THE DAILY NEWS aETl_— VOL. vu. NO. 103. M TT PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS ES ON THE VERDUN FRONT IS DEMONSTRATED -- TURKISH TRANSPORT SUNK FRENCH AIR SUPERIORITY FRENCH MAKE (CANADIAN Lines GAINS ALONG VERDUN FRONT German Trenches and Prisoners are Taken—French Aerial Successes in April—aAt- tack on Loos. (Special to The Dally Newe:) Paris, May 2.—In a strong at- tack upon the German positions to the southeast of Fort Doua- mont, the the first line German trench which is 500 metres long, taking one hun- dred prisoners, On the north man's Hill the French gained the a front of French captured slope of Dead- German trenches on {,000 metres and a depth of 300 There,is great of the Avoncourt to Dead- to 600 metres. artillery activity west Meuse from man’s Hill. French Air Superiority. The superiority of the French aerial corps over that of the Ger- mans has again been demonstrat- ed, During the month of April, French pilots brought down thirty-one German aeroplanes. Nine fell within the Allied lines and twenty-two fell in flames inte lines. During the same time, the French lost only fell the German six aeroplanes, all of which into the German lines. Attack Repulsed, A mine and bomb attack was repulsed at Loos yesterday. In seven air combats two Ger- an machines were brought down, RUNAWAY \ horse got in a playful mood on Third Avenue this afternoon and made off while it was being hitched to a delivery wagon. It cantered joyfully down the avenue and, after breaking a shaft, de- posited the wagon on the side- walk al the Corner of Third Ave. and First St., after which it made for home across McBride Street. WOOK Re He eae ee ee * Horticultural Society Meets * Wednesday, May 3rd. * At 8 P, M. to elect officers for the Mr. Neale, coming year, horticulturist (suecessor to * * * * Mr. Tomlinson) will give a * * * * * * ke MH HM HK HM seneral address. All inter- ested kindly attend. * M. M. STEPHENS, Pres, * MRS, F, G, DAWSON,V.P. A a ae a ae OE SOCIAL UNDER AUSPICES OF Prince Rupert Catholic Club SOCIAL HALL Wednesday, May 3rd, 1916. ‘ards 8.45 p. m. Sharp. Tickets 6Oc. § "ODD e. Go TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS aris UNION HOUSE art Bik, Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES ARE BEING ATTACKED Hotel Rupert. London, May 2..-The Germans are attacking along the Canadian (Courtesy portion of the western front and the enemy’s bombardment is very trying. Our artillery fire has ex- ploded several German gas tanks. French Gains. The French have captured German trenches in the Verdun region, and an intense artillery duel is raging. The Germans are also making frequent infantry at- tacks. Note to Washington. Berlin sends cheery prelimin- note to Washington which that United States and ary relations between the says Germany can be looked forward to with less apprehension. trish Rebellion. Only a few Irish rebels are still fighting. Railroad communi- eation in ITreland is still inter- rupted. The British people have been asked to refrain from eating meat on Thursdays and to abstain from alcohol on Mondays. HOLIDAY ALLOWANCE TO LIGHT SUPERINTENDENT At the council last night, Ald. Casey asked what had been done by the light committee in regard to the allowance in lieu of holi- days to T. C. Duncan, Ald. Montgomery said that the motion of the committee was not yet signed completely, The acting mayor thought that the report could not be presented incomplete. Ald. Casey moved that Mr. Dun- can be granted $100 in lieu of holidays, which he had not taken while light superintendent. Ald. Montgomery pointed out that Mr. Duncan had taken holi- days last year and had had several He did not think grant $100 days this year. that the city at a time like the present, Ald. McRae said that there was no hurry and thought that the matter should be left over the committee report was com- should until pleted. Ald. Casey said that he thought Mr. had sacrificed his holidays to the the plant and the city, and was en- titled to $100, The motion carried, Ald, Casey, Barrie, Dybhavn and Smith voting for it, and Ald, MeRae and Mont- gomery against. PECULIAR CASE Some time ago, Tony Christian Duncan welfare of got judgment against John Schaefer, of the Prince Rupert Dairy, for $4,300. Before the case came up, Schaefer made over all his property and his business to his father, and up to the pres- ent has made no effort to meet Some time ago, arrested for con- the judgment. Schaefer was tempt of court and spent thirty He was brought up Judge Young days in jail. before His Honor again yesterday, the case being postponed for two weeks to allow Schaefer to procure certain re- ‘iceipts. Photo shows one of the furnace a Bessemer late Sip Henry Bessemer. RESOLUTION REGARDING LABOR CONDITIONS A resolution Union of B. C. garding the establishment of gov- approved by the Municipalities re- ernment labor bureaus was read at the a request last and that tion be signed by the mayor and sent to The resolution asked the Gover- council evening made the resolu- aldermen and Ottawa. nor-General-in-Council to move; in the establishment of labor bureaus throughout the country | to provide for the employment of} returned soldiers; to take care of} the looked-for grants after the war, and to take influx of immi- industrial situation created by the the large number of men at pres- munitions care of the displacement of ent employed in fac- tories. The the seemed to meet with the approyal of all the will be idea of resolution members of the coun- ceil and signed by each member. COMPLAINT REGARDING CREEK ON SECOND AVE. At the city council last Otto Nelson attention to the night, a letter from was read drawing creek which flows under his build- Hle stated complained a year ing on Second Avenue. that he had in operation. janother ilance ithe ago of the smell which arose from the creek, which was simply an’ He asked that the creek be cover- ed in, The matter was referred to the health neer with power to act. committee and city engi- Charles Balagno has taking pianoforte pupils, Terms ‘reasonable. Phone Blue 408. — tf. resumed Love stories of the stone age; 1865, and 1916 depicted at the Westholme tonight, open sewer, but nothing was done. | | | | BESSEMER FURNACE PREPARING STEEL sarlier stages in the making of cannon the Bessemer process of converting cast jron into steel was named after the inventor, the These futnaces are widely used in the various Allies’ munitions factories today. TELEGRAPH CREEK MEN FOR THE FRC!. A scow has left Telegraph Creek with a party of volunteers foe the front. The party in- VANCOUVER ELECTION ENQUIRY CONTINUES (Special to The Daliy News.) Victoria, May 2.—Peter Stewart and Larry Madden’ corroborated the evidence of “J. J, Kelly” in regard to the “plugging” at the Vancouver election, before the committee today, They said that they had been brought to Se- attle by Jack White. of eleven were instructed to vote Vancouver from The party for Macdonald and voted several each. “Kelly” reveal the name of the British Columbia man who paid him for voting. times refused to LIGHT SUPERINTENDENT APPOINTED ON TRIAL At the city council last night, Ald. Barrie asked if it unusual that the partments be appointed by a com- were not heads of de- mittee and not by the council. The said that personally he thought the council make all appoint- acting mayor should such ments. Ald. Casey thought that the question was timely, in view of the fact that there had arrived from the south a new light super- He thought that the council the pointment of Mr. Duncan’s suc- intendent. should consider ap- ecessor now. Ald. Dybhavn explained that the understanding when the cludes Dougald dleDonald, a South/ mayor left for the south was that African veteran, Jack Moran, Tom | The | Hankin and Lloyd Simpson. enthusiasm of these men may be the fact that of them covered one hundred: and judged from some | fifty miles on suowshoes and have of a like dis- to make before they reach Vancouver. All of journey boat for them are experienced frontiers- men. The residents of this nor- thern outpost turned out in force to give the men a hearty send-off will follow and recruits shortly, more ELSIE JANIS AT THE WESTHOLME THEATRE There is something very special Westholme to- night when Elsie Janis, the inter- “Twas in movies at the national star appears in ver Thus.” It is a striking story of love throughout the ages, be- ginning with lovers of the stone age, changing to the methods oj 1865 the present time, This is the markable pictures ever produced and then coming down to one of most re- by the Paramount Company and is certain to hold the interest of a packed house tonight. ‘The rest of the of the standard. bill is same high SUN AND TIDE Wednesday, May 3rd, 1916. Sun rises...... eta teas ORM Ro: aD. GUT) “SO0G. ek isso on8 * 8:18 p. m. Nigh water ...4:30 a.m, Ht. 24.1 Low water ....8:15 a.m. Ht. 3,0 High water ,..2:25 p.m, Ht, 18,7 Low water ....8:45 p.m, Ht. 7.7 since the outstanding applicants in the south, interview were all resident Mr. McCaffery should them while he was in Vancouver and send a man up on trial, Ald. Nelson explained that Mr. Kennedy had come north on three months’ trial. Ald. that the matter should have come before the council in the usual order. Ald. Montgomery moved that the action of the mayor be rati- fied as to the appointment of Mr. Kennedy on trial, onded by Ald. D. C, McRae. said that he knew Casey thought This was sec- Ald, Casey nothing of the qualifications of the applicant and if the applications had been considered by the council. The acting mayor said that they had not. Ald, Casey said that this was Since the man was here, asked foolish, he did not question as to qualifications, but he protested against the tion of a man solely by the com- mittee, Ald. Dybhavn explained there were five outstanding plicants and as all were in Van- couver, it was thought better that the mayor interview them and make a trial selection. The action of the mayor was ratified, wish to rais@.«any selec- that ap- —-+ THE WEATHER By F. W. Dowling. For 24 hours ending 5 a. m. Tuesday, May 2nd. Captain McGee, M, M, §. A, Barometer ......... + 30,043 Highest temperature ...... 58.0 Lowest temperature ...... 36.0 BRITISH SUB SINKS A TURK TRANSPORT Hundreds of Turks Drowned in Sea of Marmora—Dublin is Still Under Strict Military Law. (Special to The Daily News.) London, May 2.—The Turkish transport Chirketi Mairie has been, sunk by a British submarine off Rodosto in the Sea of Marmora. Hundreds of Turkish troops were drowned. Von Der Goltz Murdered. It is reported from Bucharest that General Von Der Goltz, the German commayder in the Near East, did not die of fever, but was assassinated by a Turkish officer named A. L, Abdullah, of the An- atolian 14th. Three shots were fired before the r regiment on April general fell. Martial Law Continues. Dublin, May 2.—Despite whole- sale unconditional surrender on the part of the rebels, Dublin still remains under martial law. The search for arms continues. The bodies of fourteen women have been recovered from the de- bris of the buildings destroyed in the $20,v...,v00 fire. A thousand rebels-have been taken prisoners. Four hundred and ninety left last night for an English internment camp. WOUNDED SOLDIER RETURNING TONIGHT Word reached town this morn- ing that Private Hallett, who left this district for the frant, is re- turning on the train tonight, hay- ing Been discharged from active service after from wounds sustained on the western recovering front. ——— SEAL COVE SCHOOL Ald. Casey asked the council last night if there had been any report from Mr. Lord, government inspector of schools, with regard to the additional exits at Seal Cove School, Acting Mayor Nelson the council had received no re- port but that he knew that the school board was considering the report of Mr. Lord, said that WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE THE PLACE FOR A HAPPY EVENING Under New Management TONIGHT ONLY ELSIE JANIS The International favorite in ‘TWAS EVER THUS” A Five-act Bosworth Para- mount production, NOTE-——-Miss Elsie Janis, during her recent visit to England, was twice honored by command per- formances before His Majesty King George V. “FROM OUT THE STORM’ Two-reel Drama. A SPLENDID 8-REEL SHOW You cannot beat these shows —Our aim is to please our Patrons. Tomorrow 2nd story of “GNAFT.’ Each Episode a Complete Story. wood