Tuesday, July 1, 1010. ri!C DAIM NKWi To render biscuits, cake and Local News Noles 13 muffins healthful, appetizing OIL SUPPLY SYSTEM Launch Dixie, phono Blue 400, THE NEW PERFECTION . . INSURES A STEADY EVEN FLAME and digestible, use II. 8. Clements, M. I'., Is spending ' of the New Perfection. This flame is the secret of the popularity a few days In town. As quickly and as easily regulated as gas, it insures perfect heat I. C, Gossc, of tho Gosso-Mil- for any cooking. Dr.PRICE'S It can't creep up or down it stays just where you put it. It won't smoke or lard Cannery, is in tho city. smell. The New Perfection saves labor, time and money. 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes t at AM Tho city council last evening these dealers: passed a grant of $5,000 to tho Biking Powder local hospital. Prlnc Ruptrt ... Thompson Stork' Hardwar Hardwar Made from Cream of Strawberry Festival, Presbyter Kaltn Hardwar annuity Tartar, Hew ian Hall, Wednesday at 8 p. m, Smith A MalUtt derived from grapes. Musical program. 155 Mastttt, B. O. Jit. Martin Absolutely Pure No Alum H, A. Jenne, who was a wire- at Digby, has been ess operator Royalite Coal Oil transferred to Alert Bay. gives best results. PARAMOUNT PICTURE THE Wanted Immediately, two ma IMPERIAL AT THE WESTHOLME chinists for gasoline repair work. OIL "The Daily News" Akerberg, Thomson Co. COMPANY Tho Westholme management Limited CLASSIFIED ADS. aro offering a splendid feature BRANCHES IN Charles Balagno has resumed this evening. Charlotte Greenwood ALL CITIES taking pianoforte pupils. Terms and Grant will Sydney appear MafcaSMMaawaMMJ r Tnm&mlrmimmmmim easonablo.ThOn Illuo 408. l WANTED. in the celebrated Charles WANTED Two ladles to pick strawberries. Frohman comedy "Jane." The Miss Florence Hardy, of the For particulars apply to John Neldhart, Paramount features aro recognised nemo B. C. 160. telephone department, has gone MINERAL ACT Salvation the world over as the peer Army. WANTED Hand Ironers. Apply Pioneer to Juneau, Alaska, on a holiday Laundry. tf. of all movie productions, and a PARTNER Pri.ce Rupert Feed Co. trip. NOTICI TO DELINQUENT rare treat is In store for West-holme TO I. A. ROGERS, P. O. Bo I 333. 90S Third I'uhllo meetings, Tuesday, WANTED Olrl to assist with housework and 8 Thursday Saturday at 0. 111 TAKE NOTICE that, whereas I have and care for children. Phone 310 for patrons this evening. A RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS Quite a large party left for caused to be done the assessment work Pmidnys at 7:30 p. m. appointment. tf. good Keystone comedy "Two Old for the year 1918 on the mineral claims WE HANDLE with Ketchikan last evening along Tars" is also the bill, A Mutual known as "Ladybird No. 4" Mineral Claim. YOUNO OIRL WANTS WORK tn bouse or on the ball team, to spend the situated in Cascade Creek valley, north of LAND ACT Hotel. Apply P. 0. Box 380, city Movie drama "Tho Target of Ferry's, Steele's, Sliver Lake. In the Stewart, H. C, Mining Ronnie's, Glorious Fourth." WANTED Donkey logging crew with engineer, Destiny" completes a very fine District; and the "Stumpy" Mineral Claim, and Brlgg's. and boom situated on the east side of Cascade Creek PRINCE RUPERT LARD DISTRICT DIS Oreman, rigging man Garden and Field Seeds. man. See J. R. Morgan, Williams It program. Frank Saunders, son of Capl. district, and have paid for ttld assess-ment TRICT OP COAST, RANOB III. Manson's office. 1 BS. work the sum of SIOO.OOi unlets Also Fertilizers. TAKE NOTICE that Paclne Mills, Limited, Saunders, of Digby, injured his, you par to mi the sum or 8100.00 tor We Take Orders for Nursery of Vancouver, Rrlllh Columbia, occupation. FOR RENT DEMAND FOR MORE the Saturday and your share of the said assessment work 8tock. pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply sports on FOOD AT FRIDAY 8ALE8 eg,at together with the costs of this adverttse-at for permission to purchase the following ROOMS FOR RENT EARLSCOURT 1103 is now in the hospital. the head. In the aald Stewart Mining Hay, Qraln and vFeed at described lands. Commencing at a post Gerogia St, Vancouver Private hotel ment, I shall, at the expiration of ninety Vancouver Prices. planted on the north bank of k'oeye river. aays from the date hereof, apply to the about one-quarter of a mile up-stream new management; transients $1.50 per Tho sale of home cooking held day; special monthly rate. 174 The Prizes for shop decoration Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C, to have Chicken Feed A Specialty. from the snore of Fits-Hugh Sound j thence in the fled Cross rooms on Friday your Interest In the said "Ladybird No. 4" north twenty chains, ibence east twenty GOOD ROOMS, Si and to cents, hath and aid of the Prisoners of War on Dominion uay were awarueu and "Stumpy" Mineral Claims vetted In me chains, thenre south to river's bank, thenc every convenience. By the week, ft.OO as follows: 1st, iTizzciis aieat in pursuance of the provisions of the Stall Ordtr Promptly Attended To. along shore In a westerly direction to and 11.80. Talbot House, 830 Ind ave. und, in charge of Mrs. It. L. Mc "Mineral Act." point of commencement and containing intosh and Mrs. Menning, realized Market, $25; 2nd, P. Burns & Co., Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, this Itb forty 40) acres, more or less. FOR SALE 15; 3rd, Killas Bros., $10. Mayor day of November, 1918. Dated June tOtb, 1918. Septs the sum of $43.15. A. LUND. r-ACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, FOR SALE Launch, 39 reet, long, 15 h.p., The committee wish to thank McCaffery was the .Judge. FISHERMEN by "Mark Smaby," A rent- 8 tons rating, good, sea boat. Price 11,000. Apply Harris, 1018 Douglas St., M. M. Stephens for a picture eT has to W. Thompson gone CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS LAN D ACT Victoria for full particulars. 153 hich was won byJ. H. McLcod Alice Arm in connection with a ATTENTION I FOR SALE FIRST CLASS LAUNCH, 30-It. ith ticket No. 56;'to V. D. Mc keel, 10-rt. beam, 18 h.p., Buffalo contract which he has obtained 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. Print Rupert Land District District f intosh, Toronto, for a $5 gold medium duty engl&fl, large cabin and to build a tramway at Mel's camp Prince Rupert Ooatt, Rang S. THE SELIG SPOON H8 bead room. Electric lights, storage piece, which was won by John TAKE NOTICE that tb raejne Mills. for Stilwell Bros., of Vancouver. Concrete Works, McBride St. Limited, of battery, mats, rugs, cushions, cooking Vancouver, B, a, occupation Fosteg with ticket No. 54; to Mrs. stove, kitchen utensils. Very cheap-Apply pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply City Weigh Scales. tf George Morrow for a centre-piece for permission to purchase tb following Owing to the absence of two Is Now on the Market described lands; Commencing at a post which was not drawn for) ; to MISCELLANEOUS members of tho council, the Ask your Dealer for It, planted at the southeast corner of Lot 109 the Delia Coola Indians, through will be B. C. UNDERTAKERS on the west shore of Cousins Inlet, ibence HEALTHY BABY BOY for adoption,' three Mrs. William Manson, for a finance committee now and See that You Get It. west 40 chains, thenc south 80 chains, months old. For Information apply P. O, known as the finance and general thence eail to shore, thence northeasterly FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND E-BALWERS Box 9S8. 1ST, carved dish, which was not drawn along shore to point of commencement, committee and will include Aid. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED for; A. J. Brodcrick, Union OPEN DAY AND NIOMT It containing 11 acres, more or less. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves and Barrie. Gets Them Every Time PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, men's clothing boi'jht. Corner 7th St. Bank, for $5; to Harry McLeod 117 END STREET fHONE 41 Mark Smaby agenL and 3rd Avenue, or phone Green 399. tf Dated A. 1918. II i May 13th, D. Aug. News and for $2: to the Daily Solonel Smythe, member for TO HilltRMEN: We carry a tull L'imi of Journal for advertising and to the -ItTTM." "Honest Clay." "Unit." and Algoma in the Ontario legislature, following for donations of food "tii!;ng" Engines the year round -no is in town with H. S. Clements, waiiur. lso "Ferro" nd Lvinn.de" Mesdames Sweet, V. T. Jvergin, Your kind colonel Is raising Outboards. All kinds Engine accessories, M. P. The a William Manson, Hull, Sinnott, de Quick service low prices. Canadian lumbermen's battalion for over-seas. LnglnaaUc Supply Co., Vancouver, B. C Gex, J. Allan, Uesjier, W. T. Muse, He leaves tonight for Vancouver. of cigarette! Clancy, Vickers, Henning, Du Ver. net, Wtn. McRae, Morrissey, Ford, DENTISTRY George Morrow, Bowness, Allison, Prince Albert tobacco meets your SPLENDID SHOW AT Jennings. Jack Lindsay, W. E MAJESTIC THEATRE wishes in every way no bite, no GROWN AND SPECIALTY BUUDM WORK Williams. Smith (Digby), M. M parch; just cool, fragrant, refreshing. Stephens, II. L, Mcintosh, and to It rolls into cicjette like a you'll DR. J. S. BROWN "Shadows of the Past," the Vit up the public for their kind support ihe better than land ever tasted DKNTirr agraph feature at Majestic any you while the committee takes this Oflle l Smith Block, Third Avtnu tonight, is an intensely dramatic The Princo Albert patented process PhOR 4S4 opportunity of thanking Mr. Arnold nolitical play in which Anita cuts out bito and parch and you for, the free use of the rooms for the sales. Stewart scores a great success smoke as much as you like without There is nol a dull moment "The demand for food greatly trouble for your lorifme. Prince PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. exceeds the supply and much throughout tho three acts and the Albert has ahvayj Ua sold without final scene, in which the villain's more could bo sold. Ladies are coupons or premiums. We prefer auto smashes into a train, which Announce that they have purchased asked to bear this in mind when to givo quality! the business of the Prince Rupert the heroine's machine has Just Transfer Company and solicit a continuance preparing for next Friday's sale. escaped, is thrilling in the ex of the patronage of the customers of that Ann. O O A L Favorite Ladysmllh treme. Careful attention to all orders Wellington lump and nut, best results. "The Hell Hop" Is a most laugh for Cartage and Coal. Phone 15. P. It. C. Co. tf able comedy and "Fair, Fat and Saucy1' keeps the fun going. ' PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Daughter of Harth," an interest PHONE S3. Fuller & McMeekin ing two-act drama in which Orel chart Hartman leads, completes a LEADING GROCERS real good show. Alex H. Hanson. a.A. PHONE8 56 and 572 Albert W. K. Williams, B.A, L.UB WILLIAMS A MANSON MINERAL AOT AGENTS FOR Certificate of Improvements Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Lakt View Farm (L.F.) Eggs.... Our Own Brand Butter NOTIOI ONIY TO LOAN Box 1181 O. K. Hams and Bacon............ Silver Bow Mineral claim, situate In tnt the international joy smoke Our Own Blend Tea Skeen Mining Dlvisltn of Casslar District. Helgerson Block Prtnca Rupert. B. Wher located 1 At the bead of a branch Our Own Fresh Oroutid Cojre..... is manufactured to bo in n class by itself, Our Own Laundry Soip,. of Dm Creek about four, miles from the 8KEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or Our Own l'ure vinegars........... beach on the south side of Alice Arm. to bo better, to meet tho tasto of smokers COAST, RANGE t. Crawford's Old Country Biscuits., TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorg R. Naden, k'ltsurokalum Strawberries Fre Miner's Certificate No. 94098B, acting all over tho world. It is universal in its TAKE nolle that Georg Roderick Me as agent for Tbos. McRostle,1 Fre Miner's popularity because it is so friendly to overy k'enile, or Princ Rupert, B. C, occupaUon Certificate No. 6999IB, and James L. Hatch, Our the most man who likes to smoko a homc-mado engineer, .intends to apply for permission Refrigerator Free Miner's Cerlincat No. 87988B, In to leas the following described lauds: tend, sixty days from th dat hereof, to cigarette or n pipe. If your dealer cannot Commencing at a post planted at the up-to-date- procurable. apply to the Mining Recorder for Certin supply you, ask him to securo it throuch N. E. corner of T. U Lot 1719, Rang cat of Improvements, for tb purpos of Coast District, Porcber Island, thence Quality First Always. obtaining Crown Oram of th abov his wholesaler. south 10 chains, thence west 80 chains, claim. thenc north 80 chains to shor line, thence And further take nolle that action. You certainly owo it to yourself to know just what n great south-easterly following shor lint to lb MOTOR DELIVERY under section 88. must be commenced be amount of pleasure and satisfaction Princo Albert will afford point of commencement; containing 81 for th Issu of such Certificate of Ira you. acre more or less. provrments. tyU. 'oU, 'A0"80" CaJas WTatty, in th GEORGE RODERICK McKENZIE, Saturday, July 1st, Holiday. Dated this 14th day of March, A.D, 1918, tuly rf tut, uUo in pound and half-pound humidor. On Ik mm !! ! ifcU May 9th. 1918. Ill 40' OEOROE R. NADEN. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wiruionilem,N.C,U.S.A. twly"fntm r4 tia PtUated vw "U rd Jul 1 SOU 1907,"