Friday. July II, loin NKVV8, ttiA DAILY - . ! . vn The Summer " Life-Savers The Daily News " arc fruit, cereals Summer Steamship Seiivhe THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published D.llr nd Weekly and green vegetables. Meat TO Guaranteed Largst Circulation in Summer overtaxes the ALASKA AND YUKON liver and kidneys, potatoes The 8. 8. Prlnco Hupert or Prlnco George HEAD OFFICE cause intestinal fermcnta leave Prlnco Hupert every Wednesday at 12 Dally News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince import, li.C. Teluphnno 08. tion. Get from the noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Hkagway. Connect away ing al Skagway with tho Whilo Paas and Yukon lloulc. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVEIITISINO 50 cents per inch. Contract heavy Winter diet; give SOUTHBOUND rates on application. Nature a chance. One or two Tho 8. S. Prlnco Hupert or Prince floorgo Icavo Prince Shredded Wheat Biscuits, Ittiprrt every Saturday and Monday at 10 n. in. for Vancou ver, Victoria and Seattle. DAILY EDITION Friday, July 11, 1910. served with milk or cream Fortnightly service to tho Queen Charlotte Islands. or fresh fruit, make a deliriously TRAIN 8ERVICE Trains leave Prlnco Hupert every Monday. Wednesday OUR LEADERS out of power than the Conservative nourishing, satisfying and Friilay at 10:30 a. in. for Winnipeg and all points Fast and South. Mixed train leaves Prinro Hupert Katur, meal. Such a diet means every There arrived In Prlnco Hupert party in." day 0 a. m. Special weekend fare to Terrace nnd return 4.lo. this morning two men who good digestion, good health l or full Information fc reservations apply to city ticket olllcc Chagrined at tho tremendous will piny very prominent parts and plenty of strength for THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2C0 "turn in tho political tide, tho In the rebuilding of the prov the day's work. All the ince of Itrilish Columbia. 11. Bowser machinists inndo M, A. goodness of the wheat in a C. Urcwstcr, leader of tho op Macdonald a target for the digestible form. For breakfast position in the late legislature, most infamous attacks ever with milk or cream; for CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY needs no introduction to the directed at a public man in this luncheon with fresh fruits. villi iolE' 1 . wk. Lowest Kates to all Eastern Points pcoplo of Prince Rupert. All Dominion. What the Bowser Made in Canada via Steamer to Vancouver and the along the coast, and through, machine is capablo of needs no CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY out the province, ho lias been explaining to the peoplo of the Meals and Berth, included on Steamer TRADESMEN WANTED FOR known for years as a man of north, whero it has been carrying Princess Alice Southbound Wednesday, O p. m. sterling character and solid on its nefarious work for CANADIAN ENGINEERS Princess Sophia for Alaskan ports, Friday, July 14th. Britain Private Prince Henry of Princess Maqulnna for Granby Alice Arm Friday 11 p.m. business ability, who has slriw years. Mr, Macdonald has King George a third son In the Princess Charlotte Southbound Saturday, 6 p. m. en hard to bring about cleaner passed through tho fire of the Mayor McCaffery has received Kton Princes Maqulnna Southbound Sunday O p. m. uniform of a private in tho Princess Alice for Alaskan ports Monday, July 17th. and more democratic government enemy unscathed and Is the letter from the commanding Training Corps. in British Columbia, stronger for the battle. His opponents ofllccr of the 0th Field Company, Collego J. I. PETERS, General Agent M. A. Macdonald is not so in the south have gone Canadian Engineers, with headquarters GREAT ANIMAL PICTURE Corner Fourth Street nd Third Avenue, Prince Kuptrt, D.C. well known, though, in the past to pieces, as witness F. Vv. at North Vancouver, AT MAJESTIC THEATRE three months, he has bulked Welsh, one of tho strong Tory tating that recruits for this LAND REGISTRY ACT MINERAL ACT more largely in the public eye witnesses in tho "plugging" branch of tho service are urgently "Misjudged,'' tho great three-act than his chief. Mr. Macdonald charges. In tho enquiry into wanted. All professions and drama at the Majestic tonight Notice Under Section 30-TAKE Rlvermouth Fractional mineral claim, is a young man of rare ability, tho Vancouver school board trades are eligible for enlistment and tomorrow, is a most powerful NOTICE that an application Us situated In Ibe Skeena Mining Dltlsluu ot who, in honesty of purpose and contracts, this gentleman came n this battalion and drafts are been made to register Svtn llolmqulst, or Catslar District. play in which Herbert llawlinson Where tocshnl: At the head or A lie fighting power of tho real old out in his true colors and another hipped for overseas service every I'rlBce Rupert, as the owner in Fee-simple, Ann, adjoining- the Itlvcnnouth and Cr; plays the lead. Billio Hltchie, the under twn Tax Sale Deeds from the collector boo mineral claims. highland type, has proven alt example of Bowser machine two weeks. ot the City ot Prince Rupert, to TAKE NOTICE that I, O. R. Nsdcn, Free able lieutenant to the Liberal methods was laid bare. The following are required: originatr of the "Chaplin stunts" Jen llolmqulst, bearing date roe 17lh day Miners' Certificate No. 9 1.0961), acting n Mt September, A. D. 191 i, In pursuance of leader in the strenuous session Buying the support of such Blacksmiths, bricklayers, carpenters, appears in "Livo Wire and Love t Tax Sale held by said Municipality on agent for Carrie Pratt, tree Miners' u-r ttfirate No. 9J.9I7B, Intend, amy da; of the Legislature which closed men as John h. Sullivan, and clerks, coopers, architectural Sparks." Ilitchie is desperately jr about the 9tn day of September, 1914, from the dale hereof, to spply to tt; .f all and singular certain parcel or tract at the end rtf May, or perhaps his friends in Seattle, is just on draughtsmen, electricians, engi funny. A land and premises situate, lying, aud Mining Recorder for a Certificate or lm for the provrincnts, puipuse or oblalultii March i The exact date with tho Probably tho finest thing in a being- In the City ot Prince Rupert, In the of on ilh. a par selling soap neers, fitters and turners, harness s crown Grant or tbe above claim. rovince or Brit lib. Columbia, more par depends on the decision of the contracts to parties who will makers, masons, painters, plas very goou program is a great ticularly known and n described as:--Lot utukr And sectlou further 81,take must notice be commenced that courts. contribute to the machine oil terers, plumbers, shoemakers, jungle picture in which the ani three it). Block forty-five (4, Section fore the Issue or such Certificate of lav eight (I), aud Lot tour (i), Block thirty- How thoso two stalwarts fund. Incidentally, the public surveyors, tailors, plate layers, mals of the forest play prominent five. (38), Section eight (8), Msp ill. provemeuts.Dated this 13rd day of December, A. I. carried Vancouver and Victoria ultimately pays full price for etc. Apply to Mayor J. Fades parts. This is one of the most You and those claiming through or Interest under 1918. Apr I. you, anJ all persons claiming any for the Liberals "in the by-elections the nil and John L. Sullivan and Ward, C. O. Glh Feld Company, remarkable animal pictures ever in the said land by descent whose twe needs no retelling. Their his gang get the benefit of it. C. E., North Vancouver. If. screened. Lions, tigers, monkeys, is not registered under the provisions ot to MINERAL ACT the "Land Registry Act" are required entry into the house caused the A new era has dawned in Child's and Misses' heavy sole etc., lake part in tho play witli contest the claim or the tax purchaser Bowser bunch to do some furious British Columbia; the get-rich-quick cushion welt strap slippers Wallace's. wonderful intelligence. The Majestic within rorty-nve dsys of the setvlce and of Certificate) of Improvements Otherwise this notice upon you. you thinking and many anxious dream is over and, with If. orchestra will give selec rack of you will be forever estopped and hours were spent in drawing its passing, must go tho real tions frm grand opera, including debarred from selling up any claim to or NOTIOE in respect or the said land, and I shall Basin Mineral Claim, situate In tho up every conceivable kind estate government to which Charles Dalagno has resumed "The Bohemian Girl.' register the said Sven llolmqulst as owner Skeena Mining Dlvlslou or Casslar District. Where located: About tour runes fr ui of legislation which seemed to every piece of legislative work taking pianoforte pupils. Terms in fee. Your attention Is called to section 38 Ihe beach on tbe south side or Alice Arm carry with it the hope of support wassimply a "deal" to be put e- nimble. Phoi " 'Muo -108. If Good lines in "Littlo Gents," vt the "Land Registry Act" and amend st the bead ot a branch or Lime creek and especially to the following ex TAKE NOTICE that I, George a Nadcn. at the polls. The fact that through to tho best advantago youth's, boys' shoes in box kid ments,tract therefrom which relates to the above Free Miner's Certificate No. 94096B, la so much work was done during f the party and its friends. uppers and solid leather soles jotlce. tend, sixty days from the dale hereof, to How Will You Protect and "And In default or a caveat or certificate apply to the Mining Recorder for a Crrtm the last session was entirely The of rebuilding will Special l'riccs, $1.76, $2.25 process if Us pendens being filed before the rale of Improvement J, for the purpose cl duo to luo members of the opposition, necessarily be slow, but under Your Wife $2.75 Wallace's. 104. registration as owner or the persons en obtaining a Crown Grant ot tbe above titled under such tax sale, all persons so claim. and the fact that the of such guidance men as MAVIQABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, jerved with notice, or served with notice And further take notice that action, much of that work was done H.C. Brewster and M. A. Macdonald, and the children should you R. S. C. CAP. 115. tinder subsection H) or section 1st of under aectlon 88, must be commenced before fall ill or lose your employment ihe 'Municipal Clauses Act, 1906,' or section the issue of such Certifies ta ot Itn very crudely was due to the with a strong backing ? Have you money in PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, hereby five 393 or the 'Municipal Act,' or section provrrucnts. haste of Dowser and Company of clean, honest men in the the Bank to tide the family notice that It has, under Section 7 or the H9 or the 'Assessment Act, 1903,' or Dated this J ith day or March. A.D. 191? -ictlon 833 ot the 'TaxaUon Act,' In cases GEORGE It. NADEN. in rushing through everything south, and men of tho type of over until you are "on your said Act, deposited with the Minister of n which notice under this Act Is dispensed feet" ? rublic Works at Ottawa, and in the omce that looked like an election T. D. Pattullo, Frank Mobley again or the Registrar General or Titles at Vic Altti as hereinafter provided, and those MINERAL ACT uiuilng through or under tbera and all plank. Planks were freely and A. M. Manson from the Every married man, should torla, British Columbia, a description or persons claiming any lute rest In the Isnd in the site and the plans or ceruin structures stolen from the Liberal platform north, the province will enter open an account our to be erected In front or Lot Thirty-one jy virtue of any unregistered Instrument, Notice to Delinquent Partners. Savings Department and put jnd all persons clsimtng any Interest In and launched as real Tory upon a stage of real prosperity. by a part of his earnings every (31 , iunre Three (1), Coast District, ibe land by descent whose title Is no. British Columbia, at the bead or Cousins To a. W. Maiwsil ni Charlss Nicholson. timber. built upon a solid foundation week or month. inlet. itk-UlereU under the provisions of this Act, done TAKE bave hall be tor ever estopped and debarred NOTICE that whereas I To quote Mr. Brewster, "The of truth and respect for the Such sum, earning Interest,will be AMD TAKE NOTICE that after the ex iroin setting up any claim to or in respect and caused to be done assessment work welcome protection for the Dlratlon of one mocth from the date of on the Wolf Mineral claim, situated si the family. ot the land so sold tor taxes. Liberal has done for of party more rights all of whatever men, the first publication of this Notice, Pa In A Savings Account may be opened Dated at the Land Registry omce, at bead or Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, tho people of British Columbia political creed. with one dollar. cine Mills. Limited, will, under Section 7 the City or Prince Rupert, Province or the Skeena mining division or Skeena district, of the said Act, apply to the Governor-In British Columbia, this t9th day ot January, assessment work tor the years 191 1, THE BANK OF Council tor approval or the aald site and A. D. 10 tfl. 1914, and 1918, and bave paid tor said plan. II. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar, work and recording same, the sum or British North America Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, ro Grand Trunk Pacific Development Co., 1307.80. Unless you pay me the sum ot this lh day of April, A. D. 1816. 131.80, tor your share or the aald as Ltd., J, P. Conrad, Jack Jenkins, Mrs. Launch AliceB. 79 YEARS IN BUSINESS. BODWELL, LAWSO.N & LANE. C. R. McDonald. sessment work, together with tbe cost of CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, S7.8S1.000. Solicitors for Pacific Mills, Limited. this advertisement, 1 shall, at the explra lion or ninety (90) days rrom tbe dst Leaves Davit float for PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH NAVIQABLE WATER8 PROTECTION ACT. MINERAL ACT hereof apply to tbe mining recorder at Mellakatlab, Sundays at 9 R. 8. O. Chapter 116. Prince Rupert, B. C, i0 bave your Inter and It a. m., and t and 3 W.J. SMITIIERS, Manager tn In tbe Woir mineral claim vested In p. m. Certificate) of Improvements nie. In pursusnce ot tbe provisions ot tbe The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com mineral act. For term i and particular NAVIQABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT pany hereby rives notice that It has under Dat0d at Prlnco Rupert, B. this !9tb R. S. C. Chsptsr 116. Section 7 or the ssld Act deposited with C., Call NASTURTIUM, IRIS FRACTION, BELU3 dsy or February, 1918. of Public Works at Ottawa the Minister VV. J. 1'RACTION, GENTIAN. BLUE BELL FRACTION mj. J. E. STAflK. THOMAS. Phone. and In the omce or the District Herlstrsr Orotn Robert Cecil Oosse hereby vires notice COSMOS FRACTION. THISTLE 391. that he has under Section 7 of the said or the Land Registry Office, District of FRACTION, MARIGOLD FRACTION, LILAC Act deposited with the Minister of Public Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, a de i'RACTION, FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE Works at Ottawa, and In the omce of the scrlptlon or the site and plans or ware' IRACTION. COXCOMB, BEGONIA FRACTION, :1 District Registrar of Titles at the Land house proposed to be built lu Prince Ilu MINERAL CLAIMS situate In the (1TIIE ENOINEyKfJINEMLNT V omce at Prince Ilupert, British pert Ilsrbor at rrlnce Rupert, British Co Registry ijueen Charlotte District, located at or near Tickets Columbia, a description of the site and the lumbla, In front or waterfront Block "0" keda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Province fast be(ttfCtbt J plana of a wharf proposed to be built In according to registered plan of the town if British Columbia, and lawfully held by the North Skeena r si tare, at the mouth or site or the said city or Prince Rupert de ikeda Mines Limited. FIIHKRMAirS ENQINE the Skeena British Columbia, In posited In the aforesaid Land Reflstry River, TAKE NOTICE that I, John A. Maclnnls, t Cl e 1.2 In. by 7 In., 12-18 IV. front of Lot one bundred and seventeen omce as No. 939. -alienor for Ikeda Mines Limited, free mark, Finland, Italy and Russia. Horet Powsr. SAILINGS FROM NEW dir. Range five (5) Coast District, Brit AND TAKE NOTICE that alter the ex inliiers' certificate No. 70314 B, Intend YORK "Krlttianlafjord" till Columbia. piration of one month from the date ot arter the expiration or sixty days rrom Crl. 3 3-4 In. by 6 12 In., 28 "Heltlg Olar , July nth. And take notlte that, after the expiration of the first publication of this notice, the Ibe dste hereof to apply on behalf of the Horse Powsr. July tout. -Fredrick VIII." one month from the date of the first publt Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company will said Company to the Mining Recorder for Cl. e 1-2 In. by In, 28-35 July 86th. "Stockholm" cation of this notice, Robert Cecil Oosse under Section 7 or the said Act apply to certificate or improvements for the pur-ioae Horse Powsr. 1st. August Him will, under Section 7 of the said Act, spply the Minister or Public Works at bis omce of obtaining Crown Grant to the your Rsservallons mad Early. to the Minister Of Public Works, at bis In the City of Ottawa for approval ol above claims. For lutes. Illustrated Folders Oeneral Information Apply to and office In the City of Ottawa, for approval of said site and plans, and for leave to con AND FURTHER. TAKE NOTICE that action For Further Information the said site and plans, and for leave to struct the said warehouse, under Section 88 of the Mineral Act must Apply to OYBHAVN HANSON construct the said wharf. Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this tftth he commenced before the Issuance of such Insurance and Stsamshlp Agency, Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C this 7th day or Msy A. D. 1014. ertiflcate of improvements. dsy or Msy, 1916. THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY W. E. WILLISCROFT Prints Rupert, B. O. Dated this 3 1st day or May. A, D. 1918. ROBERT CECIL OOSSE, COMPANY. JOHN A, MAC1N.NE3, Prince Rupert, 8. C. mSO-JSO. II. II. HANSARD, Solicitor. Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR ,F. O. DAW80N x, - PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0.