phursday, June 22, 1916, a Tecate ER RENIN Mtn: nenettonetee one nee ee a AAA Cement anaeeereae —— a aeaeaieeteeeeeenge peramnen enon eniaine ae eee —— 5000 ADVICE 10 60 On Taking “Fruit-a-tives” pecause They Did Her Good Rocnon, P, Q., JAN. 14th, 1915, d for many years with ter- tion and Constipation. I nt dizzy spells and became down. A neighbor advised Vruit-a-tives’’. Ididsoand so of my doctor, I beran ind he advised me to go on ” sd | le I had ‘ it rthat lowe my life to “Fruit | | want to say to those who Indigestion, Constipation or try Fruit-a-tives’ and you CORINE GAUDREAU, x, 6 for $2.6), trial size, 25e., or sent postpaid by Fruait- l, Ottawa. a ° soxeetestiigestpmatshdiat ish at aaa, MINERAL ACT > Certificate of Improvements NOTICE Sunbeam" Mineral Claims, Skeena Mining Division of | where ed About five miles sro | head \lice Arm on “Middle Creek.” Trt) Ee that I, Wm. T. Kergiu | A t, B. C., Pree Miner's Cer- | "i j B, intend sixty days from her to apply to the Mining ertificate of Improvements, | { of obtaining @ Crown Grant) e abov aim, i further take notice that action, un- | — ———— ——- — eta * as ve oT y Ae la Vd iT eNO j at a Ta as a Lol os ot A al rir ihn bs ew) “Ty = Braid’s Best Coffee 50c per Ib. One Price Only 50c per Ib. At the following weii-known Prince Rupert Dealers LYNCH BROS. MILLER-PHILLIPS FULLER & McMEEKIN MUSSALLEM GROCERY CO., LTD. G. P. McCOLL T. BRAMLEY SRD AVE. CASH MARKET CAVENAILE & HANNAN FULTON CASH MARKET SPURR’S CASH MARKET A. FERGUSON LIPSETT, CUNNINGHAM & CO., LD. CANADIAN FISH & C OLD STORAGE CO., LTD. Stewart & Mobiey, Ltd., Wholesale Distributors, Prince Rupert. Wm. Braid & Co «fh Direct importers, Vancouver, B. C. iS Belgians . Depend on us for Bread! Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians have depended for food entirely on the ‘Commission eetion must be commenced before | h Certificate of Improve- | for Relief in Belgium”. Their own store of food, even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only ~~ eee | (6th day of March, A. D.| je7 WM. T. KEARGIN, MEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF | COAST, RANGE 4. i TAKE NOTICE that Frederick Bradshaw, Tonot N ida, occupation mine man apply for permission to | “WOODROW’S CHORUS” | ; SALE OF COOKING FOR the use of tables and chairs; to) McB. Young, William Manson, de PRISONERS OF WAR (the Ford Taxi Service; to Mrs. | Gi x, Sweet, Clancy, Alex, Manson, Frizzell, and to the fol. | Munro, Sherman, Dawsen, Huteh- a ‘rTherg or aa t ~ > € y oe wing deseribed lands: | \Kerberg for the handsome flag- ; u post planted about; The Prisoners of War Depart-|staff, which was won by Mr. Geo. et east from the northwest cor-|....4 .¢ 4 ahi a = : wr of Lot 40, Range 4, Coast District; eo f the Red Cross Syrotuck; to Mrs. Smith Digby feme north 20 chains; thence west g0/'ends its thanks to Mrs, J. H. Mi ' the silk° bag, whieh was won tains; th th 20 chains more or Leod and Mrs. Hal. Ps f, pews (er a ss of Surf Inlet, thence ‘ Mowing « jime to the place of Ing charge of the sale of homejlowing citizens for donations; mmmencesie ot ntaining forty ares ooking last Friday: Mes on ess pe : Pieesrs is, 1018 irae no! s & Dovile for the se of|ner, Smith Digby McIntosh. ERICK BRADSHAW. the store: to Mr, George Tite for| Vickers, Otto Nelson. Ford, F. Sr a Tei ae: arr uses kis € The Tale The Wacins Tell The cocoa had been grown in Brazil, shipped to Bristol, transhipped to Mon- treal and finally distributed from Toronto. My office window faces a street, close to the railway freight sheds. All day long a steady stream of trucks and lorries lumber by— loaded with boxes, barrels and bales. A Se | | A Severe | Ay Arrfouie> rene LY The tea was gath- ered by swart- skinned natives of the romantic island of Ceylon; from sunny Portugal the luscious, big grapes had been gathered years ago, fermented, bottled and branded with a famous name; from Egypt had come the cotton and from South America the dyes that entered into the product boxes were the results of thousands , 5 » stamped with the brand ofa of hand's 1; ; the finally stamped world, Don. tee parse of th well-known hosiery. One truck I noticed the other afternoon was particularly in- teresting. No two boxes were the same, and stencilled on the \ end of each was the name of some well-known pro- duct—soap, tobacco, socks, breakfast food, cocoa, port, tea, chocolates, perfumery and baking powder. Gathered there in prosaic wooden oad of freight was the whole romance the universal demand for food, drink e use every day. There, behind that obviously prosaic truck-] of modern commerce—the skilled production, \ tnd raiment, and the world-wide distribution of the things w And then I speculated why we use these things every Gay, instgad’ of some other things; and that brought me plump back to my own job of advertising. ; , o-day, but The names of some of the boxes on the lorrie were known qvecrener en had been unknown a few years ago; and I saw then more Clearly ot Pans anal, You » that Ady rtising is really a great channel digger. It is like the Panama C al 8 Horn. You can get there, yt sail from Montreal to Vancouver now, around the ai i gab eee pititis going to take months. A year or so from now yoo wil all trons enna Canal and chop the journey to less than half. I fen dug, ; have let i he manufacturers who ave | pie gp la ie er - e isthmus of distributing Cu g steam-shovel ac ros th ] ; hannel across ties The gre tedge i - 1en who widen and at names in the commerce of to-morrow will be those at eee 0 ee this channel so that the greater traffic may thls * Source of production to the homes of the consumer. pass smoo al business ILyou are doing a! F talk over your adver ' pe t ee with the Advertising | per OO ae Ut you are doing a proyine!al on ald ho well Oo canals A “= oF ou toate alia: Room 503, Lumsden Bullding, Toren’ A * oF obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Press As three weeks—they have had no chance to raise more— and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them! Backed by the Belgian Relief Fun so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of bread—but a steadily growing number have no money left. From New York Sun. Nunan, Jennings, Carlson, Arnold, |M. M. Stephens, R. H. Shockley, Bowness, Robert Duncan, George }Inson, 8. D. Macdonald, Merry- Mesdames Cooper, Sinnott, Bes-j| field, Parker, Allison, Rix, EK. H Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of jShockley, Dimmick and to the (Journal and Daily News for ad- ' vertising and last but not least | to the Cadets. The «um of $38.25 women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month—every month—all this winter! No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute generously as we Canadians! No cause has ever been more deserving of help! In the name of Justice and Humanity—for the sake of our own self-respect—let us give all we can to was realized at the sale. SUN AND TIDE | | _——_— | LOPES help our martyred Allies! } Friday, June 23rd, Send your subscriptions weekly, moathly of ia ene lump sum to Lecal or iSun rises..... i 4:15 a. m Provincial Committees, o to the § eee SiMesi a Central Executive Committee, 59 St, Peter St., Montreal | | Low WALO? as $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. |High water ...7:44 a.m. Ht. 15.9 | Low water ..<. |High water Captain 3. Mees,, (Advertise in The Daily News —————S—SJSns—aO~N"n@hihiYeEIEIeEie——_7_7 7 [roduction and |hrift te ‘To win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire will require to put forth its full collective power in men and in money. From this viewpointit is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy, which reduces to the minimum all expenditures upon luxuries and non-essentials. Only in this way shall we be able to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from indus- trial activities, repair the wastage of the war, and find the funds forits continuance. Ii cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that industry and thrift are, for those who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment our success, and consequently our national safety, may ultimately depend.”— SIR THOMAS WHITE, Minister of Finance. PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. SPEND MONEY WISELY. LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE— The war is now turning on a contest of all forces and resources—men, munitions, food, money, The call to all is to produce more and more, It may be necessary to work harder, The place of those who enlist must be taken by those at home, men and women, old and young. The more we produce the more we can save. Produce mere on the farms and LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS— Begin at home. The larger portion of salaries and wages is spent on the home ~food, fuel, light, clothing. Are any of these things being wasted ? op09 a year mene from waste in every home in anada will more than pay the interest ‘ r de of $500,000,000, / PPS WOE ROM LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISZLY— in the gardens, Save more and help to win the war. Are vou Sree yous suvuecy to the best advan- LET US NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR tage? What do you think of extravagance in war In this war-time all labour should be directly pro- | time? Tens of thousands of Canadians cre d 1ily ductive or should be assisting in production. Make it risking their lives for us at home. 1s it not our duty as efficient as possible. If your labour is on something’} to be careful and economical ? Canadian dollars i that can be postponed, put it off till after the war and an important part of the war equipment, M ske them make your labour tell now, Making war is the first | tell. Have a War Savings Account. Buy a War business of all Canadians, Efficiency in labour is as | Bond. : ’ important as efliciency in fighting. THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3 THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE od rs ie ark yal ite ‘al. sh- 600 ‘es- 8% ona ter- own, that . the Deer 41.16 15c. large each | large @ Ave.