I.idny July 2. 1Mb Daily W8, SIR THOMAS WHITE DOCTOR 'S TO BECOME PREMIER? EStsa xir mm GOOD ADVICE Tho Toronto livenltiu; Telegram yestrnlny pul.lir.hnl Dm following from its crtrrrspondenl at Mon-Ircnl: ToGoOnTaklng'fruit-a-tiyes" Did Her Good Direct From the They Because "A hip Cnhlnet hlfl at (HUvs;. nocnow, 1 Q., Jam. 14th, 1913. is indicated by privato information Plantation to the Cup I suffered for many year with tcr-r. Indigestion and Constipation. I obtained from n wlLtflfnrni-ed j. j frequent dixsy spells and became source here. Braid's Best Coffee - i,jr run down. A nelghlior advised "Tho Information is to tho effect delicious Start the day right with a steaming cup of "Fruit-a-tlves". 1 did and ' so try ,. of I that Blr G.wgo I'erley u coffee always obtainable when you use BRAID'S doctor, ' .3 surprise my began t , jirovc.and he advised me to go on not return to llngtand, but th,.' BEST COFFEE. .And In tho evening at dinner or !t I ruit-a-tlTes". Sir Hubert NortlSn Mill mjct. supper a cup of this delicious coffee ensures comfort and good digestion. I jnsidorthatIowemyllfoto"Frult-t him m t'-uiifcdlan HiKh Gemini and I want to say to those who ioncr. AT ALL GOOD GROCERS SOc, A POUND -from Indigestion,Constitution or li aches 'try Frult-a-tlros and you "The I'remier, the story u .- Wm. Braid & Co t wit". COIU.V E a A UDUK A U. t t h rnUH t tho 1'ewitu.c a bcr, 0 for$2.53, trial site, 2&e. a rocoKtiititm of Hie jKirl Can..!.. Direct Importsrs, Vancouver, B. C. A . (lealcrsorspnt postpaid by Fruit-...... has pray In tho vrar. 81f Thom . T " it A. Oltuw.i. - White is to nueteed Sir lloin t LAND ACT Itenlen n. Premier, and a shift m Cnbinet poeitkma all alonn In. nob prlnes Rupert Coast,Land Rang District 3. District of line mtit necessarily result. jmrnkm 7 ooo T IE NOTICE thst toe rsclfle Mills, "It is said that Bir Jlobert Itor-den I . J. of Vsncouver, B. C, occupstlon has lonfr since tired of beinn I s::d psper makers, Intend to spply ;v Belgians, r r'permission to purchase the folio in t pulled hither and thither by the t :Lrd lsnds: Commencing- at a post opposing forces in the Government. Depend on us 1 st the soutnesst corner of Lot tit r.3 ttc west shore of Cousins Inlet, thence He has alo cherished a , 5 40 chsins, thence south to chains, Uecret nrnbitlon to fill tho high for Bread! al and THE MYr-ThUIJ.S OF UlLNi II MM V. - Yuu hS me two s:f shore to point of commencement, j P"--1 London, now that the r.tsmint seres, more or less. , turning point of the war has been francs and I "wes y..u uno wot s f i,. the lining ..r me coat; that PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, Since shortly after the German invasion, the Msrk smsby stent. ! reached, be feels that he may with make it right, dnn't it .' Lund u lttander. Belgians cat.-a Msr nth, a. d. tm. 'xtir. n honor withdraw from a positron have depended for food entirely on the "Commission NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION Salvation Arrn. for Relief in Their of for which he has felt be was never ACT Belgium". own store food, R. 8. C. CHAPTER 115. if would last even not destroyed or pillaged, only filled and which was never to his Publio meetings, Tueeday. The Surf Inlet Power Company limited liking. hereby rives notice thst it has under Section Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. rn three weeks they have had no chance to raise mote "Premier Hordcn is wealthy, 7 of ssld art deposited with the Minister Sundays at 7:30 p.m. and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I or 1'uLllc Works at Ottawa and tn the and has the qualifications to make onice of the District Rerlstrsr of the Land Backed by the The Daily News delivered by Registry District at rrlnce Rupert, B. C him a satisfactory High Commissioner. a description of the site sod the plans carrier, 50 cents per month. f wbsrres snd power bouse proposed to be built at the head of Surf Inlet, Princess j ijan Relief Fond Jfii Hut there would be Interesting The Whisky . nojal Uland, in front of Lot 40, Range 4 times at Ottawa after bis departure, Coast District, B C I 4& t a tt Ix't. oQuality for the 'machine' Gonserva- And take notice that arter the. expiration so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United of tee month from the date of the first THE LNOINEy RLf INEMNT i I i ".."Mil States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported tives. whatever thfly ma' think of publication of this notice the Surf Inlet Acad In Wood Power Company Limited will, under Section ZtHttt bats ifii(7bt enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation 8 Years fed .Sir Thomas White's business 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minuter so far. The great majority of the 7,000.000 Belgians left in before bottling ability, have serious doubts as to of Public Works, st his omce In riSHERmair truQiNt the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of jlhe completeness of bis political the city of ottsws, for spprovat of the t Cjl. S 1-2 In. bf 7 In, 12-16 bread but a steadily gtowisg number have no money left. CUARANTEEO BY THE till said site snd plsns and for leave to construct GOVERNMENT f CANADA education." Toronto Globe. the said wharves snd bouse. power Unless let these hundreds of thousands of CvL 3 3-4 In. by E 1-2 In, 25 we are willing to -zssmzi Dsted this tStb st Vancouver, B. O, dsy or May. 19 It. Horas Powsr. women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the When you think of shoes, think THE SURF I.1LET TOWER COMPANY, Cvt. 5 1-2 In. by I In, 25-36 expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To male this possible assess of Wallace's. May tin. 1916. jylt Horse Powsr. someone must contribute neatly $3,000,000 a month every month all this winter I For Further Information No people under the Allied Flags are at well able to contribute Apply to generously as we Canadians I -No cause has ever been more r deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Humanity for VV. E. WILLISCROFT the sake of our own self-respect let us give all we can to Prince Rupert, B. C. help out martyred Allies! Scad your tuUcriptiooa wcdly, aioatkly at ia mma Isasp MM la Lacskai PfOTiacwl Committee ta th Central Executive Committee, 59 SL Peter SL, Montreal JhreeMMy'ibrcej CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS 32.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. SO Cents per ft. F. O. B. Prince Rupert Concrete Works, McBride St. Advertise In The Daily News. -wmT.Tg yrerry nrggr-.yn-ssoMistssasaa .-gr-'"-a.--- rc Have you ever noted how an audience (rodoctkm aivdThrift yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean' forward and grasp the chair arms when " "HO wan the war with the decisiveocea wkkh will tnaure lasting peace, the Empire the speaker reveals enthusiasm? -- will roq aire to put forth its full collective power in men and in money. From this viewport it is our true policy to augment our financial strength by multiplying our of truth. To productive rcntkms end by exercising r:,.:d economy, which reduces to the minimum the expression Enthusiasm is buoyant al! eapeaditwee upon lussuiea and non-escnn's. Only in this way shall we be able touiakeaBedUuslosccsnisedby the withdrawal uf ao rrcny of cur workers from Industrial impart belief in anything, a man must believe it activities,repair the '"' the .jr.ond&nd the funds for its contiauance. It enthusiast. caaaot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest We call such deeply himself. a man an hardens of the conflict still lie before us, raid that industry and thrift are, for those who rernajss at hoaw. supreme patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment This applies to the written word also particularly our Sill avMMaae.7HQXJAS and WuTtE.consequently MimMmr our of natiowal Fitumct.satiety, may altizaately depend. to advertisements. When the manufacturer really believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. will be contagious his audience the MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, 'lean forward and listen intently." SAVE MATERIALS FROM -WASTE. To be convincing an advertisement SPEND MONEY WISELY. must convey an unmistakable" of enthusiasm. This it impression LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS will only do when the article Tar war U nuw tun.'n., c.n. coatest of ail urcea Begin at honie. The Urgt portion of salaries and reart-irrca men, uisrutioa, food, inoejey. The aud wage is epeut on the home food, fuel, light, advertised has inherent worth. 1 cail 'II .-, to pr i.'r t.r re unii mkmc. It may be clothing. Are aay of these things being wasted f ntfaK. y t v-ork h. rdtr. i aa pUtoa oi those who $atl.00 a year saves! from waste in every home In -. r V.st imm bv Lai' .i l y t'loae at JtMoa, raea and Canada will more than pay the Interest ona war debt Thus we have: Id and young. 'le moreve pxuduce the of WOU.OUO.IKMJ. n' .ia m in sve. Produce mors Jfi tbe farrni. and Sincerity Enthusiasm --Advertising: ia the gi.:u j. iave Mure and help to win the war. LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY US ii-T V.ASVii Are you spending your money to the bat aiivan-tut LLT OUR LABOUR forces, close-linked. ' T What do Three mighty you think of extravagance In war 1 this . r-iluif all UUour i'.uld"bediiutly productive tin.c? Tens oi thoutaad of Cauadutiis ate diily ir ohoii'd 1 4- ai. ling in i .'"ductkta. Make it riakiag their lives for us at bosne. Is it not our duty wilk Ik H.rlh. ieut po.i.;t. li yjur l ut isea acmctlunk to Us luicful a ikI Monuotu al T Cauadwn tUitUrsare ait'tttltiut frHtmt AJvtrihUt If' ; mrt Joint '"" '" srer jwr Dtptrtmtml liuit iau be poet uumxl,part it ol till after the war and aa isttrwrtaat part of tbe war equiproairt. Make them ml tki, M.,,hat,.r. 1 7 ar 4it a finvimcial r utlitmul tiiiwu tnmU kl wit ft make your labour tell now. Making war is the ftnt tell. Have a War Savings Atxouut. Uuy a War ta Is ikt tuul al twin f a tJ aiormit A Hit tf tkiti UiMiicMof alt Canadian. EhVit.-i.cy ia Ubour is as Uond. will hi farnhktJ, wllkaal r tt'MoUv. kf tkt Strrttary tf CanaiUa impunaal as cflkicucy ia fbtiag. Frut Auniallta. Hum SOS, Lamiitn BnlUimf, Ttnmlm. THE GOVERNIVIENT OF CANADA 3 I (D THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE