: i rH DAILY NkW/ NT -_— Launch AliceB. Leaves Davis float for Metlakatlah, Sundays at 9 and 11 a. m., and 1 and 3 Pp. m. For terms and particulars Call .W. J. THOMAS, Green 391. Phone. “% PARKER WILLIAMS INTRODUCED * * THE resolution, FOR THE abolition OF the cannery, BOAT rating Tickets mark, Finland, italy and Russia. SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK “StoGRhOlm” os ic ces June 20th. “United States” ....... June 22nd. “Bergensfjord” ........ June 24th. “OSCEY TE ob be vee June 29th. Have Your Reservations made Early. For Rates, Illustrated Folders and General Information Apply to DYBHAVN & HANSON Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B. C. AND moved THAT Ottawa i BE petitioned | TO abolish | . | THE PACIFIC committee OF THE Fisheries Board. THIS is the first move | TOWARDS independence | | CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED. WANTED—Donkey Engineer and rigging men for logging camp. Williams & Man- son. 127. WANTED—Girl for general housework. Willing to go to Hazeltun. Apply Miss Barbeau, Sixth ‘St. 121-123 WANTED—General servant, apply Mrs. A. Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue. Phone 492. tf. WANTED—To rent, furnished house, (one overlooking the harbor preferred), for’ six months or longer. Apply Box 101} Daily News. 125-31! LOST LOST—Bunch of keys. Finder please re- Little Hands HOW WILL THEY GROW? TRAINED OR UNTRAINED- hose | your You can train them to bring life- long happiness or let them go un- trained. But their little care, hands are now in mother. now is the education. WE GIVE LESSONS ON VIOLIN AND PIANO. Terms $6.00 a quarter WALKERS MUSIC STORE time to begin PRINTERS’ “PI.” A | OF PUBLIC money. R. 8. C. Chapter 115. | . * * — THE SUREST way Robert Cecil Gesse hereby gives notice} | eile dis . . that he has under Section 7 of the said! TO GET NOTHING aone Act deposited with the Minister of Public] | 5 Works at Ottawa, and in the ofMce of the | | AT BIG expense District Registrar of Titles at the Land * * | Ta Registry office at Prince Rupert, British IS THE commision way. Columbia, a description of the site and the j plans of a wharf proposed to be built in THE HOUSE IS to appoint . THE commission . . CAN BE depended upon * * . TO DELAY matters Ww MANY thousands 7 t commission, Sect ones * * HILE it spends ‘ CANADIAN WOMEN SHOULD KNOW THis— **CANADA FIRST” Milk isthe BEST Sire Seite . Milk The Government Bulletin ¢ Nv. 305 tellsthe story—IT COSTS THE s ME ASS YOUR GROCER FOR THIS CANADIAN OWnty ot CANADIAN MADE PRODUCT—INSIST Ifyou want whipnedcream, chill “Canada First” Py, ‘ - then whip as with fresh cream. ee Tue AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO..Lrp, * AYLMER, ONT., CANADA “4 “OR a vear or two, - ) A f A \ - a eee ochontinty is Lotorhiobochotonloctocd eh rd bed Ud ‘Rede ON LY DAT oy rey ay y=! S37 eta th Skeena Passage, at the mouth of turn to Hotel Rupert. 109.) 4 4 FOR RENT Cero Oe. y para taOE W gal ER? PAE ee PORE Be Ia Salvation Army. FOR RENT—Furnished housekeeping rooms | oe comme hot and cold water, terms moderate. Public meetings, Tuesday. Apply Norfolk Rooms. 139. FOR RENT—Furnished Cottage. Pillows etc. for sale. Apply mornings, Mrs. Rowats Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m Sundays at 7:30 p.m. 717 6th Ave., West. 121 SS Ge lace ai ei Re ao. einen FOR SALE ; —_— > FOR SALE—Horses for sale. Apply Box 113, 3 Daily News. Wf.) 4 FOR SALE-—Airedale pups. Six weeks old. Mother sired by Fritz of Vancouver. $5.00. Apply R. Wendt, Telkwa, B. C. SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- line engine, new, $165 freight paid Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Canad. tr. Alex M. Manson, B.A. W. E. Williams, B.A., L.L.B WILLIAMS & MANSON Garristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C AKERBERC, THOMSON {) s COMPANY The Place to Buy Quality Groceries ALWAYS ASK FOR Our Own Butter ......-ceves 45c Our OWN Tee 22. eecccicdcses 40c Our Own Coffee, 3 Ibs. for .. $1.00 Our Own Vinegar ......é-.- 25c Cur OWA BROOD sic tcc cse se 30c Etc., Etc., Etc. Largest stack of fresh Fruit and Vegetables in the city. ON SALE NOW Canada First Wax Beans, Cowans Cocoa in 5 cent Fuller&McMeekin LEADING GROCERS PHONES packages 572 > Sole Agents for the PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY > PHONE 525 > GPPOLEP EPL PCPLIEOL PR ereccrore CPP aT. DENT!37RY | CROWN AND BSRIDGE WORK A 6PECIALTY DR. J. S. BROWN f CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS {If 0° Semen 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. oe or pee ae hi: Prince Rupert Lnccaseceeserssencorseenececeves ft B. C. UNDERTAKERS ADVERTISE IN sauna — Sarernorion aan THE DAILY NEWS | 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND Builders’ Hardware Carpenters’ Tools AVE Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Vaives Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges RAubbercid Roofing Corrugated tron FRED “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” STORK’S HARDWARE }gone 3 for 28c¢ i *. * ® Rev, Dr. Cameron, of Edmon- ton, arrived from the east last night and went south this morn- ing. ae og W. Smith and O, W. M. Hughes, two of Massett’s old timers, have south to enlist for active service. Mrs. Davis, who has been visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. H B. Cam- bie, left Prince Rupert today. T. D. Pattullo left on the Prince Rupert this morning on a busi- ness trip to California. He will be away for about three weeks. W. J, Johnstone, financial in- arrived for Vancouver on the 1 spector of post offices, from the east on last night's train south this * * . and went morning. P. G. Shallcross, who has been with the justing of the insurance covering here in connection ad- ithe recent fire, left for Vancouver this morning. ° * * The one Daily News has received letter of appreciation the eagerly more the local trenches, The looked for by the Prince Rupert boys. from boys in News is William Marchant, inspector of customs, arrived from the north on the Princess Sophia this morn- ing on a visit to the Skeena, after which he will proceed to Stewart and Massett. . = * Charles Youngman left for the south this morning. not likely be seen around Prince Charlie will Rupert for some time, but it will be the hope of all that he will come back safely and with honors. aays your logether with the costs of this advertise- ment, Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C., and “* in pursuance of the “Mineral Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., day of November, Tr NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT | ieeeeeccecsceerreessereererees.., THE WESTERN UNIVERS|. TIES BATTALION NEEDS FIFTY MORE MEN To com. PLETE THE ESTABLISH. NSS es MENT. THOUGHTFUL MEN oF 5 1 shall, at the expiration of ninety from the date hereof, apply to the to have interest in the said “Ladybird No. 4’ Stumpy’ Mineral Claims vested in me provisions of the Excellent Trout Fishing in Lakelse 7 Lake. Phone Connections with Terrace. RATES: $2.50 per day. Act.” For further particulars, J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, apply to this 5th Manager. > ; ’ 5 > . America, circumference 300 feet— Temperature ®f Water, 180 d. Fahr. 1915. Hay, Chicken Feed A Specialty. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. “ f rs Sg lin Skeena River, British Columbia, in EDUCATION FOR THE fishermen, HAS prorogued { Lot one hundred and seventeen * * . ° e S | 64% . ) . . ae ‘ } (117), Range five (5) Coast District, Brit- | 9 BUT William Manson AND IT seems certain jish Columbia need eo Dy kee a Bee Nhat oe | And take notice that, after the expiration of scaitiiier ak ore MOVED an amendment rHAT the canneries one month from the date of the first publi-|3 LISTING YOURSELF : i : | on of this notice, Robert Cecil Gosse |} FOR the appointment |; ARE to enjoy inder Section 7 of the said Act, apply A DOUBLE SERVICE! 3 er a ; lto the Minister of Public Works, at his You not only ¢ OF*a royal Gommission, THEIR monopoly Jomee in the City of Ottawa, for approval of | vice to the nation, | } * * . | * . * los : 7 ; } by your exampl 4 . gees | Sarasa | said site and plans, and for leave to You have no fut THE USUAL method FOR ANOTHER year. mstruct the said wharf. | dents have nothing t ( " = " E i F . % r | pated it Prince Rupert, B. C., this 27th | many wins Dar 2 OF SIDE tracking LET US make sure tay of May, 1916. |§ chance in such a ma aa Mink ie | ROBERT CEC!IL GOSSE. | ite eee Be A THORNY question | IT IS the last. lm j30 the war, and the f ; = — | ~ $e You owe it to yourse! | 19 and the boys at the at ie . ere ee, MINERAL ACT a. ge 2 Men of the University ty; Ave Local News Notes }}3 PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. }! faerie 1 fone—but their identity has’ bee ' . gone but their identity has ¢ oca ews O i , FE Certificate of Improvements lost in the various units t hay ; » i Bata joined The University Batta was designed t 4 ate Announce that they have purchased NOTICE | uty 20° help by f f ample Launch Dixie, phone Blue 400.|}§ the business of the Prince Rupert Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate in the|@ %s Well as by service in the field. e * e { Transfer Company and solicit a con- Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. | d You = an opportu tinuance of the patronage of thé Where located At the head of a branch | mesh earecahio | t Mrs. John A. Murray has gone customers of that firm f Lime Creek about four miles from the Western Universities Ba zi ae Careful attention to all or- beach on the south side of Alice Arm. Don't wait for y I south on a visit. i TAKE NOTICE. that I, George R. Naden, point the way or ders for Cartage and Coal. : : do your bit, ° # * ; ere Free Miner’s Certificate No, 94096B, acting Apply at once to the 3 iis a : is agent for Thos, McRostie, Free Miner's manding t of B. C. Compa Mrs. Parkin was amongst the PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. ertificate No, 69991B, and James L. Hatch, Overse s Battalion C. } : : Free Miner’s CertiNeate No, 87966B, in 10th and Laurel Street sc -going sse rs s fore- ° ; juth-going passengel 5 this fore PHONE 93. tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to t Re ine noon. eo! | ply t the Mining Recorder for a Certifi forwarded on receipt of med Ca }cate of Improvements, for the purpose of tiflcate or telegram from a d m ., * —- —-_- —_———— | obtaining a Crown Grant of the above to medical fitness George A. MeNicholl arrived j claim. 4 = MINERAL ACT And further take notice that action,| oe from the east on the train last NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER inder section 85, must be commenced be z tO J. A. ROGERS, wre the issue of such Certificate of Im- P R F d ( 2 night. TAKE NOTICE that, whereas I have | provements. rince upert ee 0. ry eee caused to be done the assessment work Dated this 24th day of March, A D. 1916. | P. O. Box 333. 808 Third Ave. Be for the year 1915 on the mineral claims GEORGE R. NADEN, | Best quality of household 1uMP | known as “Ladybird No. 4” Mineral Claim,| ——— _- —|% RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS and nut coal. Prince Rupert Coal! ; situated in Cascade Creek valley, north of] ., on peeeecccoccenoeoeeeeees WE HANDLE C I 15 ‘ Silver Lake, in the Stewart, B. C., Mining jo., phone me ‘+ | District; and the “Stumpy” Mineral Claim, LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS oe coe situated on the east side of Cascade Creek Rennie's, Ferry’s, Steele's, ay as . at the head, in the said Stewart Mining 's, E. C. Gibbons, of McCaffery, | istrict, and have paid for said assess- ee ene oes ele cies Cae ee ao eke oat aie IS NOW OPEN TO GUESTS-—— Garden and Field Seeds. Gibbons & Doyle, left for Vancou- |‘ : ie gaze hg ade ty hSiaprags neraepiad ‘1 : you pay tu me the sum of §100.00 tor One of the largest Hot Springs in Also Fertilizers. ver on the Prince Rupert. your share of the said assessment work We Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Grain and Feed at Vancouver Prices. err : UY —_ “yy ”* rif; a Copyright isis y R. J. Reynolds Tobaces Cu. ‘ | [yyy Back up and get a fresh start! For men who got away to a false start on a pipe or home-made cigarettes Prince Albert has a word or two for what ails their smokeappetites ! Forget you ever tried to smoke, for Prince Albert is so different, has such a fine flavor, and is so cool and cheerful and friendly, you'll get a new idea of smoke joy! The patented process cuts out bite and parch! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! 7 This little talk is also for men who think they’re on the right track. All to be said is that the sooner you lay out the price for a supply of Prince Albert, the sooner you'll make a discovery that’ll be worth a lot to your peace of mind and tongue! If your dealer cannot supply it,ask him Prince Albert is sold to secure Prince Albert through his whole- erally, in the Sots, ia, Saler, Get the idea of smoking a// you want without a comeback— that’s P. A.! red tin, alsoi d halfopound Auimiders. ” md, REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C., U. S. A. the international joy smoke is the real tobacco for jimmy pipes and makin’s cigarettes ide of this Fs fe pty Process Patented 30th, 1907,"" which bas made ee men smoke pipes where one smoked betore!