrs. will still reside in Prince Rupert. ness here as a the early days. McPherson SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE 4. TAKE NOTICE that Clyde Heller, of Philadelphia, occupation mine _ operator, intends to apply for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about one hundred yards northerly from the mouth of Paradise Creek on the easterly shore of Bear Lake, Princess Royal Island; thence east 40 chains; thence south 20 chains; thence west 40 chains more or less to the shore of Bear Lake; thence northerly along the shore of said lake to the place of commencement, containing 80 acres more or less. February 18, 1916. CLYDE A. HELLER. The “DALTON” Tailored specially for the well-built, Rien wide-shouldered man who insists on ease and comfort as well as stylish smartness. And it makes men look well-built who are a little shy on physical development. Bryant Company, Ltd.' a ee ld lL LD De ee he ee ee f De ad Yip Nie Vf ik *, hill of public favor ? ae Mithteg? \ To the Manufacturers of Canada Each day sees more articles given publicity in the newspapers. Are your products and your brand still inthe valley of obscurity, or ave they blazoned forth by the beacon fires of advertising on tie h'gh fires were the great advertising mediums of their age. Though ° they could not advertise merchandise, they advertised the things of most vital interest to the people. Placed on the summits of high hills, bearing a message to thousands of ‘“‘readers,” they were prototypes of those modem fires of Twentieth Century commerce—the ‘‘ beacon” fires of News- paper Advertising. aN ; ae +, \._ The advertisements appearing in the newspapers to-day are shining lights in the world of commerce, flashing out news and informa- tion to a waiting world. When the modem manufacturer lights the Beacon Fires of Newspaper Advertising he places his message before the people in a way that will impart knowl- edge, beget appreciation and win preference for his goods. Who can fail to see any day the gleaming messages of “ Magic Baking Powder,” “Standard Ideal Ware,” “Sunlight Soap,” “‘Gillette Safety Razors, ‘*Penman's Underwear,” ‘Infants’ Delight Soap,” and many others ? If you are doing a local business talk over your advertinisg problems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. , If you are doing a provincial or national business wov be well for you to have the counsel and assistance ofa gee egeacy. A list of these will be furnished, without cost 08 i the Secretary of Canadian Press Association, Room Building, Toronto, Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916. GEORGE R, NADEN. Care Messrs, Patmore & Fulton, Barristers, ete., Prince Kupert, B. C. pam: —— in the district.