I Itlll DAILY rtfiWB. ' SPLENDID RECITAL IS BUT BAOLY DY AILEEN FERLUCU naviqable waters act projection Mb, Ail...... K,.r Hl . UKELSE HOT SPRINGS ft. a. 0. CHAPTER 1tB. AFFECTED V f Mi- finest MOTEL The Purr tnlet Power Company Limited - IS NOW mu,ir, OI'EN TO UUKSTS This 1'rfnce rcBlH hereby Urcs notice that It bas udder Section Superior Huperl ! vr. I of the larrrtt lint Sprlnir In 7 of laid act deposited with the M'n-llir U-lwl to. An Amnn, eiretimrrrehre J00 feet of fublie Works at Ottawa and tn the uraomplWia,! . otTko or the District rtetiatrar of the Land Soon Relieved Troprtare or Water, 110 d. Fahr. 'HIM. MIm fmil-a-lhes" lrlc lii'listry District at Prince nupert, B, C . Condition high artistic level in -i, tla . tuellint Trout riihlna In Lakelae a description of the site and the plans COFFEE jKs Dangerous but ' Lake. or .wharves and power bouse proposed to Tobo.ito. Cn,J hfMf f thre, r Phone Connectlona with Terrace. be built at the bead of Surf Inlet, Princess St- 532 Or.' a miirlutbly prPUy RATE!I 2.B0 per day. Itoyil Island, In front Of Lot 40 funre 4, 1 WM n 'ctlin of Utile Indian Com B C )'" District, for tv. la sold the by following well known Prince Rupert Dealers at Acute Iu ' 'on nl 0m n Tt' "d n n snlemll.1 tUlll hast,.I For further particular., apply to And take notice thai after the expiration aiVrwarils nttacktd or Crm,.. . BRUCi 4OHNIT0NE, Manager. of one month from the date of too first I'- tny gtomeJi. MIm Peruce One Price lb. " i. , publication of this .notice the Surf tnlet Only $0.45 per 1 J rlns 0Tcr "' urtri'iM lUtrltn .,f .-onsMerehlp .him. Power Company Limited will, under Bee , jjjjj J c nlJ hardly mote Around. Uler tlon 7 of the aald Act, apply to the Mln At the following well-known dealeret oWi,,.s jlrUJ all of Mellciiio but nofto wu lh njjj,,' LAND ACT I1it of Public Works, at bis office In LVNCH BROS. MILLER-PHILLIPS ' IT' At last, I oi n the indies, her ,n-jn gfb the city or Ottawa, for approval of the FULLtn McMEEKIN MU88ALLEM GROCERY CO., LTD. tided t-y "Friit.a.t!e.'. I MM Slid site and plans and for leave to constrict 0. P. McCOLL T. BRAMLEY prlleurly PRINCE RUPERT LAND rtrlkhiaj, while DISTRICT DIS. the aald wharves and power bouse. 3RD AVE. CA8H MARKET CAVENAILE A HANNAN lioofbt box list June, and thm nppmt a the rtintlHBt TRICT OF COAST, RANQE III. luted at Vancouver, D. C, this ttth FULTON CASH MARKET SPURR'S CASH MARKET tot I am II, ?'r' ""V "(r thrtt l-h of di) of May, ll. A, FERGUSON LIPSETT, CUNNINGHAM A CO., LTD. I rnmend "Frult-adlTes" KirU. Ae a hrnii.i,. ,h TUE Notice that Paeine Mill., Limited, THE SURF INLET POWER COMPANY. CANADIAN FISH COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. yttt. M ..r.j.l "f Vancouver, Drltlah Columbia, occupation, LIMITED. from Indigestion", a Mr binrona suffering aucceas, reeelv. pulp and paper inakere, Intend to apply Stewart A Motley, Ltd., Wholesale Distributors, Prince Rupert. F11KI J. CAVI'EN. m a i.iibl encore on each . for pennlaakm to tmrehasa th rnilnwinv 50c. I ' x u io r irisi site, we. ran inn." 1 dricribed landi. Commenclnr at poet StEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF ltII.l a orient postpaid by Fruit, planted on Uie north bank of tcoeye rirer, COAST, HANOE (. wm. braid & co., ;sr.' Ottawa. l!.idea play in the about om-ffiirter of a mile up-.tream itiTrtl-wii.-d, hnt with perfect from the norer Fltx-llurh Sounds thence tKZZ notice that Oeorre Roderick Mc-k'cmle, aympalby, J. north twcftly ehaina, thence ea.t twenty of I'rlnce Rupert, B. C, occupation MINERAL ACT tlamilUin Howe renirrf chain, tttenee eouth n ritefa bank, thence eiifineer. Intends to apply for permission Wm finest f atont ahore in a weaterly direction to lo lease the following described lands: pianoforte music In point, of commencement and containing Commencing at a post planted at the Certificate or Improvements mi. riy ty- havinc u. how hu forty (40) acree. more or leu. N. I. corner of T. L. Lot f 7t9, Ranre t, rift 2,000,0001 Bated June 1 1016. Oth. acknowledvenwnts Sep 14 Cout District, rorcber Island, thence NOTICE repeatedly If PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, south 10 chains, thence west SO chains, Albion ar4 sunbeam' Mineral Claims, i rmre ntipert is prlvileicM tn hear by "Mark Bmaby," Aent ttirnce north (0 chains to shore line, thence Htuie in Witt the X Skrena Miotnr Division of Miss Forlnre aaralo. the th LAND ACT pHnt south-easterly of commencement;following shore containing line to Jit)the rm. oeigians r.ulir irt J atcd About five rollti from ill undoubtedly be packed to the Prince Rupert Land District District of stret more cr leas. Depend on us IM briil -t Alice Ann on "MkMIe Creek." Coast, Range 3. GEORGE RODERICK MCKENZIE THE ft tick that I. Win. T. lerrta TAKE NOTICE that the Pacine Mills, Mir 9th. 1916. jylt iirrlDce n'!' rt. B. C, Free Miner's Or-encte Her proxram was amMiim. iwt Uasfid, of Vincourer, B. C, occupation for Bread! 5i' Intend uty days rrom mtist brp entailed a tremendous psjfp asd paper makers, Intend to apply If qk cut hereof, to apply to the Mlnlnf for psrmlseion to purchase the followlnf MINERAL ACT Itnti" I r t irtifleate of Improvements, nnmunt t hard work upon tlie dsseiibed land.: Commenclnr at a post Since after the German the shortly invasion, Belgians for tlx P .fpi-v' f obtainlnr a Crown Oram youna: StSBtSd at the southeast corner nf ln( eoo iirinle, hut her Certificate of Improvements f Uk above ' lim. vnicc on the west shore of Cousins Inlet, thence ' have depended for food entirely on the "Commission And further like notice ihil action, on pned final to all demands made weal 40 chains, thence south 10 chains, NOTIOE frrsfctl.a '. mint be KinnHl hefnr.-0 iiM.n it and oho srrtrcd Ihenee cl to shore, thence northeasterly Sliver Bow Mineral Claim, situate tn the for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, tifoe ' r 'jcn Ortiflrate of Unprove- a most de- aloor shore to Mint of enmmencemenl. Sketna Mining Division of Casslar District. even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only ridfsl mirri' in every number. Vonlalnint ei Where located: At the bead of t branch BfSU. acres, more or less. Cutfd tliii Utn day of March. A. D. I-AUUL MILLS LIMITED, of Lime Creek about four miles from the three weeks they have had no chance to raise mot e till ieT Mark Smaby arent. beich on the south side of Alice Arm. and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I A TAKE NOTICE thai I, George R. VM. T. KEnOI.t. Rati Ltv tlnUUa . Dated May Illh. A. D. 1916. Auf. IS Nadcn, GOLD WATCH Hlllf. a.Tree ifent Miner's for Certificate Thos. McRostle,No. 9I096B,Free Miner's acting Backed by the KttSA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF jeeea Cerliatale No. 69IB, and James L. Hatch, COAST, RANQE 4. I Mn'ditfimre Fret Miner's Certificate No. 87966B. Intend, ML mm it arv. (rt. m an. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. amy days from the date hereof, to Belgian Rdief Fund TAlt 5"TtCK that Frederlrk Dridihiw apply lo the Mining Recorder for a Certin 4 Tooopib, Nerada, occupation mine nun Raw can of Improvements, for the purpose of inirnili to arply for i 'Jf aim U Ann-Hiiro that they bare purchased oLulolng a Crown Orant of the above irf, prrmit.lon to Writ generously contributed in the British Empire and the United eutaite tbe fitllolnr deechbed land tho tiistu'is of the Prince Rupert clilm. io awnrt'int at a poet planted abuut (Ml SWIW l.tllO Trat -fi-r 'mpany and solicit a eon-tlnnance And rurther take notice that action, Stales, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported IM ffl caiuirly from tho northweet cor (.- la, m of the patronare of the under section 86, must be commenced be-fori enough wheat. Sour and other foods to feed the whole nation err of Lot 4. name 4, Coaet Dlitiici. " I k KI ni Homers of that firm. the Issue of such Certificate of Improvements. so far. The great majority of the 7.000,000 Belgians left in inn Bcrtli 10 rhalntt tbenco wcet to Careful attention to all orders Cited this (lib day or March, A.D. I9t6. the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of raiiai; ltw. aouth SO cMlue more or rnle MM, for Cartage and Coal. GEORGE R, NADEN. bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. Ht to the abore of Burr Inlet, thence hOevisf the ehoro ine to th pliee of Im aeo. V aim n ta tad , r bMd Unless wilting to let these hundreds el thousands of nsnrBrrrorat, contalninr forty acfci ,l( as aa4Watw Vtmm Mia taaadfal Wafak PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. we are i t Iklaa UM atat toa tnmt la m kat m.4 children and old men starve, they must be fed at the of or Iria. J la aaata a.., a4 raaa a f 1 women, tdaurj U. III. witf !"a aaiaul(Oat. ia-WitXitW t,m, U UTI.IkMd. low.Wla I. PHONE 93. expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible FREDERICK OftADSIIAW. I Xaalaaa. FISHERMEN someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every month all this winter I ATTENTION I No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute generously ss we Canadians! No cause has ever been more deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Humanity for the sake of our own self-respect 1st us give aO we can to THE SEL1G SPOON help our martyred Allies 1 ScikJ youi aulsaaiptwu watlly,atoaiUy Is Ma Wasp asaa as Local PioviacUl Cemmiueea, oc lo lha g Is Now on the Market Central Executive Committee, 59 St, Ptter St, Montreal Ask your Dealer for It, 3 $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. mm and See that You Get It. It Gets Them Every Time ! Advertise In The Daily News. TlieTaleTW Wagons Tell My office window The cocoa had been faces a street, close grown in Brazil, to'heds.the railway freight shipped transhipped to Bristol,to Montreal fedwtei aMiThrift 1 All day lone steady and finally stream of trucks and distributed from lorries lumber by-loaded Toronto. with boxes, barrels and bales. gather The tea was One truck I noticed e d by swart-skinned " '"PO win tho war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire the other afternoon natives of -L will require to put forth its full collective power in men end in moocy. From this viewpoint it is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our was particularly interesting. the romantic Island productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy, which reduces to the minimum No two of Ceylon; from nil expenditures upon luxuries end noc-cscnliaK Only in this way shall we be able boxes were the same to make good the loaa caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from industrial and stencilled the 6unny Portugal the activities, repair the wastage of the war,and find thc funds for its continuance. It on luscious, big grapes cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest end oi edeh was the name burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that industry and thrift are, for those of some well.known nro had been gathered years who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment duct soap, tobacco, socks. aeo. fermented, bottled our auccess, and consequently our national safety, may 'jltunately depend." SIX TUOMAS WHITE, Minifler of Financt and branded with a famous tea, chocolates, perfumery and the i name; from Egypt had come cotton and from South America the Gathered there in prosaic wooden dyes that entered into the product PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. boxes were the results of thousands 1 finally stamped with the brand of a of hand's labor in all parts of the well-known hosiery. world. MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE There. MUrf thtt e2 uSedtrtjrS SPEND MONEY WISELY. Ana ,.. : hy u 2X& SSSSX" m things; and that brought me plump back to LET US FRODUCE AND SAVE LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS the inrrie wre known everywhere to-day, but The war is now turning on contest of alt ItKCia lk-gin at home. The larger portion of salaries The names of some of the boxes on mrc clearfy than ever before and rito'irvra men, munition, food, money, llie and wages ia spent on thc honw food, fuel, light, had been unknown a few years ago; in,t Js like thc Panama Canal. You call to all ii to produce i.re und nujie. It may be clothing. Arc any of thews things being vuatul T that Advertising is really a great ch"e87und Horn. You can get there, nvcewtary to wcrk harder. The plate of those who $20.(10 a war saved from waste in cvtry homo lit the Vancouver enlist iiiuat be taken by those at hoiue, men and Canada will more thaa pay the interest on a war debt can sail from Montreal to thrQUgh thc woiiun, old and young. The more we produce the of tV5O0.OOO.tHIO. but it is going to take months. A year or less than nan. channel will have more we can save, l'nxlut t more on the farm, and Panama Canal and chop the Journey to in the gardens. Save more and htlp to win the war. LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY been dug. Are you ajicndini; your money to the beat advan. LET US NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR .hose of the manufacturers who have let tageT What do you think of extravagance in war The great names in commerce to-day nr. . 099 the isthmus of distributing In this wur-tims atl Ulxur !iould be diiectly productive tin.? Tens of thouaanda of Canadian are daily modern advertising stenm-shovel a channet or ahould It! iiaaiau'M.; iii itioductkui. Make it risking thef r lives for us at home. I it not our duty as t llicicnt as pusaiUW. If your labour is on soinet'ilni: to Km) careful and economical T Canadian dollars are difficulties. that can be postponed,put it IT ell after the war and an iuiurtant part of the war equipment. Make them morrow will be those of men who widen and make your labour U II iww. Making war is the first tell. Have a War Savings Accouut. Uuy a War The great names in the commerce qi w- nsg 8moothly and quickly from businesa of all Canadian. KlKciency in labour la as llond. dredge this channel so that the "e consumer, iniHrUnt as ctlktcnty in ftjbtlnt:, the source of production to the homea THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3 la!' i . i .: . nawspapar. THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE with ., waul J U wall lar ra - - ii.i it Uaa will ba rantUhaat. tf Y-i rft ' '" - Room S0J, Loauwlts BuIMIbs. T te h cawul aiwi aiau" ' tuvt .n ftt Aaailitis.