ee THE DAIL NEW Launch AliceB. Leaves Davis float for Metiakatlah, Sundays at 9 and 11 a. m., and 1 and 3 p. m. For terms and particulars Call .W. J. THOMAS, Phone. Green 391. THE DEATH throes OF THE Bowser government HAVE lasted é FOR THREE months AND HAVE NOT been AN EDIFYING spectacie. , CLASSIFIED ADS. “The Daily News ” WANTED. WANTED—Donkey Engineer and son. WANTED—Girl for general Willing w go to Hazelton. Barbeau, Sixth 8t. WANTED—General servant, apply Mrs. A. Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue. Phone 492. housework. Apply Miss 121-123 WANTED—To rent, furnished house, (one overlooking the harbor preferred), rigging men for logging camp. Williams & Man- 127. | te) for | six months or longer. Apply Box 104 | Daily News. 125-31 LOsT LOST—Bunch of keys. Finder please re- turn to Hotel Rupert. 109. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished housekeeping rooms hot and cold water, terms moderate. Apply Norfolk Rooms. 139. FOR RENT—Furnished Cottage. Pillows etc. for sale. Apply mornings, Mrs. Rowat 717 6th Ave., West. 121 FOR SALE ——=, FOR SALE—Horses for sale. Apply Box 113, Daily News. tf. FOR SALE—Airedale pups. Six weeks old. Mother sired by Fritz of Vancouver. $5.00. Apply R. Wendt, Telkwa, B. C. SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- line engine, new, 8165 freight paid. Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Canads. tr. oe. ‘FOR TAXI - Phone 99 OR GREEN 170. Stand: Corner of Empress Theatre Block. Tickets to and from Norway, Sweden, mark, Finland, Naly and Russia. SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK “Stockholm” ......... June 20th. “United States” ...... June 22nd. “Bergensfjord” ........ June 24th. SORCRE Th” 263 0:3 645% June 29th. Have Your Reservations made Early. For Rates, Illustrated Folders and General Information Apply to DYBHAVN & HANSON Insurance and Steamship Agency; Prince Rupert, B. C. A Question ) FOR EVERY ) e e BOY AND GIRL What are YOUR PLANS ' Are you going to put fresh energy into the learning of MUSIC during the coming season and add to your | musical knowledge, or are you going to sit still and complain about be- ing too busy? Are going to study under our instructions, we are with you music you. Instructions on and piano. Terms 86.00 a quarter Payable in Advance. violin WALKERS MUSIC STORE EVERY conceivable brand OF POLITICAL dope HAS been applied | BUT the government IS just ‘ x AS HOPELESSLY sick AS it was ‘ AFTER Vancouver | AND Victoria SOUNDED te THE death knell, ¥ AS A last resort Z THE TORY doctors TRIED to show F THAT the Liberals HAD fallen > TO THE TORY, level BUT the attempt 4 ONLY served TO show THE depths OF degradation PRINTERS’ “PI.” TO which THE BOWSER gang HAD sunk. ‘ CERTAIN of the OF IN BOWSER is derived from grapes. | ON the men * * \ND BOYS Best for good food and | a = : - good health. IN THE trenches * * * TO SAVE him, ‘NO ALUM . . . rHEY ARE far away —t- a olathe . . . . . NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT AND MAY not. | R. 8. C. Chapter 115. KNOW so much, . : . . Robert Cecil Gosse hereby gives notice HE may ) that he has under Section 7 of the said e * ® Act deposited with the Minister of Public TAKE a vote Works at Ottawa, and in the oMce of the : ® e e District Registrar of Titles at the Land OF British Columbians | Registry oMce at Prince Rupert, British * ° * lumbia, a description of the site and the FROM THE frozen north |plans of a wharf proposed to be bullt in * . * he North Skeena Passage, at the mouth of rO THE sunny south: * the Skeena River, British Columbia, in * ® ° front of Lot one hundred and seventeen | IN EVERY province; | (117), Range five (5) Coast District, Brit e * * fish Columbia } IN EVERY state And take notice that, after the expiration of } ee oh eS Jone month from the date of the first publi- ’ AND in every corner leation of this notice, Robert Cecil Gosse Pe oe & will, under Seétion 7 of the said Act, apply | OF THE GLOBE Ho the Minister of Public Works, at nis} * ae ae hate Mice in the City of Ottawa, for approval of | IF HE eares | che said site and plans, and for leave to), : . 27 and a TRUE return uted at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 7th - * * lay cf May, 1916. OF east ROBERT CECIL . GOSSE. WILL ONLY repeat aie . seen WHAT Vancouver said. . . . * ® ; ! , BAKING POWDER i THE province, Made fromcream oftartar | the people | lepending . . THE votes ® * m30-j30 Alex M. Manson, B.A. Local News Notes | Launch Dixie, phone Blue 400. The Kaien Island Club has closed its doors. Salvation Army. Public meetings, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m Sundays at 7:30 p.m. The Place to Bul Quality Groceries ALWAYS ASK FOR Our. OW, Butter 2... .6 se cece 45c GUL OMe Tha so ie besten es 40c Our Own Coffee, 3 lbs. for .. $1.00 Our Own Vinegar ......... 25c Dee Cen Beco os:cnde es 0% 30c Etc., Etc., Etc. Largest stack of fresh Fruit and Vegetables in the city. ON SALE NOW Canada First Wax Beans, 3 for 25c¢ Cowans Cocoa in 5 cent packages FulleraMcMeekin Special musical program at the Westholme tonight. Tuesday, pee Loe D. J. Williams, of the Rocher de Boule Company, has returned to Tramville, s = 2 Best quality of household lump and nut coal. Prince Rupert Coal Co., phone 15. tf ® ® . The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade will be held in the rooms at 8 o'clock tonight. . ® s The of the Eastern Star and their friends intend holding a picnic at Digby members of the Order on Saturday. ae Mrs. Irwin expects to leave for Kamloops on Saturday, on a visit |to her son who is a leading busi- ness man in that city. = * * Co ” -_ 7 AKERBERG, THOMSON COMPANY Sole Agents for the PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY PHONE 525 ‘ CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. Prince Rupert Concrete Works, McBride St. $ LEADING GROCERS ; : 572 PHONES 56 Mrs. Thompson and her daugh- ° #*'ter have opened The Ark and are osccrce. oe (ready to receive boarders. Board D E N T x [> RY and room sen ner pen 127 CROWN AND BRID@E WORK 3 Mrs, Max McLeod and son, of} A SPROIALTY 3| Granby, who have been visiting ; DR. J. S. BROWN 3 with Mrs. Healy, left for home on DENTIST 3 the Prince Rupert last evening. Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue % Pieris epee Phone 454 , The Colts intended to take a team to Alice Arm this weekend, B. C. UNDERTAKERS. but, owing to strike conditions, have been advised to cancel the tee Re eter engagement. The Colts ought to QNTEED—OPEN DAY AND miGHT be pretty well used to “strike” 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 conditions. s s s 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Sketguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Fubberoild Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Fire has destroyed about $10,- 000 worth of salmon nets at the Oceanic Cannery. The men were at work putting the nets through the vats at the time of the out- break and if is believed that the fire was caused by the chemicals used in the process, * * * Judge Young has received pho- tos of his son Alex in the garb of an aviator. Alex is making good progress at the aviation in Los Angeles, where he, with CG. C, Purdy, is taking the qualifying course for the Royal Flying Corps. He thoroughly enjoys the work and looks quite at home in school novel an aeroplane. ‘ : - a ¢ial police, has been notified that Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. the new license regulations are MONEY TO LOAN now in force and that all bars Box 1585 must close at 10 p, m. and re-) Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C main closed until 14 a. m, Chief Gammon, of the provin- W. E. Williams, B.A., L.L.B WILLIAMS & MANSON THE WESTERN UNIVERS). TIES BATTALION NEEDS FIFTY MORE mEN TO Com. PLETE THE ESTABLisH. MENT. THOUGHTFUL MEN oF EDUCATION Leaders in the « r help the cause, by the public the ; j commmon duty Tr COnVINCINE Way t ] thi« LISTING YOURSELF. —° ~? © A DOUBLE SERviceE: You not only giy r vice to the nat by your exampk You have n dents have many hance in ich @ ma The greater t available for the war, and thé You owe it to you and the boys at the f not? noth wins Da once. Men of the Unive already done m gone—but their lost in the var joined rhe Univ was des gned 1 tity —to help as well as by Y yu have a dering the most agreeal Western Unive Don't wait for point the way do your bit Apply at once t manding U. of B, ( I Overseas Batta I 10th and Laure B. ¢ Transportatior t forwarded on receipt tifieate or telegran to medical fitness POPP P— CC COS POOL PPPPOCC + COO, LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS HOTEL 18 NOW OPEN TO GUESTS One of the largest Hot Spring America, circumference Temperature of Water, 18 Excelient Trout Fishing in Lakelse Lake. Phone Connections with Terrace RATES: $2.50 per day. For further particulars, apy t J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Oe ee eee Lill — —- Y Demand the 5 : 1 Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. Ve vbtsdis ab Wd i foooe rince Rupert Feed Co. 808 Third Ave. RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS WE HANDLE Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele's, and Brigg’s. Garden and Field Seeds. Also Fertilizers. We Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Grain and Feed at ¢) Vancouver Prices. | Hay, before bottling Chicken Feed A Specialty. > oe | he Oy hs wosk eS LW My 4 Copyria ht lone ny R. J. Reynolds Tobaces Co. —eeSRAARSNSTSRD -Qapysieieasisitnmsteecesctstiniabaitiieeattendnmeestanets The pursty and feagrance of Baby’s Own Soap have made it a universal favorite. Its use is beneficial to any skin 4413 Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal. the international joy smoke is the real tobacco for jimmy pipes and makin’s cigarettes Uy Uy