es ae THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation rates on application. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract DAILY EDITION THE PLOT EXPOSED We gather from J. L. van’s evidence in the plugging enquiry the following facts: 1. J. L. Sullivan had been told by Sullivan, Sr., four or five days before election day, that the “pluggers”’ were coming to Vancouver. 2. On the following day he received a letter from his friend Carroll stating that he had been asked to ‘“‘get men to vote for Macdonald,” and ask- ing him what he thought of it. Strange to say, he “DID NOT ANSWER THE LETTER,” but “took steps to stop any plug- ging.” 3. His first step was to for- ward the letter by James Reed, license inspector, to the Con- servative executive, whereupon he was called upon by F. W. Welsh, who informed him that the matter had been discussed with the premier and Mr. Tis- dall and ‘‘they would stop the men at the border.’ But, strange to say, although the premier and Mr. Tisdall had all the powers of the Provincial and Dominion Goernments at their backs, THEY DID NOT STOP THEM AT THE BORDER They did not ATTEMPT TO STOP THEM AT THE BORDER. 4. On Feb. 24th he returned to Seattle and met Carrol and White, who were both his friends, and who told him that one was handling a gang of men, and the other the money Sulli- IF HE HAD NOT BEEN IN LEAGUE WITH THEM HE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE INFORMATION. 5. At the boat in Seattle he saw Monty White and fifteen others and sent a wireless to F. W. Welsh. If the object was to have them stopped or arrest- ed on arrival, it is strange that NO EFFORT WAS MADE TO PREVENT THEIR Ra OTe IN VANCOUVER. 6. An elderly man _ having aGGsgBD Saturday, May 27, 1916. told him that more were going te Vancouer by train that day, wireless was sent to NO EFFORT WAS MADE TO ARREST THIS BATCH AT THE TRAIN, 7. On Friday afternoon, the day before the election, he heard from his brother Pat, that more men were coming by boat and train. He carried the news to Mr. Reardon of the Metropole hotel; Mr. Egar, sec- retary of the Hotel Keepers’ As- sociation, and on Friday night he and Reardon WENT TO THE TRAIN TO MEET THE AR- RIVALS. THEY DID NOT HAVE THEM ARRESTED, 8. Sullivan got into touch with Joe Hoskin, an ex-alder- man ‘in Vancouver (a _ vice- president of the Conservative Association), and also Secre- tary Love of the Conservative Association, notorious in con- nection with the Price-Love another Welsh. #nf# DAILY NEWS OE LAN EAC PUN at oo = ane eerie — 5 SS servative executive, F. W. Welsh, the prospective candi- date; Joe Hoskin, a vice-presi- dent; Secretary Love of the Conservative Association, the secretary of the Hotel Keepers’ Association and other promin- ent Conservatives—all of whom were burning with a desire to land the in jail- knew of theip movements, they were, and all, allowed to conduct their nefarious opera- tions throughout election day, and to depart in peace to their haunts and lairs in the Seattle underworld. The attorney-Gen- eral, the chief law officer of the crown, whose duty it was to ar- rest and prosecute these drones of alien rascality, had been told by Sullivan what was in pro- gress; BUT MADE NO AT- TEMPT TO TAKE A SINGL! CRIMINAL INTO CUSTODY. 12. THE REASONS’ ARE MORE THAN OBVIOUS. THE WITNESSES HAVE STATED THAT THEY PLUGGED “FOR THE WET CANDIDATE” IN ORDER TO “KEEP A LOT OF GOOD FELLOWS IN POWER.” —Sun. - “nluggers”’ one vote buying correspondence. As a result Sullivan went to West- minster and met the night train and saw Carroll and others. Joe Hoskin met the train in Van- couver. NO ONE WAS STOP- PED. NO ONE WAS ARREST- ED AT EITHER TRAIN. 9. They went up to the Irving hotel; Sullivan and Waller and Stewart were there, also Monty White. THE IRVING IS SUL- LIVAN’S HOTEL AND GAMBL- ING JOINT, FAMOUS AS THE ONE TIME HOME OF DEAF MICKEY and the BIG NUL. IT IS ONE OF THE HOTELS THE MACHINE APPOINTEES OF THE GOVERNMENT THINK THE POLICE SHOULD NOT IN- TERFERE WITH. All the various gangs re- mained in Vancouver during election day. Sullivan was not only acquainted with nearly all of them, but knew them inti- mately. NOT ONE WAS MO- LESTED. 11. Although the premier, the Hon. Mr. Tisdall, the Con-| Don't Worry about your digestive troubles, sick headache, tired feeling or constipation. The depression that induces worry is probably due to a disordered liver, anyway. Correct stomach ailments at once by promptly taking BEECHAMS PILLS They aid digestion; regulate the bile, gently stimulate the liver, purify the blood and clear the bowels of all waste matter. Safe, sure, speedy. Acting both as a sentle laxative and a tonic, Beecham’s Pills help to Right The Wrong est Sale of Any Medicine in the World. everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. Prince Rupert Stork’s Hardware Thompson Hardware Kaien Hardware Howe & McNulty Smith & Mallett Massett, B. C. Jas. Martin Royalite Coal Oil gives best results. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY LIMITED BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES EMPRES WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR cheapest fuel to use. THIS IS THE STOVE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY The New Perfection Oil Cookstove uses kerosene,—the Costs less than gas, coal or wood—s to 10 cents a day is its fuel cost for the average family. Besides, the New Perfection is ready when you want it— no fires to build, no smoke, no ashes, burner sizes at these dealers: In 1, 2, 3 and 4 CANADIAN OFFICER INVENTS NEW CARRIER Captain Archibald, an officer in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, has invented a carrier for the sol- dier’s knapsack which is designed to take much of the weight from ~ the shoulders. Its chief fea- ture is a broad strap which pass- es across the top of the head, with straps which attach to the belt. Captain Archibald got his idea from the “tump-line” used by thé-Indians in packing heavy loads in the The device has been taken up by the British side woods. war office, If you want to serve your King see Charles Young- and country man, recruiting sergeant for the} {02nd Battalion. tf NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, | R. S&S. B. C. CAP. 155. | PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby give | notice that it has, under Section 7 of the! said Act, deposited with the Minister of | Public Works at Ottawa, and in the office: of the Registrar General of Titles at Vic- | toria, British Columbia, & description of | the site and the plans of certain structures | to be erected in front of Lot Thirty-one (31, Range Three (3), Coast District, British Columbia, at the head of Cousins Inlet. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this Notice, Pa- cific Mills, Limited, will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Governor-in- Council for approval of the said site and plan. Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, this 26th day of April, A. D. 1916. BODWELL, LAWSON & LANE. Solicitors for Pacific Mills, Limited. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE “Albion” and “Sunbeam” Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Oassiar District. Where located:—About five miles from the head of Alice Arm on “Middle Creek.” TAKE NOTICE that I, Wm. T. Kergin of Prince Rupert, B. C., Free Miner’s Cer- tificate No. 94035B, intend sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of lmprovements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant ef the above claim. And further take notice that action, un- der section 37, must be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Improve- ments. Dated this 16th day of March, A. D. 1916. je7 wo. T. KERGIN. LAND ) REGISTRY ACT. Notice Under Section 36- TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made to register Sven Holmquist, of Prince Rupert, as the owner in Fee-simple, under two Tax Sale Deeds from the col- lector of the City of Prince Rupert, to Sven Holmquist, bearing date me 17th da) of September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance of a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on or about the ¥th day of September, 1914, of all and singular certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, more par- ticularly known and described 4s:-—Lot three (3), Block forty-fve (45), Section eight (8), and Lot four (4), Block thirty- five (35), Section eight (8), Map 923. You and those claiming through or upder you, and all persons claiming apy interest in-the said land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of the “Land Registry Act’ are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within forty-five days of the service of this notice upon you. Otherwise you and each of you will be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the said land, and I shall register the said Sven Holmquist as owner in fee, Your attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act” and amend- ments, and especially to the following ex- tract therefrom which Yelates to the above notice, “And in default of a caveat or certificate of lis pendens being filed before the registration as owner of the persons en- titled under such tax sale, all persons 80 served with notice, or served with notice under subsection (6) of section 155 ol the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec- tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section 139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ or section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases in which notice under this Act is dispensed with as hereinafter provided, and those cluiming through or mnder them and al) persons claiming any Interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, Shall be for ever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes.” Dated at the Land Registry Office, at the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, this 19th day of January, A. D, 1916. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. To Grand Trunk Pacific Development Co., Ltd, J. P. Conrad, Jack Jenkins, Mrs. Cc, R. McDonald, eres, May 97 19416 is ly" T l ma@icry fravel to Eastern Canada TRUNK and The Eastern States aig Via Grand Trunk Pacif; “THE ROAD OF MARVELLOUS scENcRy» c Through train to Winnipeg leaves Prince Rupert Monday and Thursday at 10.30 A, M., making cor ne aikae fop all points east and south. ee 8. 8. Prince Rupert leaves Prince Rupert fo; Vancouva Victoria and Seattle every Saturday at 9 a. m, ap For full information and reservations, apply ALBERT DAVIDSON, General Agent. @. F. JOHNSON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Agency all Atlantic and Trans-Pacific Steamship Lines G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AVENUE. PHONE 260, \\. — CANADIAN ate LO nas CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lowest Rates to all Eastern Point; via Steamer to Vancouver and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Meals and Berth included on Steamer PRINCESS MAQUINNA FOR GRANBY BAY AND ALICE arm FRIDAY 11 P. mM. PRINCESS MAQUINNA SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY ¢ Pp. wm. PRINCESS SOPHIA FOR ALASKAN PORTS, MON., MAY 201) J. I. PETERS, General Agent in the said land by descent whose Utle i> not registered under the provisions of the “Land Registry Act” are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within forty-nve days of the service of ihis notice upon you. Otherwise you and each of you will be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or ui respect of the said land, and | shail register the said Ulaf Hanson a8 owner in fee, Your attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act” and amend- ments, and especially to the following ex- tract therefrom which relates to the above notice, “And in default of @ caveat or certificate of Us pendens being filed before the registration as uwher of the persons en titled under such tax sale, all persons 80 served With notice, or served with notice under subsection (6) of section 155 of the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec- tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section 189 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ or secion 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ In cases in which notice under this Act is dispensed with as hereinafter provided, and those claiming through or under them and ali persons Claiming any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect ofthe land so sold for taxes.” Dated at the Land Registry Ofmce, at the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, this 19th day of January, A. D. 1916. H. F, MACLEOD, District Registrar. To Paul M. Schubert, Lily _Scbubert. MINERAL ACT Certificate of improvements BELLIS FRACTION, NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION, GENTIAN, BLUE BELL FRAC- PION, CROCUS FRACTION, COSMOS FRAC- TION, THISTLE FRACTION, HOLLY FRAC- TION, BIRCH, MARIGOLD FRACTION, PLUM FRACTION, LILAC FRACTION, FERN FRAC- TION, VINE APPLE FRACTION, COXCOMB, BEGUNIA FRACTION, ASTER .. MINEHKAL CLAIMS, situate in the Queen Charlotte District; located at or near Iheda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Province of British Columbia, and lawfully held by Ikeda Mines Limited. TAKE NOTICE that I, John A. Macinnis, solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free miners’ certiNcate No, 70354 8B, intend after the expiration of sixty days from the date hereof to apply on behalf of the said Company to the Mining Recorder for 4 certificate of improvements for the pur- pose of obtaining a Crown Grant to the above claims. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action under Section 85 of the Mineral Act must be commenced before the issuance of such certificate of improvements. Dated this 27th day of April, A. D, 1016. JOHN A, MACINNES, Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. « fore provements. work and me, in pursuance of the prov! tmineral act. m5. 4. E. STARK Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. a LAND REGISTRY ACT- MINERAL ACT Notice Under Section 36- Rivermouth Fractional mineral claim er rae at ee: situated in the Skeena Mining Division of TAKE NOTICE that an application has} Cassiar District. been made to register Olaf Hanson, of Where located:—At the head of Alice Prince Rupert, B. &., a8 the owner 10/Arm, adjoining the Rivermouth and Can Fee-simpie, under a Tax Sale Deed from} poo mineral claims the Collector of the City of Prince Rupert TAKE NOTICE that I, G. R. Naden, Free to Olaf Hanson, bearing date the 10th day/ Miners’ Certificate No. 04,0065. a ting as of September, A. D. 1915, im pursuance |agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners’ Cer- of a Tax Sale heid by said Municipality On| tifcate No. 93,9178, intend, « kly days or about the 9th day of September, 1914,) from the date hereof, to apply to the of all and singular certain parcel or tract/ Mining Hecorder fur a Certiicate of l- of land and premises situate, lying, and/provements, for the purpose of obtaining being in the City of Prince Rupert in the|4 Crown Grant of the above claim Province of British Columbia, more pra- And further take notice that action, ticularly known and described a8:—Lot/under section 85, must be commenced be- ten (10), Block eighteen (18), Sectiou|fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- six (6), Map 923. provements, You and those claiming through or under Dated this 23rd day of December, A. D you, and all persons claiming eny interest) 1915, Apr. % MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE Basin Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District Where lorated:—About four miles from the beach on the south side of Alice Arm at the head of @ branch of Lime Creek. TAKE NOTICE that I, George K. Naden, Free Miner’s Certificate No, 940965, in- tend, sixty days from the date hereof, w apply to the Mining Recorder for a Cert- cate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant above claim, And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- the issue of such f im Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916, GEORGE KR. NADEN MINERAL ACT Notice to Delinquent Partners. To @. W. Maxweil and Charies Nicholson. TAKE NOTICE that whereas | have done apd caused to be done assessment work on the Wolf Mineral claim, head of Alice Arm, the Skeena mining division of Skeena dis- trict, assessment work for the years 1913, situated at the Observatory Inlet, 10 1914, and 1915, and have paid for said recording same, the sum of $307.50. Unless you pay me the sum of $231.50, for your share of the said 4 sessment work, together with the cost of this advertisement, I shall, at the expire tion of ninety (90) days from the date hereof apply to the mining fr rder at Prince Rupert, B. C., to have your ip ter »8{8 in the Wolf mineral claun vested In sions of the Dated at Prince Rupert, B, C,, this 1otn jay of February, 10916. terlin THE ENGINE be toh - Sinest. boats hat Host FISHERMAN'S ENGINE 2 Cy!l.—S 1-2 In. by 7 Ins 12 Horse Power. 4 Cyl.—3 3-4 In. by 5 1-2 Ins Horse Power. 26-35 4 Oyl.—-6 1-2 In. by 8 in. Horse Power. “16 26 Further Information For Apply to Ww. E. WILLISCROFT Prince Rupert, B. C. ———o eerr S COFFEE F. G@. DAWSON _ PRINCE RUPERT, 8. ©