StiA fMlLY MCW8 1 rlilay. .Inly , loin, The Daily News For Summer Camp NEW SUMMER SERVICE or Bungalow the ready-cooked, THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA food -that Published Daily Mid Weekly rcady-to-cat - TO Guaranteed LargMt Circulation keeps in any climate, ALASKA AND YUKON that supplies the contest KiTcctivo .luno f t Hi and weekly thereafter HEAD 6FFICB nutriment in smallest bulk, the H. 8. Prince Ilupcrt or Prince Heorgo bally News IiuildlnR, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.G. Telephone 08. is Shredded Wheat Biscuit, will leave Prince Ilupcrt every Wednesday nt 12 noon for the ideal Summer food, K Ichikan, Wrangcll, Juneau, Bkagway, etc. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVKItTISINO 50 cents per Inch. Contract SOUTHBOUND because it supplies everything rates on application, 17th tho 8. S. I'rinco the human body needs .Effective- Juno Rupert or Prince George will leave Prince Rupert every Saturday mid Monday in a form that is easily and DAILY EDITION Friday, July 7, 10IC. Combines at 10 a. in for Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle, do. SERVICE quickly digested. PASSENGER dcliciouslv with fresh fruits. Trains will leave Prince Rupert every Monday, Wednesday SHIPPING FISH' had to admit that a private Always clean, always pure, and Friday at 10:30 a, in. for Winnipeg, mid all points In Marclf, 1015, an"brdcr-in concern had drawn the alten-, always the same price. East Fortnightly and South.servlco to the Queen Charlotte Islands. council wfts made to encourage lion of Ottawa to tho matter. For full Information & reservations nprjly lo city ticket office American fishermen .to bring Evidently, it is another case of THIRD AVENUE PHONE 260 their flsh to Prince Rupert. In Vancouver v. Prince Ilupcrt, the past fifteen months tho ro with the odds largely in favor suits have been gratifying and of the south. There seems to so much American flsh was bo n great fear somewhere that CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY brought to this port that American this clty,wil ever become pros Lowest Rates lo all Eastern Points fish.buying firms opened perous. Made in Canada via Steamer to Vancouver and the up branches here. In the halibut It is clear that Ottawa knew CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY business, very small or of tho old order -n - council Meals and Berth Included on Steamer very large flsh aro reckoned as when It permitted flsh to be TRADESMEN WANTED FOR Princess Alice for Alaskan Ports Friday, July 7th. culls, and there is a market shipped south in bond, but it CANADIAN ENGINEERS Princess Maqulnna for Qranby Alice Arm Friday 11 p.m. for them only near the port of did not make n movo for fifteen Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday, July 8th. ontry, unless they are kept months, during which time Mayor McCaffery has received Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. Princess Charlotto for Alaskan Ports Monday, July 10. frozen. The American firms several American Arms camo a letter from tho commanding found a ready market for their hero and started doing business. ofilcer of the Cth Field Company, J. I. PETERS, General Agent small and large flsh in Seattle It is also clear that the Canadian Engineers, with headquarters Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. and they were allowed to ship slight alteration made in per-' at North Vancouver, PRESIDENT'S WIFE AT them there in bond by steamer. milting flsh to be sent by tating that recruits for this UNIQUE FUNCTION Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, In the LAND REGISTRY ACT- MINERAL ACT This continued, without a word steamer to Vancouver and branch of the service aro urgently of protest from tho customs thence per rail is n contravention wanted. All professions and latest style of summer dress, as she appeared with her husband nt Notice Under Soctlon 36-TAkE Rlvennouth Fractional mineral claim. authorities, for flft.cen months, trades are eligible for enlistment of the ancient order-ln-council. has situated lb Ibe Skeena Mining Division of NOTICE that an application when suddenly there came an If such a change in this battalion and drafts are West point Commencement Exer been made to register Even llolmqulst, of Casslar District. cises. This is the first lime in Where located: At the bead of Alice order from Ottawa staling that could bo made, why could the hipped for overseas service every Prince Rupert, as the owner In fee-simple, Ann, adjoining the III vermouth and Carl' fifty that tho president of under two Tax Sale Deeds from the collector no more flsh could be shipped whole order not be rescinded? two weeks. years of the City of rrlnce Rupert, to boo mineril claims. TAkE NOTICE that I, O. It. Neden, Free in bond by steamer. Later, a The answer is that some private Tho following aro required: the United States has officiated at jten llolmqulst, bearing date rne 17th day Miners' Certificate No. Ot.Ottb, acting as uf September, A. D. till, In pursuance of useless modification was made interest in Vancouver has Blacksmiths, bricklayers, carpenters, a similar function. a Tax Sale held by sf.ld Municipality on agent for Carrie Pratt, tree Miners' Cer uneate No. 93.9I7B, Intend, sixty dais permitting this flsh to be shipped a stronger pull at Ottawa than clerks, coopers, architectural ur about tho nth day of September, lM. from the dale hereof, to apply to the DO YOU WANT WORK? of all and singular certain parcel or tract by boat to Vancouver on Irauglitsmen, electricians, engi Mining Recorder for a Certiorate of Im of has. .the city Pripce Rupert or land ana premises suusie, lying, sua Ocean Falls laborers 30 provement!, for the purpose or obtaining condition that it was transferred neers, fitters and turners, harness pays being In the City of Prince Rupert. In the Crown Grant or the above claim. cents hour and 40 rrovlnce of British Columbia, tnore particularly to rail there. As this necessitates NOTES AND COMMENTS makers, masons, painters, plasterers, per carpenters known and described as: Lot And further take notice thai action. and 45 cents per hour. See H. E. under section tl, must be commenced be Block fori-live (4$, Section the carrying of the plumbers, shoemakers, three (1), fore the Issue of such Certificate or Im Ross, Empress Hotel. No Fee. eight (I), and Lot four (I), Block thirty- shipments across the city of So tho election is to be on September surveyors, tailors, plate layers, ve J5,, Section eight (S), Map 111. provement!. Fare advanced. Dated Wis tlrd dsy or December, A. l. Vancouver, the extra handling lUh. How Bowser etc. Apply to Mayor J. Fades You and those claiming through or under 1911. Apr, I. sorry aoJ all persons claiming any Interest to tho flsh Ward, C. O. Cth Feld you. being very Injurious must be to have to make tho announcement. Company, the said land by descent whose title Closing out at cost the balance as well as very expensive, it is C. K., North Vancouver. tf, Is not registered under the provisions of MINERAL ACT of our granilewaro and kitchen thS "Land Registry Act" are required to of little advantage to the hand-, contest the claim of tbt tax purchaser that the French and British means goods Wallace's. 157. - Certificate of lers. within forty-five days of the service of Improvements By September 14th, Hon. William are one milcnearer comparatively this notice upon you. Otherwise you and On Tuesday, II. S. Clements, Manson will have held a open country behind the heavy Prices count, "Tile's Sale Saves each of you will 1m forever estopped claim to and NOTIOE debarred from setting up any or M. P interviewed the flsTieriej portfolio for a longer spell than German defences. you Dollars." in respect of the said tend, and I shall Basin Mineral Claim, situate In the committee of the Board of he ever has done. Well,'he will be register the said Sven llolmqulst as owner Skeena Mining Division of Casslar District in fee. Where located: About four miles from Trade in the matter, and coolly relieved of it then. So far as the SUN AND TIDE Smart models in women's high- Your attention Is called to section It Uie beach on the South side of Alice Ann informed them that they need government Is concerned, the cut shoes button or laco ?3.U5 of the "Land Registry Act" and amend at the bead or a branch or Ume Creek, ' ments, and especially to the following ex TAKE NOTICE that I. Oeorge R. Neden, expect nothing more along this election might as well have bee-n Saturday, July 8th. Wallace's. 157. tract therefrom which relates to the above Free Miner's Certiorate No. 940I4B. In line, as the prder-in-council fixed for the I 3th. Sun rises ..1:22 a. m. notice. Irud, sixty days from the dste hereof, to And In default of a ctveal er certificate spply to lbs Mining Recorder ror a Certificate must be lived to. Now the MINERAL ACT up Sun sets 8:58 p. m. of Us pendens being died before the of Improvements, for khe purpose of order referred to is spine years Tho next big news from the Low water ...0:38a.m. lit. 7.7 registration as owner of the persons en obtaining a Crown Grant of the above NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER tilled under such tax sale, all persons so claim. older than the city of Prince eastern front will be the taking High water ...0:38 a. in. lit. 15.4 fO J. A. ROGERS, lervvd with notice, cr served with notice And further take notice that action. Rupert, and a special order wa9 of Lemberg. Low water . . . 12:36 p. m. lit. 7.2 TAKE .NOTICE that, whereas I have under subsection (ft) of section tit of onder aection It, must be commenced before caused to be done the assessment work the 'Municipal Clauses Act, 1(06, or sec the luue of such CeitiOcale of Im made in 1Q15 in favor of this High water ...,7:6p.m. Ht. 18.0 for the year 1815 on the mineral claiini Hon HI of the 'Municipal Act,' or section provements. city. Why, at this time of day, Sir Douglas Haig and Cencral Captain J. McOec, M. M.SJV. known as "Ladybird No. 4" Mineral Claim. 139 of the 'Assessment Act, 1903,' or Dated IbU lh day or March, A.D. 191. situated In Cascade Creek valley, north cl section fJ of the 'Taxation Act,' In cases GEOROE R. NADEN, is one of Prince Rupert's privileges Joffre are evidently content to NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT Sliver Lake, In the Stewart, tf. C, Mlnlni In which notice under this Act Is dispensed District; and the "Stumpy Mineral Claim, with as hereinafter provided, and those MINERAL to be taken away? pursue the advance in easy stages. R. S. C Chapter 116. ACT situated on the east side or Cascade Creek Uimlng through or under tbem and all Mr. Clements tried to show Tho despatches seem meagre but district, snd have paid for said assess persons claiming any Interest In the land nobert Cecil Gosse hereby rive notice menl work the sunt of 1100.00: unless by virtue of any unregistered Instrument, Notice to Delinquent Partners. that it international each little episode reported means was an that he has under Section 7 of the said you pay to tat the sum of 1100.00 lor and all persons claiming any Interest In question, but this fell flat when much more than the wording of Act deposited with the Minister or Public your share of the said assessment work the land by descent wbose title Is no Works at Ottawa, and In the office of the To a. W. Maxwell an Charlea Nicholson. wltu the costs of this advertise under the of this log-ether n-gistvred provlitons Act, Mr. Clayton asked if the United the despatch signifies. A gain of District Registrar of Titles at the Land TAKE NOTICE that whereas 1 have done at the head. In the said Stewart Mlnlni .hall be ror ever estopped and debarred Slates authorities had com a mile seems Utile in view of the Registry at Prince Rupert, British ment, I shall, at the eiplratlon of ninety trum setting up any claim to or la respect and caused to be done assessment work Columbia, a description of the site and the on the Wolf Mineral claim, altuated at the cays from the dale hereof, apply to the uf the land so sold for Hies. plained. In the long run, he terrific Russian advance, but it plans of a wharf proposed to be built In bead of Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet. In Mining Recorder at Stewart, it. C, to have Dated at the Land Refistry OfOce, at the north S keens Passste, at the mouth of the Skeens mining division of Skeena district, your Interest In the said "Ladybird No. 4' the City of Prince Rupert, Province of the Skeena niver, British Columbia, In and "Stumpy" Mineral Claims vested In me British Columbia, this 19tb day of January, assessment work for the yesrs 1913, front of Lot one hundred and seventeen 1914, and lilt, and have paid for said In pursuance of the provisions of the I. D. m. 11171 ninr, flv (SI rjint niitrlrt nrit. "Mineral Att. II. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar. work and recording same, the sum or Columbia. Ish ' Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C, this lib To Orand Trunk racinc Development Co, 1307.10. Unless you pay me the aum of Launch Alice B. And take notice after the eiplratlon of that, day of November, I(MS. Lid., J. P. Conrad, Jick Jenkins, Mrs. 1331.10. Tor your share or the said as-sessment one month from the date of the nrst publl A, LUND. C. R. McDonald. work, together with the cost ot cation of this notice, Robert Cecil Oosse Ibis advertisement. I shall, at the eiplra will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply leaves Davis riott for Hon or ninety (90) days from the date to the Minister of Public Works, at his NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, Metlakatlah, Sundays at 9 MINERAL ACT hereof apply lo the mining recorder at and tt a. m., and t and 3 office In the City of Ottawa, for approval of R. 8. C. Chaptsr 116. Prince Rupert. B. C, tQ have your In'"' ksssssiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBxBsasp5v p. m. the said site and plans, and for leave to es(s In the Wolf mineral claim vested In construct the said wharf. Certificate of In or the or the The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com Improvements me. puriusnce provisions HIJMMIMgpjMMBBBk For terms and particulars Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. this 97lli mineral act. pany hereby gives noUce that It baa under Call day of May, 1916. Dated at rrlnc0 Rupert, B. C., this II lb Section 7 of the said Act deposited with ROBERT CECIL GOSSE. NASTURTIUM. IRIS FRACTION. BELLIS or W. t. THOMAS, Phcno. the Minister or Public Works at Ottawa day February. 1916. m30-j30. FRACTION, OENTIAN. BLl'E BELL FRAC ml. 381. J, E. STARK. Qroen and In the office of the District Registrar TION, COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE of the Land Registry Office, District or NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, FRACTION, MARIGOLD FRACTION, LILAC Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, a description R. 8. C. CAP. 118. FRACTION, FERN FRACTION. PINE APPLE of the site and plsns or ware twlitttt PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, hereby give FRACTION, COXCOMB, BEGONIA FRAC notice that It has, under Section 7 of the houso proposed to be built In Prince Ru-perl TION, MINERAL CLAIMS situate In the THE ENCINLkaVINDull said Act, deposited with the Minister or Harbor at Prince Rupert, British Co Queen r.lurlotle District, located at or near Tickets Public Works at Ottawa, and In the office lumbla, In front or waterfront Block "O" Ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte Islsnd, Province ftntit lent tCZt J of the Registrar Oenersl of Titles at Victoria, according to registered plan of the town r British Columbia, and liwfully held British Columbia, a description or site or the, said city or Prince Rupert de HKia Mines Limited. by FISHERMAN'S ENttlNE the site and the plans of certain structures posited In, the aforesaid Land Registry TAKE NOTICE to and from Norway, Sweden, Dan-mark, to be erected In front of Lot Thirty-one Office as No. 913. ttllcllcr for Ikeda that I. Jobn A. Maclnnla, 2 Cvl 1.2 In. by 7 In., 12-18 Finland, Italy and Rum la. (31 , Range Three (3), Coast District, AND TAkE NOTICE that after the ex nlners' Mines Limited, free Hersa Power. certificate No. 70354 B, Intend SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK llth. British Columbia, at the bead of Cousins plratlon or one month from the date of after the expiration of sixty days from Cyl 1 3-4 In. by 8 1-2 In., 28 Krlstlanlarjord" July nlel. the first publication of this notice, the Horse Power. -llelllr our ........ July tOtn. tne date hereof to apply on behalf of the AND TAKE NOTICE that arter the expiration Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company will "Fredrick VIII." July 16th. said Company to the Mining Recorder for 4 Cl 4 1.2 In. by In., 28-8 of one month from the date or under Section 7 of the said Act apply to a certificate or Improvements ror the Horse Power, "Stockholm" August 1st. the nrst publication or this Notice, Pa-cine the Minister of Public Works at hla office pur pose or obtaining a Crown Orant to the Hid your Rseervatlone mads Early. Mills, Limited, will, under Section 7 in Die City of Ottawa for approval oi above claims. For Hates. Illustrated Folders and or the said Act, aiply to tt Governor-ln- said site and plans, and for leave to cou AND FURTHER For Further Information Oeneral Information Apply to TAKE NOTICE that action , Council for approval or the said alte and struct the saia warehouse. under Section It or the Mineral Aet must Apply to OVBHAVN A HANSON plan. Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, tills J5tl be commenced before the lituanre or auch Dated at U A.. D. I9t. Vancouvar, Britisb"Tolumbla, dsy May certificate Insurant and Steamahlp Agency, or Improvements. Ibis lh day of April, A. D. ISIS. THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Dated this W. E. WILLISCROFT Prince Rupert, B. 0. Slit day or Msy, A, D. tilt BODWELL. LAWSON It LANE. COMPANY. JOHN A, MACHINES. Prince Rupert, B. C. Solicitors for Tactile Mills, Limited. II. II. HANSARD, Solicitor, Solicitor ror Ikeda Mines Limited. EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR .F.Q.DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT, B. O.