Saturday, July 16, 1010, 1MK DAILY NfiWR. TREMENDOUS ENTHUSIASM Himply tho voice of tho people "Hob JiMinliigs can beat thai"). AUTOINTOXICATION AT THE LIBERAL MEETING lie had closed with tho "Tammany Mr. Shaw had drawn $30 per day Tiger" and naturally Its claws had f"r two months while ho sal In (Continued from lng0 two., got inl his flesh. Any man who tho house. "In business, this BRAID'S ORSELFPOISONING hesitation la gnying u,at bc wuul.l opposed this corrupt machine was would be called 'padding accounts','' give every district iho consideration bound to bo persecuted, as wit said Mr. Macdonald. Ideal Blend It demanded. (Cheers. ness Moses Cotsworth. Messrs. Lucas, HayworJ and Shaw Condition Dangerous The Which Produces Many Well M, A. Macdonald, In dealing with tho land policy were all allowed lo accept money, Known Diseases. In Introducing M. A. Macdonald, of Iho government, ho showed while members of tho house. The COFFEE Krctl. Ktork nald that this was no that tho speculator had been al statutes wcro not allowed lo stand IlKht between (Irlts and Tories, lowed to grab what ho chose, in tho way, Here la Coffee an Ideal Blend and an Ideal Value. HOWTOGUARD AGAINST but, as in Manitoba, tho driving willful regard for law. With the Some Carpet. No More, No Less - $0.40 lb. ut of a corrupt government. same utlor disregard for law, the 2,cr.2 had been paid for the per At the following wall-known THIS TROUBLE Mr. Macdonald received a tre P. 0, II. had been granted millions hire of a carpet and $11,000 for LYNCH BROS. MILLER-PHILLIPS mendous ovation illegally. These wcro merely the wiring In connection with the FULLIR McMEEKIN MUSSALLEM GROCERY CO., LTD. on rising and 0. P. McCOLL T. BRAMLEV Isolated cases. All along tho line Connaught visit lo Victoria. The had VES" Th Wonderful to wait quite a while before 3RD AVE. CASH MARKET CAVENAILE HANNAN FRUIT-A-TI he tho premier did just as ho pleased. subsidised press had absorbed FULTON CASH MARKET SPURR'S CASH MARKET could will Protect make Fruit Medicine You himself heard. A. FERQUSON LIPSETT, CUNNINGHAM A CO,, LTD. No statute was sacred. Any business Strathcona Park $100,000, self-poison After thanking the audience for over CANADIAN FISH A COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. Autointoxication means run as this province had been hail cost $23J,000 In two years, In;' caused by continuous or partial Hm reception, ho said that till Stswart A Mobl.y, Ltd., Whol.tale Distributor!, Prlnoe Rup.rU insufficient run would have been in tho hands $30,000 of this going to an American or action of his c r..,'. Ration, was first, but not his last tins towels. of a receiver long ago. In 1911 engineer. Tho university DIRECT IMPORTERS, visit lo tho north. In Prlnco Ilu- WM. BRAID & CO., Instead of the refuse matter passing we had $8,713,000 In cash; today, had olready cost over $1,000,000 VANCOUVER - B.C. from the body, It Is absorbed pcrt, us elsewhere In the province, daily by wo have over thirty millions of and all we had was a silo. the Mood. As a result,the Kidneys and they had not enjoyed much prosperity, Sin art overworked. In their efforts to and the first essential was debt. Miscellaneous items In the ac rid t'so blood of this poisoning, n new, clean The province had paid $31C,01C counts amounted lo about $4,-000,000 J i.oningoflbe blood in Ihit fray often Mr. Hrewster. government under interest on P. O. K. bonds and had in one year while Saskatchewan post oflicc in Victoria and within TRADESMEN WANTED FOR causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite Development had six feel of a man who, on oath, Stomach. It been nrrested and t meet a like payment soon, showed $15,000 for Disturbed tho aci may pro-duca province wuld not say that he recognized CANADIAN ENGINEERS though this fact would have tho Headaches and Sleeplessness. was "like never samo time. a young giant mana becauso ho knew the him, simply tncy irritate the Kidney s and bring on cled." been mado public had there been Vancouver Election. "It Is time there was n Mayor McCaffery has received result would be In The 1'ai.i Jn tho Hack, Ithcurnatism, Gout, jail. Jury no opposition In tho Millions house. ,IIc did not to allow Mr. change and that chango will come propose a letter from the commanding ar.;l Kheumatio Tains. It is tho chief tho (Josden case, except one man, eac-c of Kciema and keeps the whole on September 1 tth," said Mr. had been spent on roads, Hywser to sweep the filth from had been for conviction. He knew ofllcer of the Cth Field Company, unheallhvby thcconsUnt absorption trails and bridges, 00 per cent, of hisown dor to his sj-Jetn on doorstep Macdonald, "and no one knows tho The whole affair would Canadian Engineers, with headquarters into tho blood of this refuse matter. which went on work and 50 man. better than tho premier that tho per and then claim that it had bean at North Vancouver, bo the Liberals will yet exposed, as "Fruit-a-lives" always cute Auto-inixUation cent, to the rad bosses for political there all the time. Mr. Bowser chango Is coming." stating that recruits for this or self-poisoning as would search to the very root of "Fruit-a-tiTes" acts gently on bowels, He went on lo trace tho history purposes. (Voice: "Hob had proven repeatedly that he has the matter and would expose the branch of the service are urgently k.Jnoya and skin, strengthens the of the McHride-Howser split, resulting Jennings"). an utter disregard for the truth. guilty parties. wanted. All professions and bowels and tones up thonervoussystem. In tho Civil salaries had advanced 700 The Vancouver case was exactly trades enlistment ousting of II. are eligible for J. 50c. a box, C for $-'.50, trial siie, 25c. In conclusion, he urged the Turner and the per cent, in ten years; administration similar to the Norris case in Manitoba, in this battalion and drafts departure of Sir arc At all dealers or sent postpaid on people of tho north to send to of price by Fruit-all ves Li tailed, lUchard with Just a little push by of justice had increased COO where a corrupt government Victoria a solid representation, shipped for overseas service every Ottawa. way of speeding the parting guest. per cent. In seven years and so soupht to prove that Premier though that was not necessary to two weeks. tKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or on all nlong. Many thousands Norris had accepted $25,000 Ho next denlt with Mr. Dowser as obtain justice from u Liberal The following aro required: COAST, RANGE 4. had been squandered in commissions, lo connive a,t their misdeeds. Yu Blacksmiths, bricklayers, attorney-general, showing that he government, as it represented the carpenters, TAKE NOTICE tbat rredertck Bradshaw, at one and tho same time, acted outside of Indian Ilcscrve know what happened. people and no parly. "Just as clerks, coopers, architectural f Tonopth, rterada, occupation mine man-arcr, for the people nnd also for such commissions. Though the Liberals Mr. Macdonald said that the sure as the grass grows and water draughtsmen, electricians, engi Intends to apply for permission to concerns as the Dominion Trust had prepared a Workmen's Liberal party is not rich and that runs, wo will have a Liberal gov neers, fitters and turners, harness purchase the following, described lindi: and the P. O. 11. Lawyers had a Compensation Act years ago, a if money was necessary to win ernment after September 14th," makers, masons, painters, plasterers, ommeneinr at about a poit planted commission had to be appointed, tho election there was little hope. bad he plumbers, shoemakers, C0 feet easterly from tbe northwest corner reputation, though thought said Mr. Macdonald. On resuming and then another to find nut They had never used to of Lot 40, nan 4, Coail District; they were all right so long as money his seat, he was given a great surveyors, tailors, plato layers, rtu-nre north 10 chains: thence west to they stayed'n one side of a case, whether tho first was right. win nor did they have a machine ovation. The meeting closed with etc. Apply to Mayor J. Eades chains; thence south to chains more or fund such as was kept supplied Ward, C O. 6th Feld Company, but when they look up both sides, Shaw's Graft. the National Anthem and three less fullowinr to the the shore shore of lne Surf to Inlet,the place thence of as tho premier did, there was J. P. Shaw, member for Kam-loops, by the methods disclosed in the cheers and a tiger for Mr. Brew C. K., North Vancouver' If. c unmrnrement, containing forty acres something seriously wrong. had drawn $30 per day for Vancouver school board enquiry, ster. - "r' m.February re r ttlft. He took no credit for tho 1,000 3C5 days and had drawn his sessional in which it was shown that contractors Child's and Misses' heavy sole rPEDEMCK BRADSHAW. besides. (Voice, sent money to the corrupt cushion welt strap slippers Wallace's, majority in Vancouver. It was Indemnity Charles IJalagno has resumed machine fund and then tf. taking pianoforte pupils. Terms charged it up. M'ouahlo. Phone "luo 408. H Had there been anything cor "s rupt in the Liberal methods, men LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS Good lines in "Little Gents," like Sir Hibbert Tupper would hot HOTEL youth's, boys' shoes in box kid come out and support them, as 13 NOW OPEJf TO QUESTS uppers and solid leather soles they did. This is no contest between One of tbe larreit Hot Sprlors In Special Prices, $1.75, $2.25 and America, circumference 300 feet- Liberals and Conservatives, $2.75 Wallace's. 1(51. Temperature of Water, 180 d. Faar. TnreeMhty'Ibrces as the Bowser machine has no Eic.ll.nt Trout Flatting In Laktlaa right to use tho name. Salvation Arm. Lake. In dealing with the Oosdcui Phone Connectlono with Terrace. ' 11 3 I I sW i RATES i S2.60 per day. case, no described how he had Publio meetings, Tuesday. been accused of "clandestinely" Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m For rurther particulars, apply to i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. paying money to a man at tho Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Have you ever noted how an audience traduction aiAift yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when " rrQ win the war with the dedaivenesa which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire the speaker reveals enthusiasm ? will require to put forth its full collective power in men and in money. From this viewpoint it is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy, which reduces to the minimum To truth. of Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression all expenditures upon luxurica and non-essentials. Only in this way shall we be able to make good the Ions caused by the withdrawal of so many of our workers from industrial impart belief in anything, a man must believe it activities, repair the wastage of the war,and find the funds for Ita continuance. It cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that industry and thrift are, for those who remain at home, supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment This applies to the written word also particularly our SIR success,THOMAS and WUITE,consequently Minister our of national, may ultimately depend." to advertisements. When the manufacturer really believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. will be contagious his audience tho MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. -SAVE readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, lean forward and listen intently." MATERIALS FROM WASTE. To be convincing an advertisement SPEND MONEY WISELY. must convey an unmistakable of enthusiasm. This it impression LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS will only do when the article The war is now turning on a t'ontet of all forces Hegin at home. The larger portion of salaries and resources men, munitions, food, money. The and wages Is spent on the home food, fuel, light, advertised has inherent worth. call to all la to produce more and mora. It may be clothing. Are any of these things being wasted I nvreury to work harder. Tbe place of thoM3 who $3).00 a year saved from waste in every home in cnlitt must be taken those at home, and Canada will by men more than pay the interest on a war debt Thus we have: women, oU and young. Tho more we produce the of 500,(XX),IJOO. more e can save. Produce more on the farms and Sincerity Enthusiasm Advertising: in the cardens. Save more and ht lp to win the war. LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY LET US NOT WASTE OUR LABOUR Are you spending your money to the bet advan. forces, close-linked. tageT what do think Three mighty you of extravagance in war In this war-time all labour i.!.ouM bedirrttly productive tm.cT Tena of thou-tnda of Canadian are daily or should be assisting in :rodurtipn. Make it risking their lives for us at home. Is it not our duty with lit as ellkicntaa poMible. If your U!our is on aomvthing to be careful and economical T Canadian dollars are If im art Joint a If I lu,Uns talk ttr ft aJvtrtltlt frthltms AJvtrMsiaf Dtptrtmtml that cart be Kistioned,put it oft till after the war and an itnjortant part of the war equipment. Make them if ikit miwifiaptr. 1 . art Jlt a fnptaeiat tr nalUmal man it wtulj well ftr make your labour tell now. Making war ia the first tell. Have War Savings Account. Uuy a War Kav't Iht ttunul uiJ auhtamt j a fJ aJvtrtiiimt tffej. A list tkttt business of all Canadian, tvflicicitcy In labour la as Uoml. important as ctlicicncy in fighting. mill it faruhktJ. kWia.W fit r titlO'i. h Sttrttary a Camadian I'rtss AhhUiUh. Jlm SOi. l.amtJf Building, Truh, THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3 I THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE