run daili iikwi Monday, July 3, 10 1 C, T. D. PATTULLO AND POPULAR STARS AT MINERAL ACT Local News Notes ORIENTAL LABOR WESTHOLME TONIGHT NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER TO J, A. nooEtts, (Continued From Pago One.) Anita Blewnrt and Earlo Williams TAKE NOTICE that, whereas t have Father Uunoi loft this morning nro tho stars ol tho Wcsl-holmo caused to be done the assessment work for Vancouver, about Bowser, though probably ror the year 1913 on the mineral claims tonight, appearing in "Two and known as "Ladybird No. 4" Mineral Claim, ' ' not as much as do Mackcnzio V Women," one of tho brightest of rittitted In Cascade Creek valley, north of Miss Jessie Scott has gone on Mann and Pat Welch. Silver lake, in the Stewart, B, C., Mining modern dramas. 'Tho Varsity District! and the Stumpy" Mineral Claim, a visit to Seattle. "Mocdonald will be ro-electcd situated on the east side of Cascade Creek Race," two-act drama which is a and have district, paid for said assess. In Vancouver by ns dargo or n full of lively action, furnishes two ment work the sum of (f 00.00) unlets Mrs. Bcckwith left this morning The to me the sura of 8100.00 larger majority than ever. you psy tor other good reels, nnd "Tho Busy on a visit to the cast. voto your share of the said assessment work Liberal vole, tho independent Bell Boy," a Lubiu comedy, pro together with the costs of this advertise-at and a largo Conservative vote, not the head. In the said Stewart Mining vides tho fun. "Tho Story of tho I aball, at the of expiration G. It. Nadcn has gono to Vancouver ment, ninety dependent upon government pap Olive," n most Interesting picture. cays from the date hereof, apply to the on a business trip. for a living, will snow Bowser and show. Tliero Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C, to have completes a good your Interest In the said "Ladybird No. 1" his gang under. Tho peoplo want will bo n special musical program and "Stumpy" Mineral Claims vested la me Miss Heckwllh left on Saturday sanity and decency In tho conduct In pursuance of tbe provisions or the by P. C. Daughcrty. "Mineral Act." visit to Portland, morning on a of tho public business. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. a, this 8th Oregon. day or November, 1019. has measured higher "Brewster ANITA STEWART AT A. LUND. than even his best friends expect MAJESTIC THEATRE Miss L. M. Deacon, of Port ad ed. In spite of n trying session MINERAL AOT Simpson, passed through today on that meant about 18 hours a day Anita Stewart appears at tho her way south. constant work, ho is looking and Majestic tonight nnd tomorrow in Certificate of Improvements feeling in excellent health and his the great Vilagraph drama "Shadows NOTIOE THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT Inspectors Marsh and Mont feet arc right on tho ground of tho Past." It is a story Silver Bow Mineral Claim, situate In the gomery, of the Itoyal Hank, went Skeena Mining Division of Casslar District. is that every garment washed with it bears the bringing good common sense to of political Intrigue with, of Where located: At tbe bead of a branch south this morning. impress of purity; a purity begotten of sweet, bear upon the many important course, a most Interesting lovo of Lime Creek about four miles from the cleansing oils, and maintained by absolute clean beach on the south side of Alice Arm. lincss in manufacture; a purity exalted by the Wanted Immediately, two ma matters now to the fore. tale ns well. It is a play which TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, cooperation of workers united for the purpose: "Both Brewster and Macdonald grips and holds tho attention Free Miner's Certificate No. 94088B, acting chinists for gasolino repair work. as agent for Thos, McRostle, Free Miner's a purity demonstrated by the "$5,000 guarantee will pjay the north a visit some from start to finish and shows Certiorate No. 6989 IB, and James U Hatch. which rests upon every bar of SUNLIGHT SOAP. kerberg, Thomson Co. lime during this month. Miss Stewart nt her best. Free Miner's Certificate No. 8T9teB, Intend, amy dsys from the date hereof, to A for 5Vif Af it nl ' mni rra h. Insist utm lit i Smnlijfit Sit.mtvtr Douglas Stork left this morning Tho north must send down a "A Daughter of Earlh" and two apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certifi solid Liberal dolcgation. Wo arc cate of Improvements, for the purpose of good comedies complete n first-rale Tbe name Lever on Soap li guarantee for Toronto and eastern points obtaining a Crown Orant of tbe above of Purity end Excellence. vacation. determined to mako of northern program. Thero will he claim. on a few weeks B. C. what her truly great re special music by tho Majestic And further take notice that action. under section 88, must be commenced be. Lieut. Hanson, of the Vikings, sources render possible. Every orchestra with iolin solos by fore the Issue of such Certificate of Improvements. time I go south I love to get back William Balagno. is in the city recruiting. His office Dated this tith day of March, A.D. 1916. to our salubrious climate, our OEOROE n. NADEN. is in the Hart Block. magnificent mountains and our A young maiden in lovo cries LAND ACT GOAL Favorite Ladysmith beautiful waterways.' with her eyes; trte experienced Wellington lump and nut, best re- maiden never. PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS ults. Phone 15. P.It. C. Co. tf TRICT OP COAST, RANGE III. CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS TAKE NOTICE that racine Mills, Limited, or Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation, B. C. UNDERTAKERS Miss Silvcrsides, who has been pulp and paper makers, intend to apply 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. for permission to purchase the following "The Dafly News" in town for the past ten days, Prince FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND E8J-SALVERS described lands. Commencing at a post left for the south this morning. Rupert SATISFACTION OUAR-8.NTEED planted on the north bank of Eoeye river, Gerhard Concrete Works, McBrlde St. OPEN DAT AND NIGHT about one-quarter of a mile up-stream from the shore of ritt-llugh thence CLASSIFIED ADS. 117 END STREET PHONE 41 Sound; Charles Balagno has resumed north twenty chains, thence east twenty Heintzman chains, thence south to river's bank, tbeneo taking pianoforte pupils. Terms along shore In a "trl; direction to Phon Blue 408. tf point of commencement and containing WANTED. The Gerhard Heintzman is eajonablo. Prince Rupert Feed Co. forty (10) acres, more or less. WANTED fund Ironers. Apply Pioneer the aristocrat of pianos, Dated June 1 0th, 19)8. Sept Laundry. tf. and its superior tone has Miss Taylor and Miss McGreg P. O. Bo I 833. SOS Third Ave. FISHERMEN PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, by "Mark Smaby," Agent. with made it the logical choice of or, or me local teacning siau, RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS WANTED Girl to assist housework and care tor children. Pbone 310 for music lovers everywhere. wero amongst the passengers for WE HANDLE LAND ACT ATTENTION I appointment. tf. Yet, it is moderatelypriced. Seattle this morning. YOUNG 01RL WANTS WORK In bouse or You can obtain a Gerhard Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, Prince Rupert Land District District f Hotel. Apply P. O. Box ISO, city Heintzman for the same v insane and Brlgg'a. THE SELIG SPOON Coast, Range S. Nels Slotum, an man Garden and Field Seeds. TAKE NOTICE that tbe Peeine Mills, WANTED Donkey logging crew with en. money you would expect to from South Fort George, was Limited, of Vancouver, B, C, occupation gineer; fireman, rigging man and boom Also Fertilizers. pulp and paper makers, Intend to apply Dian. See i. R. M or ran, Williams & pay for any ordinary "good" brought in last night and taken We Take Orders for Nursery Is Now on the Market for permission to purchase tbe following Manson's office. 188. piano. south on the Prince George. Stock. described land; Cwmmsci&g at a post Ask planted at the southeast corner of Lot 809 Dealer for It, your And you can buy it upon FOR RENT Hay, Grain and Feed at on tbe west shore or Cousins Inlet, thence convenient terms, at Mrs. I. N. Linnell and baby left Vancouver Prices. and See that You Get It. west 40 chains, thence south 90 chains, ROOMS FOR RENT EARLSCOURT 1 103 thence eet to shore, thence northeasterly ' Gerofia St., Vancouver Private hotel; WALKERS MUSIC STOHE for the south on Saturday morning Chicken Feed A Specialty. along shore to point of commencement, new management; transients 81.80 per accompanied by Mrs. W. S. It Gets Them Every Time containing 88 acres, more or less. day; special monthly rate. 174 PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, Fisher and Miss Louise Fisher. Mall Ordsra Promptly attended To. Mark Smaby agent. GOOD ROOMS, 18 and to cents, bath and Dated May 11th, A. D. 1918. Aug. 1 every convenience. By the week, 18.00 and 88.80. Talbot House, 830 2nd ave, Mr. Crosby, supervisor of the 8alvatlon Army. western branches of the Iloyal FOR SALE Bank, left for the south this Your kind Public meetings, Tuesday, FOR SALE: Good cook-stove, site 8. price morning, accompanied by Mrs. 18.00. t(8 Eighth Ave.W. 158 Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. in Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Crosby. FOR SALE Launch. 39 teet lonr. 18 bp.. of cigarette! 8 tons rating-, rood sea boat. Price Alex M. Hanson. B.A. G. W. Davis left for Victoria on 81,000. Apply Harris, 1018 Douglas St., W. I. Williams. B.A L.L.B Victoria for full particulars. 183 WILLIAMS A MANSON Saturday to Join for overseas service. Prince Albert tobacco meets your FOR SALE FIRST CLASS LAUNCH, 30 Ho ,was presented with a Buffalo Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. wishes in every way no bite, no ft. keel, 10-rt. beam, 18 n.p medium duty engine, large cabin and MONEY TO LOAN wrist watch by his friends before parch; just cool, ixagrant, refreshing. 8x8 bead room. Electric lights, storage Box 1383 leaving. It rolls into a cigarette you'll like battery, mats, rugs, cushions, cooking Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, 8. C. up stove, kitchen utensils. Very cheap-Apply better than any kind you ever tasted City Weigh Scales. tf Canon James, who was in The Princo Albert patented MISCELLANEOUS LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS charge here before Canon Mx, process out tito and and cuts parch spent the weekend in town und you HEALTH BABY BOY for adoption; three HOTEL smoko as much a1? you like without left for the south this morning. months old. For Information apply P. O, IS NOW OPEN TO QUESTS box 883. 157, Ho was accompanied by Mrs. trouble for your tnue. Prince One or tbe largest Hot Springs In SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves and America, circumference 300 feet James. They, now reside in Cal Albert has always l&x sold without men's clothing bought. Corner 7th St Temperature of Water, 180 d. Fahr. and 3rd Avenue, or phone Green 389. tf gary. coupons or premiums. We prefer Eicellant Trout Flshlno In Lakelae to givo quality 1 TO HSlltnME.Ni We carry a mil l'im ct Lake. The William Dennis, who was rerro." "Honest Clay." "Lamb" and Phone Connections with Terrace. "Sidling" Engines the year round-no RATES i S2.80 per day. recently reported wounded, is vail'ir. also "Ferro" ud Lvlwude' "Scotty,' Prince Ilupert's pioneer Outboard. All kinds Engine accessories, For further particulars, apply to Quick service low prices. Canadian i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. printer and,tho poet of the Pio RiiiEE Engine It Supply Co., Vancouver, B. C neers Battalion. Hero's hoping that "Scotty" will soon bo back DENTISTRY Fuller & McMeekin at the front. CepvHihtlliS Allan Robertson and Archie OtSWN AND MIOM WORK LEADING GROCERS SPECIALTY Cramb, two of tho Prince Rupert Albert PHONES 60 and 672 DR. J. 8. BROWN Scotch boys who were wounded at DENTIST AGENTS FOR the beginning of Juno, had quite OflUs Smith Sleek, THIN aveaue Lake View Farm (L.F.) Eggs,... an exciting experience, being Phone M Our Brand Butter Own O, K, llama and Bacon. , ,. buried as a result' of a bomb the international joy smoke Our Own Blend Tea,... bursting. Our own Fresh Ground Coffee..... is manufactured to bo in c class by itself, Our Own Laundry Soap PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD, Our Own Pure Ylnegars Mrs. Hugh Klllln on Saturday to bo better, to meet tho tasto of smokers Crawrord's Kltsumkalum Old Strawberries Country Biscuits., received word from Ottawa that all over tho world. It is universal in its popularity because it Is to Announce that they have purchased her husband, who was reported so friendly every the business et tbe Prince Rupert Our Refrigerator the moat man who luces to smoko a home-mado missing after the heavy fighting Transfer Company and solicit a con. mm If cigarette or n pipe. dealer cannot your Ucuauce of the patronage of tbe up-to-date procurable. of June tith, is now In a hospital customers Of' that Brut. supply you, ask him to secure it through lit Franco, wounded. That Hugh Careful attention to all order his wholesaler. Quality First Alwayp. and Coal. will make a speedy recovery will for Cartage MOTOR DELIVERY bo tho hope of all. You certainly owo it to yourself to know just what a great isal PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. amount of pleasure and satisfaction Princo Albert vill afford you. Princo Albtrt U told throughout Canada, gonoratty, h tho The Daily news delivered by PHONE 93. Saturday, July 1st, Holiday, i'lb, tidy tod tin, uUo in pound and half-pound humiaon. On Ik ravMM Uim l tkU carrier, 50 cents mouth- tUr r.d la vwi will t4i per R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wiruion-Salem, N.C, U.S.A. "Ptomm 0k, 1807.FalMUd Jo)