LI! Friday. July II, toio ritC DAIM UhWJ MINERAL ACT 8KEENA LAND DISTIUCT DISTMi r Local News Noles Certificate of Improvements TAKE notice that Oeorge hiNlerick u Kensle, of I'rlnce ltupert. II. c , oci'uiuti Strawberries with Cream engineer, Intends to apply for permi NOTIOI Launch Dixie, phono IHuo 400. to lease ine louowing uetcrilH-d Minersl Claims, limit Chill thoroughly a small tin ,.!., .n.i "nniitim" of "Canada First" (Evaporated) fflttS Itnaii in the skcena Mining Division of Commencing at a post planted at ti N. E. corner of T. L. Lot ITU, rtsnse Milk. When strawberries arc Some animal picture at the Majestic. rasalsr u.w..District.i,irip,i About live miles from Coast District, rorcher Island, then ready for tabic whin the"Canada the ncd of Alio Arm on "Middle Creek." south 90 chains, thence west to ii,tn-thence First" Evaporated Milk, mixing t TAKi: NOTICE that I, Wm. T. kergui north 10 chains to shore line, in In about 1 tablespoon of fine of rriii--- nupen. C., Free Miner' Certificate south-easterly following shore line to tin Piano for sale Low prico and CREAM from point of commencement! containing j sugar and pour over each dish No. 04031B, Intend sltty day less. j of berries. Serve Immediately. easy lcrmsVillaco's. 101. the due hereof, to apply to the Mining acrra more C-EOnOE cr rtODEMCK McKEMic Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, See Inland Revenue Bulletin No.303, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Uranl page S, Table Ilt for comparison of quality. There was a fish spcolal of six f the above claim. MINERAL ACT oi tartar take notice that action, under Ani further cream from As your Grocer for "Canada First." cars for the cast this mrnlng. Made :".'Ctlon IT. must be commenced before THE AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO LTD. . derived from grapes. the sue of such Certificate of Improve NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER I. AYLMCR. ONTARIO Tho 11111 CO dance last evening ments. Best for good food and Dattft this 14th day of March, A. D. to j. a. nooeiis, bo the was voted by all to finest I' 1914. good health. TAKE NOTICE that, whereas I hlv. ever, WM. T. KErtQlX caused to be done the assessment work ror the year ivis on the mineral dsinn NO ALUM NAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION known at "Ladybird No. 4" Mineral Claim AID TO PRISONERS 14. Mnllen, of Ocean Fnlls, arrived ACT situated In rascade Creek valley, north . Tho Prisoners of Wnr snlo of on the Princo Rupert this Silver Lake, in the Stewart, n. r . Mtuli " R. S. a CHAPTER 115. District; attd the Stumpy" Mineral t:iim, "The Daily News liomn cooking In tho Itcd Cross morning. most enjoyable the present and a The Surf Inlet Power Company Limited situated on est! side of Cascaoo :rrck rooms on Friday will bo in charge evening wns spent, inu iuik hereby gives notice that It has under Section district, and have paid for stiii with, the Minister men! work the sum of f 100.00; un!e-i CLASSIFIED ADS. of Mrs. O. A. Woodland and Mrs. Spend weekend at Terrace. tho Stillwell- 7 of said act deposited to the your was provided by or Public Works at Ottawa and In the you pay mi sum of iioo.ih i J. II. McMuIlin. Ladies nro re Tho fl. T. P. offer special reduced llalagno orchestra. omce or the District neglstrar or the Land your share cf I he said assessment wrk together with the custs of this advrn minded that ample suplics of all weekend fares. tf. a rieglitry description District of at the Prince site and ltupert,the D.plans C, St tlM head, In the said Stewart Mh.u:j FOUND. kinds of dainties and plain cook. A bumper strawberry crop is of wharves and power house proposed to m.nt, I shall, at tho eiplratton of nine' H. the well known Insurance be built at the head of Surf Inlet, Princess cays from the date hereof, apply ti u. FOUND Child's Ing wilTbo welcomed. All that (larrelt, Kilsumkaluin and Krcorder small purse containing expected in the lioyal Island, In front of Lot 40, lunge 4, Mln'ng at Stewart, It. i'. i hit coin. Apply Dally News omce. man of Vancouver, is registered vmir interest 111 tlM said 'Lad.vl.ii,i , i- comes to nand is being readily surrounding districts, but there Coast District, It C WANTED. disposed of at these- sales. at the Rupert.' Hotel, Is liable to bo n shortage of pick of And one take month notice from that the after date the of eipirailon the nrst and hi mrtas"SluHipv" Mineral tf UN Claim provisions vt ted uf In tt,ir, Mineral A-.t." and packers. Here Is an opportunity publication of this notice the Surf Inlet WANTED Strong boy for delivery work. ers Dated ul run. Rtfpcrt, n. :.. n.ij The Liberals have arranged for Power Company Limited will, under Section it:, Mrs. 14. J. Tingley and Miss A. Mussallcm Apply Oroccry Co., Ltd.. 417 for. tho Princo Rupert lay "f Nviinlr, toil. 7 uf the said Act, apply to the Min 8th Ave. East phone 18. a big public meeting in tho Wcsl-holmc I,. Tingley, of Port Clements, aro In A. LUND. school boys to make pocket money ister of rublie Works, at bis omce Theatre Friday, July 1 1, the r.lty of Ottawa, for approval of the WANTED General servant. Apply Mrs. on registered at tho Hotel Rupert. and have splendid outing at the a and and for leave to said sHo plans con- The Daily rxews uciivcn'.t i Schelnman, comer Slith Avenue and when addresses will be delivered Tatlow Street. samo time. truct the said wharves and power house. 184 by II. G. Brewster, M. A. Mac-donald COAL Favorite Lady-smith Dated at Vancouver. 0. C. this tttu onrrlf!-. r0 conls prr motitli FOR RENT and T. D.. Pattullo. Wellington lump and nut, best results. day of May. 1914. PRINCE RUPERT ARRIVES the sunr lit let toweh company. Phono 15. P. R. C. Co. tf May sin. 1916. Jyt FOn DENT, cheap rood piano. Apply Box DENTH3TRY 104, Dally Mews. 147 DO YOU WANT WORK? The following were amongst LAND ACT Ocean Falls pays laborers 30 Geo. A. McNicholl left for tho the first-class passengers on the BRIDOI CROWN AftO WOftl rooms Oerogla Fon St.,rent Vancouver eahlscourt rrlvate hotel;iioj cents per hour and carpenters 40 east this morning to meet tho Prince Rupert this morning: PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS A SPEOULTy new management; transients f I.SO per and 45 cents per hour. See H. E. vice-president of tho G. T. P. Mr. T. Adams, Mrs. Chulter, Mr. TRICT OF COAST, RANQE III. DR. J. S. DROWN day; special monthly rate. 174 Ross, Empress Hotel. No Fee. Chutter, C. A. Coalson, Mr. Mc-Konzie, DCNTIIT TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills, Limited, OOOD ROOMS, ft and 50 cents, bath and Fare advanced. Mrs. J. YV. Ferguson, of Hays- Mrs. McKenzic, Mr. Lewis, f Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation. OflUsi Smith Block. TMrei Aituv. every convenience. By the week, ag.oo with pulp and makers, Intend to apply Phone 4S4 t port, who has been visiting paper and li.50. Talbot House, 830 nd avc. Mr. James Adams, Mr. Hartley, fur permission to purchase the following Tho Prince Good Fel home this ltupert Mrs. Knight, relumed Mr. Hohl, Mr. V. Maddock, Mrs. lescrlb-1 lands. Commencing at post FOR SALE lows Club will give a Hard Times morning. planted oi the north bank of koeye river, and R. V. C. A. Vaughn baby, about une-quarter of a mile up-stream Dance at .tho Skating Rink on July 14. from the shore of FIti-llugb Sound; thence HANDV WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. FOIt SALE CANARIES, rood sinters, apply Sharp, Miss R. McDonald, C. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED Mrs. McCormlck, Tenth Avenue, between 20th. King Dodo and tho millionaire J. A. McMastcr, of tho provin north twenty chains, thence east twenty Alfred and Bacon Streets. 16 Tobin, Mr. Morrison. Mr. Hambly. halns, thence south to river's bank, thence tramp will bo there, also cial government staff, leaves to Mrs. Hambly and child, Mr. 14. along shore In a westerly direction to VACUUM CLEANING CG. FOR SALE FIR3T CLASS LAUNCH, 30-ft. tho Prince and Princess of flood morrow an a visit t his old homo point of commencement and containing . W Claan Hom.s, Offlcss, Church,, Mr. Padison, keel, 10-rt. beam. 18 b,p.. Buna 16 Mollor, Mr. Hrewster, forty (40) acres, more or less. Lodgs and School, low rooma at Fellows. Refreshments. Stilwcll in Ont. Perth, Dated June 10th. 19 It. Septt medium duty engine, large cabin and Mr Warner, Mr. Purdy, Mr. Prices. 5x8 bead room. Electric lights, storage muHic. Tickets 50 cents. 1C5. PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, II. Douglas, Mr. V. 14. Drumhiller, by "Mark Smaby," Agent battery, mats, rugs, cushions, cooking GOOD WOft K GUARANTEED T. Adams, tho town planning kitchen utensils. Sutherland, stove, Very cheap Hunt, Mr. Sutherland, Mrs. MINERAL ACT Apply City Weigh Scales. tf expert of the Conservation Com G. R. Greenfield, Mr. Jennings, All Orders Attsndad to Immodlatslf. BUY NOW arrived from the south MISCELLANEOUS mission, Mr. Crith, Dr. J. R. Menzies, Certificate of Improvements OFFICE, 813 2ND AVENUE. this morning. , Miss C. M. Hrown, Miss Sullivan, SECOND-HAND TURNITURE. Stoves and PHONE GREEN 268. men's clothing bought. Corner 7th St. ; Mabel McRac, Mrs. J. McRae, Mr NOTIOE and 3rd Avenue, or phone"Green 390. tt For Preserving C. 14. Hainter, who has been silver Dow Mineral Claim, situate In the Mc-Clendy, Macdonald. For Anyox I). spending a vacation in Mount Vernon, Skeena Mining Division of Casslar District. TO FII1LRMEN We carry a lull If.w cf R. A. Brown, J. F. Held, Where located: At the head of a branch LAND ACT "Ferro," "Honest Clay." 'Hull" and Ohio, is now on his way back f Lime Creek about four miles from the STRAWBERRIES Mrs. H. M. Armstrong, Mr. Llnd-berg, "sidling" Engines tho year round -no (upriver) Princo beach on the south side of Alice Arm. waitu r, also "Ferro" tnd "Lvlnriide" to Rupert. Princo Rup.rt Land District District of M NOTICE J. Wolby, Mr. Parsons, TAKE thst I, Oeorge n. Naden Outboards. All kinds Engine,accessories. PEACHES Free Miner's Certificate No. SI0S4D. acting Coast, Rsng 3. Quick service low prices. Canadian Mrs. Charles Yaughnn and baby J. Drazitch, Miss Rcid, Mrs. V ts agent for Tboa. Mcllostle, Free Miner' TAKE NOTICE that the ratine Mills. Engine & Supply Co., Vancouver, B. C PLUMS Armstrong, Mrs. Lindbcrg, C. J Certificate No. C9991D, and James L. Match, Limited, of Vancouver, D. C, occupatlso returned home on tho Rupert this Free Miner's Certificate No. T44D, In pulp and paper nukers. Intend to spply Alex M. Manson. B.A. J. Gist, .Mr. Grisby, Mrs. after spending two Lane, tend, sixty daya from the date hereof, to for permission to purchase the following W. E. Williams. B.Am L.1.B morning Fruits or All Kinds Our Jess. ipply to the Mining Itecorder for a Certin described lands: Commencing at a pQ3l WILLIAMS A MANSON mouths in the south. rate of Improvements, for the purpose of planted at the southeast corner of Lnt t ) Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Prices are Lowest and obtaining a Crown Grant of the above on the west shore of Cousins Inlet, thence TORY MACHINE METHODS rlalm. west 40 chains, thence south to chains, MONEY TO LOAN Quality Best. Captain Georgo II. Hull expects And further take notice that action, thence east to shore, thence northeaste1 ;; ARE AGAIN EXPOSED Box 1581 to leave for Delia Coo I a tomorriAv under section 15, must be commenced be along shore to point of commencement, Helgerson Block rrlnce Rupert, B. fore the issue or such Certificate of Ira containing 4S acres, more or less. on a recruiting expedition for tho nrovernents. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, Fuller & McMeekin Lumbermen's Battalion. Continued From Page One.) Dated this Sitb day of March, A.n. It 14 Mark Smabyt agent. r OEOItaE IL NADEN. Dated May Uth, A. D. 1910. Aug. 13 CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS LEADING GROCERS lollars' worth without any tenders the Vic Robert J. Hartley, of PHONES 56 and 572 being called for. It is alleged that toria Times staff, is covering the 80 Cents per ft. F. O. B. they charged retail prices and northern tour of H. C. Brewster Prince' Rupert then added ten per cent., the per and M. A. Macdonald for the Concrete Works, McBrlde St. centago being added to cartage B. C. UNDERTAKERS southern papers. charges and also to street car fares. Messrs. Leek delivered the FUNERAL DIRECTORSkND EM-BALWERg W. J. Hayward, of F. J. Hay-ward schools goods to tho various n Prince Rupert Feed Co. SATISFACTION QUAR-ANTEED--OFEN & Company, of Vancouver, DAY AND NIQHT their own wagon and $1.50 for P. O. Box 333. 80S Third Aft. 117 2ND STREET PHONE 41 returned from llie Islands tins each item seems to have been tho RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS morning and will go south in the regular charge pcrmitlerl by the WE HANDLE Morning. board. Walter Leek was, at the PACIFIC LTD. samo time, supervising engineer Rennle's, Ferry's, Steele's, CARTAGE, Ex-Aid. II, Douglas, who has for tho school board and passed and Brlgg's. been in t-ealtlo for some months on work by his firm nnd received Qarden and Field Seeds. Announce that tbey have purchased returned to tho city this morning Also Fertilizers. the business of the Prince llupert an additional percentago for so Transfer Company and solicit a continence Ho was warm welcomo by We Take Orders for Nursery of the patronage of the doing. many old friends. BIOCK. customers of that Drm. Hay, Grain and Feed at Careful attention to all or-ders Salvation Army. Vancouver Prices. for Cartage and Coal. J. S. Kdwards has sold tho Nau Public meetings, Tuesday til us to Alex. Stralton nnd Jack Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. in Chicken Feed A Specialty. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Wells who were associated with Sundays at 7:30 p. in. Mall Ordsrs Promptly Attended To. PHONE 93. him In running the boat. Mr. 14d wards goes soutlushortly.. . . LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS Mr. Drumhiller, tho mining ant HOTEL THE BEAUTY CFv SUInILIGHT IS NOW OPEN TO QUESTS- financial man of Spokane, arrive! One or the largest Hot Springs In is that every garment washed with it bears the FRED STORK'S HARDWARE from tho south this morning, ac America, circumference 300 feet impress ot purity; a purity begotten of sweet, compaiiicd by P. J. Jennings. They Temperature of Water, 130 d. Fahr, cleansing oils, and maintained by absolute cleanliness aro interested in mining property in manufacture; u purity exalted by the Eicsllsnt Trout Fishing In Lekslst co-opemtion of workers united for the purpose: 710 SECOND AVE in the Hazoltou district. Laks. a purity demonstrated ly the "55,000 fUiaruntcc Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery Phone RATES Oonnsctlons I S2.60 with por day.Tarraia. which rests upon every bar of SUNLIGHT SOAP. Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Infants,' child's and misses A utitlilult fut Shml.fkl it ft i ti m4 mtvtr Iraq Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns strap slipper and "Mary Janes' For t. .BRUCE further JOHNSTONE,particulars, Manager.apply to tern . Intitl Iki lfuliimlifil Stat. Rope Valves Ammunition in patent, tan and gun metal calf Tb name Lever on Sosp is a guarantee ol I'urily ontl Gsctllnce. Pumps Hose Paint leathers, by the best makers Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron "Classls" Hulburt, etc, at the " WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" right prices Wallace's. 164 AKERBERG, THOMSON 0 COMPANY Tho Daughters of tho Empire Sol Agsnts for tho Hill 00 Chapter, an informal gave STORK'S HARDWARE ENOINE FRED PALMER OAS COMPANY dance in Kaiou Inland Hall las I -fflr vs-jee HE i PHONE 525 . , , - -t7(! evening. About sixty couples were