The Daily news VOL. VII. NO. 78. PRINCE RUPERT, H. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST I, 1010. PRICE FIVE CENT. EOYiEFLYli CORPS RA PS GEEIAM MES 4 RUSSIANATTACK STRONGLY AT THREE POINTS-ENEMY RETREATS ON LEMBERG BRUSSILLOFF BRITISH AIRMEN DRIVES ENEMY DO GREAT WORK ON TOLEMBERG ON WEST FRONT Attacked at three Austro-Germans Seven Tons of Bombs Dropped Points Must Qlve Important Train Blown up and Ammunition one to Protect Othe Depot Fired German Turks at 8uez. Methods Again. , Special to The Dally New.) (Special lo The Pally News.; prlrograd, Aug. 1. Tho Russians British Headquarters, France, are now advancing upon Aug. lr The Royal Flying Corps Kovel ami have crossed the Stok-IkhI has successfully carried out several nntl now occupy tho stretch bombing raids and has dropped of country between the Barney. seven tons lif-bombs upon tho Kovcl and the Kpvel.IlnJitche rail, German lines of communication t roads, fieneral HrussillolT's army and billets. One enemy train was i driving IIia AufclriaiiB hack toward blown up and nn ammunition de--pot Lemberg. was set on fire, whilo ono It k believed that-lho Austro- hostile aeroplane was destroyed. t ma npit unntitn Innfrnr li Tho liritish aviators had many successfully oppose the three encounters with German aero preat Russian attacks on this planes and several enemy ma fr;nt Kovel, Valdimlch-VolnfkI chines were brought down. Three and Lemberg are the objectives liritish machines nre missing. if three separate attacks and the German Methods. " enemy will probably sacrifice one Chicago, August 1. According nf these points In order to streng to a Washington despatch to the then the other two. Kovel will OVER THIRTY THOUSAND CANADIAN TROOPS ON PARADE .- This picture shows Sir Sam Hughes reviewing thirty-one Chicago Herald, tho explosion on Hkcljr be abandoned, as Valdimlck- thousand troops from all parts of Canada at Camp Horden, the largest camp in. Canada. The pictures show the thick dust which is HIack Tom Island was tho result ' t 1 I I: 1 - V- I. stirred up by tho marching of tho soldiers, which, combined with the intense heat, was the cause of a riotous outbreak in this camp. of a German plqt. It is reported hid the rri-bitiiy I. (hat the tUat,the. Qf-rman,,Iiuperial govern Russians will bo able to cut off REVOLUTION AGAIN (IRISH NATIONALISTS ment has employed agents to blow nn p; ssioiiny oi a retreat irom up all shipments of ammunition BREAKS OUT IN CHINA STILL the former point to Lemberg, as Wade's Offer to Bowser DISSATISFIED for the Allies wherever found and (re is a strong Russian army regardless of the risk to life and (Special to The Dally tws.) (Special to The Dally fiewj.) alieady heading for tho Hug river property. from Hrody. I'ekin, China, August 1. There To W. J. BOWSER: London, August 1. The Irish French Success. Attack on Suez. has been another revolutionary I am Informed that last night In your references to Nationalist party has withdrawn The Rupert Hotel bulletin says. The Turks are attacking the outbreak at Hankow resulting in the Liberal Executive meeting you said that "they ought from all association with thp that tho French have made a big to have F. C. Wade bring Scott back and he promised coalition government. The Nationalists advance on tho Somme front and M1PZ l"vnnl with l?noo lrnnn nn a large district being burned and there would be revelations." You do not say there would are dissatisfied with the have captured tho last line of " ii ifii..iiiiih i rri n i looted. Many natives were killed be revelations In any way reflecting on my honor, though new Secretary for Ireland, Henry German defences before Peronno. in the rioting and a .number of that Is your Insinuation. Edward Duke, and also with the PATRIOTIO FUND Russian women wcro injured. You dare not make a direct statement against me Attorney-Oeneral, Sir Frederick AMERICANS CLASH Companies of foreign volunteers because It would be a dastardly He. You prefer to lie by E. Smith, both o f whom aro Special to Tba Dally newt) finally checked tho uprising.' Innuendo because you area physical and moral coward. Unionists and put of sympathy WITH MEXICAN BANDITS Ottawa, August 1, A statement . . Nevertheless, poltroon as you are, I will make you with Nationalist ideals. I 1 fi II Oil Tr. I.A n -,(11 n C Mm an offer that will put your sincerity to the test. -If you The, Irish members state most (Special to The Dally news.) .anadian Patriotic Fund says that 272 PERISHED IN will withdraw your warrant against Scott, and go with emphatically that" they will never EI Paso, Texas, August 1. Twp NEW ONTARIO FIRES me io Seattle, I will Join you In Inducing Scott to return. agree to any reduction in the Americans have been killed and oiiiinlon Government to collect .1 will do anything you can suggest with that end number of their reresentatives at ono wounded in a clash wilh Mex I 1 1 1 Ki Plt.ltkttd rM It A fiiml (Special to Tba Dally Newi.) In view. I will pay his expenses to return and jf we Westminster until a permanent ican bandits who had crossed the Hi s probablo that In 1917 two leave him with that settlement of the whole question Rio Grand below Fort Hancock. Hallcybury, OjU., Aug. I, The are successful, I will then you so IT iVIIifMfil tTm-apiiinaiila TV t xr . death list in tho New Ontario you can do all In your power to back up your foul and of Irish Homo Rule has been i ii i ii m v."inr nnii n a rninnnii'nii LIGHT FOR SECTION TWO "ovo utv ttj uonutviiif s lying Insinuations. reached. holocaust now amounts to two On the recommendation of Supt. Do you accept my offer or not? If you do not, you t'Plilii Ifk I mririur. InvnMnn Irk hiaaI hundred and seventy-two. It is Kennedy, tho city council last stand before the people of British Columbia, In all your H. O. CREW HAS RETURNED possible that this list will bo augmented evening decided to carry electric moral depravity as a confessed coward and a liar. FROM OVERSEAS SERVICE "luumry campaigns nave uecji whan reports are received lighting into section two, as a re- . Vancouver, July 28, 1916. F. C. WADE. "iitiuueu. from outlying farms. II. O. Crew, ono of the local suit of tho petition presented' boys whofell wounded and gassed recently by the residents of that HALIBUT ARRIVALS COLONEL J. W. ALLISON in tho second battle of Ypres, ar. district. CAN "RESIGN HIS RANK" rived In tho city yesterday. Mr Six halibut schooners brought FOR Crew has taken to WATER CONNECTION QUESTIONS over a year n 88.000 pounds' of halibut this Ottawa, July 31. It Is under NO. 4 NO. 4 recover from tho effects of tho The city council last evening HtriUllfF Tlioi' vi'aka Atirnnn stood that Militia orders in tho adopted tho report of tho superintendent --- n is j rvvtv v 4iiu ut u THE ELECTORS gas, and is still far from well. He ,000 Mabol, 8,000; Agnes, 17,- near future will contain the in-teresting of utilities,in regard to says there is no chanco that .notice that Honorary tho putting in of water RE B. C. PROHIBITION ACT Gumblo and Denison escaped connections -an 8., 5,000, Tho Rose Bpit, Colonel J. Wesley Allison "is per They wero on either sido of him for Mr. Wiutonlck, 7th Avo. it mitted to resign his rank." and Conrad St. Tho connection uj uorvitf, uruuiiiu in tho charge, but ho never saw n 7,000 pounds. The comments of the Meredith- WILL IT RESTRICT? them again. will bo put in. Duff Commission ou Colonel Allison READ THIS "WIDE OPEN" CLAUSE OF THE ACT FIRE PROTECTION gavo ono reason. Tho nbsence Section 57, Par. 2: LAUNCH PURCHASED RED CROSS MEETING Tho city council, on tho recom- of Sir Bam Hughes, and tho vest "Nothing in this Act shall bo construed to interfere Tho city has purchased A special meeting of tho Red "ndalion ofrSupt. Kennedy, has ing of his authority for the timo (iO With tho right of any person to import launch, for Shawatlans service at Cross Society, to discuss action in from without the Province liquor for bona fldo elded to erect two standpipes lelng in Mr. McCurdy, Iho now use In his privato dwelling house. a cost of 350 with small boat regnrd to tho August Fourth dem n Eleventh Avenuo for additional I'arllanienlaiy Secretary for Militia Do not thli cIium pro ld (or fr and unraitrlctid Importation of complete. As launch hiro onstration, is called for 2 p. m. llquorwlth out (1) oontrol by tho Oornmint, (2) Limitation ai to tho was io protection. and Defence, give tho second mount which may bo ordarad, (3) Rtitrlctlon aa to froquonoy of ordara. costing ?10 per trip it is reckoned Wednesday in tho Court House reason. It may bo noted, how- NOTE: The prohibition legltlallutk. uf WalUnirlin ami Oregon allow that J. II. ROERIG. Secretary. considerable liquor, to be Imported ouly under iwmll Uaued by the county auUioTlllei, a saving will bo FOR BALK over, that under tho term of Mr. Iho anion n l ou each permit belug limited to uu. of spirits or U qta. of olfected. . Carload mining maohlncry, In- McCurdy's appointment ho ii not beer with only one ermit to any Individual every 10 day In Waabinttou and every ii day In orerou. Detplte ilme rtilrlctlom, I'rohjblilonUit la QO TO ludlng 17 rnachino drills, column nllowed - change tho policy of both state say Hut Hie provision for Importing liquor arc so broad a PIPELINE SUPPORTS :rs, drill steol, steam-flttings, the department without securing to iiiako the legislation or real value Tho city council last evening LONDON CAFE WHAT WOULD Bt TM SITUATION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA UNDER ITS ie -f"-r Annlv DaIIv't Nauia If.v.. tho consent nf theCabinet. In the PROHIBITION LAW WHICH IS "WIDC OPEN" AS FAR AS IMPORTATION adopted a report of Bupt. Kennedy THE PLACE TO EAT presont Instance however there WOULD SUCH LEGISLATION OP LIQUOR BE LIKELY IS CONCERNED TO RESTRICT THE CONSUMP. endorsed by tho finance com. STRICTLY UNION HOUSE SAFETY FIRST USB NEW can bo llttlJ doubt but that u TION OP LIQUOR TO ANY APPRECIABLE EXTENT? inilteo, recommending tho placing THIRD AVENUE ELLINGTON COAL. PHONE ready consent wll b given to the As fair minded men, the electors of British Columbia are of cement supports under certain e. nf Sir film's policy. asked to carefully consider the terms of the Prohibition Act BOXES FOR LADIES changing sections of tho city pipeline. ''')