THE DAILY NEWS nM ——[—$—$=$_£_£_£_£_ a ———=—=_—[==———_t —— VOL. vil, NO. 4187. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS ——— RUSSIAS MAY HAVE TAKEN CZERNOW AUSTRIANS FAIL TO STEM ADVANCE -- THE ITALIANS MAKE PROGRESS IN TYROL RUSSIANS ARE RUSSIANS AND STILLGAININGON ITALIANS ARE GALICIAN FRONT CO-OPERATING Czernowitz May Now be in Russian Hands—Austrians Fail to Stem the Advance — Germans May Attack Riga. Austrians May be Caught—Aero- plane Attack in Egypt—Ger- mans Again repelled on Verdun Front. Special to The Dally News) (Special to The Daily News. petrograd, June 13,—There is Rome, June 13.—li is officially a rumor that the Russians have | announced by the war office that} upied Czernowitz, the capitalline [talians continue to advance the Austrian crown land Offin the Arsa Valley; in the Pasubic | Colop is given to the Bukowina,. Posina-As- by the capture by the Rus- sector, and along the tico line in the southern Tyrol. | The 45,000 if Dobronovitz, a command- have withdrawn | Austrians t ten miles to the morth- men and several batteries | f Czernowitz. The Russian|of heavy guns from the Italian} extends to Okna. Fromifront to try and stem the Russian | both points the roads lead direct|)adyvance in Volhynia, Czernowitz. - Advance Continues. The Rupert Hotel bulletin says | fhe Russian successes Con-/that the Austrians are caught in| according to today’s oficial/a huge trap between the Italian| ef Their success is surpris-jand Russian fronts, and that the) ing as the Austrians, after the|new Italian attack was ert first shock of the Russian advance | simultaneously with the new Rus-| appeared to have rallied their)sian offensive. Air Attack on Egypt. | German | forces and Lo have offered a stub- esistance. | London, June 13. On the Volhynian front, furious | aeroplanes bombarded the Egyp-| character-|tian town of Katara, thirty miles] Port er attacks have | 40 hours fighting but|}south of Said on the Suez} Canal and fired on Romani with} t the Austrians being able was acne nore than momentarily check|machine guns, The enemy planes | the f{ » of the Russian advance.| were driven off by British aircraft. It is believed that the Germans Verdun Front. re not sending many troops to Paris, June 13.—The German attacks on the French is pointed! positions Fort that the Verdun front last night failed the |entirely. There are Austrians in stemming the | infantry offensive. It west of Vaux on he military critics vy , Gere ne instance during heavy Ger spec ar Russian campaign in) man bombardments north of Sou- early |ville and Tavantes, while the are! tillery attacks west of the Meuse | Carpathians, in the of the war, did Germany da large men to} continue. number of the Austrians. Instead, it British Front. ifigures showed a reduction of over} QUEEN ALEXANDRA AT WESTMINSTER ABBEY Queen Alexandra arriving at Westminster Abbey, where she is The being received by Dr. Ryle, Dean of Westminster. occasion is the distribution of Maundy Money to the poor. FRANCE AND BRITAIN AGREE ON TACTICS Courtesy Hotel Rupert. General Joffre attended the Al- ENORMOUS SAVING IN CITY ADMINISTRATION] Mayor McCaffery announced at the council meeting last evening that the had been prepared and that the estimates for the year jlied conference in London, when the French and British agreed INSURANCE AND DUTY At the council last night, Mayor full Vancouver, McCaffery gave a report of Victoria, Toledo and New York, in connec- |tion with the plaéing of the city’s bond his visit to issue. Accompanying the |report were letters from Spitzer, | Rorick & Co., relating to the deal land expressing satisfaction in the | manner in which the business had {been earried out. | The that jcessity of his going to New York. |Under the agreement entered into he had to mayor expressed surprise some had criticised the ne- deliver the bonds in New York, and he was never ab- solutely sure that the money was the city’s until the deal was com- pleted in New York. there had been a saving effected of $6,131 because of his being on the market in New York instead of in Prince Rupert, The expenses of the trip had been than covered by the saving made. Incidentally, fap more The following is his report: Dear Sirs:—I beg to submit for your result of |our mission to New York, to bring | consideration the | labout the consummation of this transaction. | We signed and delivered $4,- “MAYOR MCAFFERY EFFECTED LARGE SAVING IN BOND ISSUE | OVER SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS SAVED IN EXCHANGE, EXPRESS, BY CLOSING TKE DEAL IN NEW YORK—DETAILED REPORT OF TRARSACTION the saving on exchange and ac- crued interest received on sale of debentures and temporary notes. This total proceeds of $60,000.00, and rep- leaves a balance on resents the extra price for $800,- 000.00 temporary notes which were sold at 95, pending the per- manent sale of a like amount of debentures placed in escrow with the Bank of Montreal, New York. This amount was placed on de- Spitzer, Rorick Bank, interest at 4 cent. computed on posit in bearing per minimum monthly balance, to be paid back to Spitzer, Rorick take the debentures now in escrow, for which they pay 87%, requiring, therefore, $75.00 for each $1,000 debentures to reimburse the ex- tra price now paid for temporary notes. The interest earned while this money is on deposit will be a clear Saving to the cify, and is & Company as they brought about as follows: Our total debenture $1,616,000.00, which, contract dated April 12th, was to be finally sold at 87% This would yield in cash/$1,414,000.00. To facilitate the agreed that part should be issued issue was under the sale it was $38,000 in the administration ex-jupon the tactics to be folowed 616,000.00 (4 to 30 years Serial [in temporary notes for which the penses fop the year, as compared!/during the remainder of the war.|'Debentures, also $800,000.00 3_|bond dealers were to pay 95, and | with last year, while the saving|The meeting was marked by the year notes. $816,000.00 of these | 0M the permanent sale of the de- in the operation of utilities would|most absolute’ understanding be-|debentures were delivered as per | bentures they take them up at be $7,500, making a total saving|tween the military leaders of the of over $46,000 for the year. two nations. Bulgaria Bombarded. that The Allied fleets are bombard- would be 10 mills | ing the was anticipated As a consequence of the saving | effected, it the tax rate Bulgarian coast in the contract with Messrs. Spitzer, | | Rorick & Company at the pur-| ; kag jchase’ price of 87% cents, the | proceeds of which realized $71 4 | ‘000.00, the secured interest, $6,-| 187% consequently, the city would have to pay the bond dealer a further discount of $7.50 for each $100.00. This $60,000.00, there- fore, represents the total discount been the German practice to take an offensive moyement iL some other part of the line in ndeavor to draw off the Rus- Northern Front. believed that the Germans along iLlempt an offensive the rthern section of the Rus- ut rather than risk weak- thing theip lines by detaching any humber of men support the Austrian defence Phe number of prisoners now laken by the Russians in this big d movement is seventeen hundred offieers and one hundred ' thirteen thousand men, aaaaeee ee WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT ONLY Jesse L. Lasky presents a notable All-Star Caste in a picturization of “THE CHORUS LADY” By James Forbes. \0 episode in the Hazards of Helen Holmes in “THE FATE OF NO. 1” \ N ‘ly good pleture-—Flora Fineh in A MISTAKE IN TYPESETTING” By W. A, Tremayne, r vert nights ‘ay is the first of our National fey June 28rd, Chaplin's Dieture With his new company, “THE FLOOR WALKER” Poros OOPORORPRO OOO OCOOODR IDIOT from other |harest, the Rumanian capital, says lagainst passenger | | leross, or about 8% mills net. This | June 13.—There has} the been a twenty-four hours lull on} London, lwould be the lowest rate in history of the city. | He thought it was an opportune the council the British lines, there being né infantry attacks, Operations time to congratulate ‘re confined to artillery and} eere Someen , lupon the work accomplished dur- mining. The most notable oc-| ‘ : , jing six months in oflice, In ef- currence on this portion of the ‘ fecting such a saving to the rate- front is a heavy mutual bombard- | ment Hill | payers the bond saije he felt that the Rumanian Frontier Closed. | fmembers Oo suter despateh from Buk- A Reuter dest Peis a ee and in the completing of between 60 and Hooge. the council had done PUBLIC MEETING that the Rumanian - Bulgarian frontier will be temporarily closed merchan- that and \ public meeting will be held in Hall tonight at 8:30 to discuss the Order dise traffic, It is believed tal rdor | the City ste iis J) aken In orde this step has been K rt roe ake i nportant troop moye- to make an imy Ottawa now enforced, which pre- ment. vents American fish buyers oper- RED CROSS THANKS Society wish to} of the sum | to attend, as drastic measures ating in Prince Rupert, Every merchant and others in- terested are earnestly requested The Red Cross acknowledge receipt ¢ $19.50 from the school child jmust be taken immediately to 0 Si.o 0 being from )prevent the loss of the fishing in- ren’s picnic, $10,00 a . i vane ustry to this city. “Major Gibsons boal, the Nant y |“ istry y Jane, and $9.50 from Dr. Tre-j; parE CASE DISMISSED Magistrate Carss dismissed the mayne'’s Evelyn and H, FP, McRae’s Kermac, The society also. wishes to|case against George P. MeColl, thank Gracy aehall and Nina/who was charged with contraven- Dh siatian {wo little girls, for}tion of the Shops Act, The mag- istrate held that there had been e860 earned by the sale of flow- : no breach of the bylaw, Even if ers. the time stated by the complain- SAFETY FIRST—USE NEW ant were correet, Mr, MeColl had WELLINGTON COAL PHONE /done all in his power to live up to the spirit of the law. 116. Aegean Sea. HOTEL-KEEPERS WANT ; 528.00, making a total of $720,- 1528.00. The remaining $800,000,- |NOW I escrow mM 1/00 were deposited in escrow with ito be paid when the $800,000.00 York \finally sold, It does not mean that New LICENSE FEE REDUCED (the Bank of Montreal, New York, | ‘he city is paying interest on this A petition from the hotel-keep-|temporary motes, issued against | ers of the city was presented to! these the council last evening that, in view of the hours in which they | . pending surrender of three-year asking | price of which was 95 cents, the curtailed | proceeds of which amounted could sell} $760,000.00, and accrued interes liquor and the fact that so many|g2,266.67, making a total of $762,- met had left the district, that the | 966.67 amount, it simply means that in- betas a of getting $875.00 for each debentures. the purchase [$1,000.00 bond, we are getting $950.00. Until final sale of the to |debentures any interest received t| While this is on deposit in the city means reduction in dis The interest on $60,000.00 account ; making the total proceeds |COURt- liquor license for the ensuing,of this sale and accrued interest computed monthly, will amount to half-year be reduced to The petition was signed by all|disposed of as follows: the city hotel-keeners, A, J. Prudhomme, speaking to the petition, said that he thought that the petition made the request quite clear, The present fees had been fixed at a time when was a large amount of business being done and when the city felt entitled to charge the maximum felt’ that called for the rate. He present con- ditions rate, especially in view of the fact that the city was now so situated financiaily that the couneil con- templated a big reduction in taxes. He pointed out that, so long as the city was in financial difieul- ties, the hotel-keepers had paid the big bul he fees without a felt that now that things had been improved that they were entitled to The referred to the finance committee for report, murmur, serious consideration, matter was there | $150.) $1,462,794.67. minimum | exchange on May 19th for $4.67% ‘through the Equitable Trust Co. $2,500.00 per Assuming this stays on deposit for life of This amount was year, To liquidate the treasury cer-|temporary notes, namely three tifiecate debt of £203,250, or $989,-| Years, the city would have re- amount $7,500.00. It was suggested by the bond dealers duced this 150.00, in London. We purchased London on May $968.740.34,| were taken up and less temporary ve yf * ’ for payment in that more permanent debentures 29th, making a depositing profit’ of This exchange was purchased at $20,409.69, | motes. Seeing that this would be a loss to the city we decided to full of $800,- 000.00 temporary notes and take advantage of the interest on ad- issue the amount 2 points below market Guotations, To liquidate our indebtedness to the Bank of Montreal in Prince |@tional price, An escrow agree- Rupert we remitted on May 49th ment was entered into with the $425,600.00, for Bank of Montreal, and $800,000,00 we purchased (Continued on Page Two) this amount 3.16, points below which exchange at being 2 also market quotation, and depositing $424,802.00, making a $798.00. Again, on 20th we re- | 2 ao TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik. Third Ave. profit of May mitted to Prinee Rupert $29,- 252.36 at same rate of exchange, making also a profit of $54.84 on exchange, This amount represents BOXES FOR LADIES ewe =