To Daily News VII. NO. IBS. VOI-. PMNCE IIUPEHT, 11. C, WEDNESDAY, JILY 5, 1010. PRICE FIVE CENTS f C7 0 A, RRF INI II Mm RS vi ii ii ii ii ii n aw i PRISONERS WELCOME CAPTURE-RUSSIAN CAVALRY ACROSS THE CARPATHIANS RUSSIANS OVER NEW INVENTION 1?SL Vi-'.'VL fAiRBANK"""fli.DIMING fl.tftJO Mexican U.SVoop Inxya 'DALLAS LAST GERMAN HUNS WELCOMED. CARPATHIANS DESTROYS WIRE 1 6BWPY jr K 1 States EFFORT WITH CAPTURE ON THE INTO HUNGARY ENTANGLEMENTS SUBMARINES WESTERN FRONT Russian Successes Continue Egyptian Engineer has Solved Unrestricted Operations to Hinder A Whole Battalion Surrendered Roumanla Commandeers Austrian Dig Problem More Germans Munitions Reaching France Rather than Face the Cars Russian Surrender King and to Cripple British Terrible Attack of Liberalism. Reviews Canadians. Shipping. the Allies. (Sprclal to The Dally Kel.) (Special to The Dallj ."twi" (Special to The Dlly Newt.) (Speclit to Tbe Dally New.) WHERE MEXICAN AND UNITED STATES TROOPS FOUGHT London, 5. The London July 5, Wireless reports LuiIon, July Irftfidon, July 5. A despatch Copenhagen, July 5. Following from Bucharest stale that Tliis map shows the location of tho United Slates army and Times correspondent, In describing from the Frcneh headquarters on the announcement by the British Russian cavalry has crossed the place where the recent fight took place with Carranza'a troops. the bombardment of the Ger the the western front says that an government of the abandonment the Carpathian Mountains and has invention by an Egyptian government of tho Declaration of London, a man positions on the western entered Hungary. onginecr has revolutionized IJerlin report declares that Germany front, assserts that one hundred Another Success. the methods of the Allies in nt- No Mud Has proposes to institute unrestricted shells a minute were exploded" "Stuck" during four days. Pelrograd, July 5. The Ilus-ians attneking the German defences. . submarine operations In the great offensive, which have smached the German The new invention, which for in order to injure British shipping defences at Baranovichi and have obvious reasons is not described, Sir Charles Hlbbert TuppeP was Invited to speak at the and to prevent munitions from extended over a ninety-mile front. the German prisoners welcomed captured twenty-eight hundred thoroughly destroys the German Liberal meeting held In Vancouver last night, but, owing to arriving in Frapce and to force capture, as they had had enough prisoners and several guns. barbed wlroj, entanglements and an Important appointment In Winnipeg, was unable to be Britain to respect international of it. They praise the gallantry Russian Liberalism. enables tlio Hrilish and French Is Invitation. law. present. .The following his reply to the of the British troops and shudder The Duma has adopted a hill troops to advance without interruption. Vancouver, B. C. June 28, 1916.. German Seaplane Wrecked. at tho mention of the artillery en according the peasantry the same The Danish steamer Politiken M. A. Macdonald, Esq., Barrister, etc., co. Messrs. Russell, gagement. civil rights as nre enjoyed hy the More Surrender. Macdonald A Hancox, Credlt-Foncler, Bldg, Vancouver. rescued a German seaplane Whole Battalion Taken. rest of the Russian population. Fivo hundred Germans who My dear Macdonald, I have to go to Winnipeg on an Important which was found wrecked in tho A despatch from the British . Roumanla Gets Busy. have surrendered state that they appointment, otherwise I would be glad to attend the North Sea and carried it to a Headquarters in France states London, July 5. Ilouihania has were rushed from the Dantzig val. publlo meeting which I understand, Is to be addressed by Danisli port. The crew was trans that an entire battalion of Prussian confiscated six Austrian engine ey to Hheims and Lille to re Mr. Brewster and you. ferred to a German warship. infantry, which was assigned and two hundred and fifty freight inforce the defences there against soma thfir opportunity will occur when I can personally Greek Blockade Raised. to replace the casualties in the cars which were ilellvered across tho Allietl attack. express In public my admiration for the manner In which Mr. Athens, July 5. The Enlento recent big Allied offensive, absolutely the border during the Hussion advance King Reviews Canadians. Brewster and you discharged your duties during the last blockade of the Greek ports has refused to face the terrific in Ilukowina. As a recognition of Canada's session and for the complete Justification so afforded of those been raised since demobilization assaults of the British and French All exporlations from Houinanin assistance in the great struggle. Conservatives who, like myself, voted for you at the by-election. of tho Greek army has been ef. and surrendered in a body at Fri-court. to Hutgaria have been suspehdfrd. Kin ir Georee visited liramshott fected. As a result of the block- Air Attack on Sofia. (limp on Saturday. Ho traversed None of the mud so persistently thrown at you has stuck. ado thero have been bread riots A squadron of French aero the ranks of tho various battalions You have signally shown that the reputation of an honest on the Island of Mitylene. MEXICAN REPLY planes has drooped liomlis on which must have Included the man cannot be affected by the machinations of a desperate, Greek Officers Surrendered. Sofia, wrecking the military build 102nd and complimented the men discredited conglomeration of political.opponents.even though The Greek government has sur TO WILSON NOTE ings there. upon Uie wont wnicn no rn-en the public chest be open to them In their malicious work. rendered to Franco the officers done by Canada. The flag was It Is beyond question that the government of this province who have been accused of parti (Special to Tbe Dally New.) RAILROAD DIRECTORS half-masted in honor o f Earl Is tottering to Its fall, and, In my opinion, unless much cipation in an attack upon Frencli Washington, July 5 The Mex Kitchener. of the legislation or last session Is repealed by the next ofltcers nt lUzoastis. ican"Embassy has received Car-ranza's Sprpttl to The Dally Newi.) government, its fate will be the same. East Africa. answer to tho last Wilson Otlawa, July 5. W. J. Christie, INSTALLATION OF I firmly believe that the people as a whole are determined Havre. July 5, The Belgians nolc It will be delivered to Sec- of Winnipeg, ami P. MoAra, form I. O. O. F. OFFICE-BEARERS to have clean, honest government and sane legislation, and retary Lansing today and it is trly mayor of Hegina, liavo been care little what party flag Is Down. polling tho Germans to retreatl believed that its tone is concilia- appointed Government pirectors Last evening, In the K. of P. Yours faithfully, across the Kagera river. The Bel- tory. of the Canadian Northern and the Hall, Hro. S. V. Cox, CHARLES HIBBERT TUPPER. gian troops have captured prls- Grand Trunk Pacific respectively. of the Oddfellows Lodge No. 03, oners, food and stores of ammu- HETTY GREEN DEAD installed tho following office nition. New York, July 4. Mrs. Hetty SENATOR DEAD bearer: H. F. Self, N.G.; S. M. "GRAFT" TONIGHT AT RAY MCDONALD IS here this Green died morning Newton. V. a.; W. G. Uarrie, R.S.; AMONG THE WOUNDED WESTHOLME THEATRE FLORENCE LA BADIE ScUI to The Dtllr Nwt.) A. H. Phillips, F.S.; C. C. Loop. i AT MAJESTIC THEATRE LOST Sydney. July 5. Senator Mc Treasurer; S. V. Cox, Warden: II. McDonald has received 'Graft" is tho feature at the . .. Mrs. LOST A pearl necklace between Donald died at midnight at Glace Daggett, Conductor;i ii ii. 11...uuu-on. Westholmo tonight and there is Uorence l.a name, ino lamous M, word from Ottawa that her son the Royal Hotel and the vicinity Hay. O.G.; J. E. Hillard, F.G.; A. a good general program including "Million Dollar Mystery" star, of tho Catholic A sub Church. bus been wounded in tho recent Douglas, H. S. N. 0.; S. Mussallcm, Hay a pretty litlto drama, "His Little appears in "God's Witness'' at stantial reward will be paid the n. S. fighting on tho western front. the-MaJestio tonight and tomor-terest. L.S.N.G.: C. U. Chapman, Pal," a drama full of human in. the finder by leaving at Hoyal I. O. O. F. V. O.; F. Sweder, L. S. V. G.; G. II. Thero is also a report by mail "The Way of a Woman's row. This great actress requires Hotel. 150 Naden, H.S.S.; W. Haynor. L.b. from England that Wilfrid McDonald Heart' and a comedy entitled o introduction to a Prince Uu Installation o f offlcc-bearers 8 Itev. J F. Dimmick, ChaplaLn. has been wounded, but, as 'Across tho Hall.'- A Universal pert audlenco and her past work tonight will lako After the installation tho lodge there is no oftlcial report, this, is Weekly completes n good plcturq assures her of a hearty welcome the form of a social evening. wn thrown open to tho visitors probably incorrect. It Is to bo program. "Clod's Witness" intensely WEST HO IMF AH Oddfellows urgently nn.i I lie K. of P. and a most en- hoped that Hay will soon bo fit Miss Alleen Ferluce, the Alas- Interesting drama and is spien- requested to'nttend. Joyablo evening was spent, tin again. kan prima donna, will sing tho uidly staged and produced. THURSDAY EVENING A. BHOOKSBANK, N, O. following taking part in tho pro Marseillaise" at the closo of the Ihero is a Mutual Weekly ol W. G. JIAIUUE, U. 8. illll. n Wnddell.' . ' song! G. D. SAFETY FinST USE NEW first show. the latest world's news. "At the M CONCERT IN COSTUME Jones, song; A. II. Phillips, reel WELLINGTON COAL. PHONE Sea-sido" is a most laughable tnhon: G. Waddell and C D Jones, 11G. AUTO RACING comedy and "Tho Smugglers MISS AILEEN FERLUCE Davies presided nt Cave" suggests all kinds or ex The Alaskan Prima Donna duet. W. V. and Harpiste, niomber of the WESTHOLME l i.iano and Uov. J. F. Dim.nicK (Spetlal to Tbe Dally Newi.) citement and thrill. Century Grand Opra Company, Imrt address on mo.. wur.i Majestic Theatre Minneapolis, July 5. Do Pahua New York, who scored OPERA HOUSE Kill : " - great successes in Paris and TONIGHT ONLY light Uuich wag erveti and tho noted automobllo racer, won PROMINENT K. C, IS London. TONIGHT AND TOMORROW indulged In. tho hundred and flfly-mllo raco KILLED IN ACTION Assisted by iMitrl Henley ami Jane Novak In cards were Jitmes Hamilton Howe, the Eleventh Fplsode of Edwin Thanowttr prtatnli at tho Twin City Speedwny yester Mus. B., Pianist and Accom- "Q R A F T" . INFANTILE PARALYSIS FLORENCE LA BADIE day, llo averaged a speed of 91.8 (social to The Daily. Mewi) OftllUt fr Drama EPIDEMIC UNABATtO TI ramtxi "Million Dollar Myalery" miles per hour. I Calirary, July o Major blanicy 14 I Admission t SI.00, 50c, 25o. "THE WAV OP A WOMAN'S HEART" Star, In In Two I'arU. "GOD'S WITNESS" Junes, of tho Princess Patricias, "HI LITTLE r ALM (p,.ria) to The PUy In Tuur Tarn, THANKS and a promluent King's Counsel ". Inma. York. July 6Tho epidemic MUTUAL WEEKLY lor in tho west, has been killed in GO TO Now Sliowlu anil munition l& pier "ACROSS THK HALL" of infantile paralysis, which nre and oilier intereillna: Uema Tho Dominion Day committee tj,tt heavy fighting on tho western 'Keyitone" Coineily. rating tor some time, wishes to thank D. It. Kennedy I f rant. Major Jones was a veloran LONDON CAFE has been "AT THE SEA-SIDE" UNIVIRSAL WHKLV unala(ed and twenty.. ... CiMiieily. and his staff for tho great n - Lf tho Boer war. FOR THE BEST MEALS OP WOULD NEWS VICTUIIKS U fanl- have died in tho last tyenty- "THE SMUGGLER'S CAVE" slstanco they rendered in deco. 8TRIOTLY UNION HOUSE Tomorrow- M ii Alleen rirlure. tho " " " Drama. rating the city, nnd also wishes ti,0 aUco B. took a largo party Hart Blk. Third Ave. Ukn I'rluu Doiuu tml iiit-pitt. f..ur hours. tUtw4 ty jtniP( iimniiton How. ninety new cases reported In Coming Friday and Saturday, "Qold to thank all citizens who so kindly 0f Alaskan tourists across to BOXES FOR LADIES and Mil vive i mni evening cunrerl. Sal" faatura, "TH TENOR." contributed to the funds. Metlukatlah this forenoon. FrldtV Ii Oounlrn Btaea Naaht. Brooklyn.