- THE DAILY NEWS oa VOL. vey PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., eSIDAY, JUNE 2, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENT 9 NAVAL BATTLE IN NORTH SEA TODAY GERMANS HAVE CHANGED TACTICS AT VERDUN—TURKS ARE ON THE OFFENSIVE GERMANS HAVE ALTERED THEIR LINE OF ATTACK; Terrific Fighting Continues—The French Hold Huns Except at One Point—Austrians Are Repulsed. (Special to The Daily News) London, June 2.—The Germans have switehed their offensive from the region of Le Mort Homme, northwest of Verdun, to the sec- tor between Thiamont farm and Fort Vaux, northeast of the fort- ress. They have succeeded in enter- French first line trenches between Fort Douamont and Vaux The attack, which over a two-mile front, was ing the pond, was made preceded by violent artillery pre- parations. The slaughts with machine guns and holding back the except French met German on- succeeded in enemy forces everywhere between Douamont and the Vaux pond, Heavy losses were inflicted upon the Germans. Austrians Repulsed. The Italians have repulsed the Austrian attacks along the Tyrol front. Severe fighting has taken pia the lorrent and southeast of Arsiero, ce in regions of Rosina where the Austrians have either been stopped or repulsed in dis- order. Lively artillery duels continue and be- As- Valley Upper in the Lagarina tween Rosina and the torio River, POLITICS IN TRENCHES WOULD BE DISASTROUS In discussing the Canadian idea political elections in the Daily Chronicle f holding the trenches, Says: hold that it would be disastrous from “Some commanding officers strongly to the conviction the point of view of discipline and harmony on the firing line to sow the seeds-of political discord on domestic affairs among the bat- talions,”’ Phere will be a special musical the Methodist Church on Sunday evening. service in SAFETY FIRST—USE NEW WELLINGTON COAL, PHONE 116, WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Another Great Paramount Production Daniel Frohman presents the dis- 'nguished American Actor, H. B. WARNER In “THE LOST PARADISE” In Five Acts, “RETRIBUTION” A Splendid tWo-reel Drama. Lubin Presents “THE HAUNTED ATTIC” A Roaring Comedy. An 8-Reel Show Impossible to Beat. NOTE--On account of the expense Of bringing Paramount Productions 'o Prince Rupert, we are compelled o charge 20c, for the centre of the lower floor and the first two rowe 2 of gallery, Children 10c, er The above is the THE GREATEST AERO BATTLE CRUISER IN THE UNITED STATES latest aeroplane acquired by the United States army and the greatest ever built on the continent. carrying ten people and the planes are 72 feet long and 40 feet wide. It carries two 120 h, It is capable of p. engines. BOWSER’S POSITON: SIMILAR TO ROBLIN’S Editor News, Sir:—Now Prince that the has dissolved I would like to say Rupert, legislature a word to the people of this dis- trict as to the attempt of the Bowser machine to paint. the Liberal party as black as every the Bowser machine thinking province knows the to be. Thieves and thugs and crooks person in have been employed to blacken the character of a rising public character in our province and to injure the Liberal party. I wish to draw the particular attention of the public to the that according to the government fed party papers, Premier Bowser refused to grant immunity Scott, who had been employed by the provincial Liberal organiza- and who had that he tion Brewster was come over from Seattle and give evidence, Scott is the one man who could tell the true inward- whole situation. Let A SHADOW ness of the me ask ‘IS ‘THERE OF DOUBT IN THE MIND OF ANYONE WHO HAS READ THE EVIDENCE THAT SCOTT WAS A TRAITOR IN THE LIBERAL CAMP IN THE PAY OF THE BOWSER MACHINE?’ There never more diabolical Fortunately there has been a plot in all Canada. were men in the Liberal party who would not tolerate Scott's work and it seems beyond doubt that this stopped a great deal of wholesale plugging that would have taken place on behalf of the have no Bowser candidate. I doubt whatever in my own mind that Scott was in the pay of the Bowser machine, Bowser is in the same desper- that Roblin found Manitoba and further ate position himself in seems ready to go than Roblin did to retain office. Bul the same fate inexorable awaits even him and his diseased government. think of this man of the stated that he knew In- Just who groasing would do to white alike hesitate to employ world what dians and men and who did not the process In order to get a few influential Indians to induce the of the «tribe to part with rest property for hundreds of thou- sands of dollars less than the property was worth, Just think of this man of the world who, when ¢ hided for giving away the resources of the prov- Continued on Poge Three stated to Mr.| willing to | Naval Battle in the North Sea London, June 2.—The British Admiralty announces that a naval battle occurred in the North Sea today between the British and German fieets. that the British lost four cruisers and one battleship, while the Germans lost three battleships and some torpedo boats. The official message admits os HARRY PRICE BOUGHT THE ELECTION WHISKY worker who Victoria, the story Conservative here, fact |ordering the lA. F lrallons of claimed he had nothing to do with liquor for the blind- this former sales mana- Ae was given morning by . Morton, to|ger of the Hudson's Bay store. He before the soldier, that on the day by-election the said Victoria McBride, sent by said he had Price to order Morton de- came and been six whisky. cided to see Price. He did so and told him about McBride, Price said: “Oh, six gallons is too much; make it two gallons.” Later he raised the quantity to four. The witness afterwards to the committee characterized Price’s denial of having anything to do with the liquor as a lie. This was relative to Price’s state- ment that the had no right to charge the liquor to him. company He said MeBride had bought liquor from the company before and there had been trouble in collecting for it. MeBride dis- tinctly said that Price sent him for the whisky. McBride was never billed, the bills were sent to Price. Morton thought McBride was only a messenger, Morton said he did not have the slightest idea then what the liquor was for. “THE LOST PARADISE” AT THE WESTHOLME THEATRE Another five - act Paramount production, “The Lost Paradise,” is the big item in a splendid eight- at the Westholme to- Saturday. B. War- the famous American actor, plays the and it should be one of the finest Para- reel show night and $ ner, leading part mount features ever, It is pro- duced by Daniel Frohman, “Retribution,’» a very fine two- “The Haunted At- comedy, The first of the special concert nights will act drama, and ” tic,’ a roaring Lubin make up this big show. be on Tuesday when a high-class musical program will be rendered, BUSH FIRES STILL RAGING IN INTERIOR INTERESTING LIQUOR CASE IN WINNIPEG (Special to The Daily News.) The Hud- refuses to Winnipeg, June 2.— son's Bay Company close its retail liquor store and has displayed liquor for sale con- trary to the Prohibition Act. The government has accepted the challenge and the attorney- general’s department has ordered the confiscation of the stock of The bush fires which have been raging along the Teaks continue and the company had a strenuous time in saving | several of their stations from be-| Special trains of son’s Bay Company invited action ing wiped out. fire fighters were sent from va- rious points to help the men of the forestry department in fight- ing the flames, It was discovered last night that fire had wiped out the this side of Lake Kathlyn and a special party of men rushed from} Prince Rupert. It is expected that they will have the bridge re- built today in to allow of the passenger train from the east bridge on bridge was time getting through, DRASTIC ACTION BY. THE LIBERAL LEADER (Special to The Daily News,) Victoria, the Liberal leader, issued a writ asking Court to illegal every- Legisla- June 2.—H. C. Brew- ster, yesterday afternoon the order thing transacted by the ture of British Columbia March 15th, when the term of the Legislature was extended, Supreme issue an proclaiming since Mr. Brewster is also requesting that action be taken to compel the premier to make restitution of some thirty million dollars which he charges has been illegal- ly spent on the Pacific Great East- ern Railway, QUIET WEDDING Miss Rebecca James, of this city, was quietly married yester- day morning to Mr. R. McCarthie, McGraw performing the ceremony, The young couple are receiving the hearty congratula- tions of many friends. They will Fifth home is in course of Father reside on Avenue, East, where their construction, ——— The best strawberries can be line of the G,| for the past few days still | has | #iven forbidding the wholesaling liquor amounting ts one thousand dollars. Instructions were also of liquor by the company. It is understood that the Hud- TURKS ARE NOW ON OFFENSIVE IN ASIA MINOR Russians Evacuate One Position But Repel Other Attacks— Turks Strongly Reinforced by Germans. (Special to The Datly News.) London, June 2.—The Turks are now taking the offensive in Asia Minor and have brought the Russian advance to a standstill. All the Turkish attacks have been repulsed except at Mamakhatum, forty west of Erzerum, which has been evacuated by the Russians. Attempts by the Turks who have been heavily reinforced by the Austrians and Germans, to drive Baiburt miles back the Russians near and Diarbekr have failed. Russian Front. Artillery engagements and rifle work by the infantry is in pro- front, but there is no change in the positions of the respective armies. New York Report. New York, June 2.—It is re- ported that British warships have bombarded the Greek port of Nauplia and that part of the city by the government as a test case, involving the the privileges of the company to trade question of without interference. The company hold that they are acting within their rights ac- cording to the deed of surrender of 1870, The company will take action against the government in the civil interfering with their matter which way the decision goes the matter will undoubtedly go be- fore the Privy Council. — courts for rights. No HEAVY SALMON ARRIVALS FROM ISLANDS The Lillian M. came in last evening with 14,000 pounds of spring salmon and a deck load of 4,000 pounds of halibut. The halibut was bought by the Atlin Fisheries, as also were the fares of the Alliance, with 10,000; the Annie St. Leon, with 7,000, while the Zorra Imd 10,000, The price was 7% cents. The Virtue B. brought in 6,000 pounds of spring salmon Dundas Island. None of the sal- mon has yet been disposed of, but from sales will be effected this after- noon, This morning, the Niagara brought in 11,000 pounds of hali- but; the Thelma, 24,000 and the Lincoln 412,000, BASEBALL If the weather is favorable, the Colts and C, C,’s will meet at Re- creation Park tonight when the Colts will show that they were having a holiday in the last game. The will probably be Moore and Astori for the C, and MecDaniels and Wally for the batteries obtained at Fuller & McMeekin’s. Colts, has been destroyed by fire. The Greek government has pro- tested to the Allied governmefits. Nauplia was at one time the cap- ital of Greece and its fortifications No explanation has been given as to the cause of the bombardment. UNITED STATES WILL NOT WITHDRAW TROOPS Daily News) were considered impregnable. (Special to The Washington, June 2.—The United States will not withdraw its troops from Mexico until the Carranza authorities are able to demonstrate that they have suffi- cient control of the situation to be able to protect citizens of the United States along the border. THE CRADLE Born to Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Willisecroft, of Georgetown, a daughter, at the hospital yester- day. Saturday Cash Specials Quaker Corn Flakes.,.... 3 for 26c. 6lb. sks Victor Rolled Oats 2 for 450, Tall tins Pink Salmon packed at Real: Gove chiens 6 Wh os 10c. Each Rope Clothes Lines (white) 10c. ea. Heavy Weight Brooms(3 wires) 600, Light Weight Brooms......... 40c. A Broom Hanger with each broom sold, GEO. P. McCOLL GROCER Phone 88. Go TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik. Third Ave. BOXES FOR LADIES. gress along the entire Russian Ae a iit lif ah