: : ‘ : ' mae, “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED. Gerhard Heintzman WANTED—Hand ironers. Apply Pioneer Reputation Laundry. tf. WANTED—Good girl or woman to work b ahi Sacer over . Gh in family out of town. Apply 736 3rd unfortunate selection is mea- Avenue, 145. sured only by your love of music. WANTED—Girl to assist with housework and care for children. Phone 310 for appointment, tf. YOUNG GIRL WANTS WORK in house or Hotel. Apply P. O. Box 380, city WANTED—General servant, apply Mrs. A. Gutstein, cor. Tatlow and 6th Avenue. Phone 492. tf. MANUAL TRAINING INSTRUCTOR WANTED for the Prince Rupert Public Schools. | Salary $100 per month. Duties to com- |} mence on August 1st, 1916. State ex- | perience and qualifications. W. D. Vance P. O. Box 1556. 148.) rut DAILY RkWd Your Protection Is the The more you enjoy fine music the more Keenly will you feel your mistake, It is indeed a diMcult problem unless you will be guided by repu- tation. leads to the Gerhard Heintzman, Canada’s greatest piano. SOLD AT WALKERS MUSIC STORE Reputation LOST LOST—CHILD’S WHITE SWEATER. Finder please return to Williams & Manson's office. 143 FOR SALE FOR SALE—White Wyandotte and White Leghorn yearling and two year olds for sale at very reasonable prices. July and | August delivery. These are all of the} best laying strains. Write for quota- tions and catalogue. L. F. Solly, Lake- view Farm, Westholme, B,. C, 144) FOR SALE—FIRST CLASS LAUNCH, 30-, ft. Keel, 10-ft. beam, 16 h.p., Buffalo} medium duty engine, large cabin and | 5x8 head room. Electric lights, storage | battery, mats, rugs, cushions, cooking | Stove, kitchen utensils. Very cheap— |} Apply City Weigh Scales. uw i FOR SALE—Horses for sale. Apply Box 113, Dally News. tf. | SEVEN HORSEPOWER DISTILLATE Gaso- line engine, new, 8165 freight paid. send for catalogue C. Guarantee Motor | Co., Hamilton, Canads. ir. | 10 FISHERMEN: We carry a cull [ae of | “Ferry.” “Honest Clay,” “Lani and “Sicjiing’ Engines the year round — no | waltig, also “Ferro’ «ad “Lyinrude” | Outboards. All kinds Engine accessories. | Quick service—low prices. Canadian | Engine & Supply Co., Vancouver, B. C. | NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS will be received by the undersigned until noon on Monday, June 26th, 1916, for alterations and improve- ments to the Prince Rupert Public School buildings. Plans and specifications can be seen at the City Hall. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. D, VANCE, Secy., P. O. SATURDAY Half Holiday force First Week in July. 3 Open Friday nights to 9:30. AT LAST have the only reliable New Laid Eggs. They are big and good, and | Sealed tenders | Box 1556. > Goes into We stamped L, F. From Lake- > view Farm. Only a limited supply each week. Order Early. WATCH FOR FRIDAY SPECIALS : Fuller & McMeekin LEADING GROCERS PHONES 56 and 572 LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS HOTEL ——18 NOW OPEN TO GUESTS—— One of the largest Hot Springs in America, circumference 300 feet— Temperature of Water, 180 d. Fahr. Excellent Trout Fishing in Lakelse Lake. Phone Connections with Terrace. RATES: $2.50 per day. For further particulars, apply to J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. DENT!3TRY | CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY DR. J. S. BROWN DENTIST Smith Biock, Third Avenue Phone 454 PL PPDOLL PP DL LE ’ PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Aniiuuuce that they have purchased the business of the Prince Rupert Transfer Company and solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage of the customers of that firm. Careful attention to all or- ders for Cartage and Coal. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. PHONE 93. | THE WESTERN UNIVERSI- TIES BATTALION NEEDS FIFTY MORE MEN TO COM- PLETE THE ESTABLISH- MENT. THOUGHTFUL MEN OF EDUCATION Leaders in the community should help the cause, by impressing upon the public the need for men, and the common duty. There is oniy one convincing way to do this,—by EN- LISTING YOURSELF. A DOUBLE SERVICE! You not only give your own ser- vice to the nation, but incite others by your example. You have no future, your depen- dents have nothing to live for, if Ger- taany wins. Dare you take any chance in such a matter? The greater the number of men available for service, the shorter the war, and the fewer the losses. You owe it to yourself, your country, and the boys at the front, to act at once, Men of the University type have already done much—-thousands have gone—but their identity has been lost in the various units they have joined. The University Battalion was designed to preserve their iden- tity —to help by force of example as well as by service in the field. You Have an opportunity of ren- dering the double service, under most agreeable conditions in the Western Universities Battalion. Don’t wait for your neighbor to point the way or to force you to do your bit. Apply at once to the Officer Com- manding U. of B. C. Company, 196th Overseas Battalion C. E. F., corner 10th and Laurel Street, Vancouver, B. C. Transportation to Headquarters forwarded on receipt of medical cer- tifeate or telegram from a doctor as to medical fitness. Local News Notes Launch Dixie, phone Blue 400. * * * Dr. Ardagh, of Kitwangar, ar- rived on last night's train. S. M. Newton was amongst the south ~ going this morning. passengers * * ° Mrs. Moxley and family are staying in Smithers for the sum- months. mer Best quality of household lump and nut coal. Prince Rupert Coa! Co., phone 15. { . a * This is mid-summer’s day ac- cording to the calendar and also according to the weather, e ® e COAL— Favorite Ladysmith Wellington lump and nut, best re- 15. P.R.C. Co. tf sults. Phone The Rose Spit brought in 11,000 pounds of halibut yesterday and sold at 9% cents. Wednesday, June 241, 1916 | beach on the south side of Alice Arm, TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, |Free Miner's Certificate No, 94096B, acting as agent for Thos, McRostie, Free Certificate No, 69991B, and James L. Hatch, |Free Miner's. Certificate No, 87966B, in- japply to the Mining Recorder for a Certif | cate of Improvements, for the purpose of jobtalning a Crown Grant of the above } claim. | And further take potice that action, |under section 85, must be commenced be lfore the issue of such Certificate provements. Dated this 24th day of March, A.D. 1916 had 16,000 pounds of spring sal- mon. . . . The which re- cently made a trip to Viadivostock, Princess Ena, was in port yesterday afternoon on her way south from Skagway, where she delivered supplies for the Whitehorse Railway. .. = fs Sergt. Rayner, who is recruiting for the American Legion, and who went to the front with the 16th (Canadian Scottish) will give a short the Westholme Theatre tonight, The address will inelude of the experiences at the front. address in some sergeant’s Liver Sluggish? You are warned by a sallow skin, dull eyes, biliousness, and that grouchy feeling. Act promptly. Stimulate you: liver—-remove the clogging wastcs ~—make sure your digestive organs arc working right and— when needed — tale BEECHAM PILLS f Any Medicine in the Werlc. Largest Sole ot Any In boxes, 25 cents. A Real Lever Simulation OLD WATCH FREE, A. straightforward generons offer from 5m fecanianes firm, ‘@ are giving awa: Watches to thousands ot people all over the world as & ing cents for one of our fashionable Ladies’ Long Guards, or Genia’ Alberta,’ sent pald to wear 1 watch, which giv Se tees whee, m8 guaranteed five years), 7s take a4 our mary lous offer. We expect you your. friends us end show thom the beautiful t think this offer too good \ Creich #ain @ Free Watch. You will be amazed WILLIAMS & LLOYD, Wholesale ), @, Cornwallis Road, London, XN. Your kind of cigarette! Prince Albert tobacco meets your wishes in every way—no bite, no parch; just cool, fragrant, refreshing. It rolls up into a cigarette you'll like better than any kind you ever tasted. The Prince Albert patented process cuts out bite and parch and you smoke as much as yc trouble for your i Albert has always be: coupons or premiunis. to give quality! PRINGE BERT ~ the international joy smoke is rnanufactured to be in a class by itself, to be better, to meet the taste of smokers It is universal in its popularity because it is so friendly to every man who likes to smoke a home-made If your dealer cannot supply you, ask him to secure it through all over the world. cigarette or a pipe. his wholesaler. You certainly owe it to yourself to know just what a great amount of pleasure and satisfaction Prince Albert will afford you. GEORGE R. NADEN. 1 like without 1e. Prince sold without We prefer Copyright 1916 rolds Prince Albert is sold throughout Canada, generally, in the \-lb. tidy red tin, also in pound and half-pound humidors, R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N.C., U.S. A. iaeree | rrr ner Miner's | tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to} of Im- | SPEPPPSIOPPOPR D+ CO »O4 Prince Rupert Feed Co. P. Oo. Box 333 808 Third Ave RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDs WE HANDLE Rennie’s, Ferry’s, Steele's, and Brigg’s. Garden and Field Seeds. Also Fertilizers. We Take Orders for Nursery Stock. Grain and Feed at Vancouver Prices. Hay, Chicken Feed A Specialty Mall Orders Promptly Attended Tx POLL LLL LOL L LL LLLP OL OL ODL LDL LL DOL LD POLED LLL OL OD POLO CCP O OF OLE q oB. C. UNDERTAKERS Em- FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND BALWMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- QNTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 PLILL LDP LOL EL LL DELO ONL LOLOL EEET. CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOSKo F. 0. B 80 Cents per ft. Prince Rupert Concrete Works, McBride St Lb PPP PPS POLS LILLE OPPO DOLE LA LOL ELLE FEE werecrecrrrecrrres 2? Ru JNU EN ANAT A FAO st See } 0 Hi \|| eae HGR MERON LONG BURNING PIPE AND CIGARETTE TOBACCO