144, VOL. Vil. NO, PRINCE | RUPERT, B. C., W —— MDNESDAY; Jax 21, 1916, PRICE FIVE CENT® HURRICANE RUSSIAN INFANTRY ATTACKS RUSSIANS US RUSSIANS ARE USING NEW GAS WITH SUCCESS Austrians Flee in Disorder Before the Herricane Infantry At- tacks Folowing Gas Clouds, cial to The Daily News don, June 24.—The Rus- nlinue to advance against \ustrians and have crossed ver Sereth and now occupy vns of Zadova, Stroginetz Gliboka. Austrian army has been two and is now rder. There is uncertainty situation between and the ling the pet River Galician Rus- Both | ces claim successes north- owing to divergent d German reports. Kiselin, Russians also claim the Teutonic f Lokatehi, while that the Russians were re- 175,000 Prisoners. now taken usineg Russians have and are 1 10 prisoners hurricane :t- The Cotte Russian 20s wed up by y their infantry, 1 of the ret and there te for it, ub t to the new is no known while it is not uncertainties of the il £ases. vy gas can be laun efinite direction and carries es, while it can be com- th explosive charg: No mask previ s of the slightest avail St it. AID TO PRISONERS of home cooking in aid ! ale prisoners of war will be the Red Cross rooms on Sixth Street on Friday. This sale will be managed by M Rk. H. Shockley and Mrs, Fb. a ‘ley, Lots of home cook i be disposed of and all the are invited to contribute. and screen doors put d repaired, ® Rupert is on the map folks in North Carolina Dut some eem to have any maps, as Ni has just received that Prinee Rupert, a copy state ad Manitoba paper from dressed SoCo WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT (WEDNESDAY) ONLY fleent Universal Broadway on, America’s Favorite Star, GLASER, the original “Dolly Varden, in “LOVE'S PILGRIMAGE” \ five-act Masterpiece, ‘at Edison Comedy, Laugh-full and Arty,” alias Wadsworth tnd Housman, in ‘SEEN THROUGH _THE MAKE-UP” \ Thanhouser Gomedy-Drama, “LITTLE BOBBY" With Helen | Badgely. Tomorrow Is Ivish Night——-A concert . shows devoted to irish Friday Floorwilker” th Onvs and dances, * Chaplin in “The Merres retreating | a de-} Allies southb- | lers last Berlin | lo’eloek, but did not phone Fritz 219.| CHIEF JUSTICE CHARLES EVANS ())/))), I party for the | Bow sel i ithe journey | land R. 8. ithe rovernment HUGHES iominee of the Republican Presidency of the States. W. P. LYNCH SCORED. RAILWAY POLICY ial t The Daily News The Bowser meeting at Smith- night was called for start eight until 8:45, when all the ‘ paraded to the platform in absolute silence. The premier} el to rest after | emained at the hot from Hazelton. Harry Smith was in the was the first Sargent speaker. There were several stormy passages at the outset and |e! the speaker advised the audience t eserve their questions for the I sters lb is the I t speakel il hing of parti iv in to tl esidents of Omineca} und his speech was received in ndifferent fashion W. P. Lynch was the next speaker. He dealt at length with the government's railroad policy, showing that the P. G. E, has al-| ready absorbed more capital per mile than the average capitaliza- tion per mile of all American rall- ads in the year 1908, including the amount invested in rolling tock and_= stations etc. Mr.| Lyneh’s speech was greatly ap- preciated and the speaker was frequently applauded. He de nounced the policy of the govern ment in the most trenchant fash ion and the ministers sh mnwed that Ithey were decidedly uncomfort- able, continually conferring with each other while Mr, Lynch was speaking. Hon. W. R. Ross spoke next and dwe for fiftean minutes on the efliciency of the land de partment. this point, the premiet entered the building and proceeded to the platform, the pa ty henchmen ap plauding. Hon. William Manson wandered along aimlessly for fifteen min- utes, the audience being decidedly unsympathets and restless. lle defended the railroad policy of and spent some that rhing time explaining imap roods meant “bring he goods in, H. B, Thomson ittempt to abuse W, spent ten min- P, ules in al é fun of his speech ILyneh and make but the audience was It no humor for humbug and clearly showed it. Premier Bowser spoke next and spent most of his time in a casti- ministers but! chair} - BREAD RIOTS IN LIBERALS ARE ~ AGAIN ELECTED ~ INNOVA SCOTIA Opposition Leader among the Also_ Rans—Liberal Majority is Increased by Four Members, Special to The Daily News.) Halifax, N. 8., June 23 The Liberal government has been ve- turned by a larger it held in the ture and the majority thay prey ious Legisla- Hon. C, E, has Tanner sition leader gone uh. der. and all the government Premier Murray embers of his have jhbeen re-elected and the Liberal ties were in many Cases high, The goverament now enters pon its thirty-fifth year with 314 Liberals and 12 Conservatives I the House, jand 16 Conservatives in the as against 23 Liberals pre- That M. strongly in A. Macdonald is more ‘favor than following reso- | meeting of Vancouver the at their /erals ever is evidenced by lution passed last week: | {tive of the Vancouver Liberal As- in meeting assembled, do herewith reaffirm its unbound- } ¢ : sociation, SRIG -GENERAL PERSHING Who commends the United States |°4 Confidence in oup member, Mr, forers in Mexico and wh wf]|M- A. Macdonald, and his asso- likely be placed in command of |*!ates of the Vancouver City Lib- the American army, jeral ticket, and to place on record four high appreciation of the un- | tiring rendered by Mr. ‘WILSON REJECTS | Mae ae to our respected lead- : MEXICAN DEMANDS 6: , Mr, H. C. Brewster, throughout services j three strenuous months of ses- (Special to The Daily News.) | sional activities, in their endeay- ‘NG DEADLY NEW GAS --- WILSON coe ca THE MEXICAN DEMANDS LIBERALS HAVE UNBOUNDED CONFIDENCE IN MACDONALD with the Lib-! | “Be it resolved that this execu-| a GREAT DEMONSTRATION WHEN M. A. MACDONALD IS RENOMI- NATED IN VANCOUVER—LIBERALS PRESENT SOLID FRONT AND ARE CONFIDENT OF VICTORY —— | stood in a splendid front of har- mony, the executive of the Van- } ;couver City Liberal Association Haat night passed unanimously a confidence in Mr. M, A. | Macdonald, the vote of Liberal member | lin the the engineered a gigantic conspiracy, and reaf- firmed theip unbounded faith and the whole Liberal If anybody had been mis- legislature, against whom Bowser machine jeanfidence in ticket. led by the efforts of the govern- ment press bureau to inspire an opinion there was to be a split in the Liberal ticket, their would have been thoroughly dis- abused of the illusion had they been in attendance at last night’s minds vious House, there being four new Washington, June 24,—Presi-|ors to promote sane legislation session, which was remarkable seats, dent Wilson has sent a note to| for the future, correct much|not only for the harmony dis- The Tories put up a great fight, er Mexican government convey. | faulty enactments of the past, played—and Liberal meetings are jhaying mported oe ee his rejection of the demand|while at the same time exposing|not as a rule so harmonious—but fees is from Ottawa and To-;that the United States troops be|the unprecedented maladministra-|for the strength of the demon- onto in an effort to defeat aces from Mexico and warn-|ticn of the late top-heavy Bowser- | stration of enthusiasm for M, A, |Murray government, but the Ani_ {ing that government that an at-|MeBride government in its awful Mucdonald when his name was aan business proved too strong|tack upon the United States troops! extravagancies of the hard press-| mentioned, lfor them and nothing they could|will lead to the gravest conse-|ed taxpayers’ monies and the ex-| Accorded Reception. say or do had any effect on the|4uences, ploitation of the natural resources | When the maligned member ectorate who returned the Li. President Wilson accuses Gen-jof this richly-endowed province. | Was called upon to speak applause erals with a bigger majority wee Carranza of having brought “And be it further resolved, in sreeted him which for a continu- jever. matters to the verge of war by|view of the tremendous majorities |OUS demonstration some said ex- heard in FOUR GREEK TOWNS Daily News.) Bread Aigina, Special to The Athens, June 24. riots are reported at Malias (The Greek junable to Patras, and Argrinion in Greece, | | } | | | government has been demobilize its three Macedonia, owing larmy to the holding up of the ships re- corps in |quisitioned = for passage their {home by the Allied blockade, | Black Sea Fight. There Petrograd, June 24. has indecisive battle in the been an Black Sea between four units of | lthe Turkish fleet and a Russian warship. French Losses. Geneva, The losses on the Verdun front which June 21. French extends for thirteen miles, number to date. Canadian Casualties. 24.--The Ci June {65,000 ina- {2th Ottawa, June casualties since to 4,600. dian amount Informal benefit of Swimming Club, to provide funds dance fop room, 23rd rink, Re- ladies’ dressing Salt lakes, Skating to build ete., at Ten o'clock at on June each, freshments, ‘Tickets 50c. gation of Brewster sia Maadane ald, whom he characterized as dangerous, He misquoted Mr, Lynch and was promptly correct- ed by that gentleman, Whenever Alec Manson's name was men- tioned there was loud cheering and no questions were solicited, the meeting closing with feeble and Dock- eheering for Bowser to the failure to jhis hostility and his able lieutenant at the late by-elections | from |in the of this aged to United States|given our leader and his safeguard the | lives of American citizens two most populous cities the lawless elements amongst his province, we are encour- the | the provincial countrymen. It is believed the decide own that will await in confidence next forty-eight hours the either for r peace. coming appeal to issue war 0 pledge of our unceasing efforts} ESTIMATES to the end that we place in con- holding the outside as public The draft of the estimates for the year was brought down at the those well as the boundaries of British Colum- council meeting Monday night and bia.” it was decided ti leave it over for When the estimates are Monday, the question of discounts will be dis- The administration of “Whereas reflections are being Vancouver City Lib- the actions em- a week, made on the brought up next eer . eral Association for of John T. Scott ployed with him at the recent by- ¢ ; and those reduction in the ,344, and cussed, exact the affairs will be $47 certain that the 8% mills net, city’s ; : ‘ - election in the city of Vancouver; illegal acts committed a Pe a 4 “And whereas John T. Scott entirely outside and. apart from the duties for which he was engaged; any tax rate will be : : 3 {which which is a record, were SUN AND TIDE Thursday, June 22nd. “Therefore be it resolved that Bin PISO. *, o:3:.-so ob eae 4:14 a. m,.|this association go on record as I MOLES v5.5 ota waa 9:6 p, m.|repudiating absolutely all such Low water ...0:27 a.m. Ht, 6.7}Operations of John T. Seott and those employed by him at the said by-election; “And be it further resolved that this association record its satis- Ht. 17.0 Low water .. hee Ht, 5.7 High water .7:8 p.m, Ht. 48.7 Captain J. MeGee, M. M.8.A. night High water .6:29 a.m. 34 p.m, faction at the prosecution of Peter Tomorrow sees the last|}/Annance and its hearty approval installment of “The Goddess” at}of the vigorous prosecution of the Westholme Theatre. any other person or persons against whom evidence of wrong- doing in the said by-election can be secured; “And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent O, B. Smith, superintendent at Anyox, arrived from the north yesterday on R,. B. MeGinnis’ launch Jeanne, accompanied by F, RE, MeFeeley, of McLennan &|to the leader, Mr. H, CG. Brewster, MecFeeley, of Vancouver. and all Liberal candidates and patanelhieimanreinmne SAFETY FIRST—-USE NEW WELLINGTON COAL, \HONE district associations the province.” Faith in Nominees. throughout erill, 116. With ringing cheers, as they while for : | . apr trol of oup provincial affairs men | SPee h. confidence of} inside |ever ceeded anything ever this city at a political gathering; conclud- noise, when he jed a speech full of fight and con- the demonstration lonly limited by the number there. | fidence, was | Le tres electorate and hereby renew our | rhe resolution of confidence iwas offered immediately following | the conclusion of the fighting It was by far the most splendid speech Mr. Macdonald made in this city. Those who knew his quiet, collected speech- making form, were carried away with the change in him, for he was mot only eloquent but fiery in a terrible denunciation of the methods which had been used in an effort to besmirch his charac- ter, His remarks were frequently interrupted by bursts of applause. “LOVE’S PILGRIMAGE” AT THE WESTHOLME “Love's Pilgrimage,’ a five-act the big tonight. the lead. “Dolly work should be Broadway Star feature, is the Westholme Glaser will be in item at Lulu Miss Glaser is the original Varden” and her well worth seeing, “Waddy Arty” great Edison comedy Through the Make-up,’ pretty litthe comedy-drama enti- tled “Little Bobby,’ completes a real good Look eut for Chaplin on Friday, and appear ina “Seen and a show. Go TO LONDON CAFE FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik. Third Ave. 3 BOXES FOR LADIES PSPLL rE ae + came Age v ti MB aT Pee i f é ;