THE Daily News PRLNCH RUPKRT, I). 0, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1010. PRICE FIVE CENTP ,J1IiS A,. ji VKIDRHMI ON 77YT3 E FROMT THOUSANDS OF PRISONERS AND IMMENSE QUANTITIES OF MATERIAL TAKEN MAKING DIPLOMAS PRESENTED ifcMii.'.'--Ji' t T'-y"mr m m wyapspj n rmi" m m n I ALLIES RETAIL CLERKS AND AIISTRI ANS ARF TO GRADUATE NURSES BIG CAPTURES COLLAPSING ON Last evening, in the old St. Andrew's Tin; Retail Clerks held a meeting ON EACH FRONT Hall, on Second Avenue, last night in the Carpenters' EASTERN FRONT the graduation ceremony in connection Hail to discuss tho half-holiday with the nursing class of uestion. The members of tho Berlin and Vienna Admit Veracity the local hotpitnl wns held. The Merchants' Association and tho Many Thousands o f Prisoners of Allied Reports Germans three nurses, Mlst K. Carlson. Trades and Labor Council were Taken by Bruslloff's Army-Russians are very Anxious J. McKay and K. (taper, who have mited to attend and many wero Making for for Peace. passed their llnnl examinations. present. George Kerr occupied Lemberfl. wr granted their diplomas. the chair. .special to The Otilj Jiewi.) George V. Morrow, presld.-ut S. I). Macdonald, president of (Special to The Dally New.) London, July 7. The French, of the hnftpital board, presided, the Trades Council, went fully Petrograd, July 1. Two hun Dritish, Russian nnd Italian reports and, in making tho presentation nto the question. He said that uunuunco tlio continued of tho diplomas, referred to the i did not affect the Trades and dred and thirty-five thousand capture by the Allies of disputed work which Is being done by Hie ,alir Council further than that prisoners; a thousand guns, and mmense quantities of munitions territories, along with thousands local institution. Ho congratulated they wished to assist the Retail and transports havo been captured of prisoners and immense quantity tho matron. Miss Carmich-ocl, '.lerks in the choosing of a day during the last month in the "f military accessories. On and the nurses for the maru which would be agreeable to nil great advance under General all fruuls the Auslriaus and Ger nor In which they performed their concerned. Tho council did not Hrusiloff. Tho Teutonio losses mans are compelled to retreat, duties. He remarked upon the threaten anyone and ho denied on this front are estimated at half (urrender or ha annihilated, ller-liaauJ perfect harmony prevailing be rT '.;,Yr ., that thcro had been any sugges a million. Vienna admit the veracity tween the board and the medical AEROPLANE BEING PRESENTED TO CANADIAN FORCES tion of boycotting. Yesterday, our forces captured of tho reports published by tho men of tho city, and dwelt upon 1). W. Morrissey, as a member Lord Desborough, is seen making a speech, in presenting the five thousand Autrians and there Allies. the splendid financial assistance aeroplane to the Canadians on behalf of tho Leicester Chamber of the Merchants Association, are indications that the Austrian The Urilish are consolidating accorded the hospital by the city then addressed tho meeting. He of Commerce. Sir George Pcrley, with head bent forward, is among defence between Huczacz and the laVen in their march and provincial governments. felt that thcro were two sides to positions those in the foreground. Forty thousand citizens attended the Stanislau, In the region lying be forward en the 801111110 front and Miss Carmichael, matron of the presentation. tho question. Ho favored Wed tween Ciernowitr and Lemberg, for inspitnl, pinned on tho nurses! nesday closing simply because tho are pr paring another big aggressive has completely collapsed. If this badges which the hospital board ast majority of his customers movement. DANISH-AMERICAN MINISTERS UNITED s so it will greatly affect Von favored It. He the respected Verdun Front. presented to tho succpssful can lidales. PEACE CELEBRATION ON IRISH QUESTION opinions of others and did not Bethmer's army which Is trying French Pans. July 7. The to retreat northwards from Del-nlyn, wfsh to be 'arbltraryT'Eut he fell addressed the Lave repulsed a Herman attack on Mayflr McOaffery where the Russians have cut that he had the right to choose Delloy and have captured seventy-111 nurses, dwelling upon the splen (iecul lu "I he Dally .:.' (Speelal to The Dally Kewi.) off their chief supply base by the ' ujmn and hundreds of ma. did work which is done by tho in Copenhagen, July 7. Dr. Max London, July 7- Five judges for himself and his customers seizure of tho railroad. chine b ins. Tlio Germans are stilutlon and tho nobility of the Henius, of Chicago, president of have been appointed to consider Max Heilbronner explained that No his for favoring Saturday Holidays. attempt ng to bombard the Gath-ea! nursing profession. the Association of Danish-Ameri the appeal of Sir Roger Casement reason 7. Tho munition London, July that ho had tourist trade Dr Kergin. on behalf of the the sentence of death was a at Verdun. cans, is arranging 10 inaugurate against workers havo been denied in curios and tho C. I'. R. boats summer Want Peace. medical examiners, impressed up an international peace celebration passed upon him recently at the arrivo from tho north on Satur holidays, owing to the urgent no-. A nrutral diplomatist who is on the graduates tho Importance to be held at llaebild Hills, Aal- Old Dailey. cessity of keeping the enor day afternoon. If ho were to up lUtii n. j in Germany, while visit-lap of the duties they had to perform borg, in tho year following the Cabinet United. mous output of shells for the big close he would lose a lot of trade. I. inloii, informed his col-leagii-s While they had graduated, their completion of the war. Represen The ministers are now re offensive on tho western front. Arthur Spurr said that ho had that it is impossible to training had not ceased. They tatives of every country will be united upon the various questions German Naval Losses. closed last Wednesday but ho was cia-. : ate the desire of the Germans would go on receiving Instruction invited to attend. involved in tho Irish settlement John Jellicoe estimates that willing to close Saturday if all Sir fur peace. Tlio population fnr all lime. Five or ten years Henry Ford, who is in charge of Several new cabinet appointments tho stores closed on that day. He twenty-one German ships were sh If they followed tho pro of the scheme, pur wing unmistakable evidence honee, the ilnanciug are contemplated. handled largo quantities of soft ost in the big naval battle off if urJrr feeding. fession, they would bo still better poses to defray tho expenses of fruits and ho felt that on that Jutland last month. trained than now. two thousand invited Americans. SIR H. RIDER HAGGARD account ho should bo allowed to Rev. H. II. Grant offered up a FOUR HOUSES LEFT remain open. KILLS 300 EARTHQUAKE prayer at the opening of the cere AND PARTY ARRIVED LIBERALS STRONGER I). W. Morrissey suggested that BY ASHCROFT FIRE mony and short addresses wero plebiscite bo taken. Several (Special to The Dally Kews.) delivered by ftev. J. F. IMmmick THAN EVER BEFORE Sir 11. Rider Haggard, accom others spoke, all being In favor of Sicily, July 7. The earthquake Special to The Dally Newe.) and Canon nix. Ilev. Father Mc- pauied by his secretary, Mr. Cor-bett, Saturday closing and tho genera at Caltanissetta killed three hun anrouver, July 7, Ashcroft Graw was unavoidably absent. (Special to The Dally News.) and Mr. Scammell, arrived trend of tho meeting was strongly dred people. as completely destroyed by fire, After the graduation ceremony, Vancouver, July 7. The betting from Victoria this morning and In favor of Saturday. ith the exception of tho railroad the nurses gave a most enjoyable on the September election is even left,for tho cast on a private car lation and four residences. The little dance. but undoubtedly tho Liberals are Tho famous novelist had little to That Waltham watch Is yours if "HUMAN HEARTS" AT are a good guesser. tsee damage is estimated at half much stronger than they have ay, further than that ho is pro- you THE MAJESTIC TONIGHT Cavenaile & Hannan's window. minion, whilo the insurance ear "HAM AND BUD" AT been in any previous campaign in paring a repori ror me uruisu ned amounts to only $75,000. Tho WESTHOLME TONIGHT this province. government upon tho facilities offered tho various Dominions "Human Hearts," the big fea SAFETY FIRST USE NEW outbreak by started in n room In the The Conservatives are arrang. Ashcroft Hotel Ham and Hud are at the West ing for a new convention to re for the placing of men after tho lure at tho Majestic tonight, is a WELLINGTON COAL. 1M1ONE holme tonight for tlio first time dealing with prison life 116. vise tho personnel of their Van war. Ho remarked that it wouM story MEXICAN PROPOSAL since llam had tho tnisfortuno to couver city ticket. help matters if tho various pro Tho famous movio actor, King l.ronk his leg. "Ham at tho Sea There Is friction between Ralph vincial governments would make Haggot plays tho leading part in Special to The Dally News.) side" is a scream from start to Smith and his Liberal followers reports along this lino to head this great film. "Human Hearts" the big fellow and In of tho most widely dis McColl's linish. is ono Washington, Car-r"nia llrcwster quarters. July If Tho .. lllntr illlll over tho Question of tho mil. A.4 a n T A proposal to settlo all differences COlllieai llllio iiuihici r.i""o writ. H i s secretary, Mr. Corbett, cussed movie features and has at by direct negotiations has all kinds of trouble William Sloan, who is to bo tho passed through rrlnco Rupert times been heavily censored but OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9:30 Len accepted. There is nlso a very fine four Liberal candidato in Nanalnio, will some six years ago to inspect is now being produced complete. Closed on Saturday at 1 p.m. ut nliotoiday, entitled "Coral, be opposed by n Socialist and 2,000 ucres of land ho possesses "The Man on tho Chair," is a whil CASH 8PECIALS Bl0 discounts Tito's July featuring Mary VVnllcamp, in tlio interior. Mr. Corbett has good two-act drama, with Hobart at Conservative. bot. 20c. Ka. Joke Welcb'a Grape Juice, pt. 8le of Home Furnishings. Micro is an extremely funny seen service on a mino-sweeper Henley in tho lead and "Sin ol Durkle's Salad Dreialnr 4 oa. bottle l inn ,.iv in "Ills 20lh Century in tho North Sea and whilo on tho Sabbath," Is a two-act comedy 9SO. Each Susie." duty there canto in contact Willi Willi bright music and first-rate Quaker Cracked Wheat makea a WESTHOLME In addition to tills great bill Majestic Theatre Captain Roberson, formerly of pictures, tho Majcstio is deserved delirlou breakfait tOe. pee pat. Store night at lb Quaker or rurlty Hour, 11 lb, aacki 11.u is Country TONIQHT AND TOMORROW Prince Rupert and now in the ly popular. SSo. Each there will be n when Westholme, Royal Naval Service TONIGHT ONLY of useful host of n .n.iribution Tulvertal preaenta k'lnr naarot In CAMP HUGHES STORM GEORGE P. McCOLL "CORA L" articles and no end of fun. There HUMAN HEARTS" DANIEL MEIQHS DEAD GROCER PHONE 83 tt feature with Mary Will- muslo by I'. C. ramp In the lead. will be special In Three I'arti. (Special to The Dally Newi) and II. A. uarvey (Special to Tbe Dally fiewa.) HILLOI HtLLOl I HILLO I I Daugherty Camp Hughes, July 7. Three "turn te ftWp(rt 0f Ham end Bud. THE MAN ON THE CHAIR" Montreal, July 7. 1 a n 1 0 I men were Injured and a number UTE This U Hie nrsl appearaiieo VICTIMS rciturliir llubari llriiley - Two pari QO TO or Ham iinr lie broke his ler INFANT Melghs, former member 01 parliament, of buildings wrecked by a storm HAM AND BUD IS) "SIN OF THE SABBATH" ' died yesterday at Furn- hero last night. LONDON CAFE 'HAMAT THE SEASIDE".. (,! W The havo Twu-arl Cuinrdy. liam. FOR THE BEST MEALS There "HI! TWENTIETH CENTURV SUSIE" v..,u July 7. ioker Comedy, twenty-four more deaths NOTIl The greet feeture "Hurnen llnvo you seen the Waltham 8TRI0TLY UNION HOUSE "iween ehowe the Store been .in.. i rnl VA Ifl, All of Heerte" hee been heelly ceieored, If youw ant a fine Walthum watch offered by Cavenallo & Han Hart Blk. Third Avs. Country inronun i. but hee been finally peaeed without from will be htld. vicious under seven any ecenee omitted. watch see Cnveuailo & Hauuau's nan? It is yours if you can guess BOXES FOR LADIES Monday t llttur,.ed Soldiers' Coneert. ;tl,u window. when it will stop. '' e4 j years of ago.