— —— — THR DAILY NEWS. Monday, June 19, 1916. BOWSER AND His MINISTERS | ; CFE ARE GIVEN COLD sHoucper’ |f Se (Continued From Page One.) | i a B | e . lil a a 3 Sullivan” and “What about Sulli-| H | e glans of van?” H i : D : . $ f ‘ Nothios Helped Him Until He Took At this setback, he adroitly| | oa D epend on us q "7 ; : FA Tee UIT-A-TIVES switched to agriculture and Wil H ilmy HAY | {Im for Bread! { ta g} |liam Manson, but the audience garments “inh ' e q was absolutely indifferent whe; requiring ii ; y 3 ; 4 ] not hostile. Even his friends on extra care— | | Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians jthe platform displayed signs of wooll have depended for food entirely on the ‘Commission ee gns 0 ens and f rs leium”’ ; |great uneasiness, each holding flanriels ehoeid or Relief in Belgium”. Their own store of food, ing ° 3 |his head with one or both hands.| |B be washed with even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only : |H, B. Thomson diverted himself haly three weeks—they have had no chance to raise more— [by reading very carefully ‘The: |B and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them! \Daily News of June 2nx 3 f eit: une 2nd. 1 Backed by the Bowser then appealed for an-| e es }other chance Lo carry on the af LUX dissolves readily in hot . | fairs of the provinee, but the ap H water —gives a rich, foamy, cream- n Ee Un ‘ ' peal met with cries of “nothing ; i air and coaxes rather than 4 ie ; bee oe : orces di ; : ‘4 ‘ . See ony VaR Istirring. He next tackled th hard wate ee Te LUX ssabag s0 generously contributed in the British Empire and the United ‘ “Ouc., Mey 8rd, 1915, | Brewster writ but failed to in- daintiest at it cannot harm States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported B ") eos lineal anyone as to whett : ‘ni t garments or hands, and if any- enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation | 1 ee ue. | ; whether Par ing, it refines the original softness so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in f; leadaches and Indigestion. |\iament died on Marcl , of both. LUX i . : ; ne nite tat | m March 14th or th. is the pure essence of the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of gas from the stomach, | June ist, | soap in flakes and bread—b dily growing number h lef Ane would Seinen thtesny | st. verything else fail- es an 4 rea ut a steadily growing num ave no money leit. : sdacal ay *, |ing, he reverted to the “nlugging 5 iting, while at time I had ee he “plugging, LUX Won't Shrink Woollens—Price 10c. Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of : yom and had ¢: ronie [referring to the “charges mad A | women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the Const i. Lwent to several doctors ; against Macéonald.” This state- TITTLE Trey ee | expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible ‘4 a specialist in Boston but | nin met with a perfect storm of someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month—-every ‘ ‘ efit. Ttriéd many remedies | Vbeeiieree ce eee Made in Canada by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. month—all this winter! | + did me good. /inally,a |PT° est in which the premier was i bu , —_—- —— — . f -d “ Fruit-a-tives”. I took {called upon t “take that back.” |x No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute in é Lnat DacKk, oO opporti ! ask aS ; : this gra ruit medicine and it made foci chairman r i i call é ; N pportunity to ask questions MINERAL ACT generously as we Canadians! No cause has ever been more ne well. I am grateful to “Fruit-o- i a , 3 e and called for) was given and the chairman dared scicococats deserving of help! In the name of Justice and Humanity—for tives”, and to everyone who has mise- it was told to go away) not call for cheers for the premier Certificate of Improvements the sake of our own. self-respect—let us give all we can to y rable health with Constipation and Indi- back and sit down, which he/or William Manson, nothwith- NOTICE help our martyred Alllies! ‘ gestion a Bad Stomach, I say take | promptly did. Bowser then said) standing the fact that they were “Albion” and “Sunbeam” Mineral Claims, Send your subscriptions weekly, monthly or ia ene lump sum to Lecal or ‘ “Fruit-a-tives ’, and you will getwell”. ithat he wouid leave it to the elec-| Rete dest 7“ |situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Provincial Committees, of to the 5 ; ALBERT VARNER. |... -\ visiting the district for the first|Cassiar District. Central Executive Committee, 59 St, Peter St. Montreal : 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢ eee e, which the audience hailed|time in their mew capacities It Where located:-—About five miles from ’ ’ ». a box, 6 for P-.w, Oy BOO Vs -nanfan a sei ae me the head of Alice Arm on “Middle Creek.” Belgi amil Atuea rsent postpaid on receipt of |“ perfectly satisfactory. j/was a most remarkable meeting,| TAKE NOTICE that I, Wm. T. Kergin $2.50 Feeds A Igian F y A Month. price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. He then tried to strike an opti-lits) grim silences being much gp tee 3 vo ae aml inal = eo . ce é ; cate No. , intend sixty days from tt ‘iit anit asiarmmeipiiy SUit ole, Ss g i ings me MB a jmistic note iyin that thin more eloquent of the state of pub-|the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Seer ee ere ee RE A OO Of a if MEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT aeyrete improving throughout the lic feeling than its interruptions. ersten inochi COA8T, RANGE 4. jprovince but he might as well) None of the speakers was able to|>f the above claim. 9 ee ee, ihave been addressing himself t nake the slightest are And further take notice that action, un- bi TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Bradshaw, | ht ; ver ehtest impression ON | gop section 37, must be commenced before | ¥ { Yonoy Nevada, occupation mine man- | EACIEr, He tried eulogising|the audience. What had been|tbe issue of such Certificate of Improve- | * ager tends to apply for permission to | \\j]]j; Manso ‘eferr r nf ‘ ments. x A BO following described lands: | liam Manson, referring to the | done last session and what Bow-| patea iis 16th day of March, A. D. x e ft ng at a post planted about; honor conferred upon the district|ser promised, failed to awaken a| 1916 ol ¥ | easterly from the northwest cor fot eghuk os a panrasents ey ; WM. T. KERGIN, : ner of Lot 40, Range 4, Coast District; by giving its representative @/spark of interest. Bowser might k 4 thence north 20 chains; thence west 20| portfolio. A voice, “He won't\as well have been addressing x hairs; thence south 20 chains more or! pave it long” ddressing MINERAL ACT x ess shore , ato oS /s Mount Morse Soret ag t ! t bore of Surf Inlet, thence : } . t following the shore jine to the place ot | When Bowser resumed his seat, | —_—_—_——— NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER in 2-lb. Tins | as — containing forty pate] there was good natured applause, | Charles Balagno has resumed|T0O J. A. ROGERS, ; February 18 5 and the chairm: uickly an-j|taking piar te Ss. -ms|__ TAKB NOTICE that, wheress I Reve 4 Februa aie SNe rig ine ie «chai m in quickly a - | 1 pianoforte pupils. Terms|..iseq to be done the assessment work Have attained thelr enviable reputation by their superior ewer eee pe nounced the “National Anthem.” ! sensonable. Phony Blue 408. {{.|for the year 1015 on the mineral claims : known as “Ladybird No. 4” Mineral Claim, quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- fb cp acetddaae situated in Cascade Creek valley, north of wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire” when buying Soda fF Silver Lake, in the Stewart, B. C., Mining Bi its. ; District; and the “Stumpy” Mineral Claim, sou situated on the east side of Cascade Creek at the head, in the gald Stewart Mining They are made In B. C. and your grocer gets his supply ry district, and have paid for said assess- frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means ae ment work the sum of $200.00; unless : 4 you pay to me the sum of $100.00 tor crispness. fe i your snare of the said assessment work f Fag eae together with the costs of this advertise- Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. } . a Y ~ : ment, I shall, at the expiration of ninety tt a pace ‘Si yi a aays from the date hereof, apply to the Manufactured by I ma A Ge oy Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C., to have f y i > y ; Be en a Fat aS your interest in the said “Ladybird No. 4” i “oe 4 . im ui a) and “Stumpy” Mineral Claims vested in me RAMSAY BROS & CO LTD | : Pata hi in pursuance of the provisions of the e °9 e “Mineral Act.” r Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 5th Vancouver, B. C. ‘ day of November, 1915. * a asons e A. LUND. PRAIA RAR AIA AAA AIA IAI IAIDA IAA ASS ASAIISASSSSISSISSISSSIS SSIS i My office window The cocoa had been faces a street, close x grown in Brazil, to the railway freight sheds. All day long a steady stream of trucks and lorries lumber by— loaded with boxes, barrels and bales. eae Torontce. shipped to Bristol, e e | transhipped to Mon- i treal and finally ; ‘ distributed from , ) The tea was gath- One truck I noticed : ered by swart- : . : ‘i O win th ith the decisi ess which will 1 , the Empi ; the other afternoon || FY cua | Le egwmmmsy// skinned ‘natives of Tie Serer ai te cesar sin oe ta aan aol to mony, een i ee ee — = —, — = == =) the romantic island ame iewpoint tt is our a policy to pononees our mane en by ae a . - ’ . > %\ : productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy, whichr uces to the minimum boxes were the same, cr % bYjt:- SK of Ceylon; fe ~ all expenditures upon luxuries and non-cssentials. Only in this way shall we be able 1 and stencilled on the \ wis i, 7 MZ “ey sunny Portuga the to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from indus- a CEP : : trial activities, repair the wastage of the war, and find the funds forits continuance. It " end of each was the name . etl J, luscious, big grapes cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest of some well-known pro- Y fi Uf) had been gathered years burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that industry and thrift are, for those duct—soap, tobacco, socks, SS en ago, fermented, bottled who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment breakfast food, cocoa, port 2 08 s go, ; ; our success, and consequently our national safety, may ultimately depend.”— j tea, chocolates, perfumery and ype and branded with a famous SIR THOMAS WHITE, Minister of Finance, if ; me, ; Egypt had come the baking powder. name; from Egypt had c cotton and from South America the Gathered there in prosaic wooden q ; (10 dyes that entered into the product boxes were the results of thousands finally stamped with the brand of a PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. ; i f the , of hand’s labor in all parts 0 coat anein’ boston, world, | MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. Th j ious! ic truck-load of freight was the whole romance of ores aasine gust Coe oo Y Tied production, the universal demand for food, drink SAVE MATE RIALS FROM WASTE. ’ f the things we use every day. day, instead of some other SPEND MON EY WISELY. and raiment, and the world-wide distribution o And then I speculated why we use these things anny things; and that brought me plump back to my own job of advertising. The ' f the boxes on the lorrie were known eve here to-day, but LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE— LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS— ‘ names of some O o: and I saw then more clearly than ever before The war is now turning on a contest of all forces Begin at home. The larger portion of salaries 4 ad been unknown a few years 48°; " It is like the Panama Canal. You S and resources—men, muniions, food, money. The | and wages is spent on the home—food, fuel, light, : that Advertising is really a great channel digger. s "th cail to all is to produce more and more, It may be | clothing, Are any of these things being wasted ? { can sail from Montreal to Vancouver now, around the Horn. You can get there, necessary to work harder. The place of those who | $20.00 a year saved from waste in every home in ! bu it i in h A year or so from now you will sail through the ™ calist must be taken by those at home, men and | Canada will more than pay the interest ona wardebi & ut itis going to take months. y less than half. x new channel will have women, old and young. The more we produce the | of $500,000,000, Panama Canal and chop the journey to Mm more we can save, Produce more on the farms and % § been dug. in the gardens. Save more and help to win the war, | LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY— ff The great names in commerce to-day are those of he Fen tt eputing LET US NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR | sage?” What'do you think of extravasance in war fl modern advertising steameshovel @ channel across the isthmus © . e In.this war-time all labour should be directly pro- time? Tens of thousands of Canadians are daily § fi difficulties ductive or should be assisting in production. Make it | risking their lives for usathome., Isit not our duty ; 11 be th f ho widen and Seca. as PORBaS. If your labour is oa soma Hang to be careful and econemica!? Canadian dollarsare § : -morrow will be those 0 men who en Bi that can be postponed, put it off till afterthe war and | an important part of the war equipment. Make them The reat names in the commerv® rings may pass smoothly and quickly from 4 = make your labour tell now, Making war is the first | tell. Have a War Savings Account. Buy a War dredge this channel so that the greate ner business of all Canadians. Efficiency in labour is’ as | Bond. the source of production to the homes of the consu ° | important as efficiency in fighting. vou are doing a local busine Ify are doing @ ae sateen THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3 ver your advertist talk over your 4 : Department of this newspaper, al nesinens 18 would 00 es (wilh be Sernlshd THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE agency: ist @ ie heen Room 503, Lumsden Building, Torenta, with the Advertis!ng + ou are doing & proy to have counsel! and assistance of a oC < adver’ without cost or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian