The News vol vir. NO. lf2. PRINCE RUPERT, H. C, Tilt RHDAY, JULY 13, 1010. PRICJTFIVE CENTS MARINE LINERS 10 fTTnJ REUKM ZED DEUTSCHLAND WILL BE SUNK AT SIGHT - GERMANS MAKE GREAT SACRIFICES DEUTSCHLAND RUSSIANS TAKE WELCOME COMMITTEE MATHEMATICAL FOR RETURNED SOLDIERS WILL BE SUNK PRISONERS AND PRECISION OF The returned soldiers concert WHENSIGHTED SUPPLIES DAILY in tho Wcslholme last evening SOMME ADVANCE was much more than a concert. It was tho beginning of an organization Allies do not Recognize German Steady Progress on Caucasus and for the reception of Anglo-French Advance Proceeds Submarine as a Merchant Riga Fronts German men returning from the battle-llelds Like Steam-roller Germans Vessel Washington Ore Ships Captured of Europe. The following Make Tremendous Recruiting. In Bothnia. resolution was moved by Mayor Sacrifices. McCalTery and seconded by Mrs. -lcil to The Dally Kewi.) (Special to The Pally News.) be W. P. That committee Hiley; a (Special to The Daltj flews.) Washington, July 13, Tho Allied Pctrograd, July 13, On tho formed to select members of a Paris, July 13, The Allied ad nations learn that a neutral Caucasus and Riga fronts the Returned Soldiers Welcome Committee, vance on the Sommo front is considered f' H) convoyed tho fleniian sub-iimi Russians are engaging the enemy the members of the committee to be of the nature of a me Deulschland from Ilreinen and arc progressing steadily, cap. to consist as far as pos steam-roller proceeding with u, i .-s tho Atlantic. turing prisoners and quantities sible of representatives from the mathematical exactness along the France, Russia, Italy of munitions daily. Ilritain, existing patriotic societies of lines originally planned by Earl declare that they can-it.! German Ships Taken. mid Japan Prince Rupert, Kilehe-nor and General Joilre. recognize submarine liners I-ond'n, July 13. Ilussian tor The resolution was carried Tremendous Sacrifice. a, trade vessels and are determined pedo boats have captured tho German unanimously and Mrs. W. P. Hiley, The Germans have gained n to sink the Deutschland steamers Lissabon and Mayor McCafWy and Canon Ilix but little ground at Sainte Fine, uiM ii discovery. Worms in tho Baltic. Tho Swedish were appointed as a selection the gain was made at a tremendous Preparedness. captain and crew of tho Worms committee. sacrifice in men. President Wilson has authorized have been detained and tho re ' f' In opening the concert, Canon The llritish have regained the iminedlalo organization mainder are being delivered at Hix, chairman, said that some ground which they lost at Mametz . f a National Guard recruiting Skcllaftca. such organization should have wood and havo repulsed German t.TU'Jc with tho object of raising Two More Taken. ROYAL PARTY RETURNING FROM KITCHENER SERVICE been formed long ago. He described attacks uppn Contalmaison which the si rength by 1C0.000. This Pctrograd, July 13. Two large Crowds lined tho Streets of London In solemn silence to see how II. A. Harvey, with the British captured on Tuesday. w ii-1 mil of an army of 210,000 German steamers have beon cap- llritain's King, George V going and returning from tho service at the assistance of Mrs, Riley and The presence of a great number L -nit; iiuieil along tho Mexican lured by Ilussian destroyers In St. Paul's in memory of the great Field Marshal who met his end others, bad prepared a reading of German dead in the region of border r. r protective purposes. the (lu f of Bothnia. One was o tragically. and rest room for the boys and Trones wood is ample evidence Coelhals Resigns. loaded with iron ore. that out of this small beginning of tho great sacrifices made by the I'n-iil.nt Wilson has accepted SIR RICHARD M'BRIDE CANADIANS.HEFUSE this larger movement had taken Germans during the strenuous ten ttii i Mnalion of General Goth-ii "form. There was much to be fighting at this ALARMING STRIKE days' point. TO MAKE HUN SHELLS TORY ADYANCE AGENT itovernnr of tho Panama done as an increasing number of German Air Raid. ( a i aJ z"nc. CONDITIONS IN SPAIN men would be returning and he Berlin, July 13. German aero to The Duly . $.- (Special to The Dally IVewa.) (Special felt that the citizens would realize planes have bombed Allied mlli- ti The Dally Sew.i PROTESTING SOLDIERS (Special Montreal. July 13. Sir Richard uttawa, Jiny u. i no ,he duty wlllch fel, upon lhera ia ,. i rnii. July 13. Eleven thou .. - . . II.. l.,ln,.nl L , viwu...""""- GRANTED VACATION Madrid. McUrido announced in London iiouiiceiiieiu ui wit: ui.i)Ui...;...rregarj to tll0 welfare of tho men sand workmen, representing tho of a permanent military pension I for the ho ,iaJ duno 8Q mucn keels ready esterday that flvo are Special to The Dally .v. various trades have struck work administration is expected. The Ejnplro and for Canada. DEUTSCHLAND HAS Camp Ilordcn, July 13. Tho and several have been wounded itr to be laid in Vancouver! two in appointments win oe maue ue- besides a very fine picture show TWO SMALL GUNS :-Lu.-rs who have been prolcst-inn collisions with gendarmic. The New Westminster and three in upectivo of politics. lho foiowiriK artistes contributed tigatnst exceptional training government is employing military Victoria, all for largo vessels to Canadians Imprisoned. , .....sjpni nroirram: Mrs. J. American exchanges give some r millions hero in connection with measures to check a railway strike operate by the Panama Cana' .Canadian prisoners of war in McLeoti Mis9 Wright. J. E. interesting details regarding tho ti e .-..niig visit of Sir Sam Huglu'S which is imminent. At Barcelona routo to Europe. Germany havo been sentenced to D G D , Meth Davles transatlantic submarine Deutsch- li ivv been granted a vacation. twenty thousand textile workers Recruiting Appeal. one year in prison for refusing L Shlc,airf all(I eorge Wuddell. ,anJ. wnich arrivoJ at alU0- have gone on strike. Sir Thomas White, Minister ot to manufacture munitions Tor me i oos; dances by Gladvs Kemp aud tho other day. ine crau is jio DAN PATCH'S OWNER inance, while addressing a crowd Germans. ,p llailov Sisters, and oiano solo fel lon . and carrie9. a crew of " " ' I i DIED YESTERDAY B C. SOLDIERS IN iif flvo thousand people in Do- i.v n n iy,B.Prv. Thn accom. twenty-nine men anu a capiain ENGLAND WILL VOTE minih Square, appealed to ail HENRY FORD MAY BE naniments were played by Mrs. C.p-no has a sea speed of several Special to The Dally Newt.) citizens to enlist. "DRY" CANDIDATE A. (i Arinstronir. P. C. Daugherty knols '0sle,r lhan the average Minneapolis, July 13, Mr. Sav- Victoria, July 10. Premier The from Gutelius' Operation. and W. V. navies. freighter. voyage tho millionaire manufacturer received a cable r.,'r. Bowser today Railroad Manager Gutelius has (Special to The Pally Newi.) 'rim v.ihnlm Thualra was Hremerhavn, at tho moutli or tne and railroad controller and the from Sir George Foster who Is hee.t operated upon for appeidi- Chicago, July 13, Tho Prohib packed and uniforms were largely Kibe, to the Virginia Capes occu wnrr of the famous pacer Dan now in England stating that the National Convention,L pied sixteen days. citis. itionist cvWence t0 usher8 being men I'uleh, which died tho other day, Ofllco was quito agreeable to War which will meet at bi. raui on mo if he Msh Fusl!iers aoog wilh Sho carries no torpedoes but i dead. British Columbia soldiers who are 1 1 1 1 1 .Ai.i.inlilit SIR JAMES AIKENS MAY 1 8th. is expected to nominate returned The "as 8,u" two of tho men. taking now training in England BE MANITOBA GOVERNOR Henry Frd as President. concert was thoroughly enjoyed for defense. The captain report- BASEBALL part In tho coming provincial "d passing within 500 feet of an and encores were freQuent. election. Tho proposal to havo (Special to The Dally News.) NEW MOVIE FILMS Allied cruiser but escaped y Tho Colts and Calhollo Club them vote for their homo candi Ottawa, July 13. Sir James A. SERBIA'S SOLDIERS diving, sno was launcncu ai tviei aim meet tonight at Ilecreatlon dates will, therefore, bo carried (Special to The Dally Ke) I owned tho bo M. Alkens will probably ap WILL TAKE REVENGE in March and is by Park at seven o'clock. Tho C. C.'s out. pointed Lieutenant - Governor of Paris, July 13, M. Dussaud, nl Ozcan Rheiderei, Ltdn of Bremen. will make big effort to win, ns will bo manifestly impossible has invented Tho following a It Manitoba in succession to Gov French engineer, Corfu, July 12. fierman9 in Baltimore hailed a victory will place tho teams in view of tho fact that every ernor Cameron. Slr Jamos sac paper rolls as a substitute for Uviiii-onicial statement is issued lno arrivai 0f the submarine with I vel in tlo leaguo. British soldier is busily engaged rificed his seat to try and save celluloid moving picturo films. ,ero today: delicht. as evidenco of the partial In tho "Big Push," to attempt to lite Conservative Government in I lio new invention is regarded as i.'or soin0 time a section of the breaking of the Allied blockade of SAFETY FIRST USE NEW securo tho voles of men now at tho last provincial election. valuablo as it does away with a German press, beaded by thohj German coast. Tho public WELLINGTON COAL. PHONE tho front. great deal of tho danger from semi-official Journal has been ... , ho ajiowotj to inspect the .. . .. 110. it I t 1 Draperies and Carpets Special lire, tho new ill in being pracucan spreading reports, tno oujeci oi commerclarunderwater craft. PUBLIC MEETING sale for July at Geo. D. Tito's. non-intlammablo. which cannot oscapo anyone, re- nop wiU nnyono Uut the federal Thomas Adams, tho town plan I If 1 1 I .J MKKSInnn liil I garumg uuegtsu ushwi. "' authorities Jq allowed to go yyESTHOLME ning expert of tho Conservation Serbian anu inai soldiers, siaung L, 0f ner. from the will nrrlvo OPERA HOUSE Commission, I Serbian soldiers do not wish to I THURSDAY ONLY south on Friday morning and Is PUBLIC MEETING participate in futuro operations.I Good strong boots for men and anxious to meet with reprcsenta I Wo consider it unnecessary to big boys sizes C to 11, 13.50 and citizens. Mayor McCnITery tivo diMiy thoso tendenclous rumors, $1,00 tho pair Wallace's. tf GRAFT has arranged for a public meeting A Publlo Meeting will bo held In tho Westholme Theatre on Serbian well for soon tho troops, in tho city hall at threo o'clock Friday evening, July 14th, at 8:15 o'clock. Prices count, "Tito's Sale Saves with equipped, endowed supurb Twelfth Episode tomorrow afternoon, when all In SPEAKERS: you Dollars." of tho lin. morale, und conscious "Tho Milk Trust" terested are invited to bo present H. C. BREWSTER mlucnco of their revonge, will give Hroadway Star Feature j "NU8K S" SESSION EXTENDED M. L. A., Victoria, Provincial Liberal Leader. the Germans the lie In a material QO TO In Three Acts. London. July 13. Premier As M. A. MAGDONALD I maimer. Reuter. LONDON CAFE bo niilth announces that it will UNIVERSAL M. L, A., Vancouver. FOR SALE FOR THE BEST MEALS ANIMATED WEEKLY nocessary to extend tho present Carload mining machinery, In STRICTLY UNION HOUSE Tho time PATTULLO session of parliament. T. D. Imp Comedy tho Irish cluding 17 machine drills, column Hart Blk. Third Avs. "When Willie Went Wild" taken up In discussing Liberal Candidate, Prince Hupqrt. bars, drill steel, sleaut.lUtlngs. ..i.niiioii lutx i-obbcd tho house of Chairman, FRED STORK. BOXES FOR LADIES Admission 10o. and 16o. ii grcqt deal of valuablo time, etc. Apply Dally News. tf.