you. VIL. NO. 113. PRINCE RUF e ei B. G, MONDAY, aoe 15, 1916, PRICE FIVE | CENTS —_— ——— NT AND I G JRMANS ARE ( | HEMENT \T AND IRISH SOLDIER FACE CHARGES Soldier was Priscner in Germany and Accompanied Casement on Expedition—@Ger- man Promises. (Special to The Dally News.) May 15.—Sir Roger Julian Bai- London, Casement and Daniel ey, a private soldier who was ar- ested at Tralee, have been joint- charged with high treason. Bailey landed from the German with Casement, but submarine made his escape, being captured later. Casement hung his head when counsel referred to the Knight- hood which was conferred upon accused by the King in 1912. Bailey, who was a prisoner of war in Germany, was a reservist Royal Irish Rifles. Casement to in the He was induced by join the expedition to Ireland. He sai that Casement promised in the name of the German government that, if Germany won the sea battle, German troops would lar lost the would be in Ireland. If Germany war, each Trishman given $20 and free passage to America, Bailey and a Casement, with man named Monteiiu, who is still at large, landed from_ the after the British boat had sunk the German vesse! sub- marine patrol which carried 20,000 rifles and achine guns. The Green flag of rebellion, which was carried by Casement on landing in Ireland, was exhib- ited in court. Gasement made a lon which tend ig statement may to shorten the proceedings, which are continued today, JACK PETERS MAY BE ALIVE IN GERMAN Fred K. C., has received a letter from Mrs. in Eng- Peters, Peters, and, which has raised his hopes that their son Jack is a prisoner allowed to in Germany and not write letters. A letter in The Daily Mail states that at one place there are 4,800 British prisoners who have been there fop a year but who have not been able to acquaint their people with the fact, young the Flying managed to One officer of Corps shuggle a letter through, in which he said that of the British hissing, are held hy the many believed killed” Germans, THE WEATHER By F. W. Dowling. For 24 hours ending 5 a. m. May 45th. Barometer Mon lay, 30.436 58.0) Highest lemperature Lowest temperature g OMe eo occceoorenneoenoor? @oO TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES 8) morrow WHEN A GERMAN “FOKKER” of the enemy’s machine is winged. Photo LIEUT. DOLLING GETS THE MILITARY CROSS CitizenS of Prince be delighted to conferred the Rupert willl that the} Military Cross upon Lieut. C. R. J. R. De l-| learn King has siénously gallant | ing for “con leading during a night attack.” which reports that “It] was mainly due to the promptness Lieut. that the as-| The English paper, the item, goes on to say | and coolness of Dolling in} handling his men saulting party took the position | aimed at. Lieut. Dolling was wounded slightly in three places, | but kept up the morale of his men. On a previous occasion he led a against a successful bombing party | party of the working enemy and accounted for several of them,” | | WAR LECTURE Methodist Church last |" Fred Wells de livered an address on his exper! In the evening, Sergeant ences as a prisoner of war In Germany. After describing mos! graphically the battle field, with its smashed guns; thousands ol dead men and horses, he went on to tell of the meted out to British prisoners in harsh’ treatment camps. He the German prison stated that Canadians came in fot particularly brutal treatment. He had stories to tell of the tricks played by the prisoners 1m thal many feigning insanity I order they might be exchanged. HALIBUT ARRIVALS Captain P. Rorvik, with the Kose formerly the brought in his first hali- Spit, schooner Pandora, but catch, 7,000 Chief Skugaid, of the in 45,000; the Mira, 10,000, pounds, ‘The Cold Storage brought and the Company, Gora, 7,000, Halibut sold yesterday at 6% cts. OBITUARY Hayner Bros. have received a wire to meet the Chelohsin, on which is the body of Pete Groich, vho died recently at Anyox, The V oO al , brought south in body is bene care of Mike Cornish. The funeral { will take place from Hayner’s Chapel to Fairview Cemetery to- afternoon at 2:30. DRIVEN FROM THEIR aircraft. The shows VANCOUVER ELECTION ENQUIRY CONTINUES | sumed, | tmmers “Here rushing wabhhines comes a men to the guns. (Special to The Dally News.) Victoria, May 15.—-The Vancou- ver election enquiry has been re- other that they-%.u.w M. of Victoria Gosden and testify nesses 4. Macdonald outside post office on the Tuesday even- ing following Easter. J. T. Seott, Ralph Smith and Ashworth Anderson have been ‘Subpoenaed to attend the enquiry } LOMmOrrow, SILVER DISCOVERY AT ALICE ARM CAMP | ecient The Toronto Globe jthat ‘ian On the mining property of J. EK. Stark, one of the pioneer pros- pectors of the Alice Arm 1 promising silver deposit has been discovered. The discovery as made in making the new} jroadway. George R. Naden, who has the property adjoining the Stark property, states that Mr. Stark has leased his claim to three have traced the de- about 95 feet. As who posit back for the deposit is right on the water, there will be mo transportation difficulties should it anything big, develop into MOTOR SHIP ERA No more interesting chapter could be merchant written in the history of marine than the re vival of the sailing ship and the installation of the modern Diesel and semi-Diesel types of engine. From every shipyard in the coun- try come reports of a revival in this naturally the class of construction, but Pacific coast will vessels, that it possesses such vast areas of the lead in the number of chiefly owing to the fact highest class timber particularly adapted for such construction, Not only will these ships carry from Pacifle coast ports cargoes consisting of the various natural resources of this country, but they can return well laden with cargoes from foreign lands anc can also operate through the Panama Canal, News. Railway and Ma- rine Fokker” wil- | COMES WITHIN RANGE OF BRITISH ‘:NTI-AIRCRAFT GUNS.—A very exciting game sends every man to the guns ‘SERIOUS FOOD RIOTS — OCCUR IN BERLIN Hotel Rupert. May 15.— courtesy London, There are food riots of a serious nature in terlin, The shouts of the crowds can be plainly heard in the Kai- ser’s palace. Submarine Murders. The German outrages on the siR SAM HUGHES MAY PROCEED TO iki bunt | listriet, {distinguished English soldier, lSir -E. A. H. is informed Major-General Hon. Sir Ju- Hedworth George will Lieut.-General shortly succeed Alderson as com- mander of the Canadian troops at the front and Major-General Sir Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia and | Moore, jot the Bying, @4|/rison is the winging great is the joy when a ‘PRICE TRIED TO | STOP PROSECUTION May 9 Victoria, Harry Price, H SOLDIER ON TRIAL FIRST LINE TRENCHES SOUTH OF SOMME FRENCH DRIVE GERMANS FROM | FIRST TRENCH Bombardment on Verdun Front Still Continues—British Attack at Hulluch — Zeppelin Brought Down. (Special to The Daily News.) 15.—The bombardment of Hill 3804 Somme the aris, May German and South of have first Avoncourt continues. Germans been driven from theip line of trenches. There is great artillery activity in the Champagne district. Ger- man field work east of Mount Tetu resulted in the capture of fifteen prisoners, Berlin reports that the British are attacking the German lines at Hulluch. Belgian Expedition. The Belgian expedition, which invaded German East Africa, has been successful in occupying Ki- secretary of the Victoria Conser- vative Association attempted to interfere in the proseeution of fighter, who on the day of the by-election Frank Slavin, ex-prize opened a shebeen here on Yates sea continue, a British vessel ; Street and ran it so wide open having been sunk without warn- it became so noticeable that men ing, thirteen of her crew being|were coming out of the place lost, ‘under the influence of drink, that the returning oflicer, H. W. R. had to appeal to the police to close the place, In the mean- time Liberals had also complained about the blind-pig. The evidence city prosecutor, C. L. Har- , before the investigation by the legislative committee tonight, leaves no doubt of the attempted interference of the the Price secretary of Conservative Association. will probably be called be- fore the committee. for Ganada, probably will also take an active command. Lieut.-Gen. Alderson has been in command of the troops since the arrival of the first contingent at Plymouth, Eng- land, in October, 1914, It is un- derstood he will now take the post of Inspector-General of the Can- adian forces in England. Hon. Sir Julian Bying, K, Cc. M. G., has had an extensive military In the South with Major-General Hedworth George experience, African war he served distinetion, and has splendidly maintained his reputation in the present war. PPINCE RUPERT HALISUT ARRIVES IN THE TRENCHES According to old country ex- changes, the boys in the trenches are being supplied with fresh fish from Canada, in ice. One article describes how Pacific coast halibut arrives at the front in like “slabs doors.” The Ridley blessing to Home has been a struggling children and many an child, Help it “two bits” at the Westholine on Wednesday many a settler’s uncared-for with your night. Reserved seats 50 cents at Orme’s. Canadian | It is j the Hudson's Bay stated whisky bought at store was sent head- ito him at Conservative quarters. When the police raided the shebeen they captured Frank McBride, and a man named Copping. Slavin and J, soldiers, Price asked the city prosecutor if the case could not be withdrawn. Later the were turned over lo the military authorities though the prosecutor men objected. Nothing was done to the men by the civil authorities. Rede mail, Slavin's attorney was Pooley, M, P. P. of Harrison and Moore were before the committee The latter told of having gone to the police when Esqui- witnesses tonight. merely the blind-pig was brought to his attention, ORE SHIPMENT of the loading ore The steel barge Baroda, Grifliths tleet, is now at the Rochep De Boule bunkers, The Baroda is the largest barge which has called here and is ore, On this trip she will take south about a thousand tons for treatment at the Tacoma smelter. a spuds at $4.40 per sack, & MoMoekin Gein good capable of handling 2,500 tons of gali, the capital of the German province of Ruanda. Zeppelin Downed. London, May 15.—A Zeppelin has been brought down by gun- fire off the Norwegian coast, Three British destroyers had pursued the craft over the North Sea. Bulgarian Move. Bulgaria is removing her troops from the Roumanian frontier to Saloniki in anticipation of an Al- lied offensive at that point. HEPBURN IS PROBABLY WOUNDED “ANDY” In the latest casualty list ap- pears the name of Corporal A. B. Hepburn, amongst the wounded. In all “Andy” Hepburn, late of the fire hall staff, who has likelihood, this is been driving’ a motor transport: on the western front. Unique whist drive and dance by Valhalla Society in K. of P. Hall on Thursday, May 48th. Tickets 50 cents at Orme’s store and Benson's Studio. Every ticket carries a chance of one of twenty prizes, besides the whist prizes, which are on view at Benson's Studio. Refreshments, Whist at 9 p. m. sharp. 115. There were five carloads of halibut on the train this morning and also a car of small local ship- ments. WESTHOLME OPERA HOUS TONIGHT Jane Novak and Wobart Henly in the 4th Story of > “GRAF T’ Each Episode a Complete Story— You can start any time. Two Fine Dramas “THE DEVIL AND IDLE HANDS” -~AND— “SHERMAN WAS RIGHT” Max Asher in a real funny comedy ‘MRS. PRUNES’ BOARDING HOUSE” “ARTISTIC INTERFERENCE” Another Great Comedy, UNIVERSAL WEEKLY Doors open, 6:45, Show starts, at 7.