f #rit OAILY NEWS Wednesday, June 28, 1915. io SRR iterate —e work t obe done than the funds (iy / i THE DAILY NEWS By ose noe would allow. NEW SUMMER SERVICE ii THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA usy orides— casi A ee Joe Scott pointed out that the ‘ i Published Daily and Weekly quickly prepared— fu “ trail in to the lake also required nil OD ci: A ti Guaranteed Largest Circulation strength-giving nutriment— | tion, ALASKA AND YUKON } the cleanest, purest, cereal ’ : » said that one Effective June 14th and weekly thereatt HEAD OFFICE food in the world, Shredded | _/- '!: Mortimer sale that on the 8.8. Prince Rupert or Prince Geor, v ® ; ® afterno asts sr he counted Rn . > George if Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98,.| Wheat with Strawberries. ebky.ted . Sg ge rate sed will leave Prince Rupert every Wednesday at 12 noon f, { inati nat i SEEN SN ere. ra Cetehike ‘rangell, Juneau, Skagway, etc, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—60 cents per inch, Contract | COMbination that is a per é a ened Open oe. ee ot : fect, complete meal. You {Stated that as many as 400 pool SOUTHBOUND P rates on application. don’t Irnow the greatest of {visited the lake on that one after- Effective June 17th the 8.8. Prince Rupert or Prine, palate joys if you have not | noon. He assured the council that George will pa as rig So Sia eae and Monday : t , ; ’. : ' . t ) a. for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, etc. Tt DAILY EDITION atggegaD Wednesday, June 28, 1916.]eaten it. For breakfast, |if they saw their way to help, the at 10 a. m, for Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, et : ‘e -—— = tient | JUNChHEON OF any meal, members would supply the man- Trains will leave Prince Rupert every Monday, Wed, GOOD NEWS forcements from the _ other ual labor. day and ceeds 10:30 a, m. for Winnipeg, and all point , ’ i i "Rae asked i ry hae ‘ast and South. | , From yesterday’s despatches fronts to start anything in the Ald. McRae asked if fore ae _ Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotte Islands. : bilge vk eas gs ehomenah sedge way of a counter to the big} i seen, we eee eee eae. For full information & reservations apply to city ticket of in the nature of a general of- Russian offensive to the south. | Dr. Kergin said that they would THIRD AVENUE PHONE 260 need from $100 to $200. * i et for the great attack was ‘when * 7 , out of depth. It was not pro- Yours truly, be built at the head of Surf Inlet, Princess oon ot aa ye! i. be eee pins . : , , -cornvtara? oe als ny ° fore ve issue of such Certificat Britain has a preponderance of} Hughes of Australia seems to|posed to do all this in one season M. WEINSTEIN, aes : een ar 3 of Lot 40, Range 4,/ | vements. de Coas istrict, oe » r Oo ecember D heavy guns and munitions over!he more businesslike than the|but there was more preliminary eee And take notice that after the expiration | cage Hale 2880 Cay of Decem! Jase the Germans.” It is not un-|Canadian gentleman of the same MAJESTIC THEATRE of one month from the date of the first; p : ikelw “ 2 ; is all right } Mr. Li Yue g publication of this notice the Surf Inlet like ly that “the day” for the name. The Australian gentleman a ; : ut Mr. Li Yuan Hun WILL RE-OPEN TONIGHT Power Company Limited will, under Sec- MINERAL ACT probably did not like the look of Be pre tion 7 of the said Act, apply to the Min- a ings thie ‘ar atin op | The aniestic Thar » pe-onens| ster of Public Works, at his office in the strings which were hovering mn Majestic Theatre re-opens| city of Ottawa, for approval of the| Oertificate of improvements in tire background. itonight, when a good seven-reel | said site and plans and for leave to con- struct the said wharves and power house. Dated at Vancouver, B. C., this 29th NOTICE Allies has dawned. does things himself instead of The Russians continue to}leavying the country to the tender ho... «ie situation on the east-|mercies of a million dollar col- show will be presented. The lead- ern front and it seems as if)onel. Lemberg were already within ae MINERAL ACT ing item is a Mutual western|aay or May, 1916. Basin Mineral Claim, situate in th x s as Z _ drama, “A Man and His Mate.’| THE SURF INLET POWER COMPANY, Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District the grasp of the bear. With Evidently the Kaiser does not Certifi \ ae ran : LIMITED, Where located:—-About four miles f th I ertificate of Improvements There is also a Mutual Weekly| ——-——-— —_——__—— -|the beach on the south side of Ai e southern passes through) want the Greek people to know : » be : » Cr NOTICE and two good comedies NAVIGABLE \WATERS PROTECTION AOcT./*! the head of & branch of Lime Creek the Carpathians in the control | jjust how they are situated inj; “Albion” and “Sunbeam” Mineral Claims, | ° R. 8. C, Chapter 1165. TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Nadet situate in the wi < like imes Free Miner’s Certificate No, 94096! of the Russians there will be|Berlin. Letters from hungry Ger- Cassiar prea te latte. Diveaton -0¢ 1h Walk }008 “ERO: AOS S50 eee ean sixty oc SARE dase heres! [ Ww i see Ed Stilwell ¢ j "ums % The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com-| -* | : : a wild rush for the Dukla Pass mans are not to be allowed to Where located:-—About five miles from | >" Ed tilwell and his di nm and ae pity satr het that it a coe ipply to the Mining Recorder for a cx . j t 2 3 ‘ ti j s ce 18 were , ate rovements e purty when Lembere is surrounded.|reach Greece. he head of Alice Arm on “Middle Creek. it will sound like old times, too. Section ¥ of the said Act deposited with cate of Improveme nts, for the | TAKE NOTICE that I, Wm. T. Kergin Peves 5 ; : biaining a Crown Grant of the al If the Russians are able to ad sa ic tie hee of Prince Rupert, B. C., Free Miner’s Cer William Balagno is some violinis! |the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa ‘aim ss ad- pe Cis a - Shiva ets mak bee awe in ntAale pee Sy tiflcate No. 94035B, intend sixty days from } and the combination of the Balag- aepinesige» Seria ick pe ™ Seentren mee nerer And further take notice that 4 vance rapidly enough from| Life” is very severe UupOn|the date hereof, to apply to the Mining! f the Land Registry OMce, District Of} . ep section 85, must be comm Bukowina through. Kolomea,!President Wilson. A recent issue | Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, ino brothers and Mr. _ Stilwell arate ie . ma oer — es ms fore the issue of such Certifcat there : liabl y | i‘ d for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant} ishould prove one of the finest Rated eer eee | Cee eee oe or provemoiis. ere is liable to be a_ big)shows a workman white-washing | of the above claim. ise proposed to be pull in Prince Ru-) nated this $4th dsy of March, A.I round-up of the Austrians|)a wall, A passer-by gets a share| 4nd further take notice that action, un- [things in music Prince Rupert has pert Herbor at Prince Rupert, British’ Co- GEORGE R. NADEN withi t : : as | z der section 37, must be commenced before |eyer had. Mr. Stilwell is arrang- PE SD FRE CREO RO SS | comets i ithin the next two weeks. lof the white-wash and remon-|the issue ef such Certificate of Improve- ©~laccording to registered plan of the town MINERAL ACT There is no news from the! strates with the artist, who re-|™ens. ing fop big special picture fea-|site of the said city of Prince Rupert de- halt ti Bssasee ee ; ,| Dated this 16th day of March, A. D.|ture > the Poeee: Oe ees ae Seen ie northern portion of the Rus-|plies, ‘Oh, go on, send me a note.” | 19146. je7 ires for the future. OMce as No. 923. Notice to Delinquent Partners. sian front, and, in this case, no a 4. WM. T. KERGIN, uae on ra: ppt ose — “a: a “e : : piration 0 one month rom 22 Gale Oo news is good news as it means The President of China evi- LAND ACT Prompt Relief the first publication of this notice, the Pree ae and oe, gga . - = a i Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company will A NOTICE that whereas ave that the Germans have been | dently thinks that Japanese money Re, from the all+t on ils of [under Section 7 of the oak sa aes to}and caused to be done assessment work unable to spare enough rein-'is no good. Perhaps the money ;Prince Rupert Land District—District of the di ti mon ws oO: the Minister of Public Works at bis oMce|?" the Wolf Mineral claim, situated at | — Coast, Rance 3 estive organs — weak 1 the City of Ottawa for approval of |2C84 of Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet —oo = SSS SS ——— , g . ston ac 7 id li u y of awa for approval o Bs : ! ce ti bo Len Iver and inac- said site and plans, and for leave to con- the Skeena mining division of Skeena om on ar ie a lve we s—is found h i. aE saad ci trict, assessment work for the years | TAKE OTIC ‘ in the truct the said warehouse. Limited Se me ae ROes aoe always safe, sure, quick-actin Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this 25th|!9!4, and 1915, and have paid for sa ‘ a ee cee pation ° ig work and recording same, the sum of a pulp and paper makers, intend to apply jay of May A. D. 1916, 307. } , , f Launch AliceB for permission to purchase the fotlntn BEECHAM’S THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ar inlay 30s pes ee th : mS e described lands:—Commencing at a post COMPANY. week, sessment work, together with the cost of planted at the southeast corner of Lot 209 H. H. HANSARD, Solicitor. |. advertisement, 1 shall, at the expira Leaves Davis float for $|°" the west shore of Cousins Inlet, thence PILLS —_—_—_—_—_— — tion of ninety (90) days from the dat west 40 chains, thence south 20 chains, MINERAL ACT hereof apply to the mining recorder 4 Metlakatlah, Sundays at 9 and 11 a. m., and 1 and 3 thence east to shore, thence northeasterly | ett Sale of Any Medicine in the W Prince Rupert, B. C., tg have your Inte! orld, ests in the Wolf mineral claim vested Hy) } along shore to point of commence . Dp. m. a DP c ncement, | EE Ih containing 65 acres, more or less. se ere “~ In boxes, 35 conte, | ce risions of | i For terms and particulars PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED 4 NOOO Me we } : SKEENA LAN ws) mine ct. i os ier ene tices. EENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF roe met nek a iis mC. this 1? Dated May 13th, A. D. 1916 ’ Aug. 13 COAST, RANGE 5, meter ri pee es a lot 8 Freee Rupert, 5. ©, + i .W. J. THOMAS, Phone. yr Bp : §."*| TAKE notice that George Roderick Mc-| NASTURTIUM, IRS FRACTION, BELLIS | day of February, 1916. 1 Green ast. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION acT,| **D2!¢, Of Prince Rupert, B. C., oceupation|/RACTION, GENTIAN, BLUE BELL FRAC-|ms. J.-B, STARK. i a R. 8. C. CAP. 115. . engineer, intends to apply for periaission TION, COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE (eo oh el, Pipe : to lease the following described lands:— FRACTION, MARIGOLD FRACTION, LILAC a s _ - > Commencing at a post planted at the |/'ACTION, FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby give|. 27" ms D oe OX EGONIA FRAG S| actice that-it hea, tinder Section 9 of the N E, corner of T, L. Lok 2729, Range 5, Ariens. COXCOMB, BEGONIA FRAG- 1 e sald Act, deposited with the Minister of |CO%8t District, Porcher Island, thence | 110%: sare | Mae iauuee indecan sie eee , met. G a h 20 chains, thence we Queen Charlotte District, located at or near Public Works at O g | Sout » th © west 80 chains, ] e e t S of the sie ws ae Cite ee thence north 80 chains to shore line, thence | ‘¢¢4 Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Province ‘Finest boats ‘Chat Host 5 s “| south-easterly following shore line British Columbia, and lawfully held by Fetes eee at oe aoe point of Samaeianeaatines Genigtaer = Ikeda Mines Limited, FISHERMAN'S ENGINE ; * ane yt Norway, Sweden, Den- to be erected in front of Lot ieiae one acres more cr less, TAKE NOTICE that I, John A, MacInnis, 2 Cy!l.— 1-2 In. by 7 In, 12-15 3 "eAILINGS FROM a YORK” (31, Range Three (3), Coast District GEORGE RODERICK McKENZIE. |*‘licltor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free Weree Power. ; » C , | May 9th, 1916. miners’ certiNcate No. 70354B, intend 2 ae 3 British ; 43 . at ar are eoseee ar 15th. os Columbia, at the head of Cousins aad dy after the expiration of sixty days from © oyl, " > oe « BO ae uly 20th. : ei as : . - ~ |the date hereof to apply on behalf of the joree Power. ; “Fredrick VII.” ...-.. July 26th. oe sey Beh. iat atone a” sald Company to the Mining Recorder in 4 Cyl.—6 1-2 In. by 8 In, 26-35 3 ~Stockholn" Fan A A aanae 4 as the Mok oabietes ie ee seats APERHANGING 4 certificate of improvements ‘for the pur Horse Power. 3 ve Your Reservations made Early. ° , . : pose of obtaining a Crown Grant to the seit 2 Por guaes, stzted, Coiert and Bot te aaa ae ato ante secton 7 MOLD UNING fleet, aime ot Md | Council for approval of the said site and PAINTING AND FURTHER TARE NOTICE that action For Further Information 2 SYMMANN. “A Manaan | plan. under Section 85 of the Mineral Act must Apply to ; : be commenced before the issuance of such alae names Insurance and Steamshi Dated at Vancouver, British ; p Agency, tet 2 Semereret, Britis Columbia, F. G. ROBERTS certificate of improvements, W. E. WILLISCROFT 3 Prince Rupert, B. oO. DE A Dy 4846. Dated this 318 F oo , ; BODWELL, LAWSON & LANE, 44 Dyer. Apte, P. 0. Box 048 ania tana ; o ° ° Solicitors for Pacific Mills, Limited. ere: bee mrinne Rupees B- , } oe Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. : 1g q if 4 ; ; P. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR .F. @. DAWSON = e424 . . hi -- PRINCE RUPERT, B. C.