RESULTS OF THE IHEONLYMEDICINE SCHOOL EXAMINATION JSBSS4BSSSI (Continued from laf?o two.) THAT HELPED HER Moorc-housc, Harrow Onsr,v. i.u Han JolinMon, Albert Lenper. SBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'ffsViVSjBiBBBBBBIH h Again Proves lis From Second Primer to Iirst sssssssH4sisHssHsl0sHf Extraordinary Powers Reader. Oeorgina Mntholson, Kathleen Qck., March 2nd, 1015. Plilllipson. Kocho, I. j,tTe from rceolTeJ taking the"most Frulta-tlres".wonderful From First Primer to Second 50c per lb. One Price Only 50c per lb. benefit from Rheumaliim Primer. At ths following w.ll-known Prints Rup.rt DtsLrs for years Iiufftrfd MILLIR-PHILLIPS LYNCH BROS. ,nJ thango of life, and I took CTcry Archio Med.itrom, M unlock Mc-Kenzic. H)Ppa-HBH FULLER McMEEKIN MUSSALLEM OROCERV CO, LTD. -nieJy obtainable without results, I BBjBygl& iiHiBBPS jyp ssssssssssB-fjf! Q. P. McCOLL T. BRAMLEY "irult-a tlrcs" and It was tho 3RD AVE. CASH MARKET CAVENAILK HANNAN trid medicine that really did me good, From Junior First to Senior FULTON CASH MARKET SPURR'S CASH MARKET only entirely well tho Ilhcu-niitlim First Primer. A. FERGUSON LIPSETT, CUNNINGHAM CO, LD. jfo I " CANADIAN FISH 0 OLD STORAGE CO, LTD. has disappeared, and tho terrible John Hamho, Thelma Johnson. atl Qlrls, Here's the Latest Thing In Summer Footwear. Fashion SUwart A Moblr Ltd, Whol.salo Distributors Prlnc. Rupsrt. body I are pains In my gone. Mary Murray, George that others, who suffer from such Cney. has decreed that tho conventional heavy white shoo worn during hope Willie distressing diseases, will try "Fruit a-Unt, Knightall Moorehouse, and Muriel the summer season shall give way to the natty ILnen shoe, light Wm. Braid & Co 1SAIE KOCHO.V. Msdamb in weight and attractive in nppcat ance. This pair is of green linen 50c, a box, 0 lor inai size, Zoc, DORDEN STREET SCHOOL with lips of flowered cretonne, and is the latest Innovation In the ImporUrs, VaneouMP, B. 0. JU sll dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit Tenth Division C. R. Murray. sport shoo line. l tiTeajJnea.JJiuwa, From Senior Third Header to MINERAL ACT Junior Fourth Header. hcrla Tremayne. McMullin, John Chenoski, Elizabeth Helen Fotos nnd Hoth Gordon Honoi Rolls. Groves, Willie Clapperton. Certificate of Improvements 'equal) KsUier McKinnon, John Proficiency Roberta Tremayno Paul Syrotuck, Victor Delasala, 2,000,0001 NOTICI Folos. Melon Wallace Marjorie Deportment Lee Oordon. Hetty KIrkpatrick, Hilda Sich-zoski, Albion" tnd "Suntxtm" Mlnertl Clslmi, Hoherts nnd Gerald Adams (eitial Punctuality and regularity Thelma Smith, Arthur Collier. Belcfians Htuiw la ins Skeeas Mining DlrUlon of cuiiir Plitrlct 1'ddio Glapp, Margaret Lindsay, Grace Leek. o WVre loested; About tire miles from Freda Lowe. Twelfth Division E. M. Klower. Promoted during tho year from im brsd ot Alice Arm on "Middle Creek. Depend on us TAKE 50TICE thst I. Wm. T. k'ertln Passed on trial: Promoted during tho year from Second Primer to First Reader. at rrmre HupM. B. C, Free Miner's Cer Mary Held, Hugh KIrkpatrick. Senior Second to Junior Third. Dimery Johnson, John Martin, for Bread! tiDcsts JK. SIOJtD, Intend slity dsrs from Um dtte hereof, to spply to the Mlnlnr Honor Rolls. Phil Howling, Felix Hatt, liar- Rena Hlaaw, Floyd Smith, Helen Reorder tor s Certificate of Improvements, Deportment Gerald Adams. old Walley, Kdith Crawford Dor- Thorburn, Edgar Coreturl, Rita for the purpose or obtslnlnr a Crown Orsnt Since after the German the shortly invasion, Belgians Amess. Punctuality nnd nl tie sbote tlsim. Regularity olhy Macdonald, Ksmeralda Prud- And further tike notice that action, un Marjorie Roberts. hornmc, Fred Kergin, Alfred Honor Rolls. have depended for food entirely on the "Commission ibe ovr section Isiue of 17,luch must Certificate be commenced o(. Improvements. before Proficiency Helen Fotos, Roth Shocklcy, Chcnny Jan Fai, Mike Deportment Dimery Johnson. for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, Gordon. Ihidinch, Frances Delasala, Lois Proficiency Thelma Smith, even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only piled Uls tetn dsy or Msren, A. D. Ills. jeT Eleventh Dlv. D. H. Anderson. Wanner, Sidney Anderson, Jack Hruno Dasso-Hert. three weeks tjjey have had no chance to raise more WM. T. KERGt.l. Christmas promotions from Kellie, Gordon Kerr, Alfred Slo- Regularity and punctuality and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I Junior Third to Rcnior Third. comb, Torn Collier, Reilly Vierick, Edith Leek. Backed by the SfflM 10 DIITRIOT DISTRICT OF Gerald Adams, John Fotos, and on trial Rupert Morrow. Fourteenth Dlv. Miss J. Eason. COAST, HANOI 4. Helen Fotos, Howard Frizzell, Honor Rolls. From First Primer to Second THE nonCE tnst Frederick Brsdtnsw, Nellie Hogbcrg, Margaret Lindsay, Punctuality Gordon Kerr. Primer. Belgian Relief fund of Toonpeb, ffevsds, occupation mine man. Grace Manson, Willinm Martin, Deportment Lizzie Currie. Kruno Hasso-Hert, Mary Muse, purchase irr. Intends the following to apply described for permission lands: to Vera Shockley, Victor Sichzhoski, Proficiency Senior, Sidney An Mike Komodinoe, Kenneth McKin so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United CommeDclnr at a post planted about Loter Syrotuck, Helen M. Wallace. derson; Junior, Mike Chenoski. non, buzanne cauvapc. Lillian States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported Its reel eaiterly from the northwest corner enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation Lowe, Margaret Kergin, Laura ef Lot 40, Range 4, Coast District: Summer promotions from Ju Thirteenth Division B. Macleod. so (ar. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in ihrnee north 19 chalnij thence west to nior Third to Senior Third. Promoted during the year from Frizzell, Lillian Roberge, Mabel the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of Irti chains;to thence the shore south of to Surf chains Inlet,mora thence or Fred Corrall, Jack Davis, Lee First Reader to Second Reader. Leask, Harold Morton, James bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. roUovinr the shore ine to the place of Gordon, Annie KelHe. Willie Ker- Mike Chenoski, Teddy Titc, SichzkoskI, Betty Arney, Evelyn Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of store commencement,or leu. containing forty acres gin, Thelma Knight, Grace Leek, Helge Kssen, Alice Earlcy, Kileen Herg, Jeanne Couture, Janet Clark, women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the rtbmiry is, ttit. F.velyn McDonald, Jack Morrow. Palmore, Douglas Frizzell, Mary Spero Glrvich, Hessie Letts, Gordon expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible FREDERICK BRADSIIAW. must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every Nierick, George Cartwrlght. someone Ilhona Saunders. l.oin Tile. Rn- Kntnadlna, Thomas Ervings, Jack month all this winter 1 Promotions from the Receiving Clfliaa Irk ITir&t tlvitnar No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute Lorn a MacLarcji, Vera Shock- generously as we Canadians I No cause has ever been more deserving of help I In the narae of Justice and Humanitytor ley, Myrtle Moran, Leona Dim- the sake of self-respect let all our own us give we can to mick, Mary Colussi, Swca Rosang, help our martyred Allies I Genieveve Muir, Catherino Irving, Scad you uttcripttou wwLIr. sioatU m Is lavp ma to Local m Dorothy Richards, Evelyn Vickers. ProviocUl Commiliect,c to too g Honor Rolls. Central Executive Committee, 59 SI Peter St, Montreal Deportment Jeanne Couture. $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Punctuality and regularity Gordon Nierick. Proficiency, First Primer, Spiro Girvlch; Receiving Class, Lorna Advertise In The Daily News. Tell MacLaren. TheTaleTk Wagons My office window The cocoa had been facca a afreet, dose in Brazil, grown to the railway freight shipped to Bristol, ardThrift dheds. transhipped to Montreal traduction All day lone a steady and finally stream of trucks and distributed from lorries lumber by aLg-l J trj,P rfetw Toronto. Jm t)3nanassooxSBsssBSSss) loaded with boxes, M rvvr-ic . .rah u barrels and bales. gath The tea was One truck I noticed ere d by swart-skinned 1 spO win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire will require to put forth its full collective power in men and in money. From the other afternoon natives of this viewpoint it is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our was particularly interesting. the romantic island productive exertion and by exercising rigid economy, which reduces to the minimum Wo two all expenditures upon luxuries and nonessentials. Only in this way shall we be able boxes the of Ceylon: from to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from Indus- ' were same, sunny Portugal the trial activities, repair the wastage of the war,arid find the funds for its continuance. It and stencilled on the cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest end of each was the name luscious, big grapes burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that Industry and thrift are, for those of some well-known pro had been gathered years who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment duct tobacco, socks, fermented, bottled our success, and consequently our national safety, may ultimately depend." soap, ago. Silt THOMAS WHITE, Minuter of Fituinct breakfast food, cocoa, port. and branded with a famous tea, chocolates, perfumery and name; from Egypt had come the baking powder. cotton and from South America the Gathered there in prosaic wooden dyes that entered into the product PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. boxes were the results of thousands finally stamped with the brand of a or hand's labor in all parts of the well-known hosiery. world. MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. SPEND MONEY WISELY. , .hese thines every day, instead of some other LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS the lorrie were known everywhere to-day, but The war is now.turning on a contest ot all forces Begin at home. The larger jwrtion of salaries The names of some of the boxes on then morc clw thfln eyer bcfoe and resources men, munitions, food, money. The and wages is spent on the home foot!, fuel, light, had been unknown a few years M it is like the Panama Canal. You call to all U to products more and more. It may be clothing. Are any of these things being wasted T is real a nccewMry to work harder. The place of those who $20.00 a year saved from waste in every home in that Advertising y B'JjXf i und the Horn. You can get there, enlist mukt be Ukt-n by those at home, incn and Canada will more than pay the interest on a war debt can sail from Montreal to al through the women, old and young. The mure wc produce the of 1500.000,000. but it is going to take ie8s than half. A new channel will havo more e can save. Produce more on the farm and Panama Canal and chop the journey t0 In the gardens. Save more and help to win the war, LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY been dug. LET US NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR Are you spending your money to the bct ad van. those of the manufacturers who have let tage? What do you think of extravagance in war The great names in commerce xo-o-y are across the Isthmus of distributing In this war-ttmc all labcur .!ioutd be directly pro-ductivc tln.eT Tens of thousand of Canadians are daily advertising steam-shovcl a or should l aitini( in production. Mate It risking their lives (or us at home. Is it not our duty modern as ellkient as pqsille, ll your labour Is on soruethluz to be careful ami economical? Canadian dollars are difficulties. that can be ostponrd,put it oil t:ll after the war and an important part of the war equipment, Make them of to-morrow will be those of men who widen and male your labour tell now. Making war is the first telL Have a War Savings Account, liuy a War The great names in the commerce may pasg smoothly.and quickly from business of all Canadians. P.lUciency in labour is as llond. dredge this channel so that the gtw oi, , con8uraer. important as tllicicncy in fighting, the source of production to the homes '-'-J.I 1' THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3 It V'Ul --' .U'ii4 piutiltma .!k t.. -; I iMi iifwtpsptr, THE DEPARTMENT OF ACRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE with h it would t wll tm rm ! r-'I 11"'"1 ' r - A ! Of Umm wUI b burithU. t. ha teunMl rf, . iUO Prvw AwUU-a. Room 90S. Lummq B1141a. ... -l tl A Sot"11' - I Mt Of MlslMWBl by