Daily News vi r. NO. ioi. VOL 1'itiNcn rupert, n. a, Tuesday, jui.y 4, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENT p ANIC t I ERUN OVER . ALL ED SUCCESS BRITISH AND FRENCH ARE STEADILY ADVANCING ENTHUSIASM IN LONDON LONDON CROWDS PANIC IN BERLIN CHEER WOUNDED OYER DISASTER AS THEY ARRIVE ON WEST FRONT Intense Enthusiasm Over Allied Victories Qreat Advance German Military Expert Admits British Critical Moment has now Still Continues Arrived French take Guns Best. !IS'' 8,000 Germans. (jpetiil to Th Dni .lews.) (Special to Tbo Dally News.) London, July 4. Intense- on. Paris, July 4. The French eieM?ll!l thuiam prevails in the eily over troops have captured Chapilrc tho western the Allied victories on wood, Fcuillehes, and Assevillers front and thousands of .people ami have taken the second line cf mrround the approaches to the German trenches at Estrecs and' railway stations cheering the arrival -3. ( the villages of Herbecourt, Bus-court of trains carrying- the THE GREAT NAVAL BATTLE. M quit, llect of torpedo bouts engaging a warship not far from the entrance to tho Kiel Canal. and . Flaucourt, capturing wounded from Saturday's great The smaller, swifter boats can be seen encircling tho larger vessel and doubtless "stinging her with every broadside. eight thousand prisoners and a fighting. considerable quantity of artillery. Paris.Advance July 4.Continues.The th'ird day ALLIED AVIATORS SEATTLE FISHERMEN WASHINGTON MAKES CANADIANS CRUCIFIED Germany Admits Disaster. of the battle of Somme results in DIRECT GUN FIRE CAUSE MORE TROUBLE PERTINENT ENQUIRY ON WESTERN FRONT der London,of the German July 4. garrison The remain-.it La a further steady advance with tho Hoisello has entirely surrendered rapture of prisoners and munitions. (Special to Tbe Dally Newl) There was more trouble with Washington, July 3. The (Special to Tbe Dally Kewi.) and the. Allies have advanced to The enemy is weakening London, July 4. In the fighting the Seattle fishermen at the wharf United Stales Is enquiring as to Montreal, July 4, King's Staff higher ground. face of the terrific attacks of la on the French front immense this morning when, the schooner the nature of the punishment Sergeant Smith, at a recruiting Tho famous French General the Ilritish and French. here last night, declared numbers of French and Ilritish llepublic. manned by a crew of which the Germans say has been meeting Foch is commanding tho (-iterations The Allied armies aro now that he had assisted in unfastening at Somnfe and his within three miles of the aviators are continuously in the captains put in with 30,000 meted out to the commander of presence, important and burying four of bis com increases the confldenco of tho railway junction qf Pcronnc, air directing the fire of the big pounds of halibut. She tied up at the submarine which was responsible panions who had been crucified Allied troops lit-their offensive. hick is. regarded as tho slrong-tot guns and enabling tho Allies, to thHo eminent-wharf and four of for-tho deetruotioa of the. by tho Germans in France, lie Germany admits the disaster of1 Herman position on this part smash tho location to While Channel steamer Sussex. of th'e enemy the men went up town. possesses photographs Saturday and the enemy U fiercely of the western front. pieces. Canadians on the crosses and also the they wero gone, a party of tho resisting French bombardment British Guns Superior. The tern fie gun-fire causes the strikers arrived with the object HALF-HOLIDAY IS UP has the names of witnesses of of the German positions London, July 4. The new British Germans 'to entrench so detpTy of preventing the flsh being landed. TO THE MERCHANTS the occurrence. along the River Meu pirn absolutely outclass the that fifteen inch shells are required Panic In Berlin. Orrinan and Austrian forty-two to dislodge them. J. It. Beatty phoned for the Messrs. P. P. Macdonald, Mc-Corkindale, COMMISSION FINDS Zurich, July 4. The Gorman, centimetre type and a vast supply C. Vaughan, T. Cart-wright declare that police and Mayor McCafTery and the Ilritish asphyxiating of ammunition permits tho continuant! NO REDUCTION IN Chief Vickers appeared and prevented and W. Schelnman wailed BIRRELL RESPONSIBLE gas, which is being used of the offensive. , SHOP LICENSE FEES any trouble. The llepublic upon the council last evening as in the western offensive, is the Colonel llepington, military representative moved over to the G. T. I wharf, a delegation from the Trades and (Special to Tbe Dally Newa.) most deadly yet employed In the tho committee reported Labor Council in regard to the London, July 4. Tho Royal of Times, announces The finance the four members of tho crew war and the advance of lhe.llies that tho perfect cooperation to the council last night regarding went oji buard and she left for Saturday half-holiday. Mr. Mac Commission which has been investigating is producing panic in Berlin. which exists between the tho request of tho retail merchant Ketchikan. donald said that tho majority of the rebellion in Ire Britain the Savior,' " French and Ilritish armies is responsible for a reduction in the tho merchants favored closing oi land exonerates Earl Wiuibcurne, Berlin, July 1. The military for the successful Issue license fee and recommended that .aturday, but 'sorho wanted to tho Lord Lieutenant at the time expert, Major MoraRt, admits that uf the CANADIAN OFFICER close Wednesday. Ho thought of tho outbreak, and implicates campaign. Ho also credits no reduction bo made. on tho critical moment or Germany tne Belgians for tho assistance Aid. Nelson said that ho was SENTENCED IN SEATTLE that it would help matters if tho tho Hon. Augustine llirrell, Chief has arrived and declares that they rendered in tho preliminary not In full aceord with the report city council could amend the Secretary for Ireland. Mr. Birrell Britain is the savior of the Allies. bombardment of tho German portions, of the committee.- Ho thought (Special to Tbe Dally Newa.) early closing bylaw to make it resigned his portfolip shortly Ho recognizes that tho tremen the Belgian guns doing that tho reduction in taxation Seattle, Jifly 1. Capt. Thompson, compulsory to observe the half-holiday after the occurrence, on account dous opposition on the western ple.ndid work in hammering down should not be confined only to tho Canadian ofllcer who was on Saturday, in order that tho severo criticism of the front seriously affects Germany's 'he defences. land taxes and that tho business arrested for recruiting in tho all tho stores might recognise tho press. anticipations of victory. Colonel Itepington states that men should share in tho reduction United Slates for service In tho samo day. BOILER EXPLOSION not encouraging information is to the extent of 81.000 to tho Canadian army, has been sentenced Mr. McCorkindalo said that if LOST AT COURT HOUSE coming concerning Russian victories merchants nnd 1,000 to the hotel to three months imprisonment tho day were jiot stated tho stores LOST A pearl necklace between on tho eastern front. keepers. Ho moved that tho ro-port with tile-option of a flno of would close on different days. (Special to The Dally Newa,! tho Royal Hotel and tho vicinity. bb held over for a week and $5H0 and costs. Mayor McCafTery"explained that Victoria, July 4. There was a of tho Catholic Church. A sub that the council go into tho mat-l City Solicitor Peters had gone boiler explosion at tho Court stantial reward will be paid tho I. O. O. F. ter. COUNCIL DISCUSSES carefully into the matter and that, Houso yesterday which caused finder by leaving at tho Royal McCafTery asked If Aid. DISPOSAL OF ASHES until January 1st, tho merchants Hotel. 15G Mayor considerable damage. The flro. Installation o f ofllce-l"'arers suggested that the estimates could choose their own day and Nelson chief attributes tho explosion to tonight will take bo revised and a now tax Aid. Barrie, at tho council last that thoso who closo on Saturday tho creation of carbon monoxide tbe form of a social evening. rflto struck. evening, asked if it wero not pos-siblo may remain open until l:30 on gas. , WESTHOLMF All Oddfellows urgent, Aid. Nelson snid that the to make some uso of tho Friday evening, whilo thoso who ly requested to attend. amount would bo so small that it ashes collected instead of dump-fug chooso some other day must close REDECKING STREETS THURSDAY EVENING A BROOKSBXnK, N. O. necessitate any alteration them into the sea. Ho nought kit tho usual time on Friday. He would not The flnanco committee present v. o. luniiiK. n. s. that they might be used for filling said that tho council had no estimates. power in the ed a report of tho city engineer GRAND CONCERT IK COSTUME had In. in tho matter. said that ho The mayor to tho council last night recom ivn Hi.- matter considerable Several of the aldermen thought Aid. Mcllae asked if it wero not mending that Fifth Avenue, eas MISS AILEEN FERLUCE that, so far as roads wero con possiblo to add to tho early clos thnuuhtnnd lie could not seo how,... from tho hospital ami McBridi The Alaskan Prima Donna WESTHOLME could bo madojwiin-out I cerned, they .iil.H.ll. ing bylaw a clause ordering all and Harpiste, member of tho reduction tbo between Fifth and Seventh Century Grand Opera tympany. OPERA HOUSE getting tho money from sortie for sidewalks, but whero tho traf stores to close at 1 p. in. on Sat Avenues bo redecked. On tho New York, who scored TONIGHT ONLY ,,Miop source and the only other fic Is heavy they would simply urday, - motion of Aid. Dybhavn, seconded great successes London.in Paris and r" knew of was tho pocket form mud. Mr. Peters explained that had Assisted by p,rmoul,t rroduetlon. sou rce be by Aid. Mcllae, the report w as ',lv ' MortMi-n premnu Charlotte He wanted to Aid. NeUon thought that tho there been such n clause lit the James Hamilton Howe, "nwooil anj Sydney Oranl In the or tho ratepayers. adopted. Mas. B., Pianist and Accom-; "i'butut Cbarlea rrobtiian Comedy i.. Mliown how it could bo done school board would be, glad to original bylaw, it would have holt panlst. "JAN E" .. . ... r....t- ill- iiiiv I'lii.i n have them dcposlUd nti tho play. good, nccordlng to tho act, but The city council along with tho " ' no was in Thl la dm Admission: $1.00, 50o., 25o. on thtalnabla.of Ih bast 'pliturta Hon which could bo ma.Io without grounds at tho schools. that such a clauso 'could not be city engineer and Dr. Cado will Aid. Mcllno said that be under mado effective A Great taking it ut -f 11,8 ratepayers. now. visit tho cemetery on Wednesday "TWO Keystone OLD TARS"Comedy AM. Dybhavn ald that ho stood that they wero meantlmo Aid. Harrie said that In Van afternoon with a view to making GO TO nniM not see how any reduction being laid on llecreatlon Park couvcr tho pooplo had been al alterations. Aid. Smith has kind. 'THE TARGET OF DESTINY rould be made now, but ho favored The matter was left to tho health lowd to voto on tho question. ly placed his auto at the disposal LONDON CAFE Drama. until into th l'aw t "hnl committee nnd tho city engineer. Mr. Peters explained that tho of tho council for tho occasion. FOR THE BEST MEALS Wednesday Canada's Prt-'"r in the way of bring-i)K cities in tho south enmo under could be done 8TRI0TLY UNION. HOUSE hurpMo Country will play. Next Frl-y the license fees to u hioro Wanted Immediately, two ma different ruling from the outside SAFETY FIFtST USE NEW Hart Blk. Third Ave. Htoro. of chinists for gasollno work. cities and that would bo Monday Uetumed Boldlors' oq.itable l-vel. The report repair a voto WELLINGTON COAL. IMtONE Concert. U.o c-miaitt"" wo B,,0,,", A-eibcrg, Thomson Co. taken hero in January. 110. BOXES FOR LADIES