— Le OO ne ea Slee a la las oe eee t ADVANCE RUSSIA THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. DAILY EDITION aGGGsgBO Wednesday, June 14, 1916. GOOD MANAGEMENT When Mayor McCaffery and! his council intention to expenditure to the but the report and estimates | brought down on Monday night | | must have exceeded the expec- | office it was reduce minimum, | took their civic | tations of the most sanguine. A tax rate of 8% mills net, on an assessment which has! been reduced per cent., is | a showing vault high in comparison with other municipalities in this province, ; : in fact, the tax rate is the low-! est of any municipality in| British Columbia. To have ef-| fected a saving of $46,000 in| the administration of the city’s | achievement of council might be | 7% which must affairs is an which any justly proud. | Taken in conjunction with; the businesslike way in which | was | } the city’s bond issue handled, this estimate for the | year is positive proof of the calibre of the men who have had charge of our municipal} affairs. McCaffery is| very modest about it and takes | no credit for the splendid | figures brought down, dial than to admit that his council! had done its work well, The | people must feel satisfied that, | Mayor not only its work well, but city’s. chief magistrate has | by is brought to the handling of ae city’s business all the businpas) knowledge and | which are admittedly his. experience The Russian advance in Ga-!| one back to the) stages of the war, and | like old licia takes earlier it is quite read of the times witz. will be the advance from Dubno ' titled Bug Chief. It with the crossing of the river, the scene of many bloody encounters in the earlier en-| gagements. With the Bug river | behind them, has the council done/will likely try to tell us that the that the |important issue is the writ issued There is no truth in the rumor | that when General Joffre entered | the |London he said, 'why is not he here?” It is reported that when Sam to Hughes retires taking of Czerno-j|he will The next imporant move the writing of a war volume en- thing of the kind ever attempted. The Conservative the Russians will|nie have nominated a Labor man —__— on that front. If the Germans make a coun- ter attack upon Riga as a re- ply to the big Russian forward the probability is that the armies holding the far north part of the Russian front will sufficient reinforce- ments from Petrograd and that the Galician army will be free to repeat its historie attack upon Przemysl. Przemysl taken, the old battle - line through the Dukla Pass in the Carpathians into Hungary will be the matural line of attack, while the southern portion will advancing through the mountain defiles from Czerno- The whole movement will just be a repetition of the Russian offensive of over a year ago. That it will be much more effective and more last- ing seems certain, as the Rus- sian army seems to be in bet- ter shape now than at any time during the struggle, its sup- plies of munitions and artillery having greatly improved, The Russian advance is in all prob- ability the real turning point of the second phase of the war. movement, get be witz. The real issue * and Bowserism. H. C. Brewster. Bowser - Allied military conference in “General Hughes, * * . the cabinet energies to from devote his “Tf [ Were Commander-in- will be the biggest . . * party in Fer- press on to Lemberg, which|to fill Billy Ross’ shoes in the will mean the control of the;coming election, Billy’s success- most important railroad centre or was straightforward enough to Launch AliceB UNC AlICe D. Leaves Davis ffoat for Metlakatlah, Sundays at 9 and 11 4. m., and 1 and 3 p. m. For terms and particuiars Call -W. J. THOMAS, Phone. Green 391. Tickets to and from Norway, Sweden, Den- mark, Finiand, Italy and Russia. 4 SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK “Stockholm” .,....... June 20th. Q “United States” ....... June 22nd. § “Bergensfjord” ........ June 24th. “Oscar IL” ......+..- June 29th. Have Your Reservations made Early. For Rates, Illustrated Folders and General Information Apply to DYBHAVN & HANSON Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, B. O. PT SOLS oss o's =—=— #H@ DAILY NEWB. Wednesday, June 14, 1916, = (f" —\ You Owe Yourself this Rare Treat after the heavy meats and the canned vegetables of the Winter— with a jaded stomach and rebellious liver—Shredded Wheat with Strawberries —a dish that is deliciously nourishing and satisfying —a perfect meal, and so easily and quickly prepared. For breakfast, for luncheon or any meal. Made in Canada. tell the Tories that when labor questions come up they will find him the labor side. The Tories made it plain that he could please himself, as whatever he said went. These are changed days in Fernie and the reason for Billy's transference of his affec- tions to Prince George is perfect- ly clear. When the Minister of Lands reaches Prince George he will probably find that the Conserva- tive party there is not in any better case than it is in Fernie. SUN AND TIDE Thursday, June 15th. Sun ‘rises. ss .i.. 36s eShT Bom icaeree bs ORO Daihs - High water ...0:13 a.m. Ht. 22.0 NOTES AND COMMENTS Low water ....7:5a.m. Ht. 1.1 High water ...41:17 p.m. Ht. 18.7 When Bowser comes here he|Low water ....7:2 p.m. Ht. 6.8 Captain J. McGee, M. M.S.A. A Beauty Secret To nave clear skin, bright eyes and a healthy ap ce, your digestion must good—your bowels and liver kept active and regular. Assist nature-take BEECHAM’S PILLS Directions with Every Box of Special Value to W. Seid every where. In bezes, 25 cents. sein NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R. 68. C. Chapter 115. Robert Cecil Gosse hereby gives notice that he has under Section 7 of the said Act deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of Titles at the Land Registry office at Prinee* Rupert, British Columbia, a description of the site and the plans of a wharf proposed to be built in the North Skeena Passage, at the mouth of the Skeena River, British Columbia, in front of Lot one hundred and seventeen (117), Range five (5) Coast District, Brit- ish Columbia. And take notice that, after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publi- cation of this notice, Robert Cecil Gosse will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works, at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans, and for leave to construct the said wharf. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., day of May, 1916. ROBERT CECIL GOSSE. this 27th m30-j30. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—At the head of a branch of Lime Creek about four miles from the beach on the south side of Alice Arm. TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, Free Miner’s Certificate No. 94096B, acting as agent for Thos. McRostie, Free Miner's Certificate No, 69991B, and James L. Hatch, Free Miner's Certificate No, 87966B, in- tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certif cate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim, And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- provements, Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916 os a) GEORGE R. NADEN, DARIO RESTA Annual Inter- the Speedway. Winner of Sixth national In- His was first with sweepstakes on Motor average speed for 300 dianapolis miles The along miles per hour. $12,000 83.26 prize was many trophies. PRISONERS OF WAR The cooking in aid of the Prisoners of War sale of home Fund will be held on Friday. in the store formerly occupied by D. Brown, electrician, next door to the store of Geo, P. McColl, on Third Avenue. The sale will be in charge of Mrs. J. H. McLeod and Mrs. Hal Peck. Tea and Scotch scones will be served and will be a large variety of dainties for The handsome brass fla Akerberg occasion. there sale. g-staff, made by Mr, will be raffled on are reminded that a large quantity this Ladies of home cooking can be disposed that the meets the demand. of and supply never Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert. CONSTABLES’ TENDERS FOR UNIFORMS Tenders will be received by the police ccemmissioners up to Saturday noon, June 17th, for the upply of three 3 con- Stables’ uniforms. Sample of cloth vith te. er. The lowest or any tercer not neces: arily ace yeee. Further particulars fom the undersigned. eee, H. VIC KERS, chief Constsble. LAND REGISTRY ACT: ‘ Notice Under Section 36. TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made to register Sven Holmquist, of Prince Rupert, as the owner in Fee-simple, under two Tax Sale Deeds from the col- lector of the City of Prince Rupert, tc Sven Holmquist, bearing date Me 17th day of September, A. D. 1915, in pursuance of a Tax Sale held by said-Municipality on or about the ¥th day of September, 1914, of all and singular certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, more par ticularly known and described as:-—Lot three (3), Block forty-five (45), Section eight (8), aud Lot four (4), Block thirty- five (35), Section eight (8), Map 923. You and those claiming through or under you, and ali persons claiming any interest in the said land by descent whose ttle is not registered under the provisions of the “Land Registry Act” are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within forty-five days of the service of this notice upon you. Otherwise you and each of you will be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the said land, and | shall Tegister the said Sven Holmquist as owner in fee, Your attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act” and amend- ments, and especially to the following ex- tract therefrom which relates to the above notice. “And in default of a caveat or certificate of lis pendens being filed before the registration as owner of the persons en- titled under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, or served with notice under subsection (6) of section 155 of the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec- tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section 139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ or section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases in which notice under this Act is dispensed with as hereinafter provided, and those claiming through or under them and all persons claiming any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes.” Dated at the Land Registry Office, at the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, this 19th day of January, A. D, 1916. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. To Grand Trunk Pacific Development Co., Lu, J. P. Conrad, Jack Jenkins, Mrs Cc, R. McDonald, Effective Jur the 8.8. Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Effective June 17th the 8. George will leave Prince Ruper at 10 a. m, for Vancouver, Vic day and Friday at 10:30 a. m. East and Seuth. Fortnightly service to the THIRD AVENUE NEW SUMMER SERVICE ALASKA AND YUKON Prine will leave Prince Rupert every Wednesday at 12 noon f SOUTHBOUND PASSENGER SERVICE Trains will leave Prince Rupert every Monday, For full information & reservations apply to city ticket oll TO 1e 144th and weekly thereatt, e Rupert or Prinee Georg Skagway, etc, S. Prince Rupert or Pring t every Saturday and Monda toria, Seattle, etc. Wednes for Winnipeg, and all point Queen Charlotte Isiands. PHONE 260 « ! CANADIAN UE lela RAIUWAY via Steamer CANADIAN J. I. PETERS, General Agent Co ner Fourth Street and Third LAND REGISTRY ACT- ro Notice Under Section 36- | TAKE NOTICE that an application has | been made to register Olaf Hanson, of | Prince Rupert, B. C., a8 the owner in | Fee-simpie, under a Tax Sale Deed from) the Collector of the City of Prince Rupert | to Olaf Hanson, bearing date the 10th day of September, A. D, 1915, in pursuance of a Tax Sale held by said Municipality on) or about the 9th day of September, 1914, of all and singular certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rupert in the Province of British Cciumbia, more pra- ticularly known and described as:—Lot ten (10), Block eighteen (18), Section six (6), Map 923. You and those claiming through or under you, and all persons claiming any Interest in the said land by descent whose ttle is not registered under the provisions of the “Land Registry Act” are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within forty-five days of the service of this notice upon you. Otherwise you and each of you will be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the said land, and I shail register the said Olaf Hanson a8 owner in fee, Your attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act” and amend- ments, and especially to the following ex- tract therefrom which relates to the above notice, “And in default of @ caveat or certificate of lis pendens being fied before the registration as owner of the persons en- titied under such tax sale, all persons 50 served with notice, or served with notice under subsection (6) of section 155 of the ‘Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,’ or sec- tion 293 of the ‘Municipal Act,’ or section 139 of the ‘Assessment Act, 1903,’ or section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases in which notice under this Act is dispensed with as hereinafter provided, and those claiming through or under them and aii persons claluming any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, ind all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and debarred | from setting up any claim to vi in respect of the land so sold for taxes.’ Dated at the Land Registry the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, this 19th day of January, A. D. 1916, H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. To Paul M. Schubert, Lily Schubert. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements Omece, at) FRACTION, GENTIAN, BLUE BELL FRAC- TI¢ IN, COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE FRACTION, MARIGOLD FRACTION, LILAC FRACTION, FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE} FRACTION, COXCOMB, BEGONIA FRAC: | TION, MINERAL CLAIMS situate in the} Queen Charlotte District, located at or near | {keda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, of British Columbia, and lawfully held by Ikeda Mines Limited. TAKE NOTICE that I, John A. Macinais, | NASTL RTIUM, IRIS FRACTION, spnate| Province sclicttor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free | miners’ certiNeate No, 70354 8B, intend after the expiration of sixty days from) the date hereof to apply on behalf of the said Company to the Mining Recorder for | a certificate of improvements for the pur pose of obtaining a Crown Grant to the) above claims, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action under Section 85 of *he Mineral Act must | be commenced before the issuance of such | certificate of improvements. Dated this 31st day of May, A, D. JOHN A, MACINNES, Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited, 1916.) Lowest Rates (‘o all Eastern Points Meals and Berth included on Steamer PRINCESS ALICE SOUTHBOUND SATURDAY, JUNE 17TH PRINCESS ROYAL SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY, 6. p. m. } m5. dla de Aik E. STARK. | PACIFIC RAILWAY to Vancouver and the PACIFIC RAILWAY Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. MINERAL ACT Rivermouth Fractional muiineral claim situated in the Skeena Mining Division Cassiar District, Where jocated:—At the head of Alic Arm, adjoining the Rivermouth and Cari boo mineral claims. TAKE NOTICE that I, G. KR. Naden, Free Miners’ Certificate No. 04,096B, acting as agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners’ Cer tificate No, 93,917B, intend, sixty day from the date hereof, to apply to t Mining Kecorder for a Certificate of im provements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that acti under section 85, must be commenced | fore the issue of such Certificate of Im provements. Dated this 23rd day of December, A. D 1915. Apr. 2 MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE Basin Mineral Claim, situate in Ux Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District Where located:—-About four miles frou the beach on the south side of Alice Arm at the head of a branch of Lime Creek TAKE NOTICE that I, George Ki. Naden, Free Miner’s Certificate No. 94096B, In tend, sixty days from the date hereof, t apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certin cate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the abov: clan, And further take notice that act } ander section 85, must be commenced b fore the issue of such Certilicate of In provements. Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 191 GEORGE BR. NADEN MINERAL ACT Notice to Delinquent Partners. To @. W. Maxweil and Charies Nicholson. TAKE NOTICE that whereas I have done ‘and caused to be done assessment work on the Wolf Mineral claim, situated at th head of Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, !0 }the Skeena mining division of Skeena dis trict, assessment work for the years 1914s, 1914, and 1915, and have paid for sal work and recording same, the sum $307.50. Unless you pay me the sum of $231.50, for your share of the said as sessment work, together with the cost o! this advertisement, I shall, at the expirs tion of ninety (90) days from the dat hereof apply to the mining recorde! Prince Rupert, B, C., to have your ijte! ests in the Wolf mineral claim vested | me, in pursuance of the provisions of t mineral act, Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C,, this 19! day of February, 1916. terlin THE ENGINE? REFINEMEN Sines boats “hat Float FISHERMAN'S ENGINE 2 Cy!l.—S 1-2 In. by 7 In. 12-15 Horee Power. 4 Cyl.—3 3-4 In. by 5 1-2 In., 25 Horse Power. 4 Cyl.—6 1-2 in. by 8 In., 26-35 Horse Power. For Further Information Apply to W. E. WILLISCROFT Prince Rupert, B. C. PREP LLL LLL LLLP LLEL OL OOOO PELL LSD WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR EMPRESS COFFEE .F. G. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©.