e , Wednesday, Ji Fi i yy, June . Cue DAILY NkWs 14, 1916, \ = ae eens So Pre eS a ee ——————_ } e TTT bid = Ly . ; sovegocesenenssestts 3 wire iis Local News Notes }| ll ; A Supper Treat--Baked Custard , H: Hh o ig Beat two eggs until light, add 5 tabl ne Launch Dixie, phone Blue 400. a PH cup “Canada First” (Evaporated) Milk, one cup water, » Y . ‘ A Ae Mix well. Pour into buttered dish, grate nutmeg over T. P. Lake, of Carlisle Cannery, | Fe AH g top, set this in pan of hot water, place in moderate hot | is in the city. Hy HA pian onid othe, oe ew 35 ZF CREAM Say “Canada First. Your Grocer’ Knows. D, J. Williams, of the Rocher} EB A AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO., Lrp “ived from Tramville| Ea Hy AYLMER, ONTAnIO . de Boule, esrived from Tramville AA HH last evening. EF f He core ‘Hy You feel safe Ff : | rH Best quality of household lump | Ee 83 Y th St. ————- —_ : we ws: UND | El When you’ve washed i. ears e andard : | and nut coal. Prince Rupert Coai) BA with Lifebuoy Soap. Fe ; Co., phone 15. { 4 ~No matter how grimy ° ”? == ou “The Daily News” } Producti ee fe your hands no matter Adds only healthful G. A.W nd left on a bisi-| EB os roauction Ades sempcec® Mh rhe. Mt i ~may be from the day’s qualities to the food CLASSIFIED ADS. It is Quality of Production $/"°88 trip to the interior this) FA work, Lifebuoy cleanses Z we |g rather than Quantity that g/morning, Ee and safeguards Polie at ke | determines reputation! e. 0 8 oH 0 aoe car ‘a : , . . . 4 c “ sne WANTED. Apart from the profits that may 3. McG s f the Dolly) By O@or, quickly van ’ CON rAINS NO Al UM desing iin dick ical ahaa spd liabidbbddciidaiati arise from a successful _ bisiness, : R. B. Me poet ¥ _ oll ss but its benefits linger. WANTED—Girl to assist with housework BORD AN Sere Lar a eerie eRe CORDANP,. te: MDa eee He ALL Grocers and care for children, Phone 310 for counts for much in most men’s Alice Arm, $4 appointment. tf. lives, and this rests upon the quality ¥ ‘ " es =, —-— ~— =e - of service rendered, 23 “y = Tens “uae et ee aoe or | The eo guarantee of Charles Balagno has resumed HE : | eeeesscerererroorvovececccsoccors, |NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- oi sound quality which the taking pianoforte pupils. Terms| 5 HEALTHY LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS TION ACT WANTED—General servant, apply Mrs. A. | house of ‘ viet ble. Phore ri » 408 ! 3: - 3 rr Gutstein, cor. Tatlow aid 6th Avenue. | GERHARD-HEINTZMAN RE RNase ne ee ns S 0 A Pp ls HOTEL ae eee tor #6 Phone 492, f./% tas always put behind its product a ed oa d +3 tb20 IS NOW OPEN TO GUESTS ae oe ea ls ar Poors : Ger ook re oe Indicates that this policy has created Frank McKinnon, of Hazelton, SIM nnn eauigaa aa arial zn ” oe es ee aS pan Un0GI LOST | the progress made by the Gerhard- | h i i : : { ’ f is fe : ww seresuianesseacseieaenen ee aL REURUOPTLEDL ERAN EES | One of the largest Hot Springs in tion 7 wh oe. act deposited with th sakna tari ped alas. a . | Heintzman Piano. who as been in town or a lew Et Lrnavi tn aipohintaratine 200° fests — es ven wise oa ae 4 oe -OST—CHILD’S ! . Finder | THE GERHARD-HEINTZMAN trade 3 ome this morning. Tainperature rater, 48 ; Pee ee eee OF UO La please return to Williams & Manson’s | mark on any plano is a. sign ne days, left for home s eaune e “LANDON’S LEGACY” AT Temperature of Water, 180 d, Fahr. Registry District at Prince Rupert, | : | * * " i r * site } bes a their pride of product. WESTHOLME TONIGHT Excellent Trout Fishing in Lakelse i hor r eo eee: oe FOR RENT ie a 3 About 30,000 pounds of spring Lake, f wharves and power house proposed | WALKERS MUSIC STORE x . tr be built at the head of Surf Inlet, Prin wi ei ai pas salmon came in yesterday. It was! ‘phe big feature at the West- Phone Seer asi elim? tet Royal Island, in front of Lot 40, Range 4 FOR RENT—Furnished housekeeping rooms taken by the Cold Storage Com-!y ojme@ tonight is ‘“Landon’s Li een Goast District, B. C. J - A * . 4 oime onig Ss ak ( Ss sche , ‘ . at aftar » “axnirat hot = cold water, terms moderate. § - ; Y For further particulars, apply to ae take notice that after the expirat Apply Norfoik Rooms. 139. | Sey og | pany. acy,” a five-act dramatization ot J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager of one month from the date of the . . . . | * 4 . * o% publication of this notice the Surf In sredi . S ’s ore s . POL P LOLS PLOO PDP LLLP LLLP LOOLO OLLI PG > FOR SALE 31 Year. Old Th Th } erg |Meredith Nicholson's great story | - {Power Company Limited will, under s Ret ioral $s er an e R. A. Renwick, deputy minister | \yieh pan in Collier's Magazine. | LAND ACT tion 7 of the said Act, apply to the Min FOR SALE—White Wyandotte and Whit sane . oOug Te : ; : ene jister of Public Works, at his office in Leghorn yearling Simba year Gidd a Dominion of Canada of lands, passed through this \J. Warren Kerrigan is in the lead, Prince Rupert Land District—District ie ity oF teas. for ait n* of sale at very reasonable prices. July and morning on his way to Vander-!anq it should prove a.most-inter- | AKI nee tit tha Ballas Milis, | 20/0, site and pians and for leave to con s livery 2 ; : | a ¢ : sie re 8é arves ower bh fiat ie see aeeta Ce Ceo S the name implies, hoof. iesting and fascinating drama. Limited, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation ae a Tahenavon ~ rf oe ver cer ee vd laws The Bank of B iti h . o. . Ge : ‘ ; pulp and paper makers, intend to apply ‘ : ea tions and catalogue. L. F. Solly, Lake- rituis There ‘is also.a Canimated Nooz |; ¥. permidainn..t0° porchase the ‘fetliowing day ef May, 1916. Lait pet nao Les = North America was peered: Senemen ok Hazelton, | pictorial, which is always amus- | scribed lands Commencing at a post THE SURF y aiah COMPANY ; FOR SALE—FIRST CLASs LAUNCH, 30-| @Stablished long before the {arrived on iast night’s train. He jpg: “4 story of Little Italy,” a veer Gait chica ar read Ba aon ore eet eee — ! eae’ Mate “oat: Iidat sane saad Provinces united and |is going to the Isiands on mining thrilling little play of adventure,|west 40 chains, thence south 20 chains,|NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION AcT. ; $8 apie j : ‘ | thence east shore, thence northeasterly R. 8. C. Chapter 115. 5x8 head room, Electric lights, storage became the Dominion of |business. and an Essanay film showing], ; : sr : 4 ; sen Petes aunt ° aprer 176 battery, mats, rugs, cushions, cookin eae ‘ bet. eLearn mea Sho ? , 2 Y st0¥4, xibehen ‘ilinsibn Sere cheap Canada. The sound, winter sports in Quebec. | containing 65 acres, more or less The Grand Trunk Pacifie Railway Con fl : ‘ . ‘ . yeni hae naa ys . PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, any hereby gives ndtice has i Apply City Weigh Scales. tr] progressive management C. W. Mott, of Smithers, is in| Tomorrow night is the first of} Mark Sinaby eer? es : ete oe . _ ' Ha: — - a e 3 3 ; ee 4 is és | —- | mae : e, § Ps Sec 0 40 Re . i 081 W a FOR SALE—Horses for sale. Apply Box 143, which has made it a power town. Mr. Mott is suffering from the national concert nights. The|Pated May 13th, A. D. 1916. Aug. 13) the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa a) Se . . . atis ¢ intends ing >| and he office « » District Regis A poly: eer tt.| in Canadian finance makes |""eumatism and intends putting ‘program will be made up Of) NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION act, |" I! ‘le ° Been Wie piscnes SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso-| jit the bank for your in a spell at the hotsprings, Scotch songs and musical num- R. 6. OC. CAP. 116. Prince Rupert at Price Rupert, a d i line engine, new, $165 freight paid. Wi eee >ACTFIC 2 ny saints {scription of the site and plans of wa account bers. PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby give : 1 Send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor Forty-five visitors from the notice that it has, under Section 7 of the|/euse proposed to be built in Prince Ru Se aeons = THE BANK OF eo . sald Act, deposited with the Minister of} Pert Harbor at Priice Rupert, British ( MISCELLANEOUS prairies arrived on last night's Public Works at Ottawa, and in the omce|/umbla, in front of waterfront Block “ ‘ Mens B itish N th A train en route for Skagway. They ADVERTISE IN of the Registrar General of Titles at Vic- | according to registered plan of the town i ig Be Y hi r or me ca : 4 torla, British Columbia, a description of | S!te of the said city of Prince Rupert od eS TO. FISHERMEN: We carry a cull Las of were all making the round trip. | the site and the plans of certain structures] Posited In the aforesaid Land Regist: ca Pe acl neces et Wicket aca rie tis aa boneetio ees r . T D ; N to be erected in front of Lot Thirty-one] Mee as No, 923. ; “stating” Engines the year round-no| CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000. HE AILY EWS i Range Three (3), Coast District, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex waltug, also “Ferro’ «nd “Lvinrude” Pte, Arthur Collison of the ae Ei British Columbia, at the head of Cousins|Piration of one month from the dat Outboards. All kinds Engine accessories. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH (aa ine hak Jebide Mholenact Mnlet. the first publication of this notice, the Quick service—low prices, Canadian WM. J. SMITHERS, Manager. srenades Nas. le Or ENB1ANA LO | esooe weers AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex-|Gragd Trunk Pacific Railway Company w Engine & Supply Co., Vancouver, B. C. qualify for a commission in the} piration of one month from the date of | Under Section 7 of the said Act apply | == = : = ——— | Alex M. Manson, B.A. < : AKERBERG THOMSON the first publication of this Notice, Pa-]| the Minister of Public Works at his : 3r ur sig antry.— i s I : ' W. E. Willams, B.A. LL.B {°° Durham Light Infantry ; cille Mills, Limited, will, under Section 7} in the City of Ottawa for approva B C UNDERTAKERS WILLIAMS & MANSON From The Brazier. COMPANY of the said Act, apply to the Governor-in- {Said site and plans, and for leave t Council for yroval of the said’ site andj Struct the said warehouse. ° e Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Desi Sole Agents for the plan. or . . ’ : Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this ¢ a MONEY TO LOAN While E, C. La Trace and party PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia,|@ay of May A, D, 1916, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM Box 1585 we e “, }thig 26th day of April, A. D, 41916. THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWA) BALMERS — SATISFACTION QUAR- were sailing through Granville PHONE 525 | : mime hes Bear ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C. s : E | BODWELL, LAWSON & LANE. COMPANY. 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 o Channel on their recent boat trip | Qeeeeeceeecevcecorereeersereoereee Solicitors for Pacific Mills, Limited. H. H. HANSARD, Solicit ‘ CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS they encountered a school of -~ re Ee ee ei : about twenty whales. SOOe. OPP LOD MO ee et ee eee es * *. * a 80 Cents per ft. F. 0. B. ; D E N T i y oT RY William McAdams, the Edmon- I 4 Prince Rupert t Rt hasta cdinios e I Oo! ——— Concrete Works, McBride St on newspaper man who is inter- P Al rt CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK : : ested in mining in the Hazelton rince e 1S > : : ° 4 A: SPRORLTY om | district was amongst the arrivals e dl b ¥ DR. J. S. BROWN i on last night’s train. He was ac- SUC en y to acco om Fuller & McMeekin {/scexay vate = companied by Walter T. Payne, of ie ’ ‘ : OMcs: Smith Block, Third Avenue wer cimee r that it just makes a man sorry he didn’t get wind of this Phone 454 Prince Rupert Feed Co. P. O. Box 333. 808 Third Ave. RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS WE HANDLE LEADING GROCERS MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY. Roman Beauty Edmonton. oa. 8 Mrs. W. G. Oakley has received a letter her William, who was formerly with Harry At- from son kins here and who is now in the trenches. He left with the 62nd “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” == ee eee = FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Careful attention to al! or- ders for Cartage and Coal. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. §! PHONE 93. PL PIa, pipe and cigarette smoke long, long ago. He counts it lost time, quick as the goodness of Prince Albert gets firm set in his life! And P. A. can’t bite or parch! That's cut out by the patented process by which it is made! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums, We prefer to give quality! , Get on the right-smoke-track soon as you know how! and, at the time of writing, he . he acc Apples and his comrades h d been drafted Ask your dealer for Prince Albert. If he cannot supply FON, a 8 Cc ‘é 28 a se i 3 . . : : "8 Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele's, oa erga realigh ask him to secure it through his wholesaler. Quick as you and Brigg’s. Worth $2.25, for into the 7th fop active service. oes understand yourself how much you'll like | Garden and Field Seeds. $1 60 Shey are now ‘somewhere in ? Also Fertilizers. , France.” . ; ' We Take Orders for Nursery Per Box. — : ¥ tock. The Daily News delivered by . Hay, Grain and Feed at 3) carrier, 50 cents per mouth. 3 Uaneouver Beis, Delivered only with other Saar RRL ME He eR NS iN , Goods. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF ok , ! ik us COAST, RANGE 5. ie ° ° ° \ Chicken Feed A Specialty. igi! Kaien as iced adarich “Mc- the international joy smoke PHONES 56 and 572 Kenzie, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation ; : Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. engineer, Intends to apply for permission It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if men all over o + ‘ to lease the follow! described lands;— : } de Commencing at a Rat planted at the the world prefer P. A. that it must have all the 1 eet ana: eeey , tN. &: commer of 7, b, Lot $790, Benge §, qualities to satisfy your fondest desires? Sa SS Coast District, Porcher Island, thence ; r south 20 chains, thence west 80 chains, | 2», Men, get us right on Prince Albert! We tell af thence north 80 chains to shore line, thence wok ° : ; FRED STORK’S HARD ARE south-easterly following shore line to the : . you this tobacco will prove better than W point of commencement; containing 350 youcan figure out, it’s so chummy and acres more or less, * sae —= as GEORGE RODERICK McKENZIE. wi fragrant and inviting all the ‘ . May 9th, 1916 =D . time, Just realize that you 10 SECOND AVE eee can smoke all you oor Carpenters’ Tools Sullders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery without a comebac i Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fisting Tackle PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Iron Pipe Fipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns ee Prince Albert is sold R throughout Canada, gen- ope Valves Ammunition Announce that they have purchased erally, in the *-lb. tidy red i Pumps Mose Paint the business of the Prince Rupert tin, also in pound and ¢ Transfer Cor any and solicit - - i . Stoves and Ranges Mubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron onuaah canta’ aemonian ag" toa helf- pound humidore 4 customers of that firm. Cae Ente < 7. R. J, REYNOLDS ao _" § TOBACCO COMPANY Ae Winston-Salem, N. C., U.S.A. WEEE SS @ SSN SIA