Wednesday, Ma en@ GaAiLY NEWS ; — A + 3 < eas seen deh Ges - : a aeitie aa > 1816. | (7 THE DAILY NEWS |FWHEN BUYINGYEAST Bf) An casiorn exchange states) E Grand Trunk Pacific ¢ THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH coLumBIA || BINSIST ON HAVING § ina: in 1516, the year follows) rita! : aciiié Loast 55, | } Published Daily and Weekly THIS PACKAGE Waterloo, there was no summer} UNK: For Vancouver, Victoria and < Guaranteed Largest Circulation —— and the people of the New Eng-| 1 Prince Rupert leaves Prince R § Sorry en ind States had to live on game} \FIC: Saturday at 9 a. ; : - oT ; : ae. HEAD OFFICE nummer, the crops failing} PAC 5S For Anyox, Granby Bay every 1) | . z : a S : 7 ee * i a Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. tely They had frost and| Midnight ' : cn a ae a TO ALASKA AND THE YUKON—S. 8. Prince 5 a TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—-50 cents per inch. Contract snow in June, July and August, | Prince Rupert every Thursday at 12 noon for Ket " : rates on application. the latter month being the coldest | ; neau, Wrangell and Skagway. } ; Fortnightly service between Brianne Rupe : f the year. Arm, Granby Bay, Stewart, the Naas, Queen { a DAILY EDITION ase Wednesday, May 11, 1946. —__—__—_—- land ports, ete., also between Prince Rupert, © : } Surf Inlet and Vancouver performed by 8. S. Pp; ; The wharf had a summer ap-}| artic = a ! nari j Particulars on application. ' . av his nor ing Vv er the | b GERMANY’S CONDITION in face of certain death must pearatag, Cais morsing vhen th | Pe ee ee eee a! De ob F a . roe crowd of through yassen- The Danish report that the have done much-to break the = _ . : %y . a ne at G. F. Johnson, ALBERT DAVIDSON Germans cannot last after the spirit-of the treons while th: a gers disembarked ! eras : City Passenger & Ticket Agt. Generali Agent ( end of this year may be thor- utter hopelessness of the whole DECLINE SUBSTITUTES | | THIRD AVENUE PHONE 260 a oughly well founded, but, from business is bound to have its i is ——4 >) ete te ene * : ' ee pepe — — = : y standpoint, it will] effect, The rep Soci ~ | Bank By Mail And = | a military standpoint, it effect, e report that Soci:] VOTE SEEKING | Dan y al BR saitiaiecadnailaien — PS be ignored. The Allies will ism is spreading amongst the | ; ‘ ‘ fight as if Germany could last} German troops can readily Be} pear Sir:—The provincial gov- | Save A Trip to Town ae CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY for another five years and there | believed and in this lies Ger- lernment is evidently seeking votes a will not be the slightest let-up| many’s salvation. The Ger-/f5- their party in this district, | R the benefit of those CANADIAN ge eh ane a > to the preparations for the} man people must rise and over-|fo,- the coming election, as it is | who live out of town, a La de ate va = Oints i : . mai } alt ala via amer to Vanco 2 future. While we hope that; throw the Hohenzolierns, whos Fenmored on good authority that we have arranged S CANADIAN me bawa. the report is authentic, it is| with the Prussian military} ioe he-s .. | plan by which you can do AY ; ' Y |road work is to he started at ance. - ‘ : Meal 4 Berth included on St ; not impossible that it may | caste, have ruined the German), thing that has never happened} YOUF banking by oe een - a ra sie ae cia ow > - > Sowers ne > i i ou - simply be German press agency} Empire. When the war is over,/a: this time of the year in this a ee a PRINCESS MAQUINNA SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY 6 P. m . eee 5 s ood her un yf stuff, with a view to lessening and the German people take} part of the district before, owing C ‘ d let us explai PRINCESS SOPHIA SOUT HRCA, FRIDAY, MAY 12th : the outcry in Britain for con- over the government of their /to the very great amount of snow al = ite f aa 2 ee ys s lan — or write fo it scription. country, as they must do, there!/,n the trails where work is most t P eae — J. I. PETERS, General Agent iG) . : : ; ; . ; informa id The German soldiers er will be a tremendous re-awak-| needed, and this season in par- Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.' ig not be getting the variety of ening and the business science|;jeylar. the snow is later going THE BANK OF i” food which they received at} of this nation will enter upon|,gq than any season yet, in fact _ ——— = —— : : still 4 shakes | Al ’ the outbreak of the war, still an era of development whica|j¢ wijj be two months before sys- British North America MINERAL ‘Act | Alea M — — ae eae they are well enough fed t will fap outstrip anythjng ac- : : ; Rivermouth Fractional mineral claim, aaa a i Sealine} a aii ea in aaa tomatic trail building oan be done ‘3 YEARS IN BUSINESS. situated tn the Skeena Mining Division of | WILLIAMS & MANSON warrant their keeping in goo complished in ® past. here. (Why this hurry? — 97, Cassiar District. i Barristers, Solicitors, Etc : eondition, Germany is admit-, -— is e “1 : carr AND SURPLUS $7,204,000. Where located:—aAt the bead of Alice ’ . : i Looks very much like the gov- irm, adjoining the Rivermouth and Cari- MONEY TO LOAN : i ines of| COMMENTS AN ALICE ARM PR¢ SSPECTOR. PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby give Mining Recorder for a Certificate of im- THE ENGINE? REFINEMEN . : thi : ie lind-piggers aske@ to bei... ii i free pearspanadinem eae provements, for the purpose of obtaining ; are plentiful while farinaceous ae DISS ro |Alice Arm, B. C., May 7th, 1916.|notice twat it has, under Section 7 of the Areas oda of Ba aca lah alll Simest boats het float ; ; anded o ;. : : : ’ ‘ or E ; j foods are still to be had in| "a dec over ta the. military au said Act, deposited with the eet: ot And further take notice that action, | a ; F ample quantity, if not in great; thorities has been divulged. Later Bowserian. measure in that it. ic Public Works at Ottawa, and in th: office | under section 85, must be commenced be- | ; i : of the Kegtstrar General of Titles at Wic-}ro16 the issue of such Certificate of Im-|% 2 Oyl—® 1-2 In. by 7 in., 12-18 variety. |we may discover who supplied the|completely under control of the |toria, British Columbia, a description of} ments Horse Power. ; . 'whiek . - : co f the site and the plans of certain structures |° " ; | Horses may be getting scarce | Whiskey. Lieutenant - Governor in Council "s ‘ee ee he saad ot Lot Thirty-one} 024 this 23rd day of ers A. e @ Cyi—3 3-4 in. by 5 1-2 in, 2 ; oe . | Cor ee ; < ’ 1915. pe. %. : J but it is significant that the} Pa ee ithere being no fewer than twenty-|(3!. Range Three (3), Coast District, $ Saeed Horse Power ; x If the war iseto end in 1916 : : ; British Columbia, at the head of Cousins i @ Cyl.—S 1-2 In. by 8 in. 25-38 § : report states that steel is still} ba Chage" *itwo of its operations subject to | ine. Horse Power. ; i being produced rapidly in large|' © Cee, Tyne, Belfast, Barrow order-in-council. AND: TAKE: NOTICE ‘that. after the ex- —-—- 3 ‘and other huge Bri s ba piration of one month from the date of B a quantities. Though horses are/| E ‘ a tish shipbuild 9 ten ®t he tts yebtidition- of thle ‘eties; Fe oe '$ For Further Information } § ing yards will very ¥ i otis : yee Cae ll | a hecessary to a iarge extent,| 06 . : ery quickly fill up Copenhagen reports that the ee ook hot aa a aan ection -4 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND Em- 9 saben ; 4 =n ae jthe gaps in tonnage at. price: : . ; et SEO: SRNR AE Weare, SO Se Laverne hee —_ ACTION AR- Ey ; motors can be used for haul- ie tie eae _ . a “German fleet is again taking an] eouncu for approval of the said site and po GR pr — — i nee j 1 DEelOow st o ullding |... : > = sri ipl sada ng big guns, especially on the} airing in the North Sea. It will |P!#®- PH | , _ ships on this coast. . Z Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, $t7 sam STREST: one Prince Rupert, B. C. $ western front where the roads| eae probably remain at a respectful]inis 26tm day of April, A. D. 1946. \3 Dalen renesnoet : ; od. Cavalry is o ittlet*.4 a : ; ; itis - BODWELL, LAWSON & LANE. es - ; are good avalry i f litt | The Shipping Bill came into Siptanse from the British grand Ganiclenea tek Pacshe sitin ‘Seamiad ; or no use in the present war.! .victence as an aid to the lumber fleet since there are no more re- chun wena abe (} : so that the shortage of horses inaustry, but the bill does not|Pellions brewing. : is not so serious a matter as ; 3 : i 36- specify that the ships buil y Notice Under Section ; micht appear at first glance ; E 7 Pp ailt by LAND REGISTRY ACT. TAKE NOTICE that an application has y nig pee. I £ * government aid will be devoted been made to register Sven Holmquist, of G t“M M fF 3 Moxes l : The most important feature |, carrying lumber in the first Notice Under Section 36- Prince Rupert, as the owner in Fee-simple, e ee soe yours Ox : of the situation is the moral|.... F : : TAKE NOTICE that an application has/under two Tax Sale Deeds from the col- Muskrat, White Weasel, Beaver, Lynx, \ ves Ae x : 2 jinstance, Vancouver merchants|been made to register Olaf Hanson, of |iector of the City of Prince Rupert, « Marten and other Fur bearers collected in yoars a Es effect of the terrific slaughter , : : Prince Rupert, B. C., as the owner in|Sven Holmquist, bearing date me 17th da} SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to “SHUBERT” | J see ‘ c s > S ( ® itis { at Verdun, where the Germans, =. ee nm shonlé nen Fee-simple, under @ Tax Sale Deed from jor September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance of a reicbiancaicuaae toe ter Boom eae Eepattemishe ; s . ees " ot jbeen called the ‘First mA to |the Ccllector of the City of Prince Rupert/a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on utation existing f 4 ft have been mowed down in tens to Olaf Hanson, bearing date the 10th day!or about the ¥th day of September, 1914, cumtvlvscord Xeendag Pur Shi tke ‘ of thousands by the Frene to Rperd: Promoters “Din? of September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance jof all and singular certain parcel or tract Ene ToCe Ane canes, report ar roe . : ROUSEneS: “2 a Are h } . S558 of a Tax Sale held by said Municipality onjof iand and premises situate, lying, and Write for it—MOW —it's FREE ; Et n za ¢ ¢ arkir Thea Shi inc ; ; . 2 <, : . , . Ss JSTIN AV guns. The continual attacking rhe Shipping Bill is a truly jor about the 9th day of September, 1914, |being in the City of Prince Rupert, in the A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. ee eC . . = = ee | Of all and singular certain parcel or trac!|Province of British Columbia, more par aad ' of land and premises situate, lying, and/ticularly known and described as:-—Lot 4 7 being in the City of Prince Rupert in the|three (3), Block forty-five (45), Section ei e Province of British Columbia, more pra-jeight (8), and Lot four (4), Block thirty a ticularly known and described as:—Lot|nve (35), Section eight (3), Map 923. i : 1 e S ten (10), Block eighieen (18), Section You and those claiming through or under a ¥ six (6), Map 923. you, and all persons claiming any interest : } You and those claiming through or under|in the said land by descent whose title / 4 to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- you, and ail persons claiming any interesi/is not registered under the provisions -of 5 mark, Finland, italy and Russia. in the said land by descent whose title the “Land Registry Act” are required to d SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK is not registered under the provisions of|contest the claim of the tax purchaser i SOsCRE: TL > ag +r May 15th. :?ithe “Land Registry Act” are required to|within forty-five days of the service of ‘ “Frederick vr vewmees* May 31st. contest the claim of the tax purchaser|this notice upon you. Otherwise you and “Kristianisfjor@” ........ June 3rd. within forty-five days of the service Of |each of you will be forever estopped and “Stockholin” ......--- June 20th. this notice upon you. Otherwise you and |debarred from setting up any claim to or ee yo ee ao _—. each of you will be forever estopped and|in respect of the sald land, and 1 shall or Rates, Illustrate olders debarred from setting up any claim to or |register the said Sven Holmquist as owner i General Info tion Apply to in respect of the said land, and I shalilin fee. & s DYBHAVN & HANSON register the said Olaf Hanson as owner Your attention is called to section 36 ® in fee. of the “Land Registry Act” and amend- > Steamshi enc ; Q Beurance ang Poe sags Your attention is called to section 36!ments, and especially to the following ex- Prince Rupert, B. C. of the “Land Registry Act” and amend-|tract therefrom which relates to the above ments, and especially to the following ex- | notice. Dison tract therefrom which relates to the abov: “And in default of a caveat or certificate ‘d > notice. of lis pendens being filed before the} ips Ientieena tata enn orien “And in default of a caveat or certificate | registration as owner of the persons en- | ¢ of lis pendens being filed before the|/titled under such tax sale, all persons so} 3 registration as owner of the persons en-|served with notice, or served with notice | titled under such tax sale, all persons sv|under subsection (6) of section 155 of | served with notice, or served with notice |the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec. | = under subsection (6) of section 155 of|tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section : the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec-]139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ or| Here's where we test the 710 SECOND AVE tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section |section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases | choicest samples of Canada's 139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ orjin which notice under this Act is dispensed | . . Carpenters’ Too!s Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases|with as hereinafter provided, and those | as million a wheat Ag Wire Cable Steel Biccks Fishing Tackle — ee eee an aay enon << at an ae wy We grind them into men! ec 4 , Sse 0) y jteres Q n@ lan os mill Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns claiming through or under them and ali|/by virtue of any unregistered instrument, | litle ° romeo the of Rope Valves Ammunition persons claiming any interest in the landjand all persons claiming any interest in| the picture. Then comes the by virtue of any unregistered instrument,|the land by descent whose ttle is not | supreme test--bread-baking If Pumps Hose Paint and all persons claiming any interest i |registered under the provisions of this Act, 2 ‘ . Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated iron the land by descent whose title 1s not/shall be for ever estopped and debarred | the bread is perfect in every registered under the provisions of this Aci,|from eciting up any claim to or in respect | way we pronounce the wheat “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Shall be for ever estopped and debarred|of the land so sold for taxes.’ } | from setting up any ciaim to or in respeci} Dated at the Land Registry Office, at/| Al and the flour-ROYAL ~ : = jf the land so solid for taxes.” the City of Prince Rupert, Province of STANDARD Dated at the Land Registry Office, ai} British Columbia, this 19th day of Janviery, | ‘ ° 9 Wj jthe City of Prince Rupert, Province of |A., D. 1916. | AT YOUR GROCER'S FRED STORK’S HARDWARE [fits ntti!‘ sia %s'"osca0n, owe soar or : HjA- D. 1916. To Grand Trunk Pacific Development Co., V; Milling 86 Coltd H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. Lid., J. P. Convad, Jack Jenkins, Mrs. | ancouver rain : To Paul M. Schubert, Lily Schubert. C. R. McDonald. Voncouver. New Westminster Nanoimo. Victoria. EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. G, DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT, ©