1 I1H DAIIji MCWfl. ITOBf TISAT BRINGS HEALTH PWsl froil-a-llves"Whole System Builds Up Ho Goffee - Thoso who tako 'Tnilt-atlvrs" for I F 50c lb. One Price Only 50c lb. the uf'it time, ro ortcn astonished at per per t!; v it buildt them w, makes At the following well-known Prince Rupsrt Dealere ur' better all over. They may I LYNCH BROS. MILLER-PHILLIPS ,l'ruit--tivw"for sonto spccUlo FULLER A McMCEKIN MUSSALLEM OROCERV CO., LTD. , as f'onntipatlon, Indigestion, O. P. McCOLL T. BRAMLET 3RD AVE. CASH MARKET CAVENAILE A HANNAN Headaches or Neuraltfin, ( :iic MARKET PULTON CASH MARKET tPURR'S CASH K 'm v or Madder Trouble, Ulu u-r A. FERQUSON LIPSETT, CUNNINGHAM A CO., LD. r ralnlutliollack. And tiny CANADIAN FISH O OLD STORAGE CO., LTD. fin.!when "Fruit-a-tlvcs"has cured tho Stewart A Mobley, Ltd., Wholesale Distributors, Prince Rupert. j.ic, tlut they feel belter and ( : r In every way. This It due to tLa k nierful tonic frcfertiet of llieso Wm. Braid & Co famuus tablets, made from fruit jtucps. toe Cfor $2.50, trial siz . Direct Importers, Vsncourer, B. C. At all ntorsent postpaid by Truii-ativi-. L uited, Ottawa. SKKNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF COAST, RANOE 4. TAKE NOTICE ttiat Frederick nradstiaw. I 2,000,0001 of T n pah. Nevttt, occupation mine man. irer, intends to apply for permission to p;;r.:ttf the follow Inf described lindl: Belgians C-mmcni:Inr at a poit planted about 100 feci easterly from the northwest cor- I nrr of Lot 40, Ranre 4, Coast District; J Depend on us Sirnra north 0 ehainsj thence west f 0 ehsins; thence south 19 chains more or If-i to the shore of Surf Inlet, thence ' for Bread! fr.ltowlnr the shore lne to the place of emmrncoment, eontalnlnr forty acres more IVbrusry t less.IS, 19 U. I Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians FREDERICK BltADSIIAW. have depended for food entirely on the "Commission for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only three weeks they have had no chance to raise more GERMAN NAVY: "How dare you Keep mo here when all the world knews that I defeated you."-Oplnton and the ruthless Germans refute to supply them I PREPARING FOR PEACE brought clficlly from West Africa roault in an additional turnover Backed by the to be crushed and the crushing of $25,000,000 a year. IN BRITISH BUSINESS The I)aily Mail states thai it is has been done almost entirely in Belgian Relief Fund The Whisky proposed to put a prohibitory export Thnl Hritnin is "preparing for Hamburg and other German ports. duty on all palm kernels oQuality ! peace in time (if war" is evident Today, crushing mills are being crushed outside of to generously contributed in the British Empire and the United , from the fact that new factories put up in Hull, Liverpool and the British States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported AgsdlnWood Hmpiro in order to prevent Germany enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation 8 Years ;are springing tip to carry on busl-jness other ports and machinery used from getting back this to far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left b before bottling which was formerly entirely for crushing cotton seed and linseed trade. the country have been able to pay for then daily allowance of I in the hands of the Ocrmans. is being adapted to the bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA ! Margarine has an enormous sale crushing of the palm kernel. If SUN AND TIDE Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of J in the old country and one of its Iiritaln can produce all its own women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the : chief l onitlitiients is the oil of the palm oil, instead of buying from Friday, July Hlh. expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make thia possible palm kernel. The palm kernel is (iprinany. as in tho past, it will someone mutt contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every Sun rises 4:27 a. m. month all this winter L Sun sets 8:53 p. m. No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute High water ....0:2a.m. lit. 16.3 Canadian! No has been generously at we 1 cause ever more Law water ...0:54 a.m. lit. 1.0 deserving of help! In the name of Justice and Humanity - for High water ....1:7p.m. lit. 18.5 the take of our own self-respect let us give all w can to J help martyred Allies 1 Low water ...0:58p.m. lit. CO our , mm Captain J. McGee, M. M. S.A. Send j out tubtenpttooa weekly, aoalkly a ia mm Inst mb a Lacal c Pcoviacul Committee,oc lo the S Central Executive Committee, 59 St. Ptter 81, Montreal jShip your FREE $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Ow TrmpfMr.CafcU FURS Sapplr fMcaUak CtUln; m4 WrtatoW. i 11 to r JOHN l)eK .HALLAM IS" TORONTO LIMITED Advertise In The Daily News. HieTalcTlxe "liieons Tell "aTurrti My office window The cocoa had been faces a street, close' grown in Brazil, to the railway freight shipped to Bristol, beds. transhipped to Montreal ICtlOR All dzy lone a steady and finally H stream of trucks and distributed from Jk lorries lumber by ajj-an-iSBwi snna loaded with boxes, Toronto. barrels and bales. The tea wa3 gath-ered One truck I noticed by swart-skinned " rr0 win the war with the decisivenesa which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire the other afternoon natives of J- will require to put forth itt full collective power in men and in money. From was particularly in , thia v tew point it is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our teresting. Ho two the romantic island productive exertions end by exercising rigid economy, which reduces to the minimum of Ceylon; from all expenditures upon luxuries and non-essentials. Only in this way shall we be able boxes were the same. to make good the loss caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from industrial and stencilled on the sunny Portugal the activities, repair the wastage of the war,and find the funds for itt continurnce. It end of each was the name luscious, big grapes cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that industry and thrift sire, for those of well-known some pro had been gathered years 'who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment duct soap, tobacco, socks, ago, fermented, bottled our success, and consequently our national safety, may ultimately depend." breakfast food, cocoa, port SIR THOMAS WHITE, Minuter of t'irunct. and branded with a famous tea, chocolates, perfumery and baking powder. name; from Egypt had come the cotton and from South America the Gathered there in prosaic wooden m dyes that entered into the product boxes were the results of thousands PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. of hand's labor in all. parts of the finally stamped with the brand of a world. . well-known hosiery. MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. There behind that obviously prosaic truck-load of freight was the whole romance SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. of modern commerce the skilled production, the universal demand for food, drink and raiment, and the world-wide distribution of the things we use every day. SPEND MONELY WISELY. And then I speculated why wc use these things every day, instead of some other things; and that brought me plump back to my own job of advertising. LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS The names of some of the boxes on the lorrie were known everywhere to-day, but The war is now turning on n i ontest of all forces Degln at home. The larger portion of salaries had been unknown a few years ago; and I saw then more clearly than ever before anil resources men, munitions, food, money. The and wages is spent on the home food, fuel, light, that Advertising is really a great channel digger. It is like the Panama Canal. You call to all is to produce more and more. It may be clothing. Are any of these things being wasted I to Vorlc harder. The place of tho who tl m W9, frnrr. I- ....... I ! around the Horn. You ncccMtary can get there, Vancouver now, can sail from Montreal to enlist niukt lc takrh by those at home, men and ,Canada will more than pay the Interest on a war debt but it is going to take months. A year or bo from now you will sail through the women, old and young. The nvire we produce the Panama Canal and chop the journey to less than half. A new channel will have more we ran save, l'roduce more on the farm, and been dug. In the gardens. Save more and hilp to win the war. LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY LET US NOT WASTE OUH LABOUR Are you spending your money to the bet advantage those of the manufacturers who have let T do The great names in commerce to-dayrc What you think of extravagance In war modern advertising steam-shovel a channel across the isthmus of distributing In this wur-tlroc all labour hhouM be directly tiro-ductive tin.cT Tent of thouand of Canadians are daily or should be assikting in production. Make it risking their lives for ut at home. It it not our duty difficulties. asiiricicnt atpoit)lc. If your labour I on soirxthinii to be careful and economical T Canadian dollars are will be those of who widen that ran bo postponed, put It oft till after the war ami an important part of the war equipment. Male them of men The great names in the commerce to-morrow and make your labour tell now, Makinj war is the first tell. Have a War Saving Account, liuy a Sv'ar dredge this channel so that the greater traffic may pass, smoothly and quickly from business of all Canadians. IVikieucy In labour U at Uond. the source of production to the homes of the consumer. Important at tlliciency In fighting. If you ffr ...iCSjSMLhlllSlU. THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA u(j, ... , , : w-'tiUm , wIthh. A ncw.p.p.r, THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f If yon .r. Ao ..i -.l ...i.lnca dI a loud W 1 . M A IUI el tbtM will V ruraUlMd. wiXhm. im m .WU.tloo. br Iba S-crmr, el Can.JUa Puss AUtloo. Rom SOS. Lu.4. U-UU1. T.