Thursday, June 8, 1916. THR DAILY NEWS. — a CC bs D ° N ” {HE IONIC I PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES POLLOO NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- The Daily News UN TT Local News Notes}... - LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS TION ACT The following were amo gst HOTEL ag : R. 8. C. CHAPTER 115. CLASSIFIED ADS. ss the first-class, passengers on the IS NOW OPEN TO GUESTE- The Surf Inlet Power if Launch Dixie, phone Blue 400. Pri —— hereby ‘gives noti th ¥ it he Of ut aes ‘ince George j ni . reDy res notice tha as under Sec- petrte’ t oo Oe rince George this morning: One of the largest Hot Springs 1 in $3] tion 7 of said act deposited with the ia. WANTED. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clancy have C. M, Webstep and wife, Miss America, circumference 800 feet— ister of Public Works at Ottawa and in the é F = Temperature of Water, 180 d. Fahr office of tgg Distric i Beak iiicasuiiers if- ti returned ¢ i ae aa a f : . Mice of tg District Registrar of the Land ED—Good strong boy. Apply Pony rl a- ves” Bul § p 8 ned from @ Visiy S9Usl. Davis, Mr. Johnson and wife, FE. eS Registry District at Prince Rupert, B. C, WANT 3 6, ee bt 2 ; eh Excellent Trout Fishing in Lakeise 2]4 description of the site and the plans express. 136, oie ystem | Tm CG. Gibbons, Mr. Savill, Mr. Trim- Lake. of wharves and power house prop a : ee ‘he Prince George had two me Phone Connection , tne Wks rong PE hgh WaNTED—Donkey Engineer and rigging} ‘Those who take “Pruit i hinded S ble, Mr. Elliot, Mr. Jackson, Mr. RATES: 92.80 ae an " built at the head of Surf Inlet, Princess inen for logging camp. Williams & Man-| 4) : uit-a-tives” for |Hundred passengers this morning. : ; toyal Island, in front of Lot 40, Range 4, the first time, are often astonis} . Hickman, Mr. Eggleston, Mrs. ‘ FF 5 Coast District, B. C, son. ee: | thie Way. tf dudids Uh ; we dat Pets i. : For further particulars, apply to And take notice that after the expiration ee ae ” hy tM Our 1em up and makes : ; . ; finds rife i : y ; ’ WANTED—Girl for general housework. | “em feel better all over. "They kate a4 James McRae left this morning Milne, Mr. Bollinger and wife, J. J eenisteecdes Manager. —- month from the date of the first willing to go to Hazelton, Apply Miss} taking “I’rait-a-tives” for somo specifie (U0 @ fishing expedition to Lakelse. A. Fay, Miss Bollinger, Miss |¢ ~ ” Pa Sie Calliiige Adcnsoa nace a a jarbeau, Sixth St. FOL URE 1) dikdean 2c 0 als ie a a +5 s ha are oo sy UNDEF See- aa et ne - mie ft ist ion, Indigestion, * oa Phillips, C, HW. French, Mr. Lowle,|} HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR 3) ''0" 7 of the said Act, apply to the Min- uronic leadaches or Neur Z | ‘ , , sler of P fe forks, ¢ “@ WANTED—General servant, apply Mrs. A. kk di J “ BEN uralgia, Rev, J. F. Dimmick arrived from/Vr. Gilles, V. H. Limber, W. A.‘ ‘ aaa Dore aes ee apg ts cutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue. stdney or Bladder lrouble, Rheu- | ; SECOND HAND GOODS te ont Spr redeem ing. 32 Pine phone 492 tr. | Matism or Pain in the Back And {] the south on the Prince George Johnson, Mr. Nye,J. Dutton, Mr. ua Gus said site and plans and for leave to con- ‘ 7 4 : nt! Sac! id they N struc » gal » — . —————<——_$_—_——— find when “Fruit-a-tives’ has cured the |'0day. Hayward, P. 8. Wolfe and wife tract: the sald wharves and power house. \NTED—To rent, furnished house, (one disease, that tl fool 2 red the | cS ’ BOU Dated at Vancouver, B. C., this 29th if WANTS Ge aE nao eee ae ley feel better and We Bea Mrs. W, Nasty, Mrs. Newton, B. day of May, 1916. eee verlooking the harbor preferred), for! stronger in every way. Thisis due We ye , ‘jj to (TT ; 7. ee THE SURF INLET POWER COMPANY a ix months or longer. Apply Box 101) the wonderful tonic propert et . S. Fisher returned this|;?. Lee, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Nils, HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A LIMITED Ss 3 . . operties o 1ese_ | “sé , ‘ ot wad 4it yo Daily News. plliiiitaiinsneces Abhous tablets, made from fruit juic on ‘morning from a business trip | Mr. Gilcust and wife, Mr. Bar- SMALL PROFIT —$— —__—_______... ™ FOR RENT 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size. °5e lsouth. ibour, Miss Smaby, Miss R. c, | Try 828 3rd Ave., Or Phone Red 268 : | At all dcalersor sent postpaid by Fruit. ree eo Rinith V2 A. eeeetiae owen pe NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, FOR RENT Purnietied ‘Solmmpeptns rooms | a-tives Limited, Ottawa: ; ; : ent Bein Pen a Lp , Snith, ———__— R. 8. C. CAP. 115. hot and cold water, terms moderate, | ——~— ee Best quality of household lump}|Master Smith, C. kh, Berg, Mr. LAND REGISTRY ACT. Se Apply Norfolk Rooms. 139,| $6 D i « Jand i tne1! Sulliv: PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby give 3 EM AS Mit opie 1 ot ‘ ollar in the Bank is and nut coal. Prince Rupert Coai;Sullivan, Mr. Phair, Mr. Maluin, | rane nee Under Section 36. notice that it has, under Section 7 of the tT , . | TAKE NOTICE that an application has] «, : ; , roR RENT—Furnished Cottage. Pillows | . ° 99 OO, phone 15. tf.|Mrs. IF. Moore, Mr. W. R, Hu rhes, | ad rae wh Ba iat os Said Act, deposited with the Minister of ete. for sale. Apply mornings, Mrs. Rowat | Worth Two In Promises ee. . j been made to register Sven Holmquist, of | puplic Works at Ottawa, and in the office 717 6th Ave., West. 121) * * * Mr. Slingheyde, Mrs. Thompson, Prince Rupert, as the owner in Fee-simple, of the Registrar General of Titles at Vi , i, ndasiiaain | E | + oan , ; +3 : under two Tax Sale Deeds from the col-|jopiq B tk a seeks PS FOR SALE ; H iN you have a { P. Trimble, the well known W. F. Fisher, Mrs.* Keane and} jector of the City of Prince Rupert, to * a, ritish Columbia, a description of ’ the site and the plans of ce ruc i Nay BR ee | cies ga Savings mining man, has returned from | daughter, Mr. C. Wilcox, Miss | ors et bearing date me 17th dayit, pe erected yo el rt oer hi = Cc ‘ : ; ;of September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance,of} ,., pa, in ; ‘ rOR SALE—Horses for sale. Apply Box 113, | Saves atk dee not [the south. ,. Lord, Y, Mureta, Miss Black, | 4 Tax Sale held by sad Madiciphlity to at . Range Three (3), Coast District, Dally News. tf. avours * * ® Mr. Pearse, Mr. Monroe ¢ ife, | or about the ¥th day of September, 1914, | a ee ee ee . ——$___—_—_—_—_—_——_——_——/ or court refusals when you | use, Mr. Monroe and wife Of al! atid ‘bingular’ ental Hasbel Ge tease ce el 0 7 —, DD . "Tl FOR SALE Airedale pups. Six weeks old.| require ready cash. A Savings | Vance at the rink Thursday |Mr. Clancy, Mr. Hay, Mrs, Claney, i land and premises situate. lying ana| SE ea ae eee ee Mother sired by Fritz of Vancouver. | : P Y piration of one month from the date of $5.00. Apply R. Wendt, Telkwa, B, Cc. | | Recoune a Aan a Malice | night. Refreshments served.|Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jewitt, MTs! egies or ois = cata ace In the} the first publication of this Notice Ty: ] endt, va, B.C. | itish or merica makes | ,; i P i : | Pro ce 0 ritish Columbia, more par- | .,.,. . . , Sars | ients $1.00. 1s so aieble 99 |Dubberley.. Mark ; ot eb ds Tbs hte roa cifle Mills) Limited, will, under Section 7 SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- | YOU independent of promises. ‘ 1.00, ladies free. 133. rhe i y, J. M. Clark, Mr, Briggs ep known and described a$:-—Lot-or the sail Act, apply to the Governor-in- line engine, new, $165 freight paid. | he money is yours —read * * «8 and wife, Mr. Miller, Mr. Martin, \aee ps ve forty-five (45), Section Council for approval of the said site and Send for catalogue C, Guarantee Motor | h y inflia -ws hel Ate : he. jelght (8), and Lot four (4), Block thirty- | plan. Ce. Banana, Tee f when you need it—protected he Prince George arrived this |Mr. McNamara, C. 8. Morden, Mr./five (35), Section eight (8), Map 923. Dated “at: Vancduvely “Biitiah. Geaunin 0., . Cc ; ot | | ated yer, sh Columbia, | een loss—safe from fire and | morning on hep first trip north | Hulse and wife, W. C, Frank, Mrs. ly Se aaeat oe eae aaa ‘s under (nis 26th day of April, A. D. 4916 ger | | you, persons claiming any interest e rte a rf Alex M. Manson, B.A. higheiteient nn ee at jihis season. McRae, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Peter |in the said land by descent whose title ileties tue Pukten Wink ae “re are: 2 2 Solicitors for Pacific } 3, imited. W. E. Williams, B.A,, L.L.B Densits of $1 4 ea ae McRae, Mrs. Troyer, F. A. Arm- | is not registered under the provisions of | e LIAMS & ) - and upwards are ;the “Land Registry Act” are required to WILLIAM MANSON d ee ' , ; q Barrictes’; Boliditore, Bi feceived on Savings accounts. Chimneys, pipes, ranges and |strong, A. B. MacLaughlin, W. H.!contest the claim of the tax purchaser NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT arristers, So r . ; i lw -flve days service of | . i Delleteors; ‘te THE BANK OF —_|firiaces cleaned and repaired —[Ozard, G, A. Porter, Mra. Nous le yt” Situs yn ay] & mer MONEY TO LOAN a ss een hone 219, Fr Mr. Sté Os tsi Ss . pack 2 2 2 ’ Box 1888 British North America 7° °°" “*” BD Me B07) oo Ney ee eC et erairad’ tno alte 90 Sinieie tear ee i ee ee Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. aT er ca : = ¥ jan | wife, Mrs. Bernhoft, Mr. | in respect of the said Satsay bad I and sedomnehas Bear hePbcactahy tex fase. Be - — 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. Mr. Sylvester, of the Granby | Newish, Mr. Scott, Mr. Dunnich, i regis ter the said Sven Holmquist as owner | Section : of the said Act deposited with — | CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7 660. : ’ | : lin fea | the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa . 884, Company, passed through on his Mrs. Renn, Miss Renn, Dr. Your attensind: ts delta: dontianta and in the office of the District Registrar | 2 lo he Ls 2 , 2e str AKERBERG THOMSON PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH way north today. Quinlan. jof the “Land Registry Act” and amend- ae siaeek ts “bsline’ Haniet Cae ? WM. J. SMITHERS, Manager. Beer sg ce ¥. |ments, and especially to the following ex- |... ‘ar nat oe COMPANY For Anyox—Mr. Bryngoldon, J. | tract therefrom which relates to the above pots widsaaan at an je ee earn: a E. C, Gibbons, of MecCaffery,|Carpenter, Mr. Lane, J. E, Price, | #otlce. | pert aaMane kt Pri v a on Aaa: ne Sole abate f th re ' : ; | : ‘ : vas | “And in default of a caveat or certificate ; eh FUnOes DaDOrn, Bethan cee gents for the oo o Gibbons & Doyle, has returned|P. Boyle, Mr. Cullin, Mr. Tocher,|or jis pendens being fled before the |{U™»!a Im front of waterfront Block “G", PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY from the south. J. Davidson, J. J. Binns, Mr. |Tegistration as owner of the persons en- oe oe Senet ee ee of the town- ¢#.2 * J . 2 j titied under such tax sale, all perscns so Be eee nee ee Fines: RUDGE Car PHONE 525 Noble, Mr. Culp and wife, O. B.|servea with ndtice, or served with notice |P0S!te¢ in the aforesaid Land Registry » Could We Interest You in Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Stirratt ar-|Smith, Mr. Davis, W.Gray, Mr. |¥mder subsection (6) of section 155 of Pi eee ee een Re aR Ae ket Fos Say | ’ : ; 7 * ; the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec- AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- ke the Purchase of a Piano 3 "ived from Seattle on the Prince/Law, Mrs. Sinclair, Mr. Sylvester. | |tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section|'#ton of one month from the date of i peep i a ea ee oa as ‘ ‘ os the first publication of this notice, the George this morning. 139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ or}. i 4 CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS Today? : 8 section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases|%°and Trunk Pacific Railway Company will WE HAVE A Pees ie y in which notice under this Act is dispensed | “U"™@er Section 7 of the said Act apply to P V. M. Law returned from Port- PACIFIC CARTAGE LID with as hereinafter provided, and those |'¢ Minister of Public Works at his office 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. GERHARD HEINTZMAN feta thi Wi, * Qjclaiming through or under them and all|'” ve a - Ottawa for approval of Scat ae ate and, Oregon, this morning. He|$ quapmeeeeeemmeermemcempcrmues (% persons claiming any interest in the land|**!@ site and plans, and for leave to con- Prince Rupert ‘> PYLE 60, WALNUT CASE lwill go on to Alice Arm | Annguncs that Aner chavs shased %/ DY. virtue of any unregistered instrument, truct; the sald warehouse. Concrets Werks, McBride St. AT $325, ON TERMS es : a hace ed aah es ‘i se os |and all persons claiming any interest in| Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this 25th | cae sr : ® sae ‘A ‘nea 9 i 1e Prince Rupert ‘the land by descent whose title és not day of May A. D. 1916. one ' . +? purchase of a Gerhard | ee ee : s fA | Transfer Company and solicit a con- | registered under the provisions of this Act,| “!¥E GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY eI ed clear Pasktarian Elin td an caveat. J, A. Fay, proprietor of the tinuance of the patronage of the §/shail be for ever estopped and debarred COMPANY, ment containing no element of spec- ‘Bayview Hotel, was amongst the! customers of that firm. from setting up any claim to or in respect H. H. HANSARD, Solicitor. 7 ation, : : » le S 3 ae? B C UNDERTAKERS paren jarrivals on the Prince George to- | Careful attention to all or- of the land so sold for taxes. ee: i . ° We will be pleased to have you ae ders for Cartage and Coal. | Dated at the Land Registry Office, at come in and compare this plano $|day. aa Sea |the City of Prince Rupert, Province of Salvation Army. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- with other pianos. e e é R A L | British Columbia, this 19th day of January, causa anacaihs BALMERS — SATISFACTION QUAR- Our service is always at your PACIFIC CA T GE TD. A. D. 1916, Public i ANTEED—-OPEN DAY AND NIGHT command, we will gladly give you The sack of Quaker Flour in PHONE 93 : | H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. ‘rh ublic ener Tuesday 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 our time to help you solve your $|{the Quaker Pettijohn drawing at To Grand Trunk Pacific Development Co.,| Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m elanioas Deckieehi $i aie Ltd., J. P. Conrad, Jack Jenkins, Mrs. (Sundays at 7:30 p.m ithe Westholme last night went to C, R. McDonald. ; WALKERS MUSIC STORE Mrs. 8. W. Smith, car 2 Sati arlene A eae SOR EU ne BWI Sats es DENTI3TRY 0 ee 1? « iH. L. Harris has recovered from cnown ‘isle @meeen wonk es PS tee his recent ae ne expects A to go south to join the iith C. rt SPECIALTY et poe tos ol aia B ’ J rince e is. DR. J. S. BROWN M. R. on Saturday morning. sien con ‘such friendly toba s OMcs: Smith Block, Third Avenue George A. Trory, managing di- ‘ cco Phone 454 j , _ a ¢. #2 3 | AL rector of Henry Birks & Sons, Ld., that it just makes a man sorry he didn’t get wind of this ere tiga BO > TRADING GROCERS arrived from the south this morn- pipe and cigarette smoke long, long ago. He counts it lost \ a ae PEERS _ 3}ing and proceeded east on the time, quick as the goodness of Prince Albert gets firm set \ Pri R 3 train. in his life! And P, A. can’t bite or parch! That's cut out rince fupert Feed Co. Our New Refrigerator increases the * 8 8 by the patented process by which it ismade! Prince Albert P.O. Box $88. __ 008. Third _Aye. Be ce a ae ach ‘ated. | cinthaeshe te we has always been sold without coupons or premiums, We \ RE | Our Own Brand Butter. .3 for $1. CEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS Jersey Brand Butter 3 for $115 $|Mecltae, arrived from Seattle this prefer to give quality ! WE HANDLE 12 Genuine Scotch Raw Beef Ham, Ayr= Qimorning on a Visit. She is ac- Get on the right-smoke-track soon as you know how! : Rennieli wend ehire Moll, Cooked Meats, ete, ee by her daughter-in- Ask your dealer for Prince Albert. If he cannot supply you, nies | a etek i i i ; a. ee? 8, lalv. Mre. Peter MoRae, of Seattle: ask him to secure it through his wholesaler. Quick as you Garden and Field Seeds | BIG 75-CENT SPECIAL ae Ge can, understand yourself how much you'll like , Se s Coffee, value. .50c ; ; Also Fertilizers 13 1 Ib, Schillings Coffee, value. .50c. Mrs. Bernhoft and family ar- . { { bottle Fuller’s White Wine Vine : : We Take Orders for Nursery 3. wan Vat ieee isc Shee AL eered Shem: Reawle -shis mora 3 Stock. 1$ 4 tin Equal Egg, value........ 5c to join Mr. Bernhoft, who is man- ay, Grain and Feed at { tin Lowney’s Cocoa, value 10¢, ager here for the National Inde- Vv ; ; 5 ing ‘ancouver Prices. wasalidalaa’ O40. tab Ties pendent Fish Company of Seattle. . * Chicken Feed A Specialty. ee ean ae ° the international joy smokg - ———$___—_____—- | W_B. MecLaughlan, an old timer e Mal 572 PHONES 56 a ; . : all Orders Promptly Attended To. of Vietoria and an extensive prop- It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if men all over woe oo nore nerene? e"yorty holder in Prince Rupert, the world prefer P. A, that it must have al/ the ine: passed through this morning on qualities to satisfy your fondest desires? a > {his way to the old country on a Biers . > Men, get us right on Prince Albert! We tell \ visit. \N FRED STORK’S HARDWARE i Ba ea you this tobacco will prove better than i ae ne youcan figure out, it’sso chummy and re ss Mr. and Mrs, G, V, Evitt left for fragrant and inviting all the NN ene eee ee , |the east this morning en route for time. Just realize that you . ’ 7 710 SECOND AVE H England, They sail on the Cali- can smoke all you want N Carpenters’ Too!s Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery ‘|fornian, one of the Allen liners, without a comeback! \ Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle 1 There was a large gathering of Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns friends at the depot to wish them Prince Albert iz sold Ro Ammunition rods ‘ a 2 throughout Canada, gen- pe Valves mmu yee and a safe return. erally, in the %e- lb. tidy red Pumps Hose Paint . 0. 2 . tin, also” - pound and H : half-pound humidors, Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron Lawnmowers sharpened and re- A . ” aire: pairs Pog Seri i s “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST ae 3: wen of all deser bas 9 R. J. REYNOLDS ase aa yhone 2149, Fritz, 33. as = <== {t\!! 1 Fels TOBACCO COMPANY } : ee \ Winston-Salem, N. C., | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE jj, ase n> scm wae | taking pianoforte pupils. Terms 2 ee Di coeconahle, Phone Wlue 408. (! WERQG 0 Basa a S SSIS SSS