a Friday, June 23, 1916.* 2i@ DAILY NEWS ——__ e THE DAILY NEwSs No Palate-Joy Like |INDEX AND GUIDE TO =) ¢ e . . THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA This—The richest man in NO. BRITISH COLUMBIA NEW SUMMER SERV : @ubvaacs oa and ant the world could not buy ; ‘ E : Iroulation he oatete more pleasing to The Index and Guide to North- dileek tae Dall HEAD OFFICE sae aps ‘Shredd mercer ern British Columbia, compiled by Effective June 14th an ate tl a re . a ‘ ; : ped Weexy. Chereatt ily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. Biscuit with Seclitbeis F. S. Wright and published and the S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince fe pate! TRAN 8 | rinted in Prince i Ae ‘ll leave Prince in Wealy SHOHMMEEET Lo noon 1 NSIEN'T DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Siistrect and cream. A simple printed in Prince Rupert, is an will leave Princ Rupert every W ednesday at 12 noon fo, | rates on application. : ‘ ~~? lextremely handy and useful yol- Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway, etc. 2. natural diet that will bring SOUTHBOUND health aii! strength for the" "". Sve" shen " Effective June 17th the 8.8. Pri : ‘ “fective June stn 1@ 8.8. rince Ru vert : > D 3 ; : : the resources of the ‘ious dis- ' ; , : or Princ AILY EDITION Friday, June 23, 1946. Spring days. Try it for ! the various di George will leave Prince Rupert every Saturday and Monday ; — breakfast; eat it for triets in the north, as well as a at 10 a. m, for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, wee eo meEX! ti eS. see eae ee eG luncheon. directory of the residents in the ; : PASSENGER SERVICE Gérinad: aeeiit bering that his practice extends city of Prince Rupert and the sur- oe be leave Prince Rupert every Monday, Wedies agents are i : ' ' ed and Friday at 10:30 a. ‘ide it . me credited| throughout the hinterland as rounding communities, There is d day at 4 1. m,. for Winnipeg, and all point with having caused the trouble far as Endak " : Fast and South. beteeun aiuilec ana the Gaited ar as Endako. Mr. Manson is nothing in the way of “hot-air” Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotte Islands. 4 e " i s : . : < wiaidibes wededasa sibtiias =: e continually in touch with the in the volume but is a simple, For full information & reservations apply to cily ticket on) : =e » object o a , ‘ ; ; “ hee tarding the ship: i f iis ranchers and business men in straightforward statement of THIRD AVENUE PHONE 260 i s nent of muni- : ; : ~ tions from America to th al Cee ee eee facts. To all who are interested S " . , oO the ~ : , Poses ' cin : on Heat. te halle Saeeiy 0 of fact, left for that district on in mining, farming or fishing in| ”. s ike 2 6 j : y — the nee La rat professional business this the north, the volume will prove | ican struggle will inter- morning. No one i i i D fore. tidh Khekellighrent-oftbs e. ne is more keen- interesting and instructive, while | f nt o , i c : ‘ ; guns and bi Pi & ly interested in the develop- ‘ it should do much good work in| eee i: ig gun ammunition, ment of the north, for the sake Made in Canada. promoting interest in this district | | PACIFIC Lowrey Ree tO Se Deere: F oints as these will not be in dem - — via Steamer to V is Aldiaiae die 0? ‘ iia : ancouver and the soe * the north, than is the com- amongst the people throughout | eal ala CANADIAN PACIFI Y or the Mexican warfar th ‘ C RAILWAY rfare. Ma- ing member for Omi hat Bella Coola is on the ma haus ahi ap mineca. Mr. ; P, the province and Canada general- | Meals and Berth included on Steamer and ammunition, Manson has no private axe to|°® ‘ey left it out of their tour ty for or small calibre guns and rifles} grind in developing an entirely. One can understand |= Princess Maquinna for Granty Alice Arm Friday 11 p.m. edi be 1h “areniet : | ¥ par ini : ; Princess Sophia southbound Saturday, June 24th : { remand by the ticular spot in the Omineca illiam Manson’s desire to stay Princess Maquinna southbound S dis 6 th. States, but the suppl istri yay } E : > stoi sary ier-eh aio tei geo district at the expense of other Stig! from Bella Coola, but he} Ee Princess Alice for Alaskan Ports Monday, June 26th sary # een of 140,000 parts, and will make a hard might have had Bowser go in| Ee ‘ men wi > a mere bagat sind “Ithere j : == . i elle workin wht there just to let that Liberal c a | compared with what i ; g, wholehearted repre-| : amp | Fe J. I. PETERS, General Agent i p wi what is being sentative see what the premier looks like. Co ner Fourth Street and Third A , used in Europe : e we ee ird Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C 4 ‘ | S q ‘i * . i ’ whee Speaking of importations, it | The Mexican: struggle will fs indepwattnw't : : When the election returns are! EE |== sak j ¥ Sh ‘ 0 remember that i illi : 2: interfere with the supply of the Tory machine has foisted sent in, William Manson will no-} Fe LAND REGISTRY ACT- MINERAL ACT horses and some other lines of the Hon. WR. RE oisted|tice that Bella Coola has not for-| EE eee ; poy . W. R. Ross upon t : zz . a material, but the affair is of ptantare Of tanto p he} gotten him. a Notice Under Section 36 | Rivermouth Fractional mineral clain such smal! proportions that it R I ona cs eee 2: K cei suuated in the Skeena Mining Division of ig : oss has no interests in tha % ee Y f l TAKE NOTICE that an application has | Uassiar District, “e wal. scarcely weigh anything riding, nor is he ev hat The ranchers in the Omineca! EE ou ree safe [been made to register Olaf Hanson, of Where jocajed:—At the head of Alice against the European situation y sives notice that it has under be built at the head of Surf Inlet, Princess|'3® Of the “Assessment Act, 1903,’ or Trea lawyer, while the Journal states! the blic i ’ Section 7 of the said Act deposited with Royal Island, in front of Lot 40, Range 4, section 253 of the ‘Taxation Act,’ in cases bated this 24th day of March, A.D. 191 ; that tuttnans ‘ . P public 1s perfectly well aware|the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa Coast District, BC. in which notice under this Act is dispensed | — Sie GEORGE R. NADEN at Omineca does not want|of what that organ hails as po jaditn ea atthe sal thevDieuietRasiattet or “cc ce ae ie ee Tiina’ teen tr Gans he ae Lo) c any importations in the way)litical tri “jof the Land Registry OMce, District of of one month from the date of the nrst| ing through or under them and ail INERAL acT of representatives