a P| eee bse meng BRS a 4 | a A ue aon ae ex Se SSO OOOCOOlllellalIY)NS)SS\S >= fuk DAILY RLW!/ Wednesday, May 11. 1916 —= ———== Approved by Minis Passenger Boat. Call Green 391. Launch AliceB. ter of Marine as a For terms and particulars .W. J. THOMAS, Phone. PRINTERS’ “PI.” — Fresh and Refreshing A BUSINESS man . * > FROM Vancouver > > . ARRIVED here Monday. MEETING a local Tory; THEY started > “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. has WANTED. WANTED—General servant. Apply Mrs. L. Ww. Patmore, Borden St tf. WANTED— Guistein, General servant, cor. LOST ~— — 7 LOST—Bunch of keys. Finder please re- turn to Hotel Rupert. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Baby carriage in good con- dition, $15.00. Phone Green 273. FOR SALE— Rens from pure bred Ancona} Excellent all winter layers. Very $1.00 per setting. 112. hens. large white eggs. Apply box 103, Daily News. FOR SALE—Good team of horses, for cash, cheap. Apply Box 202, Daily News. . tf. FOR SALE—Launch Impala, 48ft. x ii 1-2 x5 1-2. Butlt in 1912, Djinn engine, 35 bh. p. Burns coal ofl or distillate Fully equipped and in number one order. Apply Wm. Sutherland, Bella Coola, B. C. SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE line engine, new, $165 freight paid Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Canads. w. FOR TAXI. Phone 99: OR GREEN 170. Gaso- Stand: Cornor of Empress Theatre Block. [CONCRETE CHMNEY B10:4 80 Cents per ft. F. 0. B. Prince Rupert Concrete Works, McBride St. AKERBERG, THOMSON ; COMPANY Sole Agents for the PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY PHONE 525 seaenee n Paes fenet Feed Ce. RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS WE HANDLE Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele’s, and Brigg’s. Garden and Field Seeds. Also Fertilizers. We Take Pears for Nursery Grain and Feed at Vancouver Prices. Hay, Chicken Feed A Specialty. Mail Orders Promptiy Attended To. DENTISTRY CROWN AND SRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY OR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 MINERAL ACT Certificate of improvements NOTICE “Albion” and “Sunbeam” Mineral Claims, Situate in the Skeena Mining Division of fassiar District. Where located:-—About five miles from the head of Alice Arm on “Middle Creek.” TAKE NOTICE that I, Wm. T. Kergin of Prince Rupert, B. C., Free Miner’s Cer- tifcate No. 94035B, intend sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Lmprovements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant ef the above claim. And further take notice that action, un- der section 37, must be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Improve- ments. Dated this 16th day of March, A. D. apply Mrs. A. Tatiow and 6th Avenue. Phone 492. tf. | 109. |phy ling City Solicitor Peters developed wonderfully sique since joining the fight- forces. has re- lceived a photo of his son Gerald, | who is now taking his examina- jtions for his commission. Gerald} in ; | ; | | Pp Te T 200 SACKS POTATOES Just Arrived. hese are good Spuds—On Sale for $1.40 rice advances when 100 sacks are sold. Price per ton. .$27.00 ‘rsey Butter...3 Ibs ye 15 Lewis Island Eges, doz. Fuller McHeekin PHONES Motor Delivery Pp J. For HOTEL —IS NOW OPEN TO GUES Ts Lake. hone Connections with Terrace. RATES: $2.50 per day. further particulars, apply to BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS One of the largest Hot Springs in America, circumference 300 feet— Temperature of Water, 180 d. Fahr. Excellent Trout Fishing in Lakeise , Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—At the head of a branch ;of Lime Creek about four miles from the beach TAK as age cerunc Free api obtaini claim. And Ce Basi Free obtain claim. And FRAC TION, BEGU Ikeda Ikeda miner above 1916, je7 WM. T. KERGIN. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE on the south side of Alice Arm. E NOTICE that I, mt for Thos. No. 87966B, ng a Crown Grant of the further take GEORGE R. NADEN. MINERAL ACT rtificate of Improvements NOTICE m Mineral Claim, situate Miner’s Certificate No. 94096B, ing a Crown Grant of the further take GEORGE R. NADEN, MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements BELLIS FRACTION, NASTURTIUM, TION, FRACTION, CLAIMS, District; ASTER :.. located at or Bay, Mines Limited. Limited, 8s’ certificate No, 70354 B, claiins. JOHN A. MACINNES, Solicitor for Ikeda Mines George R. Naden, Free Miner’s Certificate No. 94096B, acting McRostie, Free Miner’s ate No, 69991B, and James L. Hatch, Miner's Certificate nd, sixty days from the date hereof, to ly to the Mining Recorder for a Certifi cate of Improvements, in- for the purpose of above notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of im- provements. Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916. in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—aAbout four miles from the beach on the south side of Alice Arm 4t the head of a branch of Lime Creek. TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, in- tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certifi- cate of Improvements, for the purpose of above notice that action, ander section &5, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- provements. Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916. IRIS GENTIAN, BLUE BELL FRAC- MON, CROCUS FRACTION, COSMOS FRAC- TION, THISTLE FRACTION, HOLLY FRAC- PViION, BIRCH, MARIGOLD FRACTION, PLUM FRACTION, LILAC FRACTION, FERN FRAC- PINS APPLE FRACTION, COXCOMB, NIA MINERAL Charlotte situate in the Queen near Queen Charlotte Island, Province of British Columbia, and lawfully held by TAKE NOTICE that I, John A. MacInnis, sclicitor for Ikeda Mines free intend after the expiration of sixty days from the date hereof to apply on behalf of the said Company to the Mining Recorder for a certificate of Improvements for the pur- pose of obtaining a Crown Grant to the AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action under Section 85 of the Mineral Act must be commenced before the issuance of such certificate of improvements, Dated this 27th day of April, A. D. 1916, Limited, A POLITICAL discussion. MR, TORY said, “THE GRITS down below “MUST BE sore . “OVER the election “SCANDAL.” THE gentleman FROM Vancouver : SMILED and said, | “WHY?” “WELL, they got ‘ “SUCH a showing up,” SAID the “THE SHOE is “ON THE other foot,” Tory. . > SAID his friend. “THE TORIES are. “THE LAUGHING stock “OF THE city. “MR. KELLY Local News Notes B . Dr. Eggert left for Hazelton this morning. J. H. Hilditch left for Telegraph | ae yesterday. = = > “The Goddess” is screened at the Westholme tonight, Dan Lindberg returned from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert today. Best quality of household lump and nut coal. Prince Rupert Coa Co., phone 15. { There, were fifty passengers for Alaskan points on the Prince Rupert this morning. s s = Ben Self and Charles Balagno left for Mile 21 on a fishing ex- pedition this morning, Lawnmowers sharpened and re- paired. tions. Repairs of all Phone 219, Fritz. OA. = descrip- 112 *There is a first-rate variets program at the Westholme to- night, besides the great serial. s = s Inspector of Indian Tyson left on the train this morn- ing to visit the Babine agency. Agencies | “AND the rest | “OF THE Seattle “JAIL-BIRDS HAVE q i | B76 F > queerec | Ba | is composed of clean, whole you — WHOLE business, rHE WHO! ; | leaves. Picked right, blended right a “AND THE public | packed right. It rings the fragrance “HAVE sized up , -of an Eastern garden to your table. “THE situation | BLACEHE, MIxzED oF GREBN “JUST exactly. oar JOHN L, SULLIVAN .) “AND HIS conspirators Whether “ARE LOOKED upon For Yourself bi . . orasa “AS FIT lleagues : ; Gift to your Friend “OF BOW St R and company ‘AND the Grits g 9 ARE GAINING strength PERRIN S “EVERY DAY ss GLOVES TORY said NOTHING more The well known Perrin trademark as i ta Mae ca shown in cuts should be on every glove poe eer ws you get, as this assures you perfection of WITH a serrowful, Style, Fit d Finish ae ye an : EJECTED look, r os a oa Best dealers the world over sell the AND an air genuine PERRIN'S GLOVES. 9 * ° . + : OF DEEP depression. a, J. H. Seott, the proprietor o SUN AND TIDE NOTICE TO MARINERS ithe cannery at Ward's Cove, sitters Mariners plying in the \laska, came north this morning. Friday, May 12th. of the North Channe! accompanied by Mrs, Seott. They|Sun rises............ 4:51 a. m.iCharlotte Sound, are-wa to jleft for Ketchikan on the Prince|Syn sets............ 8:29 p. mn.;keep a lookout for a raft gs John this aftern yon, Low water ...3:36a.m. Ht. 8.7 adrift near Browning [ 4 a . High water ...9:25a.m. Ht. 15.4 |About one milk n Gergeant Wells, the one armed|Low water ...3:38 p.m. Ht. 7.3}in the North Channel | hero f Ypres, arrived from the|Hich water ...9:53 p.m. Ht. 17.8!April 3rd, when in tow of the tug [s uth « the Prince Rupert this Captain McGee, M. M, 8. A. B. C. Boy, the raft broke jmorning. The sergeant used to allege lacbhassons [t contains approximately § | be on the staff of the Provine: Charles Balagno has resumed | feet and is about 60 feet iHe will lecture in the Westholme | taking pianoforte pupils. Terms 100 feet long, standing 16 feet mn Friday and Saturday. Phont Blue 403. t! jhigh. tf. easonable. The halibut schooners Alameda | and Viking brought in 15,000 anc | 13,000 pounds of halibut today. J. A. Meeker left this morning} Terrace where he may take a position in the Little lumb yard, | | ; | | | for . . . Andy Tyson, dian agencies, passengers from the south morning. inspector of In- was amongst the this . . * Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen returned from the south this morning. Mrs. Allen has spent the winter months in Portland and Seattle. ® * ® Fred. Stork delivered a interesting lecture on “The Fu- ture of Canada” to the Baptis! Young People’s Society last night. . . . Chapter Hill 60 of the Daugh- ters of the Empire wil! hold an informal dance on May 12th in McIntyre Hall. Tickets 50 cents, 8 © most D. H. Morrison has secured the contract to build the warehouse for the Booth Fisheries on the G. T, P. wharf, on which work will be started in a few days. the Peacon edge, beg To the Manufacturers Each day sees more articles givea newspapers. Ace your prod atill inthe valley of obscurity, or forth by the leacon fires of «x hill of public favor > he places his message before the people in a way that will impart knowl- et appicciation and win preference for his goods. Who can fail to see any day the gleaming messages of “ Magic Baking Powder,” “Standard Ideal Ware,” “Sunlight Soap,’ "Gillette Safety Razors,” “*Penman’s Underwear,” ucts and your brand > are they blaze dverii HE old beacon fires were the great advertising mediums of their age. Though they could not advertise merchandise, they advertised the things of most vital interest to the people. ~ Placed on the summits of high hills, bearing a message to thousands of “‘readers,” they were prototypes of those modem fires of Twentieth Century commerce—the “‘ beacon” fires of News- paper Advertising. * ee The advertisements appearing in the newspapers \ to-day are shining lights in the world of . commerce, flashing out news and informa- tion to a waiting world. the modem manufacturer lights When Fires of Newspaper Advertising Infants’ Delight Soap,” and many others ? If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising problems with the Advertising Department of this newspaper. oe If you are doing a provincia! or national business it w bs well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good advertising A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obligation, by ony of Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsdes Uuicing, Toronto. of Canada publicity in the ed vtheigh *y ung —