day, June 29, 1946, BRAID’S IDEAL BLEND COFFEE Here Is a Coffee an ideal Blend and an Ideal Value. No More, No Less - $0.40 per lb. At the following well-known dealers: LYNCH BROS. MILLER-PHILLIPS FULLER & McMEEKIN MUSSALLEM GROCERY CO., LTD. @. P. McCOLL T. BRAMLEY 38RD AVE. CASH MARKET CAVENAILE & HANNAN FULTON CASH MARKET SPURR’S CASH MARKET A. FERGUSON LIPSETT, CUNNINGHAM & CO., LTD. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. Stewart & Mobley, Ltd., Wholesale Distributors, Prince Rupert. WM. BRAID & CO., DIRECT IMPORTERS, VANCOUVER - B.C. —— ee 2,000,000 Belgians Depend on us for Bread! Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians have depended for food entirely on the “Commission for Relief in Belgium’’, Their own store of food, even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only three weeks—they have had no chance to raise more— | and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them! Thut = ee ee THE DAILY NEWB. ORANGES | (PPLES, ;| NOW AT ANCHORAGE NOTICE ge AND PRUNES 00-0. | TO OPERATE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM morning on the steame == ainer Spo 1. BREAK GLASS i: from Anchorage, Alaska, 9 ruRN se i ASS he Four Fruits Used IN |scrines vnc He dee) TULL rae eet Are The oo cepa G live rail-|] 4’ a LL WHITE KNOB DOWN AND LET GO ‘ “Of sonstructio | 4. PERSON SENDING IN : ' « Making “Eruit-a-tives road constru tion to of ‘| : ) SENDING IN ALARM SHOULD REMAIN UNTIL pant io ; 6,000 people, ma 6? theta: : ARRIVAL OF FIRE BRIGADE ieRUIT-A-TIVES" 1s the only “Nper ee oo A signal of two bells fro » Fire He ton "I KR 7 ihe world that is made who works d on the Constructioy fire has been rei hr pri siti er, =e 4 1 the og of fresh ripe fruits. here in the carly days. There ary Persons establishing a false ‘ lar iab! Le ifestly unfair to say, “Tiso many people fro ' according to law @ selee alarm Ore IiMeie..e = see hus, | | 1a hers : ng to law. a t-a-tives because I have the residents dec! tt ; won't take a | _ 6 Gectare that the A edies and they did me ‘ tried 0° ( .e other hand, the fact {from Prince Kirpert will LOCATION OF BOXES. F aes s ig entirely different jelections when the cits B {2 Fifth st vitro a WO. 1. y that FU pavation in the world, | porated . . ith Street and Third Avenue. oe houldgiveitafairtrial,| ox 131 Sixth Street ara Third Avenue. isjus' 1 f the Stomach, Liver, Mr. Hanson met Jack Chis} a 14 EKighth Street and Third Avenue. ae 2 . or Skin. “Fruit-a-|C. B, Wark and eral other y Junction of First, Second and Third Avenues, eet i lofthe achive principle | kyowi Ruperto) Uo Pa eae ‘tes ett peeen i Se Ive » eed erce (onic . . Kno : ffruil and | preatese fies on sunic Ever is in the comm ssion bt ‘ Box 17 j ' > otel ’ vered a box, 6 for $2.50, trial »WUSINCSS at : irst Avenue and Seventh Streets (Central Hotel) discovered ; is al | ee ee ad eaitbaot nt postpaid | iid , CIRCUIT NO. 2. yt Limited, Ottawa. jhotel. A three - st Box 22 Third Avenue and Third Street = re | theati e is under | e3 Third Avenue and McBride Street. ; , -4 First Avenue and Second Stree MEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF //1/1!)) the) gs are gy Box. 25 Second Avene a x : d Street COAST, RANGE 4. lup. The t Avenue and Recond Siraet. ae Vee 1 townsite j ' Box rf Second Avenue and Sixth Street. TAKE N that Frederick Bradshaw, | ©4110) An Lge |} Box 27 G, T. P, Centre Street. iS oni ia upation mine man- | yy) as the ¢ a CIRCUIT NO. 3, > als ipply for permission %o) B 33 Nint ene i aast ad , r wing desertbed lands: jof the morth but it la f Box 4 7 . ce ee Lothernier, purchasé pest planned Gboetl wan ; , 31 Fifth Avenue and Fulton Street. er m the northwest cor |" SU CSEAY “ ti int i Box 32 Borden and Taylor Street, Hee ee), Range 4, Coast District; of harbor a la Al] Box * Seventh Avenue and Fulton Street. a chains; thence west 20) frejoht and pa B Ninth and Comox Avenues. 90 chains more or} Box ; g ; aor f surf Inlet, thence | from the south h to get 37 Eighth Avenue and Dodge Place. ie | ¢ jine to the place Of) ceows a mile and Box 38 Sixth Avenue and Thompson Street. aii the ntaining forty acres a : se 4 Box 46 Ninth Avenue and McBride commence! cBride. wore or 1 era, meskes landing as, eve CIRCUIT NO. 4. February 1° ahd RICK BRADSHAW, jat high tide, mud flat if Box 41 Fourth Avenue and Emmerson Place. f jt st distance. Box 42 Fifth Avenue and McBride Street. it thn Hay het u Box 43 Fifth Avenue and Green Street. | i ) i Box 44 Sixth Avenue and Basil Street. | for he south t ) Pca a Box i5 Seventh Avenue and Eberts Street. jfrom Prince Ruy having B {41 Seventh Avenue and Young Street i aaarl tg yp aS Box 47 Hays Cove Avenue and Eighth Avenue. | tat She ims itely st t ees ’ 1 ing lf at War Whi tC Yee shitna BARONET MISSING ed in some cavalry regiment, as The 18 But a fe — he seryed in the South African of Quality LOwsy ‘I i * Ancho News is urgently desired of the|war as a Galloper to Colonel Lu-| page whed h | iv iereabouts of Sir Claud James/can. edin Wood i e Vente ‘hoon ‘ et t Carnac Bart. He might be His description is as follows:— i the t} , f ont 20 Ss ee before bottling Sem Daily 1] twelve |g f ler the name of Jack/Age, 38; height, 5 ft., 7 ins.; has GUARANTEED BY THE | pages | sper-|Rivett. Was last heard of from/brown hair, blue eyes, very fair GOVERNMENT of CANADA ; ous, Bassa Alta., six years ago pre-|complexion, and prominent Wel- 62, | vious to which he was in San|lington nose. Information of great | The Da yews elivered by | Francise interest and a large sum of money | ; earric ) ts th In all probability he has enlist-jawaits him. Will anyone know- ing his present whereabouts kind- ily notify Staff-Captain Sims, 259 Fountain Street, Winnipeg, who My office window faces a street, close to the railway freight eheds. All day long a steady stream of trucks and lorries lumber by— > loaded with boxes, barrels and bales. One truck I noticed the other afternoon was particularly in- teresting. Wo two boxes were the same, and stencilled on the end of each was the name of some well-known pro- duct—soap, tobacco, socks, breaktast food, cocoa, port, tea, chocolates, perfumery and baking powder, Gathered there in prosaic wooden boxes were the results of thousands of hand’s labor in all parts of the world, thing PLPPPOCP*PPCCAVC ACCC had bee n seecrrer? ey but it is ; oing to take months. A been dug. Modern difficultic s talk with the Adver Ut you are doin Qe to have counsel and assistance of @ B00 or obligation, by the Secretary of Canadian Without cost Panama Canal and chop the journey to | If you ase! MAGIC \ mnie. SALA) There, behind that obviously prosaic truck-lo of modern commerce—the skilled production, and raiment, and the world-wide distribution 9° And then I speculated why we use these thing ; and that brought me plump back to my The names of some of the boxes on the lorrie unknown a few years ago; and I saw that Advertising is really a great channel Can sail from Montreal to Vancouver now, The great names in commerce to-day are those advertising steam-shovel a channel ~ great names in the commerce of to-morrow oe this channel so that the greater tr ‘€ Source of production to the homes < ver y | ; ; will pass on the information. tf | AKERBERG, THOMSON COMPANY Sole Agents for the Backed by the Belgjan Kelief Fun so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of bread—but a steadily growing number have no money left. Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month—every month—all this winter! No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute generously as we Canadians! No cause has ever been more deserving of help! In the name of Justice and Humanity—for the sake of our own self-respect—let us give all we can to help our martyred Allies! Send your subscriptions weekly, moathly ec im ene lamp cum to Lecal ox Provincial Committees, of to the 7 Central Executive Committee, 59 St, Peter St. Montreal $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. —_—<——__——$—$——————————————— The cocoa had been Brazil, | pe care iro duction and [hrift | a Faz grown in shipped to Bristol, PALMER GAS ENGINE COMPANY ——— re aa on ae ae ere prone 25 |Advertise In The Daily News. rs | & r] Sorerecet a le ey| distributed from a Parl eae > \E ° a \o 7 fasts it Toronto. . | ¢ { | 4 iL, fs = “9 | * cick i |} ame ten was cate =| ee : i DV. fn b arte | Z O win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire TEA i. axceo| SAP ered by Sw . will require to put forth its full collective power in men and in money. From skinned natives of ' this viewpoint it is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our ‘a mantic island | % productive ¢ xertions and by exercising rigid economy, which reduces to the minimum the romanut | all expenditures upon luxuries and non-essentials. Only in this way shall we be able of Ceylon; from to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from indus- nv Portugal the trial activities, repair the wastage of the war, and find the funds foritscontinuance, It sunny ai & i cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest luscious, big grapes < burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and — industry and thrift are, for those i ptm aes ty rears | Bi who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment had been gathered y my our success, end consequently our national safety, may altimately depend.”’— ago, fer mented, bottled i SIR THOMAS WHITE, Minister of Vinance. .d branded with a famous — anc ‘ name; from Egypt had come the | ‘ South America the cotton and from Sou 4 ' dyes that entered into the product PROD UCE MORE, SAVE MORE. finally stamped with the brand of a well-known hosiery. MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. me | ad of freight was the whole romance \ a SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. the universal demand for food, drink f the things we use every day. SPEND MONEY WISELY. rs every day, instead of some other »* 3 own job of advertising. S «6LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE-— LET US NOT WASTE MATERIAlL.S-—— »-day, but 5 The war is now turning on a contest of all forces Begin at home. The larger portion of salaries r were known everywhere to- ay and resources—men, munitions, food, money. The | and wages is spent on the home—food, fuel, light; then more clearly than ever before call to all is to produce more and more. It may be | clothing, Are any of these things being wasted ? ¥ a Sie like the Panama Canal. You FF necessary to work harder, rhe place of those who | $20.00 a year saved from waste in every home in digger. It is like th “wran can get there 4 enlist must be taken by those at home, men and | Canada will more than pay the interest on a war debt Y around the Horn. wae 5 rh the & women, old and young. The more we. produce the of $500,000,000, . or so from now you will sail throug §=6or more we can save, Produce more on the farms and er than half A new channel will have in the gardens, Save more and help to win the war, LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY— ess © J : i i: Are you spending your money to the best advan- oe tet A LET US NO T WOETE Que Lea tage i What de you thiak F extnevegnnte in war ‘ acturers who have , In this war-time all labour should be direetly pro- | tin.e ens of thousands of Canadians are dail of the manufact moe distributing pa ductive or should be assisting in production, Makeit | risking their lives for usathome. Is it not our dew across the isthmu H 's efficient as possible. If your labour is ou something | to be careful and economical ? Canadian dollars are that can be postponed, put it off till after the war and | an important part of the war equipment. Make them i d make your labour te!l now, Making war is the first tell. Have a War Savings Account. Buy a War will be those of men who widen an business of all Canadians. Efficiency in labour is as | Bond. h pass smoothly and quickly rom important as efficiency in fighting. ifthe may Pps » consumer. f the con THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3 s Ne THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE : : | Depart rol this newspaper > owe + would be well fer yes A list of theee will be furnished, Torent d advertiau . Room 508. Lumaeden Buliding. Press Association, cee ae a ——_