a an ee fu DAILY News — Launch AliceB. Leaves Davis float for Metlakatlah, Sundays at 9 and 11 a. m., and 4 and 3 p. m. For terms and particulars Local News Notes | Launch Dixie, phone Blue 400. Miss Lois Kinkade has gone on a visit to Seattle. * * * Call .W. J. THOMAS, Phone. Captain Gilmore left for up- Green 391. : ; : . river on today’s train. Fs - . . CT GE eT * POLLODIOLD ‘ Robert A. Grant has returned , e from a business trip to Vancou- icKets }'« * * . to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- A, R. Neale, assistant liorti- mark, Finland, Haly and Russia. SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK “Oscar He. 5 caetw see, Oy. 18th; “Pregencm, Vaan s «ss de s4 May 31st. “Kristianiafjord” ........ June 3rd. “StOCRNOMW sas ess 66 June 20th. Have Your Reservations made Early. For Rates, Illustrated Folders and General Information Apply to DYBHAYN & HANSON Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B. C. “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. . WANTED. WANTED—Donkey Engineer and rigging men for logging camp. Williams & Man son. 127. WANTED—Girl for general housework. Willing to go to Hazelton. Barbeau, Sixth St, 121-123 WANTED—Genera! servant, apply Mrs. A. Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue. | ing too busy? Phone 403. sali tf. | Are you going to study music WANTED—To rent, furnished house, (one ! under our instructions, we are with overlooking the harbor preferred), for, you. six months or longer, Apply Box 101 | Instructions on violin and piano. Daily News. 125-31 WANTED—At once, general servant. Scan- | dinavian or Russian, with knowledge of English preferred, Light work, good salary. Apply Box 114, Daily News 124-129. LOST LOST—Bunch of keys. Finder please re- turn to Hotel Rupert. 109. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished Cottage. Pillows ete, for sale. Apply mornings, Mrs. Rowat 7i7 6th Ave., West. t21 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Horses for sale. Apply Box 113, Daily News. tf. FOR SALE-—Airedale pups. Six weeks old. | Mother sired by Fritz of Vancouver. | 5.00. Apply R. Wendt, Telkwa, B. C. | > SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- | line engine, new, $165 freight paid Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Canads tr. FOR TAXI - Phone 99 me GREEN 170. sama | AKERBERG, THOMSON PLELOL LOL LL LLL OVOP R PLO LIBRO LODOOOO? 80 Cents per ft. F. QO. B. Prince Rupert Concrete Works, McBride St. PEPPLEL ELL IVOCPLEDE Apply Miss | 'DENTI3TRY | COMPANY =f Sole Agents for the | PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY | PHONE 525 | CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS | j : + A Question FOR EVERY } ) soy anv aire 2 $ Whatare YOUR PLANS Are you into the | the i musical knowledge, or are you going to sit still going to put fresh energy learning of MUSIC during | coming season and add to your and complain about be- Terms 26.00 a quarter Payable in Advance. WALKERS MUSIC STORE culturist, left for the interior this morning. oe Mayor McCaffery is expected to arrive in Prince Rupert on Tues- day evening. eee Best quality of household lump and nut coal. Prince Rupert Coai Co., phone 15. U Phil Macdonald has returned from Anyox and is going into the interior on a prospecting trip. ~ . * * Mrs. Breeze, sister-in-law of Judge Young, arrived from the south this morning on a visit. . * . The Omineea is coaling at the Westholme wharf today prepara- tory to her leaving for the north. e: $2 Mrs. Knudson, who has been visiting in the south for some time, returned to town this morn- | | ing. ; eae Ag 2G. in- spector of schools in this district, | Stewart, formerly came north on the Prince Rupert this trip. * . * PLO PP PPLE PPLE LPP LOLOL LI OL ODO DOL POOLS Salvation Army. Public meetings, Tuesday, Chursday and Saturday at 8 p.m Sundays at 7:30 p.m. The Place to Buy Quality Groceries ALWAYS ASK FOR 4 2 Our Own Butter ........ . 45c CME AI HT OR oes: crannies 6 0146.02 40c Our Own Coffee, 3 Ibs. for .. $1.00 Our Own. Vinegar | s.....36.. 25c GUO wn BAGO 3. i. ; Largest stack of fresh Fruit and 2 ©6Vegetables in the city. ; ON SALE NOW Canada First Wax Beans, 3 for 25¢ Cowans Cocoa in 5 cent package’ 2 F 2 . FullerdMcMeekin 3 LEADING GROCERS 3 572 PHONES 56 POPOL E LLELAIDILVLLIOL OS VPOLD DODDS OD PDGS /Orme. 'been here in connection with the | transfer of the steamer Omineca Mrs. left this morning for Folkestone, England. Mr. active service for some time. * * * Thomas Barnes Barnes has been on Middy Fortier is now recover- ing nicely from his recent opera- | tion and expects to be out of the! hospital at an early date. *. * . Mrs. Thompson and her daugh- ter have opened The Ark and are Board ° ~é ready to receive boarders. and room $35 per month. * . * Mrs>Orme, of Vancouver, moth- er of C. H. Orme, arrived from the south this morning and will visit for a time with Mr, and Mrs. C, H. Captain S, B. Johnson, who has to the United States government, has returned south, The Rose Spit, which brought CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY | DR. J. S. BROWN | DENTIST Smith Block, Third Office: Avenue Phone 454 208 woe B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- BAL™MERS — SATISFACTION QUAR- SNTEED—-OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 117 2ND STREET—-PHONE 41 aaa OOS OS Oe eS Se See OSS ee Si Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable lron Pipe Rope Vaives Pumps Hose Stoves and Ranges Fiubberold Steel Bloc “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” le a eee ——SSSSSSSSSSSSSTS “ri | a — som PPOLOPILILELELOLOVOO DID OOOO y > - THE WESTERN UNiIVERSI- TIES BATTALION NEEDS FIFTY MORE MEN To com- PLETE THE ESTABLISH. MENT. r THOUGHTFUL MEN OF EDUCATION Leaders in the comn help the cause, by impr g upon the public the need f tl and the common duty th , convincing Way to do , LISTING YOURSELI A DOUBLE SERVICE! > You not only give 3 , vice to the na I b our example You have ob i dents bavi man wins Da ehanee in uch a m } The great t 2 iVallable I the war, and the fewe You Owe it to ye self and the boys at the once, Men of the | already done much gore but their 2 lost jm the various > japned rhe l 4 was designed | > tity —to help by > is Well as by Service in t You have an opj dering the double most agreeable Western Unive I Don't walt for point the way « t do your bit Apply at once to the on manding U. of B, ©. | Overseas Battalion C, E. | 10th and Laurel Street, Ya 2. Bec Transportation t¢ Hea > forwarded on receipt of u tiflcate or telegram from ad to medical fitness PEPLEPELEPIS ; ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS Sy the international joy smoke is the real tobacco for jimmy pipes and makin’s cigarettes : oa a se vide of this tidy re i cad: “Process Patented ee i507. which has wate three men smoke pipes where 04 smoked bedore! On the rever