WP Matte atu ooo ae ee eS | +i s ee sone ae rue DALEY NEWS — — THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT is that every garment washed with it bears the impress of purity; a purity begotten of sweet, cleansing oils, and maintained by absolute clean- liness in manufacture: a purity exalted by the co-operation of workers united for the purpose ; a purity demonstrated by the ‘$5,000 guarantee’ which rests upon every bar of SUNLIGHT SOAP. A substitute for Sunlight is not as good and never con be. Insist upon the genuine—Sunlight Soap. The name Lever on Soap is a guarantee of Purity and Excellence. x SY ee S <€ LEVER BROS., LIMITED <=@Rg/- TORONTO ——— rrr ror a Val |p SS ff, \GHT/«< AR 18 | TY UN eel ce — OG “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED. WANTED—Girl to do second work and assist with baby. Apply Mrs. George Bryant, Rand Block. 159 WANTED—Hand ironers. Apply Pioneer Laundry. tf. WANTED—Girl to assist with housework and care for children. Phone 310 for appointment, uw. YOUNG GIRL WANTS WORK in house or Hotel. Apply P. O. Box 380, city WANTED—Donkey lorging crew with en- gineer, fireman, rigging man and boom man. See J. R. Morgan, Williams & Manson's office. 152. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT — EARLSCOURT 1163 Gerogia St., Vancouver—Private hotel; new management; transients $1.50 per day; special monthly rate, 174 GOOD ROOMS, 25 and 50 cents, bath and every convenience. By the week, $2.00 and $2.50. Talbot House, 830 2nd ave. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Good cook-stove, size 8. price $8.00. 528 Eighth Ave. W. 152 FOR SALE—Launch, 39 feet long, 15 hp., 8 tons mating, good sea boat. Price #1,000. Apply Harris, 1018 Douglas St., Victoria for full particulars. 153 FOR SALE—-FIRST CLASS LAUNCH, 30- ft. keel, 10-ft. beam, 16 h.p., Buffalo medium duty engine, large cabin and 5x8 head room. Electric lights, storage battery, mats, iugs, cushions, cooking Stove, kitchen utensils. Very cheap— Apply City Weigh Scales. uw MISCELLANEOUS SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves and men’s clothing bought. Corner 7th St, and 3rd Avenue, or phone Green 399. tf 10 FISHERMEN: We carry a iull Lue of “Ferro,” “Honest Clay,” “Lanib’ and “Sting” Engines the year round —no Wattig, also “Ferro” ‘td “Lvinrude’ Outboards, All kinds Engine accessories. Quick service—low prices. Canadian Engine & Supply Co., Vancouver, B. C. Gerhard Heintzman he Gerhird Heintzman is the aristocrat of pianos, and its superior tone has made it the logical choice of music lovers everywhere. Yet, it is moderately priced. You can obtain a Gerhard Heintzman for the money you would expect to pay for any ordinary ‘‘good” piano. And you can buy it upon same WALKERS MUSIC STORE convenient terms, at i Salvation Army. Public meetings, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. in Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Alex M. Manson, B.A. W. E. Williams, B.A., L.L.B WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. GC LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS HOTEL ——1S NOW OPEN TO GUESTS—— One of the largest Hot Springs in America, circumference 800 feet-— Temperature of Water, 180 d, Fahr. Excellent Trout Fishing In Lakelse Lake. Phone Connections with Terrace. RATES: $2.60 per day. For further particulars, apply to 8 J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. DENTISTRY | CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A APEOIALTY DR. J. 8. BROWN OENTIST OMce: Smith Block, Third Avenue 2 Phone 454 PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Announce that they have purchased the business of the Prince Rupert Transfer Company and solicit a con- tinuance of the patronage of the customers of that firm, Careful attention to all or- ders for Gartage and Coal. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. PHONE 93. COneereer reese erePPPeete@eeteneess Fuller & McMeekin LEADING GROCERS PHONES 56 and 572 AGENTS FOR Lake View Farm (L.F.) Eggs.... Our Own Brand Butter,.......... O, K, Hams and acon............ Our Own Blend Tea............. ° Our Own Fresh Ground Coffee.... Our Own Laundry Soap.......... Our Own Pure Vinegars.......... Crawford's Old Country Biscults.. Kitsumkalum Strawberries ........ Our Refrigerator the most up-to-date procurable. Quality First Always. —_ ——_ MOTOR DELIVERY Saturday, July 1st, Holiday. [ Local News Notes Launch Dixie, phone Blue 400, * * * George A, MeNicholl returned from the south this morning. * ® ® re- Van- Ald. Thomas McClymont turned this morning from couver. S468 The schooner Sea Gull brought in 10,000 pounds of,halibut last | evening. eee ee George R. Naden will leave for Vancouver on the Prinee Rupert tomorrow. ree eS COAL — Favorite Ladysmith Wellington lump and nut, best re- 15. P.R.C. Co. tf ® * . sults. Phone Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Williams re- turned from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning, * * ® William Blane left for Prince George this morning to take up survey work for the government. * s . Miss McLenaghan, of the high school staff, left for Portage La Prairie and Winnipeg this morn- ing. J * * The MecClary range advertised by H. 8. Wallace yesterday should have been described as 6-hole in- stead of 9, it * * * Miss McLeod, of the city teach- ing staff, has gone to spend her vacation at her old home in Prince Edward Island. A. Clapperton has accepted an appointment as caretaker for the Canadian Hydro-Electric Company at Port Edward. * * . This the Hi Giil brought in 10,000 pounds of hali- but, the Unity 6,000; the Swift- morning Made fromcream of tartar derived from grapes. Best for good food and good health. NO ALUM | HOLIDAY SPECIAL AT WESTHOLME THEATRE Westholme program The has a special holiday Day, one of the features of which for Dominion is ‘‘Rumpelstiltskin,” a picturiza- tion of the famous fairy tale. This is the first showing of this type of picture in Prince Rupert and it should delight the little folks, while it will also prove highly interesting to the grown- ups. Harry Blake, who has been at the Hotel for years, during which time he has' Central several visitors left position in been very popular with generally, this morning to fill a Prince George, and citizens Charles Balagno has resumed taking pianoforte pupils. Terms *easonable. Phone Blue 408. {{ Coughing scatters germs —Stopit ° Coughing increases the irritation of the already in- flamed niucuous inembranes and is moreover apt to carry | disease to others. Mathieu's Syrup of Tarand Cod Liver Oil promptly stops coughing, and soon, Rats to its tonic properties, effects sure 15,000; the Karl F, 5,000 and the Soya 6,000, W. W. Bell, engi- neer, left for Terrace this morn-| ing in connection with the posed Skeena bridge, = s s provincial pro-} | The power boat Gilford arvived: from the islands last night with | 20,000 pounds of spring salmon | and 9,000 pounds of halibut. . . . | Major Sims, who is bound for | the east on a military mission, ar-| rived from the south this morn-! monton and Winnipeg. » . s } Remember the dance in Kaien | Island Hall on July 1st. Five-piece | Majestic orchestra undeyp lead of | Ed. Stilwell. Catering by Ben} Self, Good.time es -6 for ali. He the sockeye | was in the city yesterday. that, so far, run is disappointing, thefe being | very few fish in sight. son is late in the Naas and else- where. | T. P. Lake, of Carlisle Cannery, | | states The sea-| SUN AND TIDE Saturday, July 1st. -4:19 a. m. PRL OGM io a og coat 4034. nem, High water ...4 Ht. 19.7 Low water ....8:15a.m. Ht. 3.4 High water ...2:31 p.m. Ht. 17.7 Low watere....8:15 p.m. Ht. 8.3 Sunday, July 2nd, Sun rises....4.....-+.4:49 a. m. I {MOU hi ase k 6a'e 6 00 bb Mik Ds 1D, High water’ .....2a.m, Ht. 19.5 Low water ‘...8:48a,m. Ht. 3.2 High water’ ...3:5 p.m. Ht. 17.7 Low water ...8:52 p.m, Ht. 8.2 Captain J. MeGee, M.M.S8.A. THE CRADLE to Mr. and Mrs. at the general this morning, a daughter. Bian TISSE Teo kc ck :23 a.m. | Born John Sweder, hospital The Daily News delivered | nex carrier, 50, cents per mouth. | oa ge se cure. ® he wonderful popularity of Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and God liver Oilis specially due to its great value as a permanent Inng and bron- chial healer. Sold everywhere, 35c large bottles. ¢. lL. MATHIEU CO., Prop. Sherbrooke, P.Q. Dor heciaches wee Mathiows Nervine Lemire tate nee ae to chase the > . RN ao (a eth vome ert 17 BN ENE wervrce Prince Rupert hhpor ‘I POW DENSED ALK CO LH For each person or cup use 1 teaspoon of cocoa or chocolate, 4 t\_ cup boiling water, 2 tablespoonfuls of “Canada First” (Evaporatea) Milk. Friday, June 30, 1916. 5 crt tttdy AS AT BED TIME If overworked and too 3s tired or nervous to sleep, '; foliow these directions and -/\ restoring rest is assured, oN Add sugar to suit taste, A y \ bed bring to scalding heat, serve hot. Sir or Your Grocer will advise “Canada First’’—Ask him. ie THE AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO., LTD. AYLMER, at ey ord LAND ACT Land District—District of Coast, Range 3. TAKE NOTICE that the Pacific Mills, Limited, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation pulp and paper makers, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following lescribed lands Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 209 fon the wesi shore of Cousins Inlet, thence west 40 chains, thence south 20 chains, thence east to shore, thence northeasterly ilong shore to point of commencement, j}containing 65 acres, more or less, PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, Mark Smaby, agent. vated May 13th, A. D. 1916. Aug. 13 B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- BALMERS — SATISFACTICN GUAR- QNTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 117 2ND STREET-—-PHONE 41 srergr - AKERBERG, THOMSON COMPANY | Sole Agents for the PALMER GAS ENGINE CO*iPANY PHONE 525 i ONTARIO IN etek OR i be PD ? POPC PPOOIEDOODL OOOO ET + MINERAL ACT | —— NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER |TO J. A. ROGERS, TAKE NOTICE that, whereas I have ATTENTIO N! }eaused to be done the assessine nt work |for the year 1915 on the mineral claims 2 vag }known a8 “Ladybird No. 4” Mineral Claim situated in Cascade Creek valley, north of THE SELIG SPOON 4 Silver Lake, in the Stewart, &. C., Mining 2] District; and the “Stumpy” Mineral Claim, 2 | situated on the east side of Cascade Creek Sidistrict, and have paid for said assess 3 ’ , ts Now on the Market $|ment work the sum of 8200.00; unless you pay to me the sum of 8100.00 tor Ask your Dealer for It, your share of the said assessment work > and See that You Get it. together with the costs of this advertis ; at the head, in the said Stewart Mining ; ment, I shall, at the explration of ninety . ° g | cays from the date hereof, apply to the It Gets Them:Every Time $| Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C., to have your Interest In the said “Ladybird No, 4 Groner noe eoooooes | *id “Stumpy” Mineral Claims vested tn me in puravance of the provisions of the Mineral Act.” Dated at Prince lay of November, Rupert, B. C., i915. A. LUND this Sth MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District Wheres located At the head of a branch f Lime Creek about four miles fron beach on the south side of Alice Arm TAKE NOTICE that I, George HK. Nader Free Miner’s Certificate No, 9409685, act 1S agen! for Thos. McRostie, Free Miner Certificate No, 69991B, and James L. Hat Free Miner's Certificate No, 87966B, | tend, sixty days from the date i t, t ipply to the Mining Recorder for 4 Cert cate of Improvements, for the purpose of biaining a Crow: Grant of the above claim, And further take wotice that act under section 85, must be commenced be the of such Certificate of Im provements. Dated this fore issue 24th day of March, A.D. 1 GEORGE KR, NADEN POPLLILO PLO LOLOL ELOOLELLEEEE CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. Frince Rupert Concrete Works, McBride St. POPP OP OPPO LOLOL. PPEPPI LILI LPO LLO LP LILOL OLE DDLOLOL OOD PRIPLOL ODPL LOL DPD LOLOL PLOL ELA ALTE ie Your kind Prince Albert tobacco meets wishes in every way—no bite, no parch; just cool, icac rant, refreshing. It rolls up into a cigaiet:e you'll like ‘rou ever tasted. patented process nd parch and you like without —~——~ 1e, cold without better then any !< a The Princo £ cuts out bite smoke as much ac rou trouble for your <2 Albert has ahweys bors coupons or premiums, to rive quality! the international joy smoke is manufactured to be in a class by itself, | to be better, to meet the taste of smokers It is universal in its popularity because it is so friendly to every smoke a home-made If your dealer cannot supply you, ask him to secure it through all over the world. man who likes to cigarette or a pipe. his wholesaler. You certainly owe it to yourself to know just what a great amount of pleasure and satisfaction Prince Albert will afford you, ing_and left on the train for Ed- | of cigarette! your Prince We prefer Copyright isa y R.1 Wevnolde ‘Avvacce Ca, Prince Albert is sold throughout Canada, generally, in the lb. tidy red tin, also in pound and half-pound humidors, R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N.C., U.S. A. | i | ! RIGARETTE TOBACCO I On the reverse side of this tidy red tin you will read: “Process Patented July 30th, 1007,”