Wr.lnMMny, July 21. lOlfl. ..tub Daily hkw. CUT OUT AND STICK UP Local News Notes Sometime last winter one of our lilii SUMMER DANGERS S oM timers, who, on account of BRAID'S The Rood the Summer outing does Launch Dixie, phone Ulue 400, abnormal condilions In Prince the children Is often more than undone Ilupert, found it difficult to keep ?y.Jhe bad water and Impure milk. Men's Staler shoes In, stock Ideal Blend Uoll the water unless you are sure and Ills body in good repair on a diet take "CanaJa Flnl" Wnllaco's. Evaporated (un. tif sobs nnd sorrows, developed a Sweetened) or Condensed (sweetened) wllh you. Hook seals for "Drilalit large grouch against the city and your COFFEE SlORATEP Most rases of typhoid come from the country. Water and milk are respon. Prepared at Urine's 'Drug Slorc. hied him nway to Alaska, slble. . . In n recent letter to his friend, "CanaJa Fini" Is produced from Hsrs la a Ceffss an Ideal Bland and an Ideal Value. There Averc six ctffs of flsli. on Wnllcr Clnxton, ho seems to have absolute premises safety.are Inspected regularly. The milk Is sterilized to Insure Uio trriin for Ihc casl'this morn-inK, fortunately connected up with No More, No Less - $0.40 per lb. "Canada Flnl" makes coffee and cocoa more delicious. For three meals per, nnd, after giving At the following wall-known daal.rsi cooking It Is convenient and always available. Good with cereals. of ho damns LYNCH BROS. MILLER-PHILLIPS rtn account himself, The Evaporated (unsweetened) Whips like cream. publfoTieeflnn; in UioCily FULLER A McMCEKIN MUSSALLEM GROCERY CO., LTD. See Inland Rev. UuIIetln No. 305, page 5, Table II, for -Tim Our beautiful cily In the following CI. P. McCOLL T. BRAMLEY Hall llil nflernoon Is at D o'clock comparisons. 3RD AVE. CASH MARKET CAVENAILC A HANNAN Ask yourVroeer About "Canada FlnfHc JfcnoiM. sharp. Hillingsgato: FULTON CASH MARKET SPURR'S CASH MARKET . l'. A. FERGUSON LIPSETT, CUNNINQHAM A CO., LTD. THE AYLMER CONDENSED MILK CO LTD. It hardly pays to te CANADIAN FISH A COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. ATLMIR, ONTARIO I!. II. I'lelcher, rriSpeclor of post, In Prlnre Ilupert. nnice. left for llic interior this ' lor there's nothlnr much to see,- Sttwart A Moblty, Ltd., Whol.ial Distributors, Prince Rup.rt. ln rrince nupert. morning. ; fhe's a dead one all day lonr. DIRECT IMPORTERS, WM. BRAID & CO., So on sings the latest sonr, VANCOUVER - B.C. Was Britain read? Seo 'IJrit-in F.rrryuiie has got In wronr. In Prince nupert. "The Daily News" Prepared" lnv-fght nTllie BUY NOW Weslliolinc. All the men seem much run down, In Prince nupert. CLASSIFIED ADS. One may smile, but fifty frown. NEW WAR LOAN SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Chlof Minty, of the provincial In Prince tiupert. COAST. RANGE t. For Preserving police, was amongst the arrivals Every lady buys ber clothes, TAKE notice that George Roderick Mc-Kenzle, Parrel postlnr, for she knows (Special to The Dally ft'ews.) ot Prince Rupert, D. C, occupation from the south this morning. Pandits soak her to the toes. engineer Intends to apply for permission LOST . In Prince Rupert. Ottawa, July 20, The depart to lease the following described lands: STRAWBERRIES (uprivcr) COAL Favorite Lady sin illi ment of finance is to advertise in " Commencing at a post planted at -the LU- Small dor. Six months old) brown t ; lit' jfiaraia' ft. E. corner or T. L. Lot t7J, Range t, V: tnd Collie. PEACHES Wellington lump and nut, best re Mr. Claxton, replying to tho j white, Ions hilr, Spits all Canadian papers for one week Coast District, rorcber Island, thence ::able reward. Kinder please notify sults, l'honc 15. P. It. C. Co. tf Idler, seems to have been inspired south 10 chatus, thence west 80 chains, N,w3 omce. tf PLUMS the particulars of tho new Canadian thence north SO chains to shore line, thence for he suro does utter a beautiful south-easterly following shore line to the WANTED. Charles llalagno has resumed prophecy, one which few will read war loan which is to Lje point of commencement; containing 3S0 Fruits of All Kinds Our taking pianoforte pupils. Terms and doubt tho inspiration. lloaled in September. acrea more GEOROE cr less. RODERICK MckEftZIE. V MkD- 11 to Si foot cabin launch. In eoMi nldo. VUo: n "luo 408. h r d order. State full particulars and Prices are Lowest and q iic best caih price, also where the THE PROPHECY Jabour Bros., Ltd., Third Ave. MINERAL ACT t at mar be seen, first letter. I. O. Quality Best. Classic llurlhut and I.eckie l'e a hunch that you'll come back, and Seventh St., will remain open h x t70J, car. 174. shoes nnd slippers for boys and To Prince nupert, NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER Aking pardon for your crack on Saturday evenings and will TO 1. A. ROOERS, WAITED- Lady clerk ror La Cesse Bakery. girls Lowest prices Walace's. At Prince Ilupert. TAKE NOTICE that, whereas I have at bakery after 7 p. m. 7. Fuller & McMeekin closo on Thursday afternoons at Apply When you meet the mighty thronr. caused to be done the assessment work Captain A. I). Martin, of the You'll ronress that you did wrong-, 1 p. m. 173. for the year HIS on the mineral claims WA.tTtU- Man or woman to attend calls LEADING GROCERS Srndin; south your nasty son known as "Ladybird No. 4" Mineral Claim, -a Phone Apply boa 107, Daily News. United Slates army, arrived from To Prince Rupert. f situated In Cascade Creek valley, north ot PHONE8 66 and 672 Uio south this morning on hi" NOTICE TO MARINERS Silver Lake, In the Stewart, 11. C, Mlaliit FOR nCNT After the war you'll meet blj men District; and the 'Stumpy" Mineral Claim, way to Nome. In Prince Rupert. situated on the east side or Cascade Creek They will build the depot then, Mariners aro hereby notified district, and have paid for ssid assess rj.'l nE.1T OH SALE Three-roomed bouse, t. y situated, foot Eighth Avenue, Seal Austin M. Ilrown, a former resi In Prince Rupert. that on or about 27th inst., tho ment work the sum of SlOO.OO; unless Stretrh the the yards alonr shore. the of 00.00 you pay to me sum ft tor ( - $6.00 per month. Lots ot free dent of Prince Ilupert, is visiting With a hundred tracks or more. automatic gas buoy off Overfall your share cr the said assessment wrk fL Apply box IOC, Dally Mews. tf -t in town. Mr. Ilrown is jiow lo Finance confidence restore Shoal, Hose Spit, Graham Island, together with the costs or this advertise-at In Prince nupert. the head. In the said Stewart Mining IZ'JMi toil RENT VancouTer EARLS Piirate COURT hotel;IIOS FISHERMEN cated in New York Cily. will bo replaced temporarily by a ment, 1 shall, at the expiration, of ninety Gerjgta St., You will witness train on train. from the date hereof, apply to the cays new manatement; transients It.10 per In Prince Rupert; lllack can buoy for tho purpose Mining Recorder at Stewart, B. C, to have 174 O. Abraham, of the Montreal rate. special monthly lay ATTENTION I Rrlnrtnr In (treat loads of frrsln. of cleaning and recharging the your Interest In tho said "Ladybird No. 4" Herald, accompanied the party of To Prince Rupert; and -Stumpv" Mineral Claims vested In me GCOD ROOMS, II and 10 cent. bath and rilling- up the bowels of ships. above buoy, which will tako about In cr the jft-ovlslons of the 7V 'y convenience. By the week, if.oo young lady excursionists here. Safely cabled to the slips. a week. CAPTAIN SAUNDEUS. 'Mineral pursuance A-.t." r.j It.JO. Talbot llouie, 130 tnd are. THE SEL1G SPOON This is his first visit to the coast. Where the rail to ocean dips, Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C thla itb In rrince Ilupert. Sub-agent, Department of marine. day "f November, His. FOR SALE You will never ngain have such Grain and ore will orerflow. A. LUND. ior sale- hhst class launch, to Is Now on the Market an opportunity of reading Urit-ain's In Prince Rupert. LAND ACT rt L.tl, 10 ft. beam, te h.p., Buffalo Htmmers falliD? blow on blow. medium duty en sine, lane cabin and Ask your Dealer for It, magnificent reply to her In Prince Rupert; PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS DENT! - TRY tig bead room. Electric Htbu, storare critics. Do at tho Westholmc to Whon a Grand Trunk three-shift crew. TRICT OF COAST, RANGE III. bat:: - and See that You Get It. Cuts the mountain clean In two. mats, run. cushions, cooking night. Runs a tunnel through and through. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK stove kitchen utensils. Very cheap To rrince Rupert. TAKE NOTICE that Paclnc Mills, Limited, A SPECIALTY Apply city Weigh scales. tf of Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation, MISCELLANEOUS It Gets Them Every Time J. n. Stirratt and J. II. Pills- See the smelter furnace redf pulp and paper makers, Intend to apply d:;. j. s. brown bury returned from LaVelse Hot- In Prince Rupert; ror permission to purchase the following DENTIST described lands. Commencing at a post I: lined younr widow, no encumbrance, excellent i springs last evening, where 'they Milling1 In Copper,Prince g-old Rupert;and lead. planted on the north bank or Koeye river, Oflletl Smith Block, TUlrd At.nu. S4 cook and housekeeper, wishes have been wijoying some real nrlnglng thousands to be fed. about one-quarter or a mile up-stream Phon. poiiUon of trust. Apply Box tot, Dally from the shore or Fits-Hugh Sound; thence Children to be born and bred. Mews. tf. good fishing for tho past week. Lads and laslea to be wed. uorth twenty chains, thence east twenty chains, thence south to river's bank, thence In Prince Rupert. SECOND HAND TLRNITURE. stoves and PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Among tho party of young r along shore In a westerly direction to HANDY WORK OF ALL DESCRIP-' men's clothing bourhL Corner 7lh St, point of commencement and containing See a mighty ocean fleet. TIONS. CARPETS VACUUM CLEANED and Jrd Avenue, or phone Oreen it 9. if ladies who arrived from tho east In Prince Rupert; lorty (40) acres, more or less. Announce that they have purchased last night is Miss Hazel Newton, Lot ding tons and tons of wheat. Dated June lOtb. me. SrptS VACUUM CLEANING CO. ID I'&IILRUEN' We carry a lull l'.m cf the business of the Prince-Rupert In Prince Rupert; PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, fcrri "Honest "l-anib" and of the John Standard. Miss "Mark Smaby," Agent. CUy." St, by Transfer Company and solicit a continuance ships aloadinr without number, . Wi Clean Horn., Offices, Church. sti :na" Engines ih, year ru'jud no of the patronage of the Newton is a cousin of Harry Dag-gelt sah and doors, all kinds of lumber, Lodg. and School, rooms at low wait': r. also "Ferro" snd Lvinrude" customers of that firm. Cut from booms the bay encumber. Prlc.s. Outboarda. All kinds Enrlne accessories, of this city. In Rupert LAND ACT Careful attention to all orders -Prince (fulck aervlee low prices. Canadian GOOD WORK GUARANTEED Engine k Supply Co., Vancouver, B. C for Cartage and Coal. See the big mills making1 flour, Olof Hanson, accompanied by Prince Rupart Land District District of "In Prince Rupert; All Ord.ra Att.nd.d to lmm.dlat.ly. LTD. Hanson and family, left for Coast, Rang. 3. PACIFIC CARTAGE, Mrs. A thousand barrels every hour, - TAKE ISQTICE that the PadCc Mills, In Prince Rupert; Heament this morning. Hr. Hanson OFFICE, 819 2ND AVENUE. AKERBERG, THOMSON PHONE 93. Many a whirring, noisy mill " . Limited, ot Vancouver, B. c, occupation has a contract to take out Always running- never still, pulp acd paper makers. Intend to apply PHONE GREEN 268. All my prophecy fulfill. for permission to purchase the following COMPANY piling for tho O. T. P. at that Of Prince Rupert. : described lands: commencing at a post ott Agtnts for tha point. planted at the aoutheast corner ot Lot 109 All Its wonders realise. on the west shore or Cousins Inlet, thence PALMER OAS ENQINE COMPANY For rrince Rupert; west 40 chains, thence south SO chains, Prince Rupert Feed Co. While here for half an hour PHONE 525 WANTED Scrapers clearing to the skies ttience east to shore, thence northeasterly lasl In Prince Rupert; ot commencement. P. O. Boa 333. 80S Third At. evening, on his way south, along shore to point Hear trip-hammers ringing loud containing S5 acres, more or less. RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS L. M. P. P. for Stettler, Experienced Hridpre men, II. Shaw, Where the elevators crowd. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, Track men, Tracklayers and Alberta, had Iho pleasure of meeting Oh we'll still grow very proud ' Mark Smaby. agent WE HANDLE General Construction Laborers Of Trlnce Rupert. Dated May tSth. A. D. tl. Aug. tl LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS to Join the 239th Hat-talion, unexpectedly an old friend in Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, Overseas ' Hallway the person of Milton. Carr, of Cobalt LADIES ATTENTION I HOTEL Construction Corps. Ales M. Maoson, B.A. and Brigg's. ISJtOW OPEN TOOUESTS---- Drafts leaving Vancouver, and Hamilton, Out. V. E. Williams, B.A.. L.L.B Garden and Field Seeds. One or the largest Hot Springs tn weekly.II. C, for Valcartier, 1. Q., Mrs. It. II. Shocklcy and Mrs. WILLIAMS & MANSON Also Fertilizers. America, rlrcumrerence 100 feet Ho attested and forward UlRANCE EXAMS. fJcorge McColl will havo charge Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. We Take Orders for Nursery Temperature of Water, ISO d. Fahr. papers to Vancouver, and FOR HIGH SCHOOL of tho salo of cooking in aid of Stock. transportation will bo ar-,'nnKcd MONEY TO LOAN Eic.lLnt Trout Fishing In Lak.ls. at once. tho prisoners of war, on Friday, BOI tISI Hay, Grain and Feed at Laka. Send all coiiiintiuicatians The following are tho passes in Much more homo cooking can bo Helgerson mock Prince Rupert, B. C Vancouver Prices. Phone Oennactlona with Terra. to: oniccr commanding, RATES l 92.60 pee day. 230th Battalion. C. H. F. the Priuco Ilupert High School en- disposed of than is being- sent In. PROTECTION ACT Chicken Feed A Specialty. NAVI3ABLE WATERS 175 Cordova St.. W. tnuico examinations: For further particulars, apply to Vancouver, II. C. R. S. C. Chapttf 115. Mall Ord.r. Promptly Attsndtd To. J. BRUCE JOHNSTONE. Manaoar. Number of candidates, 28, pass ed, 18: Vienna M. CalUerone, 728 Help Digestion Itobert Cecil dosse hereby (Ives noti that bo has under Section 7 of the said 23 Archie L. (Irani, 005; Alfred Kr- To keep your digestive Act deposited with the Minister of Public MINERAL ACT Heloiso P. Wally, order Works St Ottawa, and In the office of the ickson, 051; organs in good working Olstrlct Registrar or Titles at the Land 033; William A. Wallace, 030; to stimulate your liver, flBgUtry office at Prince Rupert, Ornish Certificate of Improvements FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Carolino A. Mitchell, 018; Jack II. tone your stomach and '.utumbla, description ot the site and the plans of a wharf proposed to be built In Humble, 010; Hubert A. W. Dew-hursl. I regulate your bowels,take die Nerili Skcena I'assage, at the mouth ot NOTIOE lit Silver How Mineral Claim, altuate In the ma Skeena River, lirltlab. Columbia, 500; Margaret W, P. Dyer. Division DlstrtcL Sk.tiu Mining of Casalar and seventeen T10 SECOND AVE fruut uf Lot one hundred 51)1); Charles M. firinilli, 5U0: (IU. Range five (& Coast District, Brit Where located i At the bead pf a branch or I.line Creek about four miles from the Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery ith Columbia. Kdith M. Kalhleei' Patmoro. 570; the ot beach on the south side of Alice Arm. after expiration Taokle Mid take notice that, Wire Cable Steel Blooxa riahlng M. Holland, 570; lloderick Meltae. me month front the date of tba Oral publl TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorge 11. Na.len, Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Klflea and Shotgun 500; llentrlce H, Killiu, 507; l'reda I LMst Stl. of Any MxilcU. (a ll.WotU. -atlou ot this notice, Robert Cecil Gossa as Free agent Miner's tor Certificate Thos. Mcliostle.No. 40ett.free Miner's acting Ammunition ftoU wram. la bzM.23 lull. tll, under section 7 ot the said Act, arply Rope Vulvee I. Morrow. 500; llalph 11. Smith, to the Minister of Public Works, at his Crrttflcate No. tIU, and James L. Hatch, Puma Paint Mnblo oillce In tlM City of Ottawa, tor approval of Free Miner's Certificate .No. t7tB. intend, 500; M. J Pjingle, 558; slaty days from the data hereof, to Stoves rtubberold Hoofing Corrugated Iron the said site and plans, and for leave to and ftanoee Kill" Hard, 652.' construct the said wharf. apply to the Mining neconier for a Certio WE BELL NOTHING- BUT THE BEST" B. C. UNDERTAKERS Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, thla 17th rate or Improvements, tor the purpose or obtaining a Crown Orant of the above day or May, tl. Uathiiiif Sandals ami HporUnu ROBERT CECIL OOSSE. cUtin. shoes in while W'allaco's. SUNERAL DIREOTORB AND EM-ALWCRB IUJO-J10. And further take notice that action, SATISFACTION UAR-ANTEED under section SI, must be commenced be. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE OPEN DAY AND NIOMT FOUND. fore the Issue of such Cerllncete of Ira-provements. Tho Dally iews uelivorcd by 11T SND STREET PHONE 41 k'Oll.M) -Child's purse containing smalt Dated this 1 4th day nf March, A.D. tSlt. carrier, 50 cents per mouth- coin. Apply Dally Ns omce. QEOPQE IL NADEN,