VI. NO. 117. oe eens DESPHRATE FIGHTING ON ITALIAN Fi PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1916, PRICE FIVE CENTS BRITISH SUBMARINES BUSY IN THE BALTIC — A GERMAN AEROPLANE: DOWNED BIG OFFENSIVE HAS BEGUN ON ITALIAN FRONT Austrians Making Advance from Alps to the Adriatic—Big Gorman Batteries are Installed. Special to The Daily News,) London, May 20.—The ialian troops have recaptured the trenches which were taken from the Austrians at the the Gulf of Trieste on them by head of Monday. Heavy Fighting. Geneva, May 20.—The heaviest fighting recorded since the out- break of hostilities between the Austrians and Italians is now in progress in the region of Rover- e(to and in the Sugana Valley, The Austrians are advancing against the Italians from the Alps to the Adriatic and are also rush- ing troops to the Trente district to stay the Italian advance in that quarter. Several batteries of the heaviest type of artillery have been brought from Germany and have been in- stalled in the vicinity of Gorizia Montfaleone, the ar- of the Archduke lrederick is reported. and where rival Austrian COLTS WIN BALL GAME IN AN EASY CANTER The ball game between the Colté and the C, C.’s last night was disappointing, after the show nade by the C, C.’s in the pre- vious game. To the Colts, the ball seemed to be as big as a balloon so easy did they find it. Dick Moore started pitching for the O. G.’s but, in the fourth, re- tired in favor of Fred Henning. The change made no difference to the Colts to whom everything looked easy. The Colts ulitmate- ly won by 44 to 4. The fleld work of the winners “as also superior to that of the Club, the work of Wallace Ander- ‘on and Joe Anderson being par™ That the C, Played away below form last night Will be to ‘ome, Hughie Seott pitehed a real good ticularly good. C.’s shown in the games same for the winners, THE CRADLE to Mr, Mrs. Terrace, twin eeneral hospital this morn- Born Little and George daughters, at the ing, OR Eee Hee He HERE aE Ee ae KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS * % ue * * Nominations of officers * * of Skeena Lodge No. 45 * * will take place Monday, * * 22nd inst. All members * “re reguested to attend. * * RK RR SSeS OSE tees Peres. @o To LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik, Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES HK KK MK EE HK KH KH * CITY’S BIRTHDAY % This is the sixth birth- * day of the City of Prince * Rupert, for it was on May 19th, 1910, that Fred Stork was elected first mayor of the Grand Trunk Pacifie terminal. Prince Rupert 2 and Canada have passed through — stirring times since that eventful day, and Prince Rupert is prob- ably not just what the real estate ago 1916, old, wonders, of six it to For a city six years it has done The rush of the construction days is over, but the development men years pictured be in however, period of steady is with us. These are troublous times, all development Canada is for the time be- ing arrested, and in but the rea- sons fop the optimism of {910 still exist, and, the anding of the war, with this namesake of a great war- rior will come into its own. KKH EHR KR RH PRICE ARRANGED THE TRANSPORTATION Victoria, May 16— eee eee eee SSeS SOS eee eee eee * * * * * * * J * * * * * ¥* * a * * * * * * * * * * * -The Victoria had after committee but investigation a short session today, hearing two witnesses adjourned to the election allow Vancouver frauds investigdtion to get under way. The vestigating matters regarding the the The is being enquired into, F. L. Doggett, sales manager of the Hudson's Bay Company, testi- fied that MeBride, one of the two soldiers said to have operated the is in®™ Victoria committee by-election here, at request of Mr. “blind-pig” Brewster. alleged “blind-pig,”’ had bought liquor from the company at the time of Dogget the by-election, person- ally delivered it at the foot of Yates street. It was a jar of whisky, he said. Morton, the man who was sales manager of thi Hudson's Bay liquor department at the time, is out of the city at present, Doggett said, McBride the liquor. employed on the signed for Claus Axhorn, dredge Ajax, now told the committee that he came to Victoria to vote at the election on return ticket fur- nished him by P. R. Roberts, who the dredge. Twenty- were at Nanaimo, down a worked on nine other men legitimate and others pos- not. Tickets Roberts, who had showed the a message from W, H. tell- ing him to arrange for transpor- the men to Victoria, voters, he said, sibly were were given them by witness Price of Vietoria, tation fop SUN AND TIDE --—_- : BRITISH SUBS. - STOP GERMAN | Renewed British Ac Activity in the Baltic—German Ore Ship Sunk—Crew Allowed Ample Time. ® Daily News.) (Special to The Stockholm, May 20.—Renewed activity on the part of the British the Baltic stopped the movement of enemy submarines in has ore-carrying vessels between Sweden and Germany. Shipments of ore are tied up in various ports the Baltic, while the German ship Hera, carrying cargo of has been torpedoed by a submarine. The British alloWed the crew of the in a metal, British officers Hera sullicient time to leave the vessel safely before they torpe- doed her, Vatican and Berlin. May 20.—The Vatican is doing its utmost to induce Ger- London, many to abandon her inhuman warfare. Thirteen Air Combats. May 20.—There were thirteen aerial combats over the battlefront and London, in France yesterday one German Fokker was brought down, Lord Charles Retracts. London, May 20,—Lord Charles who helped to in Eng- Beresford, has a considerable stir the raise land over British air service, ORE SUPPLIES MR. LLOYD HARRIS Who position of Colonel lations’ with the Shell Committee before the Royal Commission in- vestigation into the Kyte charges at Ottawa, Mr. Russell Motor Car Company which tried the American companies. PRISONER CREATES A DISTURBANCE IN JAIL made an important ex- Allison’s re- Harris is of the in vain to secure some of fuse contracts which went to Passengers along Third Avenue last must thought that Chief Vickers had started an evening have insane asylum, as the most un- earthly yells penetrated the walls of the police office and rang along the this only the method of giving vent to surplus energy, generated by an of Scotch, by street. However, was in of indulged the overdose by a gentleman name now retracts his allegations con-|} the of the | British aerial service. | cerning inefficiency AGENTS PROTEST (Special to The Daily News.) London, May 20,—The General of the various Canadian Agents - provinces have issued a_ protest against the wives of soldiers go- ing to England and claiming the right to get into direet communi- cation with high military author- ities for the purpose of getting their hunbands extended leave of absence. BOXING The Daily News.) 20.—-Mike Gib- defeated Kid in a ten-round (Special to New York, May of St. Paul, of England, last evening. bons, Lewis, contest here COFFEE ADVANCING Mr, Trumbull, of William Braid & Company, states that coffee, like most other commodities, is bound to advance in price for some time to He expects that his firm be obliged to issue new price list about June 4st, they are determined to keep up the peputation for quality which Braid’s coffee has earned and this can only be done by public to meet their share of the increased cost, come, will as asking the Lieut. Demers will shortly sit for his captaincy after which he expects to be attached to one of Saturday, May 20th, Sun riS@S..++eeeeeeee 4:36 a, m, Sun setS...+rseeeee? 8:44 p. m, High water’...2:44.a,m, Ht, 22.0 Low water ...9:32 a.m, Ht. 4.5 High water er p.m. Ht, 18.7 Low water :39 p.m, Ht. 7.6 Captain sea thba. M. M, 8. A. for Sills, who had been arrested appropriating a box of tools belonging to Walter Shaw. Mr. Sills also to tear down the prison doors, throw but did little morning, set to work etc., This meek buckets around, real damage. he was exceedingly and the Seotch having meantime evap- He will come up before MeMullin this after- orated. Magistrate noon, LIEUT. AND MRS. DEMERS ARRIVE THIS FORENOON and Mrs. from the south on the Sophia to- day and when interviewed by The what Lieut. Demers arrived Daily News were viewing remains of their store and home, They were advised of the fire by wireless so that they knew pretty Both take their loss bravely and philosophi- though their property partially covered by well what to expect. cally, is only insur- ance, HOME RULE (Special to The Daily News.) London, May 20.—Premier As- quith hopes that he will imme- diately be able to secure a moder- ate measure of Home Rule for Ireland. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT The city will shortly issue a new telephone directory. Any de- sired changes in name, number, or address, please notify the Su- perintendent of Telephones in the eastern battalions. writing before June ist, 1916, mild, |° ~|SOLDIERS PERMITTED TO ASSIST FARMERS (Special to The Daily News.) Ottawa, May 20. —Parliament !prorogued yesterday afternoon. ‘In the absence of the Duke of Connaught, Sir -.arles Fitzpat™ rick read the speech from the throne. Soldiers to Help Farmers, Permission has been granted by the Militia Department to eighteen thousand soldiers, now in training, to assist wie prairie farmers in their seeding opera- tions. MAIL CARRIER MAY HAVE GONE THROUGH THE ICE the one of the Fears are entertained for safety of J. McMillan, old time dog team drivers in the Alexander has been advised that this sturdy musher started across the lake Sunday the mails and has not been heard of since. Atlin country. Captain out on with The ice was badly honey-combed and feared that MeMillan has gone through, The missing man Was well known in this ‘dis* it is trict and all will sincerely hope that he is safe. THE VALHALLA DANCE WAS A HUGE SUCCESS THOMAS EDISON TO TAKE STUMP FOR ROOSEVELT Presidential Campaign Begins to Take Shape—Wilson to Ad- dress Peace League—Ger- man Diplomacy, (Special to The Daily News.) New York, May 20.—Thomas Edison, the famous inventor and chairman of the Inventions Com- mittee recently formed as part of the preparedness policy, has agreed to stump the country for Theodore during the Republican. Roosevelt week preceding the National Convention. The veteran inventor strongly favors the policy of preparedness and is satisfied that ex-President Roosevelt the man to lead United States citizens along the surest and safest course in the troublous times ahead. President Wilson. Washington, May 20.—Presi- dent Wilson has accepted an in™ vitation to address the league which has recently been formed with the purpose of enforcing peace and to prevent future wars. German Diplomacy. Germany, through Count Von Bernstorff, German Ambassador, is The Seandinavian Society's dance in the K. of P. Hall last evening was perhaps the- most successful function ever promoted by the members of Valhalla No. There must have been two hundred people present and the 67. had its work cut ‘out to cater for the huge gathering. It speaks volumes for the energy and foresight of the committee, Mrs, G. A. Johnson, Mrs. Christina Mr. Harry who were assisted by other mem- bers, that there was an ample supply of good things to eat and drink and that everyone present had a most enjoyable time, The whist prizes were captured Hardy and Mr. B. Mc- the consolation prizes going to Miss L. Mr, Joe Garon. were the winners jrawing: Miss Hardy, 68; Mrs. W. H. J, Erickson, 117; A. Swanson, 17; Miss Ewing, 64; Mrs. Warner, 104; Ole Skog, 97; T. Wicks, 123; Wilfrid Kelly, 35; Fred Seadden, 11; John Storfold, 130; Andrew Thomson, 74; Mrs. Ewing, 150; Mrs, R. E, Loucks, 54; H. Craig, 146; Harry Fletcher, 386; Bob Leighton, 154, and Mr. McNeil, 115. The dance music was provided by Charles Balagno and Harry Harvey and the dancing went on merrily until early morning. Dur- ing the evening songs were ren- dered by Harry Fletcher and Miss Wright, who had to respond to The accompaniments were played by Mr. Balagno. committee Johnson and Hanson, by Miss Daniels, Pederson and The following in the ticket B42. a. Wright, 102; °F. Buchan, £38; KE. Chandler, encores, SAFETY FIRST-—-USE NEW WELLINGTON COAL, PHONE 116. has instrueted \German Consuls throughout the United States to all eitizens that must scrupulously observe American laws. notify German they WAR PRISONER THANKS HELPING HAND SOCIETY Mrs. L, W. Riley, of the Helping Hands Society, has received from Arthur Noble a postcard from Lieut. Dick Leeson, of Vancouver, of the Royal Flying Corps, and at present a prisoner of war at Furstenberg, in Germany, ex- pressing thanks for a gift*‘of to- baceo which was provided by the Helping Hands Society through Mr, Noble some time ago. Lieut. Leeson left Vancouver with the 7th Battalion and was a member of the ist B. C, Regi- ment. The card bears a picture of the Germans in the trenches. at the Auditorium May Four-piece orchestra. Gents 120 Dance 24th. $1.00. Ladies free, 100 148 Terrace Potatoes $1.75 per sack, City Market. WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT DON’T MISS THIS! The Greatest Picture Ever Shown in Prince Rupert. MARY PICKFORD in an_ exquisite picturization of John Luther Long’s Beloved Classic, “MADAME BUTTERFLY” One of the famous Keystone comedies “LITTLE BILLY’S TRIUMPH” NOTICE—-For the benefit of those who did not see Charlie Chaplin in “The Mix Up” we shall show that picture at the end of the Second Show Friday only, Prices for this show-——-Lower floor and first two rows of balcony, 26c. All other seats,/160. Children 100. rere