‘ THE DAILY NEWS —————— ws vol. Vil. NO« ae PRINCE RUPERT, B. — 20, 1916, C., SATURDAY, MAY —— SS PRICE FIVE CENTS AUST/ ANS PREPARING TO INVADE ITALY BRITISH SUBMARINES STILL BUSY INTHE BALTIC — AUSTRIANS ARE PREPARING FOR ~ [PREVENTING LIBERALS Victoria, May 16.—So dirty have tactics by which the BIG INVASION become the tacties by : , government majority on the com- One Hundred and Fifty St€amers Loading Troops and Supplies at Austrian Port—Turks Claim Russians Repulsed. Special to The Dally News.) May 20. fly steamers are now at the —~One hundred Paris, and | Austrian port of Fiume, prepar- ne to convey troops, munitions and war supplies, under the pro- tection of a fleet of cruisers and lestré to invade Italian and \Jbanian cities on the Adriatic. Turkish Reports. advance in the iyers, The Russian theatre of war is meeting with opposition by the Caucasus now Turkish forces. Constantinople claims that the tussian attack at Bitlisw Bailburt has been repulsed. Prisoners Sufferings. Petrograd, May 20.—Russia and Austria have made an exchange of wounded prisoners of war. Sey- eral of the Russians show signs of béing in the last stages of con- sumption as a result of the treat- ment given them, Fight to F!nish. lhe Allies are united in a fight to a finish to break down Prus- sian militarism is the answel given (o the Berlin peace talk by M. Viviani, former prime minister f Franc “MADAME BUTTERFLY” DRAWS CROWDED HOUSE Butterfly,” as Cho-Cho-San, drew a at the Westholme ast night and there is certain to Madame Pickford with Mary vded house be another large audience tonight. rhis great novel, which has had world -wide fame as an opera and sa play, makes one of the finest dramas of the screen imaginable. The setting of the piece is pemark- ably the old Japan being faithfully reproduced, While only an actress of the mag- netic Mary Pickford truthfully bring out on reen all the pathos of the Story of the little maid of Japan Who the pretty, scenes of power of Could so the sy Wails many weary months for return of her American hus- band and at last dies in despair. lhis of the finest features ever produced, is one movie SUICIDE Last Wednesday morning, while ‘he Venture was on her voyage be- tween Rive: Vancouver and Campbell! » One of the deck hands jump- overboard and was never seen ‘gain, He had just finished wash- 'ng down the decks and had his heavy sea-boots on when he drop= bed over the side, ed SPP rone, ao TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS bpd. UNION HOUSE art Bik, Third Ave. BOXES FOR LA DIES mittee “investigating” the Van- couver by-election is life of the before the Liberals have an op- portunity to put in any evidence, that Mr. H. C. eral leader, Brewster, the was forced to make a protest this morning. Miller, counsel for the government, and Neil Mackay, the chairman, with little Doe Naturally, Ernest McGuire putting in his oar here and there protested that they were not try- ing to do any such thing, that everything was being done ac- cording to rule and it was not their intention to delay matters. The Liberal leader pointed out that the case for three has been dragging weeks, the government is still calling witnesses, some of them of absolutely no importance, and but eleven days remain of the life of the the government expires the com- government, and when mittee naturally will cease, Ignore RequeSt. Though the easily government could John J the man Sullivan got out of enough produce Kelly, a Seattle plugged for Macdonald, the “wet” Mackay, has not yet produced him at the jail, and who swere he can‘didate, the chairman, request of the Liberals, who are now of the opinion that they are Nor the man they afraid to bring Kelly back. ‘Monty’? White, so glibly told of being the paymas- has ter of the plugging gang, been produed, nor the man in charge of the owned by the Sullivans, where the pluggers con- gregated. When mented on by the Liberal leader Regina hotel, this was com- this morning, the chairman said, “Why don’t you produce him?” SerYed Tory Purpose. Mr. Brewster asked that Sulli- van, who so easily produced Kelly first knew all about the operations, ap- parently should be asked to bring these men over, Mackay’s excuse then was that in the instance, and who a “subpoena wasn’t any good in Washington.” This, the readiness of the committee to in spite of witnesses for its own A lot has been found the of this choice gang since the case produce side of the case. operations out about started, and is a question now if the government witnesses can be made to return and repeat their former statements or answer more questions. Ifa confession can be extracted from Sullivan it would clear the air a lot. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT The will shortly issue a new telephone directory. city Any de- sired changes in name, number, or address, please notify the Su- perinteandent 0 f Telephones in writing before June ist, 1916, B. leaves Prince Ru- every Sun- The Alice pert for Metlakatlah day and every holiday at 10 a, m,, 4 p.m, from {2 noon and 2 and Lib- | | PRESENTING EVIDENCE | Va | proceedings to the point where the | government will expire | “Garnishing”’ old tea, Day” old tins in old London. coffee and tobacco tins into at Lady Brassey's house in London, ITALIANS ARE RETREATING Lady helpers converting collecting boxes for England. “Lamp INTENSE LOYALTY OF NATIVE PEOPLE One of the gratifying features loyalty by our Indian brothers.! Indian Agent, has Red Mr. C. C. Perry sent in to the Cross Fund, of the war is the great display of ;ed through Mrs. cheque for $1,000, being a dona-| tion to the Allies | by the Metlakatlah native people, | William Manson, ay Carnival of the making one of the most handsome} single contributions on the coast.| A few days ago Daniel Pearson, John Leighton and Robert Mathie-|} son, all native boys of “The Holy| City,” joined the 11th C. M. R. and are now in training in Van-| Two native sons of Me t- | Rudland now in the tren- couver. lakatlah, Ernest Valpy, are Johnny and ches. Dan Pearson, who is the Metlakatlah humorist, in bidding} his parents good-bye said, |: Father, ll] come back a general with a French wife.” This morning, two more natives of Metlakatlah, Andrew O'Reilly and Robert Nelson, left on the Prince Rupert to join the 14th C, M,. R;, of a young men, When it is that cash donations and sales of native Carnival of the Allies realised the sum of $313.30, cannot but be struck with the. in- interest the In- dians are taking in the war and making nine soldiers out very small population of remembered work at the one tense patriotic in the Red Cross work especially. Three cheers and a tiger for Met- lakatlah.” CAPT. AND MRS, COOPER BACK FROM INTERIOR Captain and Mrs. Cooper, of the returned last eve- ning from a tour of the interior McBride. They very kindly received by the people of the hinterland and had a few salvation Army, as far as were new experiences, one of them be- ing a drive right through a bush fire with the trees on either of the road ablaze. The captain side breezes feel says that the sea pretty good after two weeks up country. of the Dominion Government Geodetic Survey, ar- rived from the south on the Prin- Noel Ogilvie, Davis’ float, $4.00 return, cess Sophia yesterday, jup, and the PRINCE RUPERT’S BOND DEAL IS COMPLETED The following wire was receiv- from Mayor McCaffery last night: New York, May 19th O. H. Nelson, Prince Rupert, Satisfactory arrange- ments made. Deal completed to- day Money goes forward to Prince Rupert.” M. P. McCAFFERY. that the between This negotiations means financial Spitzer, and the City of Rupert are now )Rorick & Company satisfac- that the treasury certificates falling due in taken affairs of | Prince \torily completed and London on June ist will be financial ithe city placed on a solid basis. the Mayor It is Treasurer expected that and the leave shortly for Mr. McCaffery Montreal where he City will Prince Rupert. will return via will have an with President E. J. of the G, T. PR: Rupert. interview Chamberlin, in re- gard to matters in Prince SHIP-BUILi... | 20.—The Wal- secured a May Shipyards haye build with auxiliary undep the provisions of the new The keels will be laid shortly. The cost of vue three hulls is estimated at $400,000, Vancouver, lace wooden contract to three schooners power Shipping Act, > Mr. William J. MeCormick, Grand Treasurer of the I, 0. O, I's in Ontario, who died recently, COMPLIMENT TO CANADIANS AND BRITISH GUARDS French Say They are Best Trained Troops Sent tothe Western Fron*—litalians have to Withdraw. (Special to The Daily News.) May 20.—The authorities claim French that the British Guards and the Cana- dian re-inforcements from Shorn- cliffe and Bramshott camps are the bset trained London, [Imperial troops whcih have been received by the armies on the western front. Austin Chamberlain’s Speech. Austin Chamberlain, in a stir- ring speech, states that Great Britain must build up her own strength in preference to dis- counting Germany’s economic re- sources. It is reported that Germany is preparing traps for her in German East Africa. Italians Withdraw. The Italians have been compel- enemies FOURTH GERMAN VESSEL SUNK IN THE BALTIC SEA British Submarines Have Tied Up Baltic Shipping—Sweden Is Threatened with Coal Famine. (Special to The Stockholm, submarines Dally News.) May 20.—British have sunk the Ger- Travec in the The crew has been safely This makes th fourth German vessel sunk by the British since the new subma- campaign started in the Bal- ore-carrier Baltic. landed man in Sweden. rine fic. Swedish Coal Famine. Christiania, May 20.—The ac- tivity of British submarines in the Baltic Sea is likely to accentuate Ger- man ships in Swedish ports have been instructed to remain docked until further orders. Berlin and Washington. Washington, May 20.—Ger- the coal famine in Sweden. led to withdraw from their ad- vanced positions in the vicinity of Trente on account of the heavy opposition of the Austrian forses. ALLISON OVERCOME IN THE WITNESS BOX (Special to The Daily News.) Ottawa, May Wesley Allison was under exami- Commissioner Duff fuse enquiry 20.—Colonel John nation before and Meredith, in the Allison was complete- ly overcome in the witness box, following upon the giving of hazy answers when important matters in connection with the fuse con- tracts were exposed by Fred Car- vell, K. G., M, P. Revised Pension Scale. The adopted the revised pension scale for sol- diers, allowing a more liberal con- sideration to men of lower than the former scale carried. AMERICANS ATTEMPT TO RE-CAPTURE FISHING The “Daily News.) Washington, May 20.—A_ bill introduced by the. De- Commerce designed from Canada the Northern Pacific yesterday. government has rank (Special to has been partment of to re-capture portion of the fishing industry which has been lost by the American fishermen, on account of the Trunk Pacific railway service from Prince Rupert to eastern points. Grand MALCOLM LAMB IS ALIVE AND KICKING Alx. M. Manson has received a military posteard from Malcolm Manson Lamb, one of the St, An- Society boys who amongst the first to enlist in Prince Rupert. On April 29th, Malcolm was all alive and kicking, drew's was weeks vacation at Christmas, ijwhich he spent at his home in Leith, Scotland, having been in the trenches for a year, with the exception of a two versy with the United States over the subinarine warfare is now closed, and is not attempting to reply to the last note from Wash- ington. American Implicated. London, May 20.—A naturalized United States cused of complicity in the recent rebellion in Dublin. citizen has been ac- ALBERT BURY PASSED AWAY LAST EVENING The death occurred at the gen- eral hospital last evening of Al- bert Bury, a well known figure in the city since the early days. Al- bert employed at the old Premier Hotel and later at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Some time ago his health broke down and, after a spell in the hospital, he went to live in the interior. Last week he returned o the hospital, having suffered a relapse and last night, he passed away. The funeral arrangements are in the hands of the B, C Undertak- ers who are awaiting instructions as to the burial. Albert has a brother and sister in the city, one brother in the trenches and two sisters in Edmonton. was HOLIDAY BASEBALL The Anyox baseball team is coming to Prince Rupert to try with the local boys on Victoria Day. Thre games have* been arranged, one for the eve- ning of May 23rd and two for Vic- toria Day. The Anyox boys are quite keen on the game and will be able to keep the Prince Rupert team pretty busy, conclusions SAFETY FIRST—USE NEW WELLINGTON COAL, PHONE 116. ae Dance at the Auditerium May 24th. Four-piece orchestra. Gents $1.00. Ladies free, 120 Terrace Potatoes $1.75 per 100 Ib. sack. City Market, 118 many considers that the contro- - Sis coz ete eee = at é = :