SS ooceuaaiineel reper pote s = A Supper Treat—Baked Custard Beat two eggs until light, add 5 tablespoons sugar, 1 cup “Canada First” (Eoaporated) Milk, one cup water, Mix well. Pour into buttered dish, grate nutmeg over top, set this in pan of hot water, place in moderate hot x oven and bake. ent Say “Canada First.” Your Grocer Knows. AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO., Lrp. AYLMER, ONTARIO sHE DALLY NEWS 6“ ® %”? at : ° The Daily News | Production CLASSIFIED ADS. It is Quality of Production ES rather than Quantity that ; determines reputation! WANTED. Apart from the profits that may a arise from a successful bisiness, YOUNG GIRL WANTS WORK in house or § ‘Pere is @ pride of reputation that Hotel. Apply P. O. Box 380, city y counts for much in most men’s ~ _ - lives, and this rests upon the quality WANTED—General servant, apply Mrs. A of service rendered. Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue. The broad guarantee of Oe PS mene hs ____™ 3 sound quality whieh the Lost house of GERHARD-HEINTZMAN Has always put behind its product LOST—CHILD’S WHITE SWEATER. Finder please return to Williams & Manson's Indicates that this policy has created office. 143 the progress made by the Gerhard- kia aaa RRs eT Gn Heintzman Piano. FOR RENT THE GERHARD-HEINTZMAN trade FOR RENT—Furnished housekeeping rooms hot and cold water, terms moderate. /} Apply Norfolk Rooms. 139. | FOR SALE —-—. mark on any piano is a sign of their pride of product. WALKERS MUSIC STORE FOR SALE—FIRST CLASS LAUNCH, 30-/} rt. keel, 10-ft. beam, 16 h.p., Buffalo} medium duty engine, large cabin and | 5x8 head room. Electric lights, storage | “A Dollar in the Bank is Worth Two in Promises’’ HEN you have a substantial Savings Account, you do not have to ask favours or court refusals when you battery, mats, rugs, cushions, cooking! Stove, kitchen utensils. Very cheap— | Apply City Weigh Scales. wr FOR SALE—Horses for sale. Apply Box 113, | Daily News. tf. SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- | line ongine, new, $165 freight paid. , Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor] require ready cash. A Savings Co., Hamilton, Canads. t.| Account in The Bank of MISCELLANEOUS British North America makes i ou independent of promises. TO FISHERMEN: We carry a iull {ae of € money is yours — ready “Ferro” “Honest Clay,” “Law and} When you need it—protected “stitng” Engines the year round-no| against loss—safe from fire and Teese Eee. agit gk” | theft—and earning interest at 20ards. : 5 e PSs $s. > Quick service—low prices. Canadian highest current rates. Deposits of $1. and upwards are received on Savings accounts. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. Engine & Supply Co., Vancouver, B. C.| AKERBERG, THOMSON COMPANY Sole Agents for the PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY PHONE 525 PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Alex M. Manson, 8.A. W. E. Williams, B.A., L.L.B WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Prince Rupert, B. C B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- BALMERS — SATISFACTION QUAR- Helgerson Block QNTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 ¢ DENTISTRY | CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. Prince Rupert Concrete Works, McBride St. A SPECIALTY DR. J. S. BROWN DENTIST Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 Fuller & McMeekin LEADING GROCERS Prince Rupert Feed Co. 3/3 P. O. Box 333. 808 Third Ave. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY. RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS 3) espepet i 4 Roman Beauty Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele’s, Apples and Brigg’s. Worth $2.25, for Garden and Field Seeds. Also Fertilizers. $1 .60 Per Box. | We Take Ondere for Nursery Grain and Feed at Vancouver Prices. Chicken Feed A Specialty. H ay, Delivered only with other Goods. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. PHONES 66 and 672 PP PPL LOE DO PLE LE LEP PPLE DOLE POPOL DL LO wote! | LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS a; sos| POWER RATES FOR Local News Notes COOKING RANGES j | Sdliniliahs The light committee presented | Launch Dixie, phone Blue 400.|;,. the council last night a report! . * * - ‘ by Superintendent Kennedy in re- White Canvas Slippers from) - er . ; YP . , tgard to the proposed charge fot size 6 to 2 in Misses—Wallace’s.} 5 a oo € | power for cooking ranges. The} ates were from 3.5 cents per k. Mrs. J. E. Gilmore has gone to|' - , 5 , : 7 iw. fh. a) cent, according to the join her husband in Hazelton, by jquantity used. c mo! sar at he Fs Wa Holler, of Surf Inlet | re - : 3 ; i ' eh : inderstoos 1a he cost of using Mine, was in the city yesterday.|“"" eo are lan electric range would be about Ladies’ Misses’ Children’ | $6.50 per month and that he felt sadies’, Misses’, thil¢ s, | Babys’. Boys’. Youths’, shoes jthat it would be a saving, when abys’, oys, oO s’, shoes— | Wallace's 437,|the extra cleanliness was take a 5. ‘e e e e into account. Ald. Dybhavn = said that h Best quality of household lump 1d ct would like have seen a mini- jand nut coal. Prince Rupert Coai | : ‘ Pm jmum charge say r $2. |Co., phone 15. ti | i ee oe per menth. % ‘ The mayor said that - he under | Charles Balagno has resumed ” : he ; : : tood that { st ad ft jtaking pianoforte pupils. Terms - . : | tt ? S | j | verconabia, Phone Ptue 408. : Se oe Ald. D. GC, McRae said that he Visit our shoe department. If/‘id not think that the rates lwe haven't the last you like, we'l||W0U:4 Slow @ saving as compares lsoon get it for you. Wallace's. to the use of coal and he favored 7 2 = a still lower rate if possible. The Gazette contains notice of The mayor pointed out that the ithe appointment of E. F, Doyle] first rate quoted had been 4 cents lof McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle,/@9¢ that it was being brought las a notary public. down and might be made lowe ee). te ‘ lyet, though they must keep in} i i , fern , yyV? ; i Robert Wood, a_ well known |Mind that manufacturers migh imining man of Greenwood, is here|©O™E& Gone old expect powel lon his way to Stewart. Mr. Wood|these very low rates. The report lis interested in mining property | ‘V@s adopted on the motion of lat Stewart. |Ald. Dybhavn, seconded by Ald. 8. 8 iSmith. | The Oddfellows defeated the K.| iki EB NE sa i | SUN AND TIDE jor P. in a whist match last even-/} ; ling in the K. of P. Hall. The| ai mS ; ae jscores were: Oddfellows, 2,381;} Tee Sg ere | ! aWueh FIBOS ss Ca eres ' x IK. of P., 2,460. The highest score| \ | for the winners was 169, by G. Ri} UM SOUS ..-eeee aes eee " m |}Naden and A. Brooksbank. |" ‘ walk i |} High water ..12:27 \ 17 | MARKET IMPROVEMENTS =o’ water... O:ft pom. Hh 7s Captain J. McGe M. M.S.A , At the council meeting last} night, the following tenders for| Tan Sandals & Sandal Slippe ithe sheathing of the city market |—Jjust the thing for the kiddies jwith ship-lap and the construc- |alt sizes—Wallace’s, 137. |tion of a chicken run were open- lea and passed upon:—J. K. \Ytreberg, $264; Mitchell & Currie, '$225; Lindburg & Sundberg, $210; W. E, Thompson, $192, and Nel- SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF : COAST, RANGE 5. Kenzie, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation engineer, intends to apply for permission j to lease the following described lands:- i son & Currie, $183. The city Commencing at a post planted at the > : » - N. E. corner of T. L. Lot 2729, Range 5, ne 2er’s es > was $22: O s engineer's estimate was $225. On Coast District, Porcher Island, thence the motion of Ald. McRae, sec-|south 20 chains, thence west 80 chains, 4 ‘ i ee thence north 80 chains to shore line, thence onded by Ald. Dybhavn, the con- south-easteriy foliewing dhore tine tothe tract was awarded to the lowest]|point of commencement; containing 350 icres more or less. GEORGE 1916. j tenderer, RODERICK McKENZIE May 9th, BASEBALL The Colts and the C, C.’s meet Park tonight in a league game, when the Colts hope at Recreation to wipe out old scores. The Colts team turned from a visit to Alice Arm, has just re- being brought down on the launch TAKE notice that George Hoderick Mc- jyi2 Tuesday, June 13, 1916 Dr.PRICE’S AKING POWDER Sixty Years the Standard Adds only healthful qualities to the food CONTAINS NO ALUM NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- TION ACT R. 8. C. CHAPTER 116. rhe Surf Inlet Power mpany Lit PEPPOO LED LOLOL OCD OL ODL OP OLL ODE LAGE: HOTEL ee ee IS NOW OPEN TO GUESTS | hereby gives notice that it has und bs tion 7 Of Said act deposited with th One of the largest Hot Springs in lis er of Public Works at Ottawa and America, circumference 300 feet— Mice of the District Registrar of the | temperature of Water, 180 d. Fahr. Registry District at Prin Rupert, | tegistry i i rince \upert, a description of the site and wt Excellent Trout Fishing in Lakelse f wharves and power house | Lake. Phone Connections with Terrace. RATES: $2.50 per day. be built at the head of Surf Inlet, Pr 1K yyal Island, In front of Lot 40, Range 4 } Coast District, B. C. And take notice that after the expirat f one month from the date t publication of this notice the Surf | For further particulars, apply to J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. ft ~° ree — iPower Company Limited will, under LAND ACT |tion 7 of the said Act, apply to the M lister o *ublic ; s s Mee Prince Rupert Land District—District of |' oF rape te Work » St ht ha 9 Coast, Range 3 jthe City of Ottawa, for approval ’ y isaid site anc ans ¢ 0 > TAKE NOTICE that the Pacific Mills,|**!% site and plans and for leave ne Val aw upation | *"uct the said wharves and power lp and paper makers, intend to apply] , See ail "are VOR, Be: Gay tht permission to purchase the following |". pinged E : : hed tenis Commencing at & post | THE SURF INLET POWER COMPANY a See 5 Ree LIMITED anted 1 southeast corner of Lot 209} west shore of Cousins Inlet, thence | | ‘ chains, thence south 20 chains,| NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION AcT. a to at ther thea R. 8. C. Chapter 115. z hore t nt of mmencement, ~ a i 8 acres, More or less The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, pany hereby gives notice that it has Mark Smaby, agent. Section 7 of the said Act deposit ated May 13th, A. D. 191¢ Aug. 13 Minister of Public Works at Ottawa pat rd tand in the oMfice of the District Regis! NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, tedrgthy i Henle oh he aeaaN R. 8. C. CAP. 115. Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, a PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby give |*°"!ption of the site and plans of wa tice that it has, under Section 7 of the} !0USe proposed to be built in Prince sid Act, deposited with the Minister of} Pert Harbor at Prince Rupert, British iblic Works at Ottawa, and in the office |/"mbia, in front of waterfront Block rding to registered plan of the tow! te of the said cily of Prince Rupert the aforesaid Land Ree No. the Registrar General of Titles at Vic i, British Cclumbia, a description of ie site and the plans of certain structures | Posited in ¥23. ) be erected in front of Lot Thirty-one] Mice as 31°, Range Three (3), Coast District AND TAKE NOTICE that after British Columbia, at the head of Cousins|Piration of one month from the da ilet 7 first publication this AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- d Trunk Pacific Railway Compa ation ¢ month from the date of |“nder Section 7 of the said Act apy first publication of this Notice, Pa- | th Minister of Public Works at his Mills Limited, will, under Section 7 1 the City of Ottawa for apy f the said Act, apply to the Governor-in-| said site and plans, and for leave yuncil for approval of the said site and|struct the said warehouse. plan. Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia,|@ay of May A. D. 1916 26th day of April, A. D. 1916. THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFI RAILW BODWELL, LAWSON & LANE. COMPANY. Solicitors for Pacific Mills, Limited H. H. HANSARD, § Prince Albert is, such friendly tobacco c= == = : — = z =3 FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Suiiders’ Hardware Stee! Blocks Pipe Fittings ee seen Carpenters’ Too!s Wire Cable tron Pipe Rope Valves Pumps Hose Stoves and Ranges Subheroid Roofing Ship Chandlery Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Ammunition Paint Corrugated Iron THE BEST” “WE SELL NOTHING BUT ee ee FRED STORK’S HARDWARE “Gene,” kindly placed at their dis- posal by R. B. of the Dolly Varden Company, when their boat broke down. At Alice Arm, the Colts lost by McGinnis, 10 to 6. The Alice Arm battery was Ratchford and Young, and ithe Colts’, Scott and Wally. At 9 Anyox, the Colts won by 6 to 2. The feature of the game was the pitching of Carl Louis for the Colts, struck out 13 men McGeer pitched for The Colts, and Manson; Anyox, McGeer and Wall. who well Anyox. batteries were: Louis Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert. TENDERS FOR CONSTABLES’ Tenders will be received by the ccouumissioners up to Saturday noon, June !7th, for the upply of thres 3 con Stables’ uniforms. Sample of cloth vith te. er, The lowest or auy tercer not necesarily accepted. Further particurar fom the undersigned. W. H. VICKERS, “hief Constable UNIFORMS police PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. ne eee Announce that they have purchased the business of the Prince Rupert Transfer Company and solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage of the customers of that firm. Careful attention to all or- ders for Cartage and Coal. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. that it just makes a man sorry he didn’t get wind of this pipe and cigarette smoke long, long ago. He counts it lost time, quick as the goodness of Prince Albert gets firm set in his life! And P. A. can’t bite or parch! ‘That's cut out by the patented process by which itis made! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums, We prefer to give quality! . Get on the right-smoke-track soon as you know how! Ask your dealer for Prince Albert. lf he cannot supply you, ask him to secure it through his wholesaler. Quick as you can, understand yourself how much you'll like the international joy smoke \ PRINGE ALBERT st . It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if men all over \. the world prefer P, A, that it must have al/ the qualities to satisfy your fondest desires? / >», Men, get us right on Prince Albert! We tell : you this tobacco will prove better than a : youcan figure out, it’s sochummy and ) * fragrant and inviting all the “™™ , time. Just realize that you can smoke all you want without a comeback! Prince Albert is sold throughout Canada, gen- e ,in the *s-lb. tidy red tin, also in pound and half-pound humidors. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, N. C., U.S.A. SQWEI$S$ VA MA