oa he | i : 7 voL. VII. NO. 445. f PRIN K RUPERT, B. C., sta URSDAY, JUNE 22, 1916. PRIC E FIVE CENT¢? ~ — FIRS! ENCO — = ————<—<———— DESPERATE GERMAN EFFORT TO STOP RUSSIANS PROPOSED AMERICAN UNITED STATES Yy L A H <\ | BREST-LITOvsK f iheaiael™ D The teHtowlne bill (CH \CH FORCE % i R he & a | 9 4 IVANGOROD oo ae s 3g las recently been introduced ey € Wf 2 yy es : * - st ss ce in-the U. 8. House of Representa ) 4 Pp LY ‘oe | Lives, and if passed by Congress | WBLIN oS >? ZA ORUSK wil revel le shromer , | ko General Felix Gomez Killed— | , : e ot " ent of fresh | pessons tesiiiben on both Banks | poland 5 So Forty Americans Killed— i | Y ‘s re Vie ene te of River—Norwegian Steamer | ZAMOSK VLADIMIR. oti, German Agents Stirred a I A ge de Torpedoed—Explosion at pantset SS \'s ROVNO. up Trouble. Parry Sound, FISHING MOBLATION ENEMY HELD BY NTER IN MEXICAN STRUGGLE = BATT LE RAGING ALONG BUG - | WARSAW | Galic; Poland x D ae) Yo Ihyni® esis States through any foreign coun. ia Ss The Dally News. try except when the same shall be! Special to The Daily News.) pTARNOW Ry KREMENETZ a ) e fr ve A . . TNavhs » 99 The In bond fro { ericé ort: 4 J ‘eer ee ae 2 ad Paris, June 22.—The Germans | PRZEMYSL & LEMBERG ZUCLOW nter between the Car- \ BILL to regulate the impor~| ja night made attacks along) * TARN ! c = c « « AS c , r i . OPO ation 0 e ed States o ' On e ps and the United States tat into the United Stat pf both sides of the River Meuse, | site oath oo "& EZANY , 4 ina halibut or salmon taken in the] : Va a ce the Mexican decla- Hoth Pebihe vosan or is ail but were repulsed by the fire of ‘ela “Y f ‘curréd yesterday : ae S Wl yU= | ’ | tao s B eo Bp, if war, occur: yest “’ tary waters. ithe French batteries of artillery a, 4 ‘ a ; 4 ° a\* ( leLachment of United Be it enacted by the Senate|and the 75s. q Vy i Wrath, Ss ° - 1 o : ry clashed with the and House of Representatives of| | Norwegian Steamer Sunk. Gay yi, CT a er . pan ; | 1 % . rees at Carrizal. the United States of America in} The Norwegian steamer Aquilla | Ua jfte Bessabia we } : : J | 7] Ny S CZERNOVITZ } \mericans were killed by Congress assembled, that from|has been torpedoed by an Austrian Scalein Miles EG By A% ; n fire in @ surprisé/and after ninety days after the bmarine off the French port of Ce Pe ee $% Kowind& Rumania ind seventeen were taken |passage o s act no fresh or| Marseilles, in the Mediterranean. | ae a. wee ents Oe eee : a RUSSIANS CONTINUE OFFENSIVE The Mexican casual- frozen halibut o1 salmon from the Horses Diverted. i "py Sve : ; . ' but G ; Ct yr tt The arrows in this map show the direction taken by the Rus- sO savy Dut General ort Jacific ocean or S ie Aicago, June 22, we 10u- ; 5 2 { 1eavy Du ene north Pacif 3 in its tribu 4 fi ; sa : sians in their attacks against the Austro-Hungarians and Ger- Gomez was amongst the/tary waters shall be admitted into|san pore Cre aera. ended! mans in the drive through Volhynia. the United States through any|for the French and British armicey|—- German Work, foreign country except when the|have been given over to the IIli-| { Wilson is awailing | same shall be in bond from anj|nois National Guards, since uve| LIBERAL MAJORITY IN BARNEY JOHNSON (arranza’s next move. It is be-! American port.” outbreak of further trouble my) NOVA | SCOTIA BIGGER | AND A CRIPPLED SUB. German agents, who Che above bill has received the| Mexico, | mh treurtail the ald being given |ayproval of the secretaries of Another Explosion. (Special to The Daily News) The Binpiiats [sted newspapers are I ed States to the Allies, mmerce, state and freasury. Parry Sound, June 22.—An ex-| Halifax, N. S., June 22. ~The! devoting columns theateen. x ct HM Ate ne one tate at Pea ae ee a plant | latest returns in the Nova Scotia ,tures of Captain Barney Johnson, the Us s hina ‘ meri. O » Canada Explosive Company ne \ i blame the Ameri fisheries, and it is largely due to if ane i plosive Compa | provincial elections are even bet-| ‘the genial skipper of the Prince the efforts of H. C. Strong. of | Bere. Five persons were killed | 1e efforts de g, a ee ie ca s ter from a Liberal standpoint than | Rupert who went over to the old Gomez sent a captain Ketchikan, Alaska, who has been|®@!@ thirteen were seriously in-| ler to the American Be ured, The cause of the explo-|W@S at first reported. jcountry about a year ago on sub- in Washington working on this sion is unknown but a thor com isking him to retire. some months. that The A in coumander replied o Gn ; far {investigation is being made. alters ve progressed so ft : that going on to Villa ur In East Africa. Sei od with if nei ‘ \ rhe Americans fired Marita aint cate At “‘Apharmat London, June 22.—The British Captain, WOundiInNg |r. smith U. 8. commissioner of Expeditionary Force in German] attacked Genera! Aehiting ‘1 1 report accon Kast Africa continues to advance e repulsed } he follow. [Successfully and has taken Hen- : , F panyi the b 1as the follo i deni, in the northeastern section. Mexican Munitions, ing in part to say: | pipes aan lexas, June 22.—-Seven bon aint as Aiea Rah ontnnh Sell) Anothe, column, advancing from 4 tion the south has captured Alt Lan- Me Ok TO MD Te simply be that the fish they now renbdure. ‘en in charge by the uid at Canadian ports will be ane Lhorities throughout ey, ‘ a TT inded chietly at Ketchikan, where the government fac- they will have the ninety-mile trip FISHING SITUATION & twenty-four hours to the Canadian port, It will ne- in output of thirty cessitate the inauguration by the ds of cartridges per ‘ . : pas: ay of x ‘ GEeS Per! Grand Trunk Pacific railway of a + A anaes Aabatlhd Bok mwe rry aryvwic su ble or the a ferry service uitabl fol h inn Swen Rin ania? eA aeeAL. n of fish fron et , ‘ : AID TO PRISONERS panapariation: of Bat 1 & Dougald, Commissioner of Cus- ohikan, whore (26 shipments toms at Ottawa, that halibut} \ 1 l ” CCeDLeE ou fo ou 5 é s | f home cooking in aid| be accepted in bond brought into this port in Ameri- eastern markets. can bottoms may be shipped in} ers of war will be ) i “ay in acific rail-]| . : Ne Red Orasa-kaame -on Phe Grand Trunk Paci Canadian bottoms to Vanco yugh | uver | | able} | while the Conservatives were to retain only«41, giving the Murray government a majority of 24, | | | ‘SPEECH RESTORED | Mr. J. E. has just received news of a fect Davey, of this city, | ; j}markable recovery of speech by a Davey, in the fighting Ypres, was rendered un-| ’rivate around conscious through shell shock and | iwas taken to hospital at Liver-| He recovered consciousness | efforts to As a last resort sent for the }pool, but all restore his! | speech failed, ithe doctors lad’s | Ptah | mother, without telling the pa-| Sixth sy way will, if the measure here sug- ind there treanshipped to eet on Friday, This gested is adopted, undoubtedly ‘ tient what they had done. When! yeSver 7 auY ’ ba ’ "“Tean points by ral. : f | wit ‘be managed by uch facilities, as it needs ; nt | Bis mother arrived, one of the} Mrs, R 3) , }erant such facilities, % The stoppage of the shipmen : nockley und Mrs, E.| Southeast Alaska. voay,{|hurses occupied the speechless Shor I jthe buiness ef southes of chieken halibut to American " at Mls of home cook hound to benefit ard. |ian’s attention and kept his face Rear s } Prince Rupert is boun oints by steamer worked a hard- : : “isposed of and all the | : f halibut, even|- vay | away from the door of the room, idies y Iby the shipment 0 al , ship upon some of the American invited to contribute. lw Janded at mee : : Mrs. Davey entered quietly and ithough originally landed a firms doing business in Prince | j the bed hich tl ---—--~ | cs ,,,|leaned over the bed on which the St | Tr , yt | chikan, but over and above thi Rupert, as they were unable to A m ats : ad stTeen doors pu he ee patient lay. The injured soldier ID and y I font ids forth plainly that th heir lls Che new ‘repaired, phone Fritz 2419, | fact stands fort! ' dispose of their culls, eas . | bai, | ae ; io railway un ; NA turned suddenly round and re- a —————— | Grand Trunk Pacific railway u instructions will not satisfy the : Sere rony ; Avian tno 5 ai ceived such a shock that he shout- POPOOODDDD doubtedly needs this business, &5/\ yn opjean dealers, as what they halibut is the road's most profil eastbound WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE able factor in the plan of shipping direet from freight. by steamer. point to Seattle consumptiol a "THE GODDESs” i one BROKEN RAIL” ports for but Canadian ve Canadian : : lin Canada sselSladian registry to their ae ’ MUbIn I - ' Pp = American vessels, but the}fleet at American ports, Fisherman, featuring Bill Heeves y Heeve against |! nited States does not place sim the sale ol SELIG TRIBUNE WEEKLY TOnigy M wilh y 116. foreed to add vessels of Gan Pere Corwalker,” CC noonn~DE OnE | art want is the restoration of the old this It is TONIGHT ONLY | “Unde r present resulalons) rat that transhipment to rail at Y ANE Stow see fishing vessels €8PeCly. i. aouyer will be too expensive ; ine wee in barred from discharging fish at ‘nd otherwise unsatisfactory. episode ¢ ‘ —————— fleets if ef- tendency 'he Hazards of Helen’ havo the privilege of selling theit}ihey want to payee 7 rats, |S , id States in ad-|Qanadian trade, and withou INE FINAL RECKONING” }/catch in the United St ee lation the — ald 9. reg} thanhouser Arama. ldition to selling in Canada. In}fective legislation Lp MPTAIN K'ODD AND DITTO” | ther words, Canada discriminates will be to increase the Canadian oO ) ’ ‘ Pacific gram of | oe H night, when liar restrictions eer \ ils SAFETY FIRST — USE NEW dan: "sh thusie, songs and ish caught by Canadian vessels. Ne a Cnarig oo. ktven. te a that Americans|WELLINGTON GOAL, HO W, Cnarile Chaplin In “The “This means if ed “Mother.” From that moment his speech came back and he is now as well as ever and ready for more fighting, There have been many incidents recorded at hospitals, For soldier, who was quite dumb from shock, placed his hand on a very hot radiator by accident and the shock brought forth a yell and his speech was restored, similar various | instance, one The Seymour did not dispose of her 50,000 pounds of halibut yes- terday, The highest price bid was 8% cents and the captain held out for more, mn . - | rhe Liberals now hold 32 seats} ieraft that when Barney's diver was close in marine service. It seems to the German coast and travel- ‘ling at a depth of sixty feet, she which blew off her Luck- bulkheads renfained intact struck a mine bow rudder and two tanks. ily the brought and the submarine was to the surface with water pour- BY SUDDEN SHOCK °°": As the mishap occurred off the German coast, it was a twenty- five hours voyage to an English port and the battered submarine PARTIALLY SOLVED "eve of his in the old country. !had to travel on the surface and The daring made the trip, dodge enemy patrols. however, little Barney and brought his crippled safely home. British Columbians, and Prince Rupert folks in particular, will be delighted to hear that Captain Johnson has received promotion as a result of this display of |splendid courage and seamanship. ROSE $ALE BROUGHT IN SUM OF $2868.35 The Ti°Or Dow: yesterday sale of roses in aid of the local hos- pital realized the sum of $286.35. The following were the proceeds from the different corners; Ru- pert Hotel, 839.30; Royal Hotel, $28.90; Orme’s, $56.10; C. P. R,, $18.45; Wallace’s, $15.00; Post- office, $43.15; Wharf, $62.20; Eleanor Peck, $2.50: Gold Stor- age, $10.00; Mrs, Naden, $8.50, and from the sale of flowers, $2.25, The ladies of the IT. O. D. RB. wish to thank all who contributed in any way to the success of the sale, benefit of to provide funds Informal Swimming Club, to build ete,, at Salt lakes, on June 23rd Ten o'clock at Skating rink. Re- freshments, dance fop ladies’ dressing room, Tickets 50c,. each, HUNS ATTEMPT TO STOP DRIVE UPON LEMBERG 120,000 Reinforcements Sent to Eastern Front—A Terrific Fight Proceeds Along the Bug River. (Special to The Daily News.) One hundred thousand London, June 22- and twenty German troops have been hurried to the eastern front as a last effort to check the Russian offensive upon Lemberg. There is a terrific battle raging Bug making along the River where the Germans are desperate attempts to arrest the Russian advance and to prevent the im- junction of Kovel from falling into the hands of the Russians. Turkish Revolt, The Turkish garrison at Smyr- portant railway na is in revolt with the result that : the city has been almost com- pletely destroyed. Plague at Constantinople. It is reported that plague has broken out in the barracks in Constantinople, The sanitary con- dition of the city is terrible and the facilities for coping with such an outbreak are of the most meagre ee PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR DOMINION DAY The committees in charge of the Dominion Day sports met last hall to make The finance evening in the city final arrangements, committee reported that $175 had already been contributed. A list of the donors will be published later. Meantime, all . interested may assist by applying to V. A. Cole, George Tite or George Friz- zell, who will be happy to receive donations. It was decided to set aside $150 for the tising and $10 to the Cadets. $15 to adver-. The will use any field sports; finance committee further funds in giving prizes for the best and possibly to bring the day. The were left, in the hands of the base- decorated windows a band here far baseball arrangements ball committee, The following is the sports program: National Anthem and Maple Leaf by the school children, Baseball game, 2:30, Field Sports. $1.00; 75e; Girls, 4 and under, 50e. Boys, 4 and under, $1.00; 75¢; 50c, Girls, 6 and under, $4.00; 75; 50e, Boys, 6 and under, $4.60: 75 (Continued on Page four.) @o TO ‘LON DON CAFE | FOR THE BEST MEALS STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Hart Bik, Third Ave. : BOXES FOR LADIES *