rf AILY NEWS, Wednesday. July rc U,0 "Meat Takes Another DOING IS BRITAIN The Daily News GOOD EVERV Tuekeits Jump" a familiar headline HER SHARE IN WAR? llOURr-riY ti THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA CLUBSPECIAL rtiihj Daily ! Weekly in your daily newspaper. Guaranteed Larfleat Circulation "Is Uritnin doing her share In Cigar But why worry about the this war? Was she Is she, even HEAD OFFICE cost of something you don't This question NVo ro looking for tho most tnr now prepared?" licular smoker in town. Vv Daily News Duildinir, 3rd Ave, Prince liupert, B.C. Telephone 08. need? The most expensive arose first, It was reported, in got Just what ho wants. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60 cents per Inch. Contract foods are generally the least Russia, owing to the campaign of mmwm OIL'S CIQAR STORE rates on application. nutritious. In Summer doubt and misunderstanding Third Avenue - - - Prince Rupert spread by German spies. Than DAILY EDITION Wednesday, July 20, lOiO. health and strength come France wondered If her ally ciamt'tA mie from a meatless diet. Two across tho Channel was as active Shredded Wheat Biscuits, as she had a right to be If victory MEN WANTED which each man must do his heated in the covered was to bo won. Neutral nations, oven, J'rcmler llowsep has toured share and measure up to the Summer Steamship Service beheld Germany apparently with berries other fruits loo, or the province, accojnpanled by standard of a man. The prov in the east, firmly entrenched several of his ministers and H. ince has had a one-man government, and served with milk or triumphant -TO in tho west, and wondered ALASKA AND YUKON 11. Thompson. They dropped thanks largely to the make cream, a complete, whal Britain was doing towards Tim 8. S. Prince Rupert or Prlnco George Hon. V. n. Ross off &l Prince fact that there were so many Prince Ilupcrt satisfying, nourishing meal at the breaking of the deadlock and leave every Wednesday at 12 George and Hilly feels decidedly men of tho typo of William noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway. Conned cost of five six cents. All the tide. a or changing more comfortable there than Manson in tho bouse, men who ing at 8kagway with tho While Pass and Yukon Houte. the meat of the whole wheat. What was Britain doing? How SOUTHBOUND ho would do at Fernie, though allowed themselves to be put was it done? The question, "Is Tho S. S. Prlnco Ilupcrt or Prince Georgo lcavo Prlnco Made in Canada the Prince Gorgo comfort can Just where Dowser directed. Britain prepared?" was answered nupert every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. in. for Voncou-, only be described as such by Millions have been squandered ver, Victoria and Seattle. ay of comparison The people ruthlessly because tho bouse aro quite satisfied that M. A. Mac- in deeds, not words. The mag Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotte Islands. nificent answer Is given In the TRAIN SERVICE of Prince George are wondering full of dunald Is an honorable gentleman was jelly-flsb" representatives tonight and Trains lcavo Prlnco Ilupcrt every Monday, Wednesday what they have dona to Instead of men. and that every attempt to thriw WcJtholmo Theatre and Friday at 10:30 a. m. for Winnipeg and all points Mast mud at tho Vancouver meinb:r tomorrow night. The British government and South. Mixed train leaves Prince liupert every Satur deserve such treatment. British Columbia cannot afford day 0 a. m Special weekend fare to Terrace and return l.lo. six brings out shouts of derision from called to its service A reservations apply to ticket II. 11. Thompson, who, the to squander more millions, and, For full Information cily oMce audiences in of tho of the largest firms of moving THIRD AVENUE PHONE 260 every corner chairman of the Dowser meeting if Bowser were returned to province. In his recent meetings picture producers and set them here assured his audience, power, millions more would be he is- devoting his attention to work to picture BMTAIN AT would be certain to support squandered, as the plans are WAR. These pictures furnish to almost solely to the Brewster Dowser in the next Legislature, all ready now. Foley, Welch PACIFIC writ, with no belter effect than the British people throughout the CANADIAN RAILWAY has decided that he will be a Stewart and Mackenzie & Mann ha experienced In Prince tnpert. world a visible Justification for spectator of tho disaster, rather would go ooi their .way rejoicing the faith that is in them. Hon, A. Lowest Rates o all Eastern Points than part of it. The local in their further fat construction describes via Steamer to Vancouver and the J. Halfour the pictures The Conservatives in tho jouth CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Tory organ assures us that Mr. profits, and there are continuing thelr Iiou8o-;.nii-jng, as "wonderful photographs, marvellous Meala and Berth Included on Steamer Thompson decided a year ago would bo no hope of recovery. examples of the photog to retire "for business reasons." The people are awako to the evidently oblivious of the fact Prinoess Charlotte Southbound Wed., July 26, 6 p. m. that the source of corruption b rapher's art, big with lessons of ... Princess Alice for Alaskan Ports Friday, July 28lh. Mr. Thompson, who is fact that men arc needed"and the deepest Import to us nnd to Princess Maqulnna for Qranby, Alice Arm Frl. 11 p.m. at the fountain-head. It is Bow they will send Princess 8ophla Southbound Saturday, July 29th. a very shrewd judge of public men. all the world." You cannot afford ser and Howserism that the peop'e Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. opinion, was greatly helped in to miss reading Britain's magnificent Princess Charlotte for Alaskan Ports Monday, July 31. of this province are disgusted his decision by the attitude of NOTES AND COMMENTS Be nl Ihe West-holme with, and so long as Bowser is unswer. J. I. PETERS, General Agent tho audience In Prince Rupert leader, the party he seeks to lead Theatre tonight. Corner Fourth Street end Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. and throughout the north. "Afraid of Manson," says the must go down to utter defeat, no William Manson remains the Journal. After hearing William's "A CHILD OF GOD" AT matter how many respectable men bodyguard or the "premie, not1 painful -speech and witnessing - THE MAJESTIC THEATRE MINERAL ACT NAVIOABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT. be imported. because William feels that he his still more painful expression may ft. a. a Chapter 118. is any kind of a protection to at tho Bowser meeting, it can be "A Child of God,' a four-act Certificate of Improvements BASEBALL Tbe Grand Trunk Pacific FtalUsy Company that gentleman, but because safely left to the Judgment of the Mutual feature, is the star item nereby (Ives notice that It has under The C. C.'s again defealeu the Willie likes shelter. While in people as to where the "fear" at the Majestic tonight, wllh Sam NASTURTIUM. IRIS FIUCTIO.il, BELUS Section 1 of tbe said Act deposited lik Colts last night, on this occasion tbe Minister or Public Works at Otua the north William felt a whiff lies. I)c Grasse and Francella Illlling- FRACTION, GENTIAN, BLUE HELL FRAC and tn tbe omce or the District Rertiu-sr by 9 runs to 3, the Colts' pitchers TIO. COSMOS FRACTION. THISTLE of a breeze which foretold tho lon In the lead. This Is a remark of the Land Reilstry OfSce, District of being unable to hold down the FRACTION, MAH10OLD FRACTION, ULAC Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, a description coming storm", and he has net The rumor in regard to'Willlam batters as they did on Saturday able western drama which is full FRACTION, FERN FRACTION. PINE APPLE of Ute site and plans or art-bouse yet got tho circulation in his Manson running In Nanalmo originated of life and rich in the human ele FRACTION, COXCOMB. BE0ON1A FRAC-HON, proposed to be built La Prior Hu afternoon. MINERAL CLAIMS situate la U perl Harbor at Prince hupert, Brutati Columbia, feet back to normal. According in Conservative circles in ment. There Is a thrilling rail in front of waterfront Block Hugh Scott and Wally formed yueen Charlotte District, located at or Dear '0', to the Journal, Nanalmo will the south, where the Tories are road accident in the play, In which ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Province according to rtctsiered plan of the lows-site the Colts' battery and Babe For- or Brtuth Columbia, and lawfully beld by of tbe said cily or Prince Rupert de-poailcd not shelter him, though Mr. in a turmoil trying to select candidates tin pitched good ball for the C. C.'s a rescue parly is shown taking Ikeda Mines Limited. In tbe aforesaid Land RcrKtry Planta is in a hopeless position, who do not look too much the passengers from the upturned TAKE NOTICE Inst I, John A. Maclnnls, omce as No. JtJ. behind the bat. with Tyrwhitt It solicitor tor Ikeda Mines Limited, tree AND TAKE NOTICE that after tM tl and Willie hales do face like Bowserites. coaches. It is a story which will was a real good game. miners' certificate No. 70114 U, Intend pi rat Ion of one month from the data of the blizzard in the north. That grip and hold the interest of any alter the eiplrstlon of alatjr days front tbe nrat publication or this noti c. Um Bca.- of ...o pitching Fortin, the date hereof to apply on behalf or Um Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company will first breeze chilled hirn to the A Prince Rupert of holi audience throughout. party one of the features was a great .aid Company to tbe Minlnt inecorder for under Section 7 of tbe said Act apply to bone and ho still shivers at tho day-makers was driving over the catch at centre field by Joe Hatch- There Is also a splendid Mutual a certificate or Improvements for tbe purpose tbe Minuter or public Works at bis omce or obtaining a Crown Grant to lb in tbe Cily or Ottawa for appr ival of thought jof it and of what it road from Lakelse llotsprings to Weekly showing the latest world's Above culms. said ford and a splendid double play alte and plans, and for leave to construct signified. the railroad the other day, just by Wallace Anderson and Winsby. news and Parisian fashions. There AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tbat action tbe said warehouse. under Section II or tbe Mineral Act must Dsted at WluoJpet, Manitoba, this nth Prince Rupert wants no more after a lfeavy ratn. The thought are also two good comedies, be commenced before tbe Issuance or sucb dsy or Msy A. D. Hie. "jelly-fish" representatives and of every member elf the company SUN AND TIDE "Caught by; the Handle" and ''Love tcrtinrate or Improvements. THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Dated tbla 31st day or May. A. D. ItU. COMPANY. -there is not a shadow of doubt was "If William Manson were Thursday, July 27th. nnd Hitters." JOHN A. MACINNES, II. II. HANSARD. ScIMlor. that T. D. Pattullo will bifscnt only here." The 'tone Jn which Sun rises 1:17 a. in. Friday and Saturday, Blanche Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. to Victoria along with a solid this thought was uttered budcJ Sun sets 8:33 p. in. Sweet will appear In the famous NAVIOABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT, MINERAL ACT representation 6 f real, live, no good for our "jelly-flsh" inem-ber. Low water . ..Gii3a.ni. lit. 1.5 Paramount feature "Itaggamuf- ft. S. a CAP. 11S. fighting meji from tho north. High water ..12:23p.m. III. 1G.9 Ons." PACIMC MILLS, LIMITED, nereby live Certificate of Improvements Under H. C. Brewster, British Low water . . .6:13 p. m. lit. 9.3 notice that It has, under Section 7 or tbe Basin Mineral NOTioa Clalns, altuate In tbe Columbia will have a really Bowsep has discovered that the High water ..11:52p.m. Ht. IG.t RED CROSS WORK Mid rublic Act.Works deposited at Ottawa,with and tn In Minister tbe omce or Skeena Mining Division or Cassisr DlstrlcL representative government In people throughout the province Captain J. McGee, M. M. S.A. AT PORT ESSINQTON ur the Registrar Oeneral of Titles at Vic. tbe Where beach located)on tbe soutb About side four or miles Alice from Ana torla, IirltUb Columbia, a description or at tbe bead or a branch or Lime Creek. i he site and tbe plans or certain structures The Daily News delivered by On Friday, July 2 1st, the Wo to be erected in front of Lot Thirty-one TAKE NOTICE tbat I, Oeorge R. Nalen. rree Miner's Certtncate No. 940MB, Intend, carrier, 50 cents per month. manV Patriotic Guild of Port Es- vJI , Ksuce Three (I), Coast District, slsty days rrom tbe dste hereof, w urltiab Columbia, at tbe bead or Coualna launch AliceB. to tbe Recorder ror a Crriio-cate $fusion held n very successful 'iilet. apply Mining or Improvements, ror the purpose of 1 .tiMMMMMMMMMMMM AND TAKE NOTICE that after tbe expiration social evening, including "white obtaining Crown Grsnt or lb abovt r..-- jt-VMBBBBBBBBBBBBJ "A Dollar Saved u of one month from tbe date or -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBI Leaves Davit float for elephant,' flower and candy sale, Hie Oral publication or tbls Notice, Panic claim. Metlakatlan, Sundays at a Dollar Earned" fish pond, ice cream and cake, Mills, Limited, will, under Section 7 under And section further St,take must notice be commenced that action before and tl a. m.. and t and 3 r the said Act, apply to tbe Ooveroor-ln-council the Issue of sucb Certificate at Improvements. fBBBBBBKBT lyj"1 p. tn. followed by a most enjoyable pro for approval of tbe ssld site and i For term and particular DOLLAR to your credit gramme, consisting of song and plan. Dated this tltb dsy or March, A D. I'l A in the is Dated at Vancouver, Brltlib Columbia. Call bank, yours. OEORGE 0. NADEN. 'reading by popular 'Doctor Oils our ttlh dsy or April. A. D. tl. You don't have to ,W. t. THOMAS, Pr.on. BODWELL, LAWSON k LANE. Orsan 891. work for it all over Large, nongs by Mrs. McMillan Solicitors for PsclOc Mills, Limited. MINERAL ACT I again as you do for the dollars and Miss V. Cunningham, and a Notice to Delinquent Partners. that have been spent. short Dickens' sketch. Messr MINERAL ACT Te a. W. Maiwail and Charlss Niche'""- How many dollars have you II. niinnlnffham A Son klndlv trnvo TAKE NOTICE that whereas I bsv doo Rlvermoutb Fractional mineral claim, snd caused to be done sssessmenl work Tickets that you can call your own P 'tho hull and lights for tho occasion. situated In Ibe Skeena Mining Division of on the WoU Mineral claim, situated si i" Why not start an account in to The result of tho evening Caaalar District. bead or Alice Arm. Obaervatory Int; I. our Savings Department and Where located) At tbe bead or Alice Ihe Skeena mining division or Skeens district, ; save a part of the money you added the sum of 9121.10 to the Arm, adjotnlnr tbe Rlvermoutb and Carl-boo assessment work ror tbe years lU. to and from Norway, wdn, Din-mark, ' Finland, Italy and Ruult. i earn P A few dollars saved Guild's funds for the lied fiross mineral claims. 1814, and 19 It, and have paid for SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK : cachwcck,amount tohundreds TAKE NOTICE that I, 0. R. Naden, Free work and recording same, tbe sura "Stockholm" ........ Auruit tit. Miners' Ceruneate No. i.oteb, acting ai 1307.(0. Unless you psy me the sum of in the of few "Bergensfjord" August tin course a years. REAL PATRIOTISM agent tor Carrie rrail, tree Miners' err II J 1.10. ror year share of the ssld a "Osearll" Auruat 17th nitrate No. 9J.0I7H. Intend, alsly day sessment work, together with the r 'l "KrUttanlarjord' ... Auruu jeih THE BANK OF from tbe dale hereof, to apply to tbt this advertisement. I shall, at the riplrt Hate Your fteaervatione made Early. (Special to The Dally Newt.) Mining Recorder for Certificate or lm-provrmeuta, lion or ninety (90) daya from the dM BBHBBflBEVtNBMH For lutes, Illustrated Foldere anil British North Anerka Hamilton, July 20, The fiana ror tbe purpoaa of oblalnlnf hereof apply to the mining recorJi r si Oeneral Information Apply to a Crown Oram or in above claim. Prince nupert. D. C. to have your low KEpS''wW- ?1!H1(9pbbBBBBBBb1 TS YEARS IN UCSINESS. dian Cartridge Company has re And rurt her take notice that anion, ests In the Wolf mineral claim vested to OVBHAVN HANSON I CAriTAL AND 6UHPLUS. f7.S84.00O. turned to tho government $750,-000, under aectlon II, must be commenced before me, In pursuance of tbe provisions or w tnauranee and Staemahlp Agency, the lue of surn Certificate or lm mineral act Prlnea Rupert, a, O. i WINCE RUPERT BRANCI this amount boing the (Inn's provrmriita. Dai0d at Prince RuP". B c. lh" h Dated ihla tlrd day of December, A. D. day or February, 1914. orders to W.J.SMITHERS,Manager pro(Its on war date. !. Apr. t, tnt. J. E. STARK. HHHJHHHj HHHHH MHHHB) ppppppppppHk HHHHHHk HHHHHH tHHHHH k t tflHHBk. H IH H BBBBBBJ I HBj BH BBB BBI i BB BBJ BBB BB BJ BH BBS BH BBj BBfl mBV BBB BBV BBb BBb BBE i HH hBb eBj aBBkBIBI aBfthH BBftT avSvSvai SbvSvSvm aEvSvSba Ba. dvSvSLaBvSvJ BBw.B BEwbT bbbbbF BBBk. K .bbbL bs bbbR ''bbb 'bbbb bbh BBBBBBBBbf bMbb fJaJT jmjMbMI JBaBaBaBV bbbbbw5 bbbbi bbbbbbbbbMbBbbI BB""Bbp BbB BB" BBBJBBJ (BBBBBj BBBBBBBBBJ BVBBBBBB1 WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINOK RUPERT, B. 0-