1 The News VOL. VII. NO. 164. PRINCE RUPERT, 13. C SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1910. PRICK FIVK CENT 9 A C7 Ira Ml D OFFEHS THE 15 BRITISH CAPTURE TRENCHES FOR FOUR MILES -GERMAN PEOPLE ALARMED AN IMPORTANT GERMAN PAPERS EXPERTS WILL Tremendous Enthusiasm is GAIN ON FRONT PREPARING FOR INVESTIGATE Displayed at Record Liberal OF FOUR MILES MORE REVERSES OUR RAILWAYS Meeting in the Westholme The British Take Trenches After Population Alarmed Told That Paving the Way for Nationaliza Very Heavy Fighting Two Conditions May be Worse-Great tion or Counter Proposals-Revenue- Colonels Captured Over Blast by Italians Increased First tho Crest. Buries Enemy. Three Months. H. C, Brewster shows results of public accounts investigation: notor- ious Price-Love letters show Tory methods of buying (Special to The Daily Newt.) (Special to The Dally ewi) (Special to The Dtlly Newt.) voters; London, July 15, The British London, July 15. Prominent Ottawa, July 15. President Parliament buildings graft. M. A. Macdonald trounces have captured the German second German papers are endeavoring milh, of the New York Central; Tory financial methods and Bowser machine methods line of trenches along n four-mile to pacify the population, which is Sir George Paish, the British fi exposes front from Longueval to the becoming alarmed at the increasing nancial expert and editor of the Trones wood region,-two villages Allied victories, while they Statist, and Sir Harry L. Drayton, Never In the history of Prince who, when the people were dis years llieyPfc never been prop being taken. .The-fighting was of aro, at tho same time, advising chairman of tho Railway Commls- Rupert has there been such a display satisfied, put on a feast and a erly presented to the people, nor the to be for ion, have been appointed to In-ctigalo frco show. have been tho severest nature, the enemy people prepared the of enthusiasm at a public they investigated either ilTering a desperate resistance. receipt of unfavorable informa Canadian railway condi Ho then introduced Mr. Brewster in parliament or outside it. The meeting as that which greeted tho Splendidly accurate work by the tion. tions and aro empowered to carry as an old timer on tho coast three months given for investigation raising of tho curtain at the Lib- Anglo-French artillery prevented The papers' appeal for confi out tho reorganization of the who had led the Opposition in tho was inadequate time in which the Germans from bringing up reinforcements. dence nnd unity on tho part of transcontinental systems and to ral meeting in the Westholme last session with great energy and to cnduct a real enquiry, yet Several prisoners tho German public and announce recommend to tho government ef Theatre last evening. Tho applause ability. Mr. Brewster would make much had been discovered. For were taken, Including two colonels that the present privations are ficient operating methods for the swelled into a great ring a first-class premier and it was instance, ,the wing of the parlia nnd other superior officers", insignificant compared to what arious railroads provided they ing cheer and round after rund up to tho people of tho north to ment buildings cost $1,200,000, Over the Crest. their sufferings would be in the become nationalized. of cheers wero given, concluding send T. D. Pattullo, A, M..Manson while,the wholo building only cost Hon. DavJdLloyd George, president event of their being beseiged. Revenue Increases. and F. H. Mobley t assist him in JTAO.OOO." H. B. Thompson. had with three of tho heartiest for H. of tho Allied F.quipment Confidence, Italians Blast Summit. Tho Dominion revenue, for the the next governmentin Victoria.' said that the Liberals "must havo declares that the combined Home, July 15. The Italians first three months of the fiscal Brewster, the Liberal leader. H. C. Brewster. been dubs" to have found noth offensive has wrenched to have dynamited Castellettn moun ear, is $50,000,000 and tho or That Blank Pamphlet. On H. CUrcwster rising to ing. They had found out a great ices tli t German initiative and tain, in tho Tofaua region, hurling dinary and capital expenditure. Just before the curtain rose,. speak, ho was again greeted with deal. The parliament -buildinB- says that the Allies havo now the summit over tho Austrian ncluding national debt interest, there was a steady ripple of thrco lusty cheers, followed by contracts had been let, nl to the 27,000,000. The former is the presentation of a bouquet by lowest tenderer, but to the high-little rrussed the watershed and victory below and burying their entire museiiicnt from tho front seats higher and the latter lower than Eileen Patmore, after which est. McDonald & Wilson were to How in direction. number. c inmences our v which steadily grow into continuous Tho overwhelming Allied French National Day. n tho corresponding period of there was more enthusiastic allowed to reduce their tender, and laughter as a number of small I" that advances are .completely terror-i Paris. July 15. France yester 015. cheering. they wero $30,000 higher ..'),' their opponents. day celebrated a national holiday, War Orders. boys distributed pamphlets bear Mr. Brewster said that he would than the lowest, yet tho others Stronghold Taken. when President Poincaro issued Tho Canadian government and ing on tho outside tho wrds: not bo human if he did not ap- had no such consideration. Tho Paris, July 15. The French testimonials to tho families be tanks havo advanced $150,000,000 What William Manson has done predate the warmth of his recep- sub-contracts were let on tho and Drills!) arc maintaining their reaved in tho war. to Britain for war purposes since for Prince llupert." On being Hon. He had camped right where same Dasis. t or instance, piumo. the beginning of the year and or pened the pamphlets were found Prince nupert now stands and ing cost $81,000, or $t 1,000 more violent t "iisive and are striking terror into tho enemy, compelling PRINCIPAL HUTTON'S ders have been placed in Canada to be absolutely Llank. The shaft as, therefore, no stranger to the than the lowest tender. Bowser NEW APPOINTMENT to aggregate tho amount. wont right home. north He appreciated tho hard- loiu you mat tins was a ireo gut them to release stronghold in several sections. Fred Stork, Dominion, Liberal hips of tho pioneer ami the still from tho contractor, but the con- LITTLE GIRLS DOING candidate for Skeena-Atlln, grealCr hardships of tho pioneer's tractor's extras showed that tho Ilclgiau nrtlllery has effectively (Special lo The Dtlly Newt.) pre- bombarded the German positions Toronto, July 15. Maurice SPLENDID WORK ided, and with him on the plat ifc. Ho referred to his last visit, money camo out of your pockets, llulton, principal of Toronto UnL form were Alex. M. Manson, Lib hen ho was accompanied by That Letter. at Slcenslraele, Gracio Carroll, Last week, Mary versity College, has cen appoint eral candidate fr Omineca, and Honest John'' Oliver. (Great! In this enquiry, there was no Cummings col DR. BELL RETIRES cd president of tho Ontario Edu Kerr and Frances Frank H. Mobley, Liberal candi cheering). On this occasion he letter, which McDonald sent to lied Cross tho by SERVICE cational Association. lected $12 for date for Atlin, besides H. C. Brew was accompanied by the "dis- the premier, missing. On oath AFTER LONG this week and selling flowers ster, M. A. Macdonald and T. D. honest" Malcolm Macdonald. who the contractor said that it refer-he DEUTSCMLAND LOADING Gracic Carroll and Maydo Larkin Pattullo, tho speakers of the even wHs not ashamed t have be- ,ed to the contract but tho premier Newt.) (Special to The Dally collected $15. Those little girls ing.- When Mr. Stork rose to in ide him on the platform. "He refused to produce it. "IF THAT Winnipeg, July 15. Doctor work for the (Special to The Dtlly Newt.) arc doing splendid troduco Mr. Brewster, the Theatre can meet you face to face, without LETTEIl WERE THROWN UPON Hell, secretary of Winnipeg-board Toronto, July 15. Tho subma lied Cross nnd this season have was filled and many were standing blush for anything he has done THE .SCREEN BY THE MOVIE of trade, has retired after holding by their contributed $100 tho office- for twenty-eight years. rincDeutschland is loading rubber over at the back. Mr. Stork said that in the past," said Mr. Brewster, MAN, YOU WOULD SEE THAT efforts. there to discuss the amid great cheering. Mil. PATTULLO WENT BACK they During that time ho has done his at Baltimore. The rubber is be were in issues of the day, just as Bowser Going on to describe his Island FROM HERE, AND THAT THE share in assisting tho prairie city ing cut into various shapes INFANTILE PARALYSIS order to accomodate every avail and his ministers had been some tour, tho speaker said that he PRESENT PREMIER HAD NO lo grow from n mere Ijnmlet to Ihe most important centre be able pound. (Specltl to The Dally Kewi.) weeks ago. There was this differ found that in many places the MORE AUTHORITY IN THE PRO-premier tween Toronto nnd Vancouver. New York, July 15 The pro ence, however, the Liberals would did not hold public meet- VINCE," said Mr. B.rewster. U S. COLLIER SUNK cautions taken aro failing to bring welcome to tho platform, in the iugs, but issued invitations to I The Land Deal. SINN PEINERS AGAIN about any decrease in tho spread absence of William Manson, Conservatives and their friends, Tho speaker went on to show (Specltl to The Dtlly Piewt.) of infantile paralysis. One hun Conservative speaker to aid in that though he did not seo that Bow- how an American syndicate had Thero evidently ser had right to use tho name secured valuablo timber land (Special to The Pally Newi.) Charleston. July 15, The dred and eixty-two cases develop liscussion. was any very Cork, July 15. Chagrined at United States naval collier Hector, ed yesterday and there were 31 no conservative courageous Conservative. Tho premier had on Vancouver Island at $2.50 per tho jiou-arrival of tho released with a crow of eighty-two, became. deaths. The authorities aro urg enough to try. Ho was pleased to gathered his Ideas of conditions acre, and a total cost of $18,000, prisoners participating in tho disabled In a storm and sank. ins Hint measures bo taken to seo so jnany ladies present, as from thoso meetings and they had!while, on oath, it was registered Dublin riots, Sinn Felners today prevent tho diseuse from spread they would havo tho vote after been published la tho overpaid at $421,800, and in Us prospectus wrecked the recruiting offices II. C. Brewster, M. A. Macdon- ing to Canada. September Uth, though ho did not party press, it was absurd to the company valued It at $029,000. here. ald, T. D. Pattullo and n strong seo why a respnslblo govern think that a truo idea could be (Continued on Pago Two party of Liberal speakers loft for DO YOU WANT WORK? mont had not given them that got -when the majority of tho Terrace this morning. They will without submitting it to a refer people had been obliged to stay WESTHOLME return Sunday evening and will Ocean Falls pays laborers 30 end u m in which tho women had away from tho meetings. (Iaughr Majestic Theatre then proceed to Anyoz. cents per hour and carpenters 40 no part. Tho government had not ter). OPERA 1IOUSK and,45 cents-per hour. See H. E, shown the samo inclination to The Change. FEATURE SHOW TONIGHT (SATURDAY) TONIGHT AND TOMORROW , FOR 8ALE Ross, Empress Hotel. No Fee submit other matters to tho poo Bowser had lost sight of tho Lilllo Leslio nnd Jos. Smiley Fare advanced. plo, for instance tho extension o fact that in 1010 tho publio aro Unlverttl preaenti Herbert IUwllnson in la "THE WHITE MASK" Carload mining machinery, In tho parliamentary torm. When a lilllo more critical man moy "M ISJUDQED" A 3.reel Lubin Feature. eluding 17 machlno drills, column Seo that Monkey at tho Majestic in tho north, tho premier ha wero in 1010 and 1012. " A man Three-Tart Dram. "LOVE'S 8ACRIFICE" bars, drill steel, stcam-flttlngs given them a picture shw, but big ojiough to bo premier should "LIVE WIRES AND A groat Indian reels.Drama In 2 ote. Apply Dally News. tf ao to hud carefully .refrained from dis recognize that, onco our ballots reaturinr DllUe LOVE luteals SPARKS"Turee-urt cussing tho real issues, which havo been cast, ho is no longer Comedy. Another Hazards Episode of Helen."o f "the Many specials lit ladles' flnj LONDON CAFE wero the $80,000,000 railroad ob tho member elect of a political "ACTORS FROM THE "A PERILOUS CHANCE' shoes, pumps, elo. Wallace's. FOR THE DE5V MEALS ligutlous. and the $30,000,000 party but of all the pooplo,' snid Feamrlnr Nein.JUNGLE"Lion, TUer, .elephant. Mr. atul Mrs. Sidney Drew la jSTRICTLY UNION HOUSE provincial debt, while ho had dis tho speaker. Qlraite Monkey, etc.- A "THEIR A Pino AGREEMENT'Comedy SAFETY FIRST USE, NEW Hart Blk. Third Ave. etifised everything but the dlspo Publlo Accounts. oitrktble performance Anlmalt. by the wild WELLINGTON COAL. PHONE sition of our unturai resuurcos Dealing with the publio ac "THE WRONG BIRD" Admission 10o. and 15o. BOXES FOR LADIES I 118. llu likened tho premier to Nero counts, ho said that for thirteen reaturinr Blllle nhodei.